In Antwort auf:
Reply-To: <>
Subject: Attn Beneficary
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 12:00:17 +0200
Attn Beneficary
I am honourable.Dr George Okogwu .the Chairman Senate Committee On Debt Reconcillation and Evaluation Federal Republic of Nigeria, after the meeting I held with other members of the Executive Arm of the Government, we decided with one accord to reshuffle every section of government departments with immediate effect.
We have also investigated and found out that a great deal of injustice has been shown to foreign inheritors who have spent their time and money to conclude the transfer processes with different commercial banks in this great country Especailly Africa. However, we the Executive Arm of the Government in conjunction with the presidency, officails of international communities and some allied and financial matter agencies sent by the new elected president in America BARRACK OBAMA have immediately decided and persuade us to clear some debt owned to genuine contractors, Inheritors, quota preparation to avoid the good name of our great nation being tarnished or dragged to the mud by other countries of the outside world and at the same time protect our current nascent democracy.
In fact, after our careful verification, we discovered that your Inheritance file and all these Inheritance files are ready now on my table allready Approved for immediate payment by the FIRST TRUST FINANCE COMPANY LONDON Please confirm the receipt of this e-mail by responding to this office immediately so that your Inheritance file will be forwarded to the FIRST TRUST FINANCE COMPANY LONDON for immediate part payment of your Inheritance entitlement of US$10Million usd as Part payment without further delay. Note; that this money for this payment by the FINANCE HOUSE is maped out from this year,s Federal government Budget and the recovered funds Loot of the Nigerian Treasury by ex governors especailly from the niger deltans.
Most importantly,your payment must be via key tested telegraphic wire transfer to your Bank account in your country .You should call me immediately you receive this e-mail and also you should reconfirm your phone Number, your contact address and any of your identification such dirver license or international passport Yours Sincerely,
Dr George Okogwu
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Diese Mail markieren
Samstag, 6. Juni, 2009 19:11 Uhr
"Rouloux" <>
Absender in den Kontakten speichern
Empfänger nicht bekannt
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH
Bonjour à vous,
Je suis Maurice Rouloux Originaire de la Suisse, je sais que mon message va vous paraître quelque peu surprenant mais ayez confiance car je suis une personne honnête.
Je voudrais que vous y prêtiez une attention particulière car le grand a humaniste Raoul Follereau nous a enseigné que « nul n’a le droit d’être heureux tout seul »
Je suis ROULOUX MAURICE, J’ai résidé il y a quelques temps en Côte d’Ivoire suite à des affaires florissantes que j’ai entreprises dans le domaine de l'import export. Ce qui m’a permis de bénéficier d’importants fonds évalués à ce jour à la somme de TROIS MILLIONS D’EUROS (€,3.000.000)
Je suis actuellement en observation dans une CLINIQUE en Europe à LONDRE d’où je vous écris ce message. Je souffre d’un terrible mal de cancer de la prostate qui est en phase terminale, c'est à dire que je suis condamné à une mort sûr et certaine.
Mon médecin traitant vient même de m’informer que mes jours sont comptés du fait de mon état de santé dégradé.
Hors ma situation est telle que je n’ai ni femme, ni enfants ni proches à qui je pourrais léguer mon héritage. C’est pour cela que je voudrais de façon gracieuse et dans le souci d’aider les démunis, vous léguer ces fonds afin de vous permettre d’édifier une Fondation qui portera mon nom.
Je vous prie de bien vouloir accepter cette offre pour ne pas que mes Avoirs deviennent systématiquement la propriété du gouvernement de Côte d’Ivoire.
Dès réception dudit message, je vous prie de bien vouloir me contacter à l’adresse suivante : de toute urgence avec toutes vos coordonnées pour me permettre de vous mettre en contact avec le Notaire qui s’occupera de la procédure de cette donation et du transfert des fonds auprès de vous.
Je compte dès lors sur votre promptitude et surtout je vous demande de faire un bon usage de ces fonds quand ils vous seront transférés et mis à votre disposition.
Que DIEU bénisse Notre Collaboration.
Beiträge: | 1.434 |
Registriert am: | 24.09.2008 |
Falls mal jemand mit einer Prinzessin schreiben moechte......Bitteschoen
"princess pricellia" <>
Absender in den Kontakten speichern
Empfänger nicht bekannt
Hello Good Day My Dear,
With Respect,
Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you.
I know this mail may come to you as a surprise, since we have not known or written before.
Afer you receive this mail kindly contact me on my private Email contact below,( introducing myself, I am Princess Pricellia Adasere,the Only Dauther of the late Micheal Adasere,my father was a gold and cocoa mercahnt based in accra, Ghana and Abidjan (Ivory Coast), he was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their business trips recenty.
Before his death, he called me bedside him and told me that he has the sum of $6.500,000USD deposited in one of the prime bank here in abidjan ivory coast, that he used my name being the only Dauther as the next of kin in deposited fund.
Please my dear contact me on my private email for the full informations and my picture and the deposited slip and orher ductments concering the transfer.
I will need your assistance as follows;
1) To assist me in retriving this money from the bank.
2) To serve as the guardian of this fund.
3) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education and to secure a residential permit in your country.
Moreover, I am willing to offer you 15% of the total sum as compensation for your effort/input after the successful transfer of this fund to your nominated account overseas.
Reply to my private e-mail box below: (
Anticipating to hear from you soon.
Awaiting your urgent reply.
Princess Pricellia Adasere.
Beiträge: | 1.434 |
Registriert am: | 24.09.2008 |
"victor muguella" <>
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Main Bodies
Official WEB Site Locator for the UN System of Organizations
Attention:. Internet User,
My name is Victor Muguella; I am an Officer with the United Nations Department of International Fraud Surveillance and Control. I am writing in respect to your recent email communications with a known internet criminal located in either Ivory Coast, Republic of Benin or Nigeria. A recent awarness of your communication has been forwarded to my desk for immediate inquiry.
Please contact my office by email or phone (below) at your most urgent opportunity in order to further discuss your email communications and determine if you are dealing with a legitimate business person or a known criminal. I use my personal email at all times in order to maitain the utmost confidentiality and security.
After you have contacted us and described the nature of your business, we will advise you of the legitimacy of the transaction you are contemplating and will then instruct you to proceed or discontinue the business immediately.
*Please do not disregard this message! It is in your best interest to follow the directions above exactly as instructed.
Yours Sincerely,
Victor Muguella, Officer in charge.
United Nations System of Organizations
+234 8058148813- Direct (Private 2341 7766628 fax
Beiträge: | 1.434 |
Registriert am: | 24.09.2008 |
From - Sun Jun 07 21:17:39 2009
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 19:48:48 +0100 (BST)
From: "MR VAN CURTIS" <>
My name is Van Curtis I work as an international auditor for the delta
lloyd Bank (ALM) Asset Liability Managerial department monitoring five
branches including Singapore, Belgium and Netherlands.
I have taken pains to find your contact through personal endeavors which I
may explain to you upon your response.
A possible family member of yours (name withheld for security reason) died
nine months ago leaving behind an investment total of EU5.95M (Five
Million Nine hundred and Fifty Thousand Euros) with my bank.With interest
at today's value, the said investment is now worth EU9M (Nine Million
His lawyer has just notified my department of the sudden death of the said
investor in a car crash and the lawyer has also asked us to check through
our records to see who his client may have indicated as next of kin to the
investment, since the fiance (martha frances) who was indicated in his
WILL as beneficiary tomost of his properties also died in the same car
Findings and verification as auditor in the bank has led me to realize
that the investor has also named his fiance as next of kin to the EU9M
investment. We have as yet not informed anyone of this because of the
implications, the investor's lawyer will obviously handover his properties
including the investment to the government which will in turn be shared
amongst undeserving government officials. However, because of the
relevance of the sameness of your surname and you being a possible
relative to the late investor,
we are making you this proposal since my boss and I can provide you with
much needed information to claim the investment.
You are guaranteed that this will be executed under a legitimate
arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law, as the funds
did not originate from terrorism or drugs,but through inheritance.
Please kindly reply through my private email ( to confirm
your full name, telephone and fax number to enable us discuss and
facilitate all due process regarding this transaction.
Yours truly,
Van Curtis.
This communication, together with any attachments hereto or links
contained herein, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may
contain information that is confidential or legally protected. If you are
not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review,
disclosure,copying, dissemination,
distribution or use of this communication is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you
have received this communication in error, please notify the sender
immediately by return e-mail message and delete the original and all
copies of the communication, along with any attachments hereto or links
herein,from your system
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Return-Path: <>
455 Strand
Charing Cross, London, WC2R 0RH, UK
Dear Friend,
My. Name is Billy Rogers. Working with the HSBC London I know this message
Might meet you in utmost surprise; however, it’s just my urgent need or a foreign partner that made me to contact you in regard of this transaction.
I am a banker by profession from the United Sates and currently Holding the post of Director at HSBC UK.I and my partners have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds of (5.million Euro),
from our England joint company account to a foreign contractor.
I am inviting you for a business deal between us in the ratio of 60/40, if you agree to my business proposal quickly respond back by indicating your willingness to be part of this great business opportunity,
equally include your contacts telephone numbers and further details of the project will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail.
Have a great day.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Billy Rogers.
Address, 30 Leicester Square.
City, London. Country, United Kingdom. Postal/Zip Code,
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Jetzt wird auch noch der skandinavische Markt abgegrast. Habe gerade dieses interessante Angebot in grausamstem Mugu-dänisch hereinbekommen :
Jeg er Mr. Patrick K. W Chan administrerende direktшr i Hang Seng Bank. Jeg har en utydeliggjшres virksomhet forslag for deg. Jeg trenger deg til е hjelpe meg i
gjennomfшring av et prosjekt fra Hongkong til country.Everything om denne transaksjonen skal vжre lovlig gjшres uten vanskelighet.
skal vi dele i forhold til е vжre enige med begge to,jeg skal gi deg mer informasjon om denne operasjonen.
Vжr hvis du ikke er interessert slette denne email.Do sende meg fшlgende informasjon nеr du svarer tilbake til meg.
Ditt fulle navn:
Ditt tidligst svar pе dette brevet vil bli verdsatt.
Vennlig hilsen
Mr.Patrick K. W Chan.
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
wenn ich das so lese.... könnte was für den Troll und seiner Verwandschaft sein
mal überschlafen
Icewastl der Bergtroll
Es ist das Schicksal des Genies, unverstanden zu bleiben. Aber nicht jeder Unverstandene ist ein Genie.R.W.Emerson
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
Dann stell ich mal noch den Header mit ein.
From - Mon Jun 08 22:02:15 2009
X-Account-Key: account2
X-UIDL: 40265
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Received: from ( by (7.3.135)
id 49FF0897015E0D4C for; Mon, 8 Jun 2009 21:21:06 +0200
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id 4A205D7D0057F669 for; Mon, 8 Jun 2009 21:21:06 +0200
Message-ID: <> (added by
Received: (qmail 31061 invoked by uid 89); 8 Jun 2009 19:21:03 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO User) (
Reply-To: <>
From: "Mr. Patrick K. W Chan."<>
Subject: Jeg trenger din partnerskap.
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
bin dran an dem Burschen
Icewastl der Bergtroll
Es ist das Schicksal des Genies, unverstanden zu bleiben. Aber nicht jeder Unverstandene ist ein Genie.R.W.Emerson
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
Bin mir noch nicht mal sicher ob es dänisch oder norwegisch darstellen soll. Irgendwie sind da Elemente aus beiden Sprachen ( plus englisch ) drin
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
From - Tue Jun 09 17:58:27 2009
Return-Path: <>
Message-ID: <>
To: <>
Subject: Booking Inquiry
From: "Mr Alan Goody" <>
Good day!
It is my pleasure to inquire for accommodations in your facility,
I am Dr Alan Goody,Medical Research Director. I want to book reservation fo=
r a vacation organized by our group of medical experts that will commence o=
n the 1st of October 2009 and end on the 8 October 2009.
CHECK IN DATE ...1 October
CHECK OUT DATE... 8 October
Please get back to me with your rates and the total cost for 4 delegates wh=
o will stay for the duration of 7 nights.If these dates are free and if you=
can accommodate us kindly send me a response so that I will book.I expect =
your urgent response.
Kindly get back to us with the following information;.
Availability for any of these:
(1) 2 double rooms or 4 single rooms
(2) a cottage that can accommodate 4 delegates for 7 nights.
(3). It's total cost for the 7 nights, tax included.I also wish to inform=
you that payment for our reservation will be made at once with CREDIT CARD=
Get back to me with your prefered mode of payment
1,Credit Card or
2,Certified Secured check
Reply to (
Best Regards,
Alan Goody
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Hello dear,
how are you today together with your family, hope fine i am mrs Glenny but before i introduce myself to you, i pray to Almighty let this letter meet you in a good spirit . my Aim of writing you this mail is because of the way i found your contact,which gives me the impressions and hope to contact you,
i am Mrs. Glenny Rhemani from philippines, the widow of late mr.Williams Rhemani an int Business man and former presidential candidate in philippine before the current President, Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal-Aroyo. my late husband was poisened in one of his business trips abroad year 12th.Febuary 2006.which resulted his death after been in hospital for two weeks, his death made his business and accounts in america and philipine became dormant ,my late husband executed many international deals and was a self made millionaire,
before his last trip to europe which resulted his death,after been in hospital for two weeks with me,before he died he called me by his bed side and told me that he secretly deposited a trunk box that contains a sum of ($16.235,000.USD)sixteen million two hundred and thirty five thousand united state dollars in a security company in Abidjan (cote d ivoire),which is unknown to anyone expect me his wife, which he told me he deposited and registerd as family valuables items for security reasons.
Because of my too much suffering with my only little daughter, i am also left with nothing and am scared and unsecured since i lost my husband , i now decided to contact you as a trustworthy and God fearing someone who will help me retrieve the money out from the security company abroad in Abidjan Cote d ivoire because this is my last hope in life and my daughters future, so pls i want you to help me as a widow to retrieve out the money out from the security company and help me start a new life and also invest with your care in your country,because this is my last hope in life with my daughter, and her future,after you have helped me retrieve the money out from the security company and have received the trunk box,you will now send me some money from the trunk box for me to come over to your country to start a new life and investment of the money while i will offer you 30% percent of the total fund for your compensation when i arrive in your country.
Please this is confidential.
write me back with my private email adderss (
to give you more Details,communication and arrangement.
I am waiting for your urgent response,
Yours Sincerely
Glenny Rhemani
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Return-Path: <>
Reply-To: <>
From: "Peter T. C Lee"<>
I am Mr Peter T. C Lee the C.E.O of Hang Seng Bank Ltd{}in Hong-Kong.I have a CONFIDENTIAL business worth US$25,500,000 to be consumated between you and i,please consider as urgent and contact me STRICTLY on this e-mail address for details:-
Kind regards,
Peter T. C Lee
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Princess, Amirah Ahmed
Mittwoch, 10. Juni, 2009 22:34 Uhr
Dieser Absender wurde von DomainKeys geprüft und bestätigt
"amirah ahmed" <>
Empfänger nicht bekannt
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge
Princess, Amirah Ahmed..doc (24KB)
Princess, Amirah Ahmed
Princess, Amirah Ahmed.
25/301 Wilson RD
Dappaya west
Burkina Faso.
P O Box, 8761
Private / Highly Confidential,
Subject Matter:/ Invitation
Dear Friend ,
I presume this letter will come to you as a surprise, but as things unfold,we will know each other better, I apologize for sending you this sensitive information via e-mail instead of a Certified mail/Post-mail. This is due to the urgency and importance of the information.
This project is based on Trust, confidentiality and sincerity of purpose in order to have an acceptable meeting of the minds. I am writing this letter in confidence believing that if it is the wish of God for you to help me and my family, God almighty will bless and reward you abundantly and you would never regret this. I also know you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families.
I am a female Student from University of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou , I am 20 yrs old. I'd like any person who can be caring, loving and home oriented. I will love to have a long-term relationship with you and to know more about you.
I would like to build up a solid foundation with you in time coming if you can be able to help me in this transaction.
Well, my father died earlier six months ago and left I and my junior brother behind. He was a king, which our town citizens titled him over sixteen years before his death.
I was a princess to him and I am the only person who can take care of his wealth now because my junior brother is still young and my mother is not literate enough to know my entire father's wealth. He left the sum of USD$15.600.000.00 dollars (Fifteen Million, six Hundred Thousand US Dollars) in a security company.
This money was annually paid into my late fathers account from Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and chevron Oil Company operating in our locality for the compensation of youth and community development in our jurisdiction.
I don't know how and what I will do to invest this money somewhere in abroad so that my father's kindred will not take over what belongs to my father and our family, which they were planning to do without my present because I am a female as stated by our culture in the town.
Now, I urgently need your humble assistance to move this money from the security company to your bank account and I strongly believe that by the grace of God, you will help me invest this money wisely. I am ready to pay 30% of the total amount to you if you help us in this transaction and another,
10% Will be set aside for the expenses incured during the busineess and 60% would be for me ; and my farmily. which you will strongly have absolute control over.
If you can handle this project sincerely, and also willing to assist me in lifting this fund, kindly reach me. Please, note that this transaction is 100% risk free and I hope to commence the transaction as quick as possible, I will send you my picture as soon as I hear from you, And i also understand fully that you will not betray this trust, I sincerely apologise for this inconvenience.I know as a person you most be asking a question why do i choose you, well you are right if you ask, the almighty angels of God vesited me and even revield your email address to me like a dreams.
Please take note based on this, I will demand for the following requirement:
1) Could you be able to introduce me to a profitable business venture that would not require much technical expertise in your country where part of this fund will be invested?
All modalities to effect the payment and subsequent transfer of this money have been carefully worked out, So this transaction is risk free, though you are required to treat this business with strictest confidenciality.
At the receipt of your email confirming your willingness to assist me, I will require from you copy of standard document of self identification as a trust instrument in order to build a trust bridge between us and assure me of the safety of the money when transferred into your bank account, which is required in this business hierarchy.
Please, all these requirements are urgently needed as it will enable me to establish a stronger business relationship with you hence I will like you to be the general overseer of the investment there after.
Please dont bother to reply if you are not interested,
Yours Sincerely,
Princess, Amirah Ahmed.
Pls. contact me with this address,
Icewastl der Bergtroll
Es ist das Schicksal des Genies, unverstanden zu bleiben. Aber nicht jeder Unverstandene ist ein Genie.R.W.Emerson
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
Barrister Aliu Usman
08 BP 0682 - Cotonou,
Republique du Benin
Hello Dear,
I am Barrister Aliu Usman, attorney at law and private lawyer to Late Michael, Nationality of Germany, who used to work as the Director of Société Nationale de Commercialisation des Produits Pétroliers (SONACOP) Oil Company.
On the 21st of April 2004, my client his wife and two children were involved in a car accident along Paracou expressway while arriving from a Holiday. All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives . Since then, I have made several inquiries through the country Embassy to locate any of his extended relative and that was unsuccessful. I am contacting you to assist in claiming the sum of Eight Million Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$ he left behind in his secret bank account in the BOA.
The bank hve issued me a notice to provide the relative to my late client for the transfer of the deposit or they will have the US$ deposit declared as an bandoned fund through the laid down policy and revert it to government account. Since I was not successful in locating any of my late client's relatives, I hereby seek to present you to Bank as my client's relative so that the US$ deposit will be transfered to you immediately so that you and I can share the money 45% to 55%.
Every information relating to the deposit are with me complete. I will personally introduce you to Bank as my late client relative and also back you up with every legal documents that will be required for the transfer of the fund to you as my client's relative.
If you are willing to do this with me, Please contact me immediately Telephone +229 986 77313 ( so that we can move for the claim.
I am waiting for your prompt response.
Best regards,
Barrister Aliu Usman.
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Der hat so gross geschrieben das mein Bildschirm nicht gereicht hat....
From Dr.Smith Mtusi (Treat Urgent Please Reply).
Donnerstag, 11. Juni, 2009 16:21 Uhr
"smith mtusi" <>
Absender in den Kontakten speichern
Empfänger nicht bekannt
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge
From Dr.Smith Mtusi (Treat Urgent Please Reply)..rtf (1KB)
I am Dr.Smith Mtusi, Director of Project, South Africa Department of Minerals and
Energy. I am making this contact with you based on the Committee need for an
individual/company who is willing to assist us with a solution to a money transfer.
This amount $28.5m represents the balance of the total contract Value Executed on
behalf of Department by a foreign contracting firm, which we the officials
over-invoiced deliberately, of which the actual sum has been paid.
Should you be willing to assist us in the transaction? Your share of the sum will be
25% of the $28.5million, 70% for us and 5% for taxation and miscellaneous expenses.
To enable us commence, I will need our personal telephone/fax number.
Please send your response to
I await your immediate response.
Best Regards,
Dr.Smith Mtusi
Beiträge: | 1.434 |
Registriert am: | 24.09.2008 |
From - Fri Jun 12 07:12:32 2009
Return-Path: <>
Subject: HELLO
My name is TERRANCE LEROY WILLIAMS, I am an American soldier in peace
keeping force in Iraq
and serving in the military of the 1st Armored Division in Iraq . As you
insurgents attack us daily.
We succeeded in moving funds belonging to Saddam Hussein's family totaling
US $23 Million dollars in cash and would like to transfer this money to you
safe keeping till we can come over to meet you and for your efforts we would
give you 40% while the remaining 60% will be for my partners and I.
Since Iraq is a war zone we plan on using diplomatic courier and shipping
money out in three large silver boxes, using diplomatic immunity. If you are
interested I will send you the full details, my job is to find a good
that we can trust and that will assist us; the question is can I trust you?
When you receive this mail, kindly send me a reply signifying your interest
also include your private telephone/fax numbers for quick communication and
other relevant contact details. This transaction is simple and risk free and
boxes can be shipped out in 48hrs.
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
In Antwort auf:
From Mark Dennis Sat Jun 13 06:16:03 2009
Return-Path: <>
Dearest beloved ,
I know this email will come to you as a surprise owing to the fact that you may not remember me. I contacted you sometimes in the past concerning some funds transfer which for some reasons I didn't conclude it with you.
However am happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred to a Swiss account with the Co-Operation of a new partner from Saudi Arabia, who is an International Businessman. Infact I must frankly state without mincing words that I was blessed to have met with a man of very unquestionable capability to deliver.
Presently, I am in Saudi Arabia embarking on an Investment Project with my own share of the total sum, just like I told you then, meanwhile I could not have forgotten your past efforts and attempt to assist me in transferring this Fund, despite the fact that it did not get to the desired conclusion with you. But, that I think was the source of my inspiration to this point. So, just as my highly respectable Late Father would always say to me "One Good Turn Deserves Another" For this reason, I do wish to give to you the total sum of $1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars).
Contact My Secretary, His Contact Is:
Name: Mr.Mark Dennis
Ask him to give you the total sum of $1,000,000.00 which I kept as a compensation for all your past efforts. So, feel free to get in touch and arrange with her on how you will collect the Draft since I have forwarded instruction to her on your behalf to give you the Draft without any delay.
Finally, please do let me know immediately you receive the money, So that we can both share in the joy of this fulfillment, I am very busy here, because of the project, which my Partner and I are handling at the moment.
May the peace and God's presence continue to abide with you and your family.
Emma collins.
In Antwort auf:
Omega Trust Bank (Nig) PLC,
Plot 92/94 Adeniyi jones avenue suit 80,
Ikeja Lagos.
Tel: +234-1-765-3967
Dear Von,
I am an accountant with OMEGA TRUST BANK PLC; my name is Larry Duke, a
Banker. I am the Accounts Manager to ENGINEER (Brian Troll) a National of
your country, who was a contractor with the DEPARTMENT OF PETROLEUM
On January 30, 2000, my client, his wife, and three children were involved
in the Kenya airways flight with registration number 5Y-BEN which departed
from Nairobi to destination Lagos and they all family died in this fatal air
crash On January 30, Since then I have made several inquiries to your
embassy to locate any of my clients extended Relatives, this has also proved
For more information on the plane crash, please kindly check this site.
After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his last name
over the Internet, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.
I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and property left
behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by
the bank where these huge deposits were lodged, particularly the OMEGA TRUST
BANK PLC. Where the deceased had an account Valued at($4.8 million U.S
Dollars) has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin. Or have the
account confiscated within the next fifteen official working days.
Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for some years now,
I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since
you have the same last name so that the proceeds of this account valued at
($4.8 million US Dollars) can be paid to you and then you and me Can share
the money.45% to me and 45% to you and 5% for any charity organization in
your country. While 5% for unforeseen bottlenecks we might incure in this
transaction an attorney will be contracted to help us revalidate and
notarize all the necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any
claim wemay make.
All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us seeing this deal
through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate
arrangement that will protect you and me from any breach of the law.
Best regards,
Icewastl der Bergtroll
Es ist das Schicksal des Genies, unverstanden zu bleiben. Aber nicht jeder Unverstandene ist ein Genie.R.W.Emerson
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
In Antwort auf:
princesschen fast vergessen
Icewastl der Bergtroll
Es ist das Schicksal des Genies, unverstanden zu bleiben. Aber nicht jeder Unverstandene ist ein Genie.R.W.Emerson
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
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