Mail vom Liebsten...
From: Stefano Maurizio
Date: 2008/12/16
Subject: I Want You
You just don't know how much I love you. You are the best lover any man could ever ask for. Whenever I have a problem and need some type of comfort, you are there for me. It is you who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I, one day. You just don't understand how much I adore you, appreciate you, admire you, trust you, respect you, and over all love you.
I believe this is it, you are the one for me. Being away from you drives me crazy and makes me want to be with you right at this very instant. I just think of this separation as a test. I can deal with it. If this is what it takes to be with you then I will go through it. Well, Honey, I am going to end this letter with I love you more than anything in this world. Remember that now. I love you so much, Babycakes ......
Do let me know when ever you are done with the transaction ok so that I will forward everything to my client ok....
Love always,
Montags (15.12.) war ich bei meiner schwer kranken Freundin, kam spät nach Hause und schrieb an StefaNuss erst zu Mitternacht die versprochene Mail...
An: stefanomaurizio
Datum: 16. Dezember 2008 00:19
Betreff: My Dear Stefano
My kind dear Stefano
how are you doing today, hope you are well and the day was fine. I've not very good news for you...I don't have reached Western Union on schedule because I was in the jam on the Autobahn by an accident.
Therefore I have made a telephone call with my boss and said to him tomorrow I come later to work.He has bleated but, if it is an exception, it is ok. My friend isn't well at all, therefore I am at home late and very tired now. But I like to inform you about the news. The best of the day was your lovely mail....it kept a smile in my face. Thank you for this. You are such a beautiful man, I'm so happy to find you, thank you for loving me. I'm missing you so much, but know this... I love you a lot and every day my love to you will be more and more.
But now I like to go to bed, like to dream about you and your love.
For ever yours
Sorry verehrte Leserschaft... diese Mail hätte eigentlich zuerst kommen müssen, da sie ja vom 15. auf den 16.ten geschrieben wurde.
verliere langsam den Überblick bei den vielen Mails
..... wollte nachmittags bei WU mein Geld los werden, aber so einfach ging das nicht.... Also Mail abends an StefaNuss... na der wird sich freuen...
Datum: 16. Dezember 2008 19:31
Betreff: My Darling
Dearest Stefano
how are you doing my Love? Hope you are okay and the day was fine. You make a smile on my face after I was reading you mail.
Just coming home..... and I was at Western Union. What kind of strange store is this? The woman told me you must fill out a "specification form". It is a form to prevent money laundering. The problem consists in the fact that you have to fill it out. Therefore I send it to you by mail, also the newsletter belonging to it. I have already paid in the money but it is sent first if I present the form filled out (by you !). You can return it to me by email, I will print it and submit it to Western Union. Sorry, I have to close now, because I have to go to the night school. We can chat a little tonight if you like, however, I am not at home before 10:30 p.m. (my time).
Okay my Darling, before I close... I will let you know : I love you sooooooooooooooooo much.
Love forever
You are a man or a woman? You like to be a model and to earn a lot of money?
habe dem Liebsten mal das Spezifikationsformular und als PDF Datei einen Fragebogen zum selber ausfüllen mitgeschickt, in der Hoffnung ihn ein wenig zu beschäftigen...
werde sie hier nicht posten
Stefano mailte zurück..... so einfach ist ein Geschäftsmann nicht zu erschrecken...
From: Stefano Maurizio
Date: 2008/12/16
Subject: Sweetheart
Ok..I got the forms..Well but am slight confuse here..As I read the letter it says the receiver of the money have to fill it out right..Well should I fill it out with my client information from Australia..Yeah I can do that ok... But it will be very hard for me to fill it out on the internet so the best way is pls do wait for me online your time 10:30 pm by then is morning here and I will answer the question to you so that you will fill it out for me ok or if you think you can't I will try to print it out and fill it and scanned it and resend it back to you ok..But I just dont want things to delay ok...
They need the receiver's information and am not the receiver since you are sending it to my clients in Australia so if you come online I will give you the answers to fill it out ok..
I miss you so much Sweetie....
I will be talking to you in some few hrs time ...I love you sweetheart...
Love always,
also wieder Chat am Abend.... Leider!! hatte ich ihm nur das einfache Formular gegen Geldwäsche geschickt......
16.12.2008 17:51:03 Stefano: Hello Darling.... ... bin noch auf der Arbeit...
19:18:55 Stefano: Sweetheart I'm here on the bed thinking about you ... I miss you so much.. IMed me when ever you come on ok... I love you so much
20:03:36 Stefano: Are you there ... Hello Sweetie wir sind für 22:30h verabredet...
22:03:26 Stefano: Is 5am here...I just wake up Sweetie...I was having a nice and wonderful dream about us..
I love you so much with all my heart and soul... liegt irgendwie immer im Bett mein Darling... arbeitet der auch mal?
22:25:38 Stefano: I think is 10:30pm your time right...
22:38:47 Susann: kommt gerade von der Abendschule... Darling , hello
Stefano: Hello Sweetheart ..... How are you doing and how was the evening class?
Susann: bored
Stefano: I missed you so much Sweetheart....
Susann: and am doing fine ... how are you doing? how was your day my Love?
Stefano: Oh sorry to hear class was bore Angel.... I'm doing fine now that I'm talking to you because I got your mail about the news ..... My day was great yesterday as you are all that in my mind.. ... I got the files you attached but I'm finding hard printing it out to fill out so I just want to give you the answers to fill out so that you will take it to the woman tomorrow morning your time right ...... Are you ready for the answers so that you will fill it in the documents to present it to the woman tomorrow
I read everything and it is saying that the receiver should fill it his information and am going to give you my clients information to fill it out ok since he is going to receive the money in Australia
Susann: Darling, I cannot fill it ... it has to be done by the receiver
Stefano: Ok.... I will fill it out with receiver information ok whiles talking to you on here.. Did they give you infomation after sending the money or until you present the form before?
Susann: that is falsification of documents in Ger that is punishable i won't to be arrested for some years .... they give it before
Stefano: I understand ok.. Sweetheart there is not going to be any arrest ok..I promise you..Everything is legal ok
Did they give you infomation of the transaction after sending the money or until you present the form before?
Susann: before .... they send the money after i send back the files .. or bring it back to that woman
Stefano: Ok... They just want to confirm it right.... What kind of question did they asked you when you at the store doing it? was soll die Fragerei?
Susann: I told them I like to send money to Australien
Stefano: Oh Ok.. I will be getting done in some few mins for you ok... I see... You did fill out the forms right with the information I gave you right
Susann: Darling... the woman filled it out with the informations you gave to me
Stefano: Ok Darling... How was your day at work today....
Susann: okay.. a lot of people have problems with their stomage, we have a virus here and a lot of people have problems
Stefano: Oh my God..I hope you have not been affected by that Sweetheart? .... Thats too bad... Whats the cause of the stomach virus?
Susann: i hope the same .. will see next days schon mal ein wenig vorarbeiten...
.... this virus is always there , mostly in autumn and spring
Stefano: I see... So it means all your co workers have been affected by the virus and only you are not been affected?
Susann: 2 of my co workers are affected and a lot of people in the city
Stefano: Oh my spirit is with you wherever you are protecting you and loving you forever....I can't live without you Sweetie...I love you so much more than anything in this world....
Susann: thats "normal" in this time ..... yes, it is , but after 2 days all is over .... since 2 years we have the problems the virus is called noro Virus
Stefano: You are teaching me science right....lol... ... Do you anyone feels dull or wick when ever the virus affected the person? ....
Susann: mostly I have no problems with viruses, I have a good health
Stefano: Yes thats good Sweetie..I believe you so much and you have enough energy to stand with me whiles in bed right... wie soll ich das verstehen? Ein Nimmersatt??
Susann: I have a lot energy
Stefano: I can't wait to make you feel better and wonderful in bed...I love you so much
Susann: Darling... I love you more :)
Stefano: I love you too Sweetheart..I can't wait to taste the sweetness of you... You are so sweet.... usw,usw,usw...
Susann: tell me... how was your day? .... what have you done?
Stefano: My day was normal and still waiting to hear from you for a good news to forward everything to my client to start processing the business deal .... I had a tough and long day..You are all that in my mind thinking ..... You are so sweet and I love you more than anything else in this world Darling...
Susann: the same here and I can't wait to be in your arms and with you every day ... usw,usw,usw...
irgendwann sind wir bei der englischen Sprache und Schrift gelandet, ich erklärte ihm dass das Schreiben mir mehr Mühe macht als das Sprechen, vor allem wenn es schnell gehen soll, und er meinte ich könne auch in deutsch schreiben
Susann: the next mail will be in German and the time you need to translate is the same i need to write down in english.....but i do not use a translator by Internet, I take a book for this *hüstel...
Stefano: lol ... Really.. It means you spend a lot of time searching for the right words right...
Susann: yes , sometimes I need a lot of time to write a mail , sometimes the english words are out of my minds, but sometimes it is going fast .... but to think and to write is not the same .... and you know.. a language has to be spoken and writen or it is going lost...
Stefano: Yes.. You are right..
Susann: how much Italien do you know ? A lot , cos you are talking it very often ?
Stefano: Not that a lot ... I have really forgotten a lot of the words because I dont much have people that speaks it around me ... But I can understand it very good...
wir sprachen ein wenig über Gastarbeiter... das in Deutschland viele Engländer waren/sind...
Susann: most of them are going home, 15 years ago we had a lot of english people here
and to talk is easier then to write... for me
Stefano: What happen that makes them going back home? .... Yeah I know that... It means am not going to find it hard talking with you.. But I'm going to teach you more ok
Susann: a lot of them are time worker and they are going home .... The best time in Germany is over, we have a lot of problems now and a lot of people are without work , nearly 4 Million, thats a lot in Germany.
Stefano: Oh thats realy bad.. It means the government as to do something to provide more works to the people right
und wir sprachen über Politik... Da mußte ich allerdings deutsch schreiben, weil ich so schnell mit meinen paar Brocken nicht mehr nach kam... Aber es störte ihn nicht...falls er es überhaupt las. Es hatte jedoch den Anschein, seine Antworten waren schlüssig...
Stefano: I'm really learning German today..lol.. Well I have emailed you the attach of the forms cos I have filled it out ok wann hat er das denn gemacht? Der Chat verlief ohne Unterbrechungen....
Susann: okay, I hope this will be all so I get the informations tomorrow
Stefano: Ok Sweethear... Just tell her everything is legal and nothing is at back ok... I need to get this to my client urgent.. Know how to talk to her so that she wont stress you anymore ok... I hate it when I see you going around trying to help me and it makes me feel bad sweetie...
Susann: Darling,,, thats okay .... and the woman is doing her work
Stefano: What time should I expect the information from you because you know the huge time difference....
Susann: I'm home not before half past seven, cos tomorrow I have to go to work first, than to the office .... I was late back today and my boss was not amused about this
Stefano: Oh Ok..It means you will be going to the Western Union first before you go to work?
Susann: no, tomorrow I have to go to work first
Stefano: I dont think this one is going to take you long day..Just to drop it and get information that all..Well all the same just do it as you plan ok .... Yeah so you have to be there when ever you are free or goods for you...
Susann: I hope all will be finished tomorrow .... cos I like you here .... okay Darling... I see... it's very late here
Stefano: Yeah..I was about to tell you to go get some sleep..I will talk to you tomorrow and also will expect a mail from you ..... I love you so much Angel..... Good Night...Sweet Dreams .... Have a sound sleep.....
Susann: Good night my Love.. have a fine day, don't forget me ...... also I will think about you
Stefano: Thank you so much..I will be thinking about you and missing you
00:38:03 Susann: thank you , take care to yourself ... good night my Love
hatte ihm das Formular als PDF Datei gesendet, leider schickte er mir 2 große Dateien zurück.
die Geister die ich rief... den Norovirus den ich weckte... Mail an Stefano...
Datum: 17. Dezember 2008 21:03
Betreff: My Love
Dear Stefano
how are you today? Hope all is okay with you.
I'm at home since lunchtime, it seems my constitution isn't so well than I thought. In the early morning i felt well, however, since lunchtime I feel really bad. It seems the Norovirus has affected me. I'm more in the bathroom than anywhere, I cannot eat or drink. By this problems I couldn't go to Western Union again, it has to wait till I'm in better constitution. I know you are disappointed now, please forgive me.... but it doesn't go. If you like to know more about this virus you can find it by Internet. Look for the word "Norovirus". Hope I feel better tomorrow. And I'm not online, it isn't possible.
I've to close now and go back into my bed. Take care about yourself!
Send all my love to you without a virus
hat noch jemand eine Idee wie ich StefaNuss noch ein wenig hinhalten kann? Laut Link für WU ist in Accra die Bank die das Geld auszahlt, am Wochenende geschlossen. Würde ich morgen nach 16:00h das Geld versenden müßte es theoretisch am WE zurück geschickt werden , aber was dann?
Mich wundert, dass Stefano noch nicht nach dem Päckchen gefragt hat, dass müßte selbst über normalem Postweg längst da sein. Aber da will ich bei ihm mal nicht nachfragen...
ich lag auch gestern noch krank im , konnte nicht online sein... Heute kam eine freundliche, besorgte Mail von StefaNuss
Von: Stefano Maurizio
An: *********@********+.com
Betreff: RE: My Love
Gesendet: Fr 19.12.08 04:07 ´
Dearest Susann
Good Morning.. How are you feeling? I hope you are feeling better...... I miss you so much....
Love always,
Der hofft nur weil er auf sein Geld wartet... Hab immer noch keine Idee...
Ach ja... Stefano möchte das Geld ja nach Perth in Australien haben... da gibt es aber seltsame Öffnungszeiten....
Geschäftszeiten heute: 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM (heute ist heute:19.12.)
Geschäftszeiten morgen: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM 24 Std Service?
Weitere Geschäftszeiten
Montag: 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Dienstag: 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Mittwoch: 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Donnerstag: 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM
wird da nur nachts gearbeitet oder eher gar nicht? Soweit ich das hier richtig lese... gibt es nur einen Tag wo Geld abgeholt werden kann...nämlich Freitags
melde mich bei Stefano Montagnacht zurück...
An: stefanomaurizio50@hotmail.com
Datum: 23. Dezember 2008 00:13
Betreff: Good Evening
Dear Stefano,
how are you today? Hope you are well and all is right with you. I'm sorry you have to wait so long for email.
As you know, I had an unpleasant infection.
My doctor has therefore hospitalized me because I felt rather bad. Since the afternoon I'm back home, I feel better now. Tomorrow I have to go to work again and after working I will send the money. Will emailing you the number you need if I'm back home. Believe me, please, I'm missing you a lot and I'm so sad without you. My love didn't end and I hope you were not looking for another woman. This would make me very very sad, but in the hospital is no Internet. The time is running... in two days is Xmas. In Germany the celebration for Xmas is begining in the late afternoon on December 24nd. People are going to church in the afternoon, after them the Xmas celebration begins and is going on till boxing day. Now I have to hurry to make all clear for Xmas. Dear, please forgive me and know... I'm still loving you and I'm missing you a lot. Okay... is very late now... I have to close now, tomorrow is a better day
I love you and give my regards to Riccardo, please.
With Love
es scheint ihn nicht besonders zu kümmern dass ich im Krankenhaus war
..... immerhin sendet er einen Weihnachtsgruß
Datum: 23. Dezember 2008 21:03
Betreff: Merry Christmas
In this X-mas,
In the daytime if sun shine so shall Ur expectations come true,
At night when moon comes out so shall U receive blesses,
then if rain fall so shall it going to carry all your problem away from U!
I wish U Lovely X-mas
I wish U Favorable ”
I wish U Enjoyable ”
U shall not Lack in this X-mas
thy Lord shall provide to U!
Merry X-Mas.
da der Gruß sooo persönlich war, möchte ich nicht wissen, wer diese Mitteilung ebenfalls erhalten hat
Schnuckel, mir scheint dein kleiner Italiener ist nicht sonderlich einfallsreich, ist scheinbar einer der dümmsten Sorte.
Sorry, wenn ich in dieser Weise über deinen Geliebten rede
ein wenig erstaunt war ich schon über die Weihnachtsgrüße. Also habe ich mir gaaanz viel Mühe gegeben und nach etwas passendem für Stefano gesucht, wurde fündig bei 123greetings.com und schickte eine animierte Karte zu Xmas..mit folgendem Text:
Dear Stefano
peace may be in your heart. I wish a year without sorrows, as much joy as necessary to be happy all around by 365 days for a long time, stay healthy !
I wish you a Merry Christmas !
nur mal so zur Info... es haben meine 3 zukünftigen "Ehemänner" die gleiche Karte mit dem gleichen Text erhalten
StefaNuss wartet auf die Informationen wie er an sein Geld kommt, bzw... das Geld bekommt ja der Client in Australien ....wieso eigentlich? Stefano in China, der Empfänger in Australien? . Die hatte ich ihm noch nicht gesendet...
Datum: 24.Dezember 2008 14:50
Betreff: Dearest Stefano
Dear Stefano
how are you doing today? All is well with you... so I'm hoping. Yesterday night I sent Xmas ecard.... hope it arrived. But I didn't sent the number you are waiting for. I thought it doesn't belong on a Xmas card. I miss the days I had to spend in the hospital this one now for the preparations for Christmas, therefore I was very busy last days after working. In Germany we celebrate Xmas today, this is the day we get some gifts... or not. Next two days we are visiting the family, thats the way we celebrate in Germany. I do not see my family, they are living too far away . My son is coming tonight and we spend a bit time together. It makes me really sad we are not together this days... I'm missing you so much. Was hoping we are a family ... spending time together..... but it seemed, it shouldn't be. I love you so much and my heart is crying you are not here.
However..... I hope you have beautiful Xmas days in China and, hopefully we meet in the chat soon. The number you need is 6067746963 and the code: Xmas. I sent money yesterday morning. May be you are thinking I don't love you... but this is wrong. I am missing you, you are in my mind all the time and I love you so much. Now I say good bye, hug and kiss you
die MCTN (Nummer) stand auf meinem Kaffeepäckchen
die MCTN-ummer reicht Stefano nicht... er will mehr.. Aber gechattet wird am heiligen Abend nicht!
von: Stefano Maurizio
Datum: 24. Dezember 2008 17:22
Betreff: Love
How are you doing my love? I love you so much.... I miss you and I wish am there spending the lovely Christmas with u but is going to be soon..I will be with you and also there are more Christmas ahead of us... da bin ich mir aber gar nicht sicher...
Thanks for everything and I never doubt your love Angel..Sweetheart can you email me the full information.. Your full name you use to fill the form and the city you sent the money from so that I will forward it to my client as soon as possible ok..
I will be online waiting for you even though is going to be late for me still I will be on for you ok..I love you Angel.... nicht heute am 24.12. ....
Kisses and Hugs...
Hope you enjoying the X mas...
Yours Stefano
Stefano versucht mich über den Messenger zu erreichen, aber es ist Heiligabend. So bleibt ihm nichts anderes übrig als mir eine offline message zu hinterlassen...
24.12.2008 16:57:44 Stefano: Hello Sweetie....
Stefano: Sweetheart I hope you are enjoying the Christmas with your son and I wish I was there with you
I miss you so much and I cant wait to be with you
I can't live without you..I love you so much
22:01:11 Stefano: Are you there Angel.....
25.12.2008 05:35:25 Stefano: Sweetheart let me know the time you going to come online ok wann schläft der eigentlich?
okay... heute wird gechattet. Stefano war zwar sehr unpünktlich und spät, aber er kam.
Dummerweise war zur selben Zeit auch Darling William mit mir am chatten
25.12.2008 23:12:12 Susann: good evening and merry Christmas my love
Stefano: Good Evening my love...Good morning here for me ..... Merry Christmas....I really missed you so much
Susann: I missed you too, but I wasn't at home last time
Stefano: Oh I see..I can see that .... You are having fun with the X mas right.. ... How are you doing and also hos the X mas going on for yo?
Susann: am doing fine .... yestreday my son was here...very long , after them i was to tired to go online
Stefano: I wish am there with you but there are more Christmas ahead of us right...
Susann: yes
und es geht gleich zur Sache...
Stefano: Yeah I did emailed you searching for information from you as I got your mail with the number ... I checked it on their website they are saying is not correct ... I need your full name and the address you used to the money ..... Your details you used Sweetie ... Because of that my client couldn't go for the funds and it was holiday in Australia
Susann: ok... my adress... Susann H*** ... 31275 Lerte..... Am Alten Friedhof 1 ja.... ich weiß, der Ort ist (mit Absicht) falsch geschrieben!!
Stefano: Thats the name u used?
Susann: thats my name and adress.... and I sent it to that one you gave me the Address
Stefano: I mean the name you presented to the western union the time you are sending the money?
Susann: I sent it off Tuesday .... wait... for the name of the man in Australia i have to look
Stefano: I just track the status on their website is saying that they dont have the information with them...With that I can't let my client go for it sweetie...
Susann: hm... may be it is send back? It is some days ago..
Stefano: No ... They cant send it back no matter what
Susann: wait a moment , please... will look for the name.. I've forgotten ....
Stefano: I have the man in Australia details since he is my client and I gave it to you...
Susann: Mpere Isaak Barrister.... 6 High Road... Perth Australia
Stefano: Can you pls check on the receipt and have me the correct information or scan it and email it to me....
" : The problem now is the information you gave me sweetie... I want to know the exact name of yourself you gave to the western union people? der meint scheinbar ich weiß nicht wie ich heiße...
Susann: I must attach the scanner only my name is Susann Hado.... I will send it by email
Stefano: Ok..When are you going to do that? If you say something like this it takes you somedays to do so...
Because of the delay even my client has come to China now for a business transaction so I want you to go the western union tomorrow to make a changes with the country .... Can you? .... Since tomorrow is not holiday at your there?
Susann: tomorrow here is holiday ... boxing day is a holiday in Ger
Stefano: Oh I see.... der scheint alles zu kontrollieren... .. When can you do that?
Susann: next possibility will be Monday
Stefano: Ok no problem.. I hope Monday no delays and you will get it done and give me the correct information? er wird langsam unverschämt!
Susann: I can scan after the transaction... that will be the best
Stefano: My client same name.. Address... Guangzhou... China.... Yeah but this you are just telling them you are chaning the country
Susann: were in China is this city.. oe what ever it is?
Stefano: Guangzhou is a province and also stands as a city in China... Just give them the city and China that all
They will do it..
Susann: do you know the Postal zip code of Guangzhou? danke...sonst müßte ich die erst suchen..
Stefano: 510000
Susann: thank you
Stefano: You are welcome...When should I expect it and I hope this time you are going to give me correct information?
der wird immer unverschämter im Ton...
Susann: Darling... what do you mean? I don't like the way you are talking with me ... I gave every time correct Information
Stefano: Is Ok Sweetheart..I understand you..
Susann: It seemes ... not
Stefano: The reason why I'm talking is like that you said you have post the stuffs and you didn't give me the information..Still nothing has been delivered to me...
Susann: I won't sent the information on this Xmas card and by the time I sent... it was midnight... I'm thinking also in Perth the office has closed
Stefano: Yes... I understand you but it took you some days before bringing up with the information..
Susann: yes you did.. but i was in the hospital... i wrote it in a mail, what could I do in the hospital?
Stefano: I'm sorry sweetheart.. No problem.. Is ok..All the same Monday I will be looking forward to hear from you with the changes... I trust and believe you so much..
Susann: I'm thinking you don't believe me... okay, we can stop to talk ....if you like it
Stefano: I do believe and trust you Sweetheart.... Are you upset with me?
Susann: I'm a bit angry.. yes
Stefano: I'm sorry.......I wish am there to give you a kiss and a hug...I love you so much
Susann: Darling... I'm very busy and I'm running to make all clear... and Xmas will be there... I cannot share myself ..... okay... (Kiss)
Stefano: I understand you Sweetheart....I 'm so sorry ok..I hope you will have some little time to share with me as I do care so much about you ...... And I want to meet you to spend the rest of my life with you...
Susann: Darling.. I try my best but I have to work and to make all clear for Xmas and my time was running, I tried to tell you in my mail
Stefano: Yes I understand you..I tried your number too it seems is not in the system..I was trying to call you to wish you Merry Christmas as I really do miss hearing your sexy and sweet voice der sucht nach meiner Telenummer? ... So Sweetheart if you go on Monday is the woman going to let us fill that form again or is already filled out so there is no form again to fill? wenn ich das wüßte....
Susann: no ... my number is not in the system it is a secret number I got it after I met a stalker... it wasn't a nice time ..... I don't know, because I didn't ask her... , cos I thought all will be okay
Stefano: Oh I see.. Who is that stalker?
Susann: a stalker is a person who phoened someone very very often... night and day
I got calls sometimes all 10 minutes
Stefano: Oh my God..And where is the person from that keeps worrying my sweet wifey with calls?
Susann: I meet him in a dating side... more then 3 years ago
and he told me how much he is loving me ..... after a time I found out he is not the right one he began to phone me
no.. I don't know him and I've never seen him real stimmt... von William kenne ich nur ein Bild .. and I don't like to talk about... it was a very bad time.. I couldn't sleep and work.. always he was there
Stefano: But you never told me about this... Where is he now? Were u able to meet him in person? .... Oh I'm so sorry Angel... I really heard about those people..Bad people on the internet trying to worry people and try to take something from them very bad... wie die Scammer auch... .... Did he ask you for something before?
" : did he take anything away from you? Because thats what they normally do the bad people on the internet kennst dich doch ganz gut aus, Kleiner Italo-Mann
Susann: not ... he didn't ... I'm very carefully , ... but it goes at the nerves and psyche
Stefano: Oh I see.. Thats nice...I trust you to be smart and thats so lovely of you Angel...
I love you so much
Susann: thats past... but for this I got a new number... a secret one
Stefano: I dont know your number sweetie... Can I have it so that I can sometimes text you or call to hear your voice..But I promise am not going to disturb you ok... schon möglich... weil es dein Geld kosten würde
" : I can give you mine so that you can txt me..I will even txt you right now so that you can txt me when ever you feel like ok sweetie...
Susann: you can phone me... no problem... I can see who is calling me .. 0049 0171******* .... and don't loose that number!!!!
Stefano: Ok I'm not going to lose it ok sweetie... .... I did send you txt message right now...Did you get it?
Which city are you in... Hannover or what sweetie? ..... I also called the number is not going..Whats happening?
Susann: sometimes it needs a bit time to get the message .... and if I send a text message.. you don't see my number.. only my name... don't loose the number
Stefano: What about the calling? I did called but it didn't go through... ich hatte mein Handy ausgeschaltet
hier fiel ihm wohl ein, dass er eigentlich gar kein Handy haben dürfte... und er sagte:
Stefano: I still didn't get the stuffs you posted to me?
Susann: sorry... about what stuff you are talking now
Stefano: Ricardo's game and my Iphone
Susann: what??? It isn't there? I cannot believe
Stefano: Yes is not here... Thats why I'm asking for tracking number to give it to them here to check it for me...
What city are you in sweetie?
Susann: Lerte, but I send you the informations from the post
Stefano: Lerte is the city? .... 31275 is the zipcode? das ging innerhalb von Sekunden...
Susann: yes... thats the name of the village I'm living ..... I will ask by the post office what happened ...... may be there is a lot to do by Xmas time
Stefano: China do not celebrate X mas Sweetie...
Susann: not China, but Germany ... and the package is going through the customs authority ... I had to fill out a lot of papers for the customs authoity
Stefano: Oh I see... er sieht schon wieder? ... sucht schon wieder im Internet ob ich die Wahrheit sage?? On the receipt you will find some numbers and thats the numbers I need to track it and show to them
Susann: a package has no numbers ... I wrote it and send the newspaper from the post to you
Stefano: As they let you fill out papers they will get you the number too
Every package sent out has a tracking number... You can check it out ok... Spurhaltung Zahl
Susann: I will look again...
Stefano: Ok Sweetie..
Susann: Darling... I'm tired... please... I need a bit rest .... I will look for all of this tomorrow morning
Stefano: I will let you go now..I will talk to you tomorrow
Susann: and Monday I will go to send the money again to china.. okay?
Stefano: Ok Sweetie... Good Night..Sweet Dreams... Take good care of yourself for me..I love you so much Sweetie...
3pm in the afternoon
Susann: my time?
Stefano: Yes Sweetheart .... Ok Sweetie..I love you so much... I LOVE YOU MORE ANGEL........
Susann: I love you too my Stefano
01:08:38 Susann: bye for now... I love you
Stefano kam nicht zur verabredeten Zeit um 3 Uhr , sondern fast 2 Stunden später...
Als ich den Messenger öffnete, stand dort folgendes:
26.12.2008 00:08:23 Stefano: So how am I going to get intouch with you when ever I want to talk to you.
.......... Yes...Tell me Sweetie... I dont know she will let us fill the forms since we have already fill it and is with her thats ok right
zu der Zeit habe ich mit Stefano gechattet. Er schrieb sich aber noch mit jemand anderem, das kann man beim chatten sehen. Diese Mitteilung war sicherlich nicht für mich bestimmt....
wenn jemand im Messenger schreibt und der Partner ist nicht (mehr) online, bleibt die Nachricht so lange stehen bis der Andere sie empfangen hat. Diese Nachricht ist irgendwie fehlgeleitet, weil ich war , wie gesagt, zu dieser Zeit mit Stefano am chatten
Na....er hat sich bestimmt die Pest an den Hals geärgert, als er gemerkt hat, dass er es versehentlich an Dich geschickt hat.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
StefaNuss kam also fast 2 Stunden später. Ich wollte ihm gerade eine offline Nachricht hinterlassen.
26.12.2008 16:52:12 Susann: hello Stefano... Hi Darling... I thought you are not there
am doing fine my lover.... how was your day ?
Stefano: I'm here..I came on waiting for you... ja, ganz bestimmt... ich war gerade mal 5 Min. weg....... My day is so boring but am doing good.....
Stefano: Hello Sweetheart... I love you so much ..... How are you doing my sweetheart?
Susann: you day is boring? What is that? *smile... My days are going too fast, mostly... no time for... boring
Stefano: Oh I see...I'm lonely...I want and need you next to me
Susann: I'm waiting for you , too, since 3pm ich konnt es mir nicht verkneifen..
Stefano: I want to spend the rest of my life with you..I can't live without you Sweetie... I'm sorry I kept you waiting ok.....
Susann: it's okay, but now i have time only for 30 minutes, cos I promised a friend to meet her
Stefano: Ok....I will let you go as am also tired..I need to get some sleep...I will try to come on early tomorrow so that we will talk longer on here ok ........ Or later in the evening your time that will be morning my time here in China
Susann: hm... tomorrow I have to go to my father .... His woman has birthday .... so I'm not at home the whole day, he is living 200 km far away
Stefano: Ok .. So when sweetheart?
Susann: Sunday?
Stefano: Ok..What time on Sunday Sweetie?
Susann: at lunchtime (in Germany), means at 1 or 2 o'clock... or it is bad time for you?
Stefano: Its Ok...I can be on at that time for you sweetie....
Susann: ok than at 2 pm , my time... okay?
Stefano: Yes..... Thanks Sweetheart
Susann: you are welcome Darling
Stefano: I love you so much sweetheart....
Susann: what have you done you are so tired...you told the day was bored Weihnachten gefeiert?
Stefano: Yes I had a long and tough day working things out..I want to get thing done fast and come to Germany for you to prove my love for you
Susann: okay ... then go to bed Darling ... will think about you
Stefano: Ok Darling..Thank you my sweetheart...I love you so much .... Will thinking about you too...
Take good and excellent care of yourself for me...
Susann: I love you too and you are in my minds...night and day
Stefano: Good Night..Sweet Dreams..Have fun with your friend.....
Susann: you too, my Darling.. have a nice dream about me and sleep well Darling .... I love you more and more ... thx I love you...sweet dreams
Stefano: Until Later...Love you...
17:11:05 Susann: until later... bye .. I love you , too
so schlecht drauf habe ich ihn noch nicht erlebt... Ob er 'nen Kater hat?
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