hi Dana...
ich denke, er will nicht nur meinen Pass missbrauchen, sondern auch meine Greencard.
Als er danach fragte... hatte ich schon vor, ihn zu fragen , ob er wirklich ein Weißer ist.... oder ob er als Afrikaner nach Deutschland kommen will. Aber da Willi sowas bestimmt in den falschen Hals bekommt, hab ich das lieber gelassen. Außerdem habe ich ihm ja schon mal vorgeworfen , er sei ein Scammer und ihn dabei gefragt, ob er weiß oder schwarz sei. Das fand er gar nicht witzig. So einfach wie bei dir ist es mit Darling leider nicht.
Ach... manchmal beneide ich dich wirklich... *smile
Wenn er als Ghanananese nach Deutschland will braucht er keine Greencard sondern erst mal ein Visum und eine Einladung oder genügend Geld, dass auf eine Sperrkonto hier in Deutschland hinterlegt werden muss. Ich glaube, dass sind so etwa 7.000 Euronen. Hmm...oder ist das bei den Nigerianern so? Eine Greencard ist nicht einfach so übertragbar...und woher solltest Du eine Greencard haben? Du bist doch kein Ausländer in Deutschland. So einen Unsinn wie der schreibt, habe ich noch nie gelesen...
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Zitat von Dana
Wenn er als Ghanananese nach Deutschland will braucht er keine Greencard sondern erst mal ein Visum und eine Einladung oder genügend Geld, dass auf eine Sperrkonto hier in Deutschland hinterlegt werden muss. Ich glaube, dass sind so etwa 7.000 Euronen. Hmm...oder ist das bei den Nigerianern so? Eine Greencard ist nicht einfach so übertragbar...und woher solltest Du eine Greencard haben? Du bist doch kein Ausländer in Deutschland. So einen Unsinn wie der schreibt, habe ich noch nie gelesen...
Die Beantragung einer Greencard ist doch ein schöner Vorwand, um Wilhelm ein paar Formulare ausfüllen zu lassen. Ohne geht es nun mal nicht. Muss ja alles seinen bürokratischen Gang gehen...
erhielt gestern Abend eine Mail
Von: William XXXXXX
An: XXXXXXX@xxxxxx.de
Betreff: Good Evening
Gesendet: Sa 11.10.08 20:26
Hi Sweetheart
My love, I can not stand this. It is just too hard to be away from you. I am usually okay, but at times like this (especially tonight) it just becomes too much to bear. I can not sleep tonight from thinking of you.
I just have to tell you, Cam was soll das Wort bedeuten?? , to share with you that sacred part of my inner, secret life, the thoughts I think that everyone has but does not always say. I know that sometimes pride gets in the way of expressing emotions. I believe that is the cause of my reticence in telling you how I feel sometimes, that and the fact that passion in an extreme state can be scary, you almost just want to shut it away for fear that it will eventually destroy you. I think of my feelings, my love for you not with craving or with hope or even desire, but just with a kind of wonder that such things could be. You have opened my eyes to how love should feel. I can promise you this, I will never again settle for less.
But, at this time in both of our lives, we are surrounded by possibilities of choice, open doors and wide horizons, which I know, may come between us. But I also know and hope that they could eventually bring us together, with both of us being better people for the time we spent apart. And so for now I function between maybe and maybe not. It's a strange mixture of love and sex and sorrow and hope and longing and faith. And even though you are far away, you're all that I can see, I carry you with me through all my days and I miss you more than I can say. Also, XXXX, remember this - I love you no less than if you were right here now.
I know I have a tendency to be impetuous at times - thus the reason for this letter. I think I will mail it now, before I consider what you might think of it. I love you and am waiting for the day when I can feel your arms around me again.
Love always,
irgendwie wußte ich nicht so recht was die Mail bezwecken sollte. Habe ihm dann zurück geschrieben, dass ich abends nicht online sein werde.
Das ich nicht zum chatten erschien, fand Darling gar nicht gut. Deshalb erhielt ich kurz nach Mitternacht eine zweite Mail...
Von: William XXXXX
An: XXXXX@xxxxx.de
Betreff: Good Evening
Gesendet: So 12.10.08 00:23
Hi Sweetheart
How are you doing today i Hope everything is okay with you am so happy to hear from you once again and am enjoy reading your mail as well...This is my way of showing you how much I truly care for you. I can't really find the words to explain the way I feel when I hear your voice or when I see your face... all I can say is that I like the feeling that I feel. darling please can you call me tomorrow when you come online because i was waiting for you the whole day i miss you so fucking much my Sweetheart...lets say today am very hungry and Mxxx too..
Love always
....stimmt, Darling war tatsächlich von ca. 20.00h bis nach Mitternacht im Messi. Habe ihm deshalb eine Nachricht im Messi hinterlassen, dass ich Sonntag gegen 16 Uhr online sein werde. Trotzdem denke ich, er hatte keine Langeweile, weil ich bei jedem Chat sehen kann, dass er noch einer anderen Person schreibt.
Darling war tatsächlich ab 16 Uhr online, ich kam ein paar Minuten zu spät. Dann folgte ein langes Gespräch über....na was wohl.... Zeitweise war ich nicht in der Lage englisch zu schreiben , war irgendwie blockiert, er dreht einem das Wort im Munde um. Aber heute zeigte ich Zähne... Zum Glück verfüge ich über ein gutes Gebiss und über eine tugenhafte Geduld.
let's chat...
XXXX(16:06:58): Hello Darling
XXXX: how are you doing today?
william: How are you doing today my Sweetheart...
william: seems that you are online already!!
XXXX: yes Dear, i am!
:::::::::: es folgte Geplänkel über seine gestrige Mail und es gab haufenweise Liebesbekundungen
XXXX: what have you done til now, Darling? you made a walk at the beach?
william: Darling am not feeling well and Mxxx too.... das Thema wollte ich eigentlich erst mal vermeiden
XXXX: Darling,,, you are sick?
william: Yes Darling and Mxxx is seriously sick too..
XXXX: o, i am sorry to hear this... what is wrong with you?
william: Darling we are very hungry here....we don't have anything to eat since 2 days now Mxxx always sleep with hungry why? ich habs geahnt, die zwei sind am verhungern
XXXX: Darling, you would lean money from the hotel manager you told me
XXXX: and i was going to the post.... i had to pay nearly 30 €uro as handling charge for sending a bit money,
XXXX: that doesn't make a sence to me, cause it is more than i could send to you
william: Yes Darling i have Explain everything to him and he Understand but i want to make sure tomorrow if you will send the 100euros so that i will pay him back as well my love!!!
william: Darling please don't say that just do it because of me and Mxxx i know that very soon everything will be okay
XXXX: Darling, if you got the money from the manager, why are you hungry?
william: Darling he want to give me but i told him to wait because i need to discause this to my wife and know if she will send it tomorrow..
william: Because am afrid i don't want to get problem with the manager because he's so good to me... war es nicht so dass Schwarze die Weißen hassen? Kann so schlimm nicht sein, oder ist Darling gar nicht weiß?
XXXX: yes, you are always afraid with me
william: if you will send the money tomorrow i will take it now
XXXX: am a very bad woman
william: Nope darling i believe you because if you said that you will do this you will do it i believe you baby
william: if you told me to take it i will...my love understand me
XXXX: i didn't say ... i do this.... but it seemed, we have to talk about money irgendwie wurde ich da etwas sauer...
XXXX: and i will say it in German
william: i don't know what's happening with me now!!
william: Darling what do you mean? ich meine, es ziehen Gewitterwolken für dich auf, Darling
XXXX: ich werde erst Geld senden , wenn Geld auf meinem Konto ist. Ich bin bereit deine Wechsel (draft) zu verwalten und dir das Geld dann zurück senden. Ich bin nicht mehr in der Lage dir Geld zu senden , weil ich selber keines habe und hart arbeiten muss, um selber jeden Monat klar zu kommen. Es mag hart für dich sein , aber es ist auch hart für mich. Nun bist du enttäuscht, aber ich mag nicht täglich mit dir um Geld feilschen
XXXX: die Gebühren um Geld zu senden sind sehr hoch. Deshalb werde ich nicht ständig kleine Summen schicken. Mag sein dass du mich dafür nun hasst, aber so geht es nicht weiter.
william: Okay i understood
william: it's okay i think you wanna see me die in Hungry or Mxxx..Right!!
XXXX: Darling, fang nicht schon wieder so an !!! Ich kann ein sehr harter Gegner sein, DU brauchst Hilfe um deine Wechsel zu Geld zu machen, nicht ich brauche Hilfe
XXXX: I love you so much , but i think, i have to speak now very clear with you, i am sorry !
william: i Understood
XXXX: thats means?
william: i don't know what to say again my love..
william: But all i want to say is that i Love you so much with all my heart and soul...
william: You don't know that this money that you will send Tomorrow will save this boy life for me i promise this will be the last money that i will ask you my love still the day that i will send the draft to you my love...
XXXX: Darling... i love you , but i have to be strong now. think about my offering, it's not easy to change drafts into money , not such a lot of drafts. I have to be careful by this sum
XXXX: the bank manager will ask a lot of questions, and i need good answers , although i will help you
XXXX: you like to save the charge that you get money for the draft and i shall send 5000 €uro , altough you know, i have not such a lot and the bank won't give new credit
william: i understand you my love...i have Explain everything to you my love..
william: Darling this the information that you will use to send the money off tomorrow... ich brech gleich zusammen...
ACCRA GHANA 00233 wieviele Driver hat der Mann eigentlich?
XXXX: i think... you missunderstood me, i'll say it in German again
william: Darling i understand you..i have Explain everything to you..
william: You know that the draft is my money and i told you to give me your Bank information so that they will transfer it to you and you will send it here for me my love..
william: Hope you understand 100euros is nothing but it can help Mxxx life tomorrow you understand please don't think the charge that you will pay for the post offlice 30euro is not anything please understand me why are you doing us like this..
XXXX: du möchtest die Gebühren sparen, damit du statt der Wechsel Geld bekommst. Ich aber soll dir 5000 €uro senden , damit du die Gebühren sparen kannst. Ich habe so viel Geld nicht mehr und die Bank gibt mir kein Geld mehr, das habe ich dir gesagt. ~~~~~~~~ Ich will dein Geld nicht behalten , ich will es gar nicht haben! Ich möchte nur das geliehene Geld zurück, nicht mehr!
XXXX: Ich möchte dich und Mxxx gesund in Deutschland willkommen heißen! Es bricht mir das Herz so streng zu sein , aber du läßt mir keine andere Wahl ! Es geht mir nicht um das Geld, das ich selber nicht habe... es geht mir um das Prinzip, dass es so nicht weiter gehen kann zum Donnerwetter noch mal...
XXXX: Hate me.... interrup the contact to me, but you need another person who can help you gefährliches Spiel....
william: Okay i understand you XXXX...
william: A beger don't have choice
william: i am very hopeless man i don't have choice Quatsch mit Soße....
XXXX: you have choice ! Beg you client to give a bit money than draft, he shall change it ... a bit money than draft... then you have money you need, you can pay your bills or something to eat, whatever...
william: Look at what you are telling me william money cannot buy someone life and money cannot buy happyness...
XXXX: thats the way, but it is the same way for me .... and my love, you are not interested how I can manage my life genau!!
XXXX: cause....
XXXX: ich soll alles in meiner Wohnung zu Geld machen, wie ICH dann leben muss, das ist dir egal... hauptsache du bekommst das Geld. Das ist kein Leben für mich
XXXX: es tut mir leid, dass ihr solche Probleme habt, ich habe versucht zu helfen so gut es ging, aber ich muss auch Grenzen setzen, um selber zu überleben, auch ich habe einen Sohn, der noch immer von mir abhängig ist
XXXX: and it is not from me : william money cannot buy someone life and money cannot buy happyness... , but the sentence is right und fast hätte ich noch gesagt... muss von einer deiner anderen Frauen sein
william: I Understand you my love...listen when you sell everything in your apartment to get money help me and i cleared this money from the Bank i swear to god i will never forget you and i will send you everything back through Westrnunion my love.. ich glaub es nicht........
william: and you will buy everything back as well only 5000euros i will get all my money 200.000euros wird irgendwie immer mehr....
william: what do you think about that!!?
william: you need to think twice
XXXX: no , i havent to think about it... you won't understand me , i cannot sell all my things in my apartment, cause then there is nothing for me. But it doesn't make a matter to you,. The problem is... you will get all your money, without loss
william: Darling listen to me now please forget about the 5000euros and help me with this only 100euros..i will never in my life as you for money again ok...i promise this 100 will be the last money that you will send me forget about the 5000euros i will find a way to survive ok
william: and i will send you all your money back you will buy them again right?
XXXX: and I pay the loss
XXXX: for you, but i can't pay it
william: Darling listen when i cleared all my money am going to send you all your money back because i know that you need it my love....
XXXX: du möchtest keinen Verlust, ich soll dafür bezahlen... indem ich dir Geld schicke, dann bekommst du den Verlust durch mich ersetzt. So geht das nicht...
william: Darling you don't understand me my love...i said please forget about the 5000euros and help me with this 100euros tomorrow ich verstehe sehrrr gut
william: forget about the 5000euros ok i will find a way to survive my love...
william: Please Mxxx is very Hungry i don't want ti lose this child my love
william: okay Darling i will never talk about the 5000euros again mal sehen wie lange >never again< anhält
william: i promise but help me tomorrow with this last 100euro ok i don't want to loose this child you understand me
XXXX: i don't send 100 €uro , even you are hate me now. Think about my help with your draft... I think, there is too much trouble now between us and we shall stop with chatting for this day. Trouble is poison for the heart.... and i love you. Send me a message or mail me, i think , thats the better way for today
william: Okay if you say so..but i think tomorrow i will go and sell my Laptop so that i will get money to survive and i will never in my life come online again i will forget anything like chatting you understand because i can't look my only child die..tomorrow i will find a way to sell it..
william: that's the End!! da mußte ich denn doch ein wenig schlucken... alles Durchhaltevermögen umsonst?
XXXX: this way is breaking my heart, but if you like to go this way... okay, i can't change it. You know, how you can reach me. And my last words to you are.... I LOVE YOU
william: Listen if it's you can you see your only child Die Answer?
XXXX: your child will not die, i know this very well. I know... to die is a hard way
william: Okay Tomorrow i will find a way to sell this Laptop because i need to buy some Food for myself and Mxxx..
william: i will try to call you on phone only or sms..But i know that your Phone is always switch Off...if you like from tomorrow going put your phone always on... ist das als Drohung zu verstehen??
XXXX: okay.... if you get your money... than you can buy a new one.... it's the same, if i have to sell my things from my apartment. Darling, be shure... i love you, may be , you will never contact me again.... may be God with you and your son ! But if you like to contact me again.... the door is still open for you
william: Darling i have Explain everything to you my love..i will never forget you my love...when you sell things in your apartment help me with this money and i cleared my money i will send you all your money back vielleicht sollte ich es mal mit vietnamesisch versuchen... das versteht er bestimmt, er liebt die side ja...
william: Darling remember you are always in my heart i have your picture all over my rooms?
william: when you sell some things in your apartment and help me with this Money O my God...this month will never past i will pay you everything back and you will buy all back gleich werfe ich ihn hinter einen Zug
william: believe me and trust me XXXX. never more i will do !!!!!!
william: am all yours and you are all my..i know that?
XXXX: Darling.... i love you with all my heart, never i will forget what it means for me to meet you ganz genau... . If you like to hate me... you can do. But don't forget.... you are in my mind.... and the door ist open for you...for all time. God bless you and Mxxx. And i know, God is a good one, so he bless Mxxx, cause He likes children. I don't interrupt the contact to you, but if you like to do.... i can't change it.
william: Darling i Love you so much too but if i borrow the money from the manager like tomorrow how can i pay it Answer? er scheint Fragespiele zu lieben....
XXXX: talk with your client(s),, he/ they shall change some of the draft into money... so you have some for living
william: Darling my Clients have Transfer the money for BARCLAY'S BANK and i want to cleared it the Bank people said that i need to pay for some Charge because you know that the money is so hug i mean so Big you understand now?
william: my clients they don't have any problem again because they have pay me for all my money but the money is in BARCLAY'S BANK now when i pay this 5000euros i will get all my money in Cash but if i don't pay this money they will return the money back...do you like it like that? was nicht da ist... was kann da zurück gesendet werden?
XXXX: William... ich verstehe zu wenig von diesen Bankgeschäften, aber es muss einen Weg geben, dass du Geld bekommst. Das Geld oder die Wechsel sind DEIN Geld. Wenn es zurück kommt... es gehört weder deinem Klienten noch der Bank. Es ist deins ! Finde einen Weg mit den Bankleuten , damit du Geld bekommst ! Ich kann dir nicht mehr helfen.... so leid es mir tut ! Rede mit den Bankleuten und findet einen Weg, es gibt sicher einen
william: hoeny you just try this for me ok because i dont want to lose you as well and i cant stay here much long that is why i want you to help me for this as well
william: all i want is to be with you honey try this for me ok
william: if you cant help me with the 5000euros you tell me the amount that you can so i will just talk to them as well honey because time is going and i have to be with you at home and help you with the bills too as well honey
william: i know you have help me alot and i have more to do for you ok that is why i want to be with you honey
XXXX: Darling, wir haben hier keine Barclay's Bank, die nächste ist in Frankfurt, wie du sagst. Das ist 600 km weit weg, zu weit um von hier aus was zu tun. Telefonisch geht da überhaupt gar nichts, die Bankregeln sind sehr streng in Ger. Und ich kann dir keine 5000 €uro senden , es geht einfach nicht.
XXXX: I like to be with you, too. Try to find a way... you are a businessman.
XXXX: Wir reden hier und kommen zu keinem Ergebnis, es ist wie mit der Schlange, die sich um sich selber dreht und sich dabei selber in den Schwanz beißt. Ich möchte dir gerne helfen , aber ich habe keine Möglichkeiten mehr.
XXXX: Du bist ein reicher Mann... und Geld eröffnet viele Türen, finde einen Weg
william: Okay Darling i think we can chat tomorrow
william: will you sms me when you come online tomorrow
william: or you will never chat with me again
william: are you still there my love...
william: what time will you be online tomorrow
william: talk to me my love...
XXXX: yes , i'm there
XXXX(18:37:43): sorry, i was on toilet
ein paar Sekunden später hatte sich William aus dem Chat abgemeldet.
und wenn Darling bis morgen nicht verhungert ist, dann chatten wir morgen weiter (oder auch nicht)
Sag mal Schnuckel, meine Liebe, wieviele Jahre willst Du das noch mit ihm ertragen? Ich sehe euch alt und grau werdend über Geld diskutieren
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Zitat von Dana
Ich sehe euch alt und grau werdend über Geld diskutieren
Mein Darling ist nicht verhungert, aber,... he is not feeling well,... und als er mich nicht erweichen konnte meine Wohnung leer zu räumen, brauchte er plötzlich dringend Ruhe
XXXX(20:57:40): Good Evening Dear
XXXX: how are you doing today.... you are very fast Darling
william: Good Evening XXXX..
william: Am doing better today and yourself.. schön zu hören...
XXXX: o, all is right
william: Alright How was your day!!
XXXX: was a good day, work was not too much , but always something to do
XXXX): and how was your day?
william: Hmm very good.. na ist doch prima... aber ich frage mal lieber nicht nach... könnte auch ironisch gemeint sein
william: How is everything with you...
plötzlich war Darling offline im Messi, kam aber kurze Zeit später wieder
XXXX: do you have a problem with your computer?
XXXX: you are coming in , going out, coming in, switched off the messenger world, you are okay?
william: Yes! hört sich irgendwie an wie... yes Sir, und Hacken zusammenklappen
william: my Laptop is very old..
und wieder war er aus dem Messi raus und kam gleich darauf wieder online
XXXX: it seemed, you don't feel well.... i know, your Lap is old, doesn't make a matter
william: Okay Darling can we talk on phone now irgendwie passt hier was nicht, haben sich nun zwei Willis ausgetauscht?
XXXX: as long you can type with it
XXXX: why do you want to phone?
william: i want to call you now can you swtch your phone on now
william: Because my laptop is giving me problem
XXXX: you know, most time the connection is not well
XXXX: mean... is not good
Willi rief mich auf meinem Handy an, die Verbindung erstaunlich gut, im Hintergrund Geräusche wie ich sie mir in einem stark besuchten Internet Cafè vorstelle. Er sprach nur eine Minute, dann sollte ich zurück rufen. Tat es auch, erst auf seiner alten Nummer... sehr starkes Rauschen.... dann auf seiner neuen Nummer, da war besetzt, zwei Mal versucht..
Darling war wieder am PC....
XXXX: hi , soory, i tryed it for three times, but i can't reach you
XXXX: *sorry
william: Okay Darling maybe the connection was very Bad!
XXXX: could you understand me?
william: Yes very well my Sweetheart...
william: Hope you can understand me very well...
XXXX: sometimes will es ihm mal nicht zu leicht machen...
XXXX: but now you see.... i didn't change my number
william: Alright..
william: But sometimes i want to call you your number is not going
william: throught
william: moment
XXXX: hmmm, i don't know why, but now . if i tried, the call is going out, but then.... it didn't go on
XXXX: it seemed... i need new cell, cause my is very old
XXXX: but sms arrived? lange Pause...
XXXX: you are there?
william: am here my Sweetheart..
william: Yes Darling i got your sms..
XXXX: thats strange... sms arrives, but if i phone... its not going through
william: Darling i think you need to get new cell
XXXX: yes, you're right, but it has to wait ich mag aber keine Handys
XXXX: will think about to chrismas
william: Alright my love...
william: Oh i see
XXXX: what do you see?
william: You said will think about to chrismas
william: and i said oh i see ? ... versteh ich immer noch nicht, was du meinst...
XXXX: yes, may be an angel is given me a new one vielleicht Engel William?
XXXX: it's a pitty you have not a head set, then we could phone by messanger
william: Darling am not feeling good today..
XXXX: o, am sorry, what is wrong? neeeiiinnn , ich will es gar nicht wissen...
william: Yesterday i take some money from the Manager today i wanted to sell the Laptop so that i will pay him everything back my love...\
XXXXX: Darling, please.... don't begin again .... you have to talk with your bank
william: Darling what do you want me to say again i have Explain everything to them my love...
XXXX: but they won't help you, am right?
william: Darling i have Explain everything to them still..
william: Like as i told you yesterday if you will sell something in your appartment so that you will get some money send i will pay you everything back my love.. nicht schon wieder...
XXXX: Darling , there is not such a lot to sell... i am living modestly
william: Okay Sweetheart so what are you going to sell to help me with some money my love..
XXXX: and i need bed , table, chair... some things belong to this apartment
william: Darling how about your car? das könnte dir so passen... neues Auto, sogar bezahlt...
XXXX: you remember.... the accident
william: Yes Darling i mean where is the car now?
XXXX: am living economical, cause, you know... what i liked to do with the money
william: Yes Darling..
XXXX: Darling... as long as i do not pay the credit, the car belongs to the bank
XXXX: all this i told you
XXXX: brb.... have to close the window, a storm is coming... i think
william: Darling i need to get some rest now...as i told you that am not feeling very well... wenns kein Geld gibt.... dann lohnt das Chatten auch nicht, gelle
william: Alright am waiting!
XXXX: sorry... a thunderstorm
william: Darling i need to get some rest now...as i told you that am not feeling very well.
XXXX: okay, Darling.... i wish you feel better tomorrow
william: Yes Darling please don't switch your phone because i will call you anytime from now ok!! das könnte dir so passen... jederzeit... nix da...
XXXX: you know, i have to switch off at my work
XXXX: but in the i can sleep?
XXXX: in the night
william: Darling please don't switch it off because after chatting with you now i will call you later ok
XXXX: i think, you need your rest, also i need my rest
william: Okay my love...
XXXX: if you can't reach me, you can send sms, too
william: Alright my darling Mxxx says how are you doing today!! Gott sei Dank... das Kind ist auch noch nicht verhungert
XXXX: i say.... hello Mxxx....i am doing good
william: okay i love you
XXXX): the same .... i love you too
william: i will call you now ok..
XXXX: ok, try it...
XXXX: are you there...
XXXX(22:12:48): may be, its not going through by the thunderstorm
ich habe erst mal dafür gesorgt, dass die Handyleitung ne Weile besetzt war. Dann war leider mein Akku leer
Darling war nicht mehr online , habe über den Messi aber keine Nachricht darüber erhalten, er war einfach verschwunden.
Also heute war William sehr schlecht drauf, so kenne ich ihn gar nicht.... Dem Leser, falls es noch welche gibt, fällt sicher nicht auf, welcher Willi es ist. Aber nachdem Darling dass erste Mal aus dem Chat war, ging das Gespräch mit einem anderen Willi weiter.
hey schnuckel...
ich häng immer dran an deiner story
also ich kann den unterschied zwischen den 2en nicht feststellen...
aber unglaublich, dass du deine bude ausräumen sollst für ihn.
In Antwort auf:
hey schnuckel...
ich häng immer dran an deiner story
also ich kann den unterschied zwischen den 2en nicht feststellen...
aber unglaublich, dass du deine bude ausräumen sollst für ihn.
Hier auch noch ein +1. Lese fleißig mit.
Werd ich zur Hochzeit eingeladen, Schnuckel?
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
+ 1
Ich bin ja viel von dem Scammern gewöhnt, was die so rumheulen und Lügen... dieser hier stellt viele seiner Zunft in den Schatten. Zur Hochzeit komme ich natürlich auch, aber nur wenn mir einer die Reise nach Paris bezahlt, am besten per Western Union...
natürlich seid ihr alle eingeladen.... das gibt ne Party.... Scammer und Baiter in Paris.... welche Stadt ist besser geeignet für die Liebe als Paris?
Zitat von ruzlan
Zur Hochzeit komme ich natürlich auch, aber nur wenn mir einer die Reise nach Paris bezahlt, am besten per Western Union...
Oh mein Gott.....ich bin erst ganz neu hier, hab quasi bis Montag noch nie was von Scamming oder Baiting gehört gehabt. Aber da meine Schwester selbst betroffen ist, glücklicherweise aber kein Geld gesendet hat, da wir diese Seiten rechtizeitig gefunden haben (das Internet ist ja voll davon), bin ich neugierig geworden. Hab meiner Schwester auch meinen Account zu Verfügung gestellt und ich denke, sie wird auch ihr Geschichte bald hier posten.
Jedenfalls hab ich den ganz Thread hier durchgelesen und bin von deinem Durchhaltevermögen echt beeindruckt, wahnsinn. Ich glaube, ich hätte das nur ein paar Tage ausgehalten und dann hätte ich vor Wut meinen Laptop gegen die Wand geworfen. Mir kommts echt hoch, bei jedem einzelnen Satz, den er schreibt. Bäääääähhhh.....ekelhaft, mir fehlen echt die Worte. Wie können Menschen so dumm, gierig und rücksichtslos sein. Aber Hut ab und weiter so...ich bin gespannt!!
Liebe Grüße
Zitat von Iverson08
Wie können Menschen so dumm, gierig und rücksichtslos sein. Aber Hut ab und weiter so...ich bin gespannt!!
Liebe Grüße
Hatte heute mal wieder das Vergnügen mit Darling zu chatten. Aber er verliert langsam die Lust, so wie es aussieht. .....ich gelegentlich auch bei diesem zähen Brocken...
XXXX(21:31:57): Good Evening William, how are you doing today
XXXX: you are online without i sent sms, than you must be busy with other woman, sorry, i won't to disturb you
william (21:34:16): Hi Darling sorry am watcking tv ja, ja, wer's glaubt...
william: How are you doing today..
william: Nope darling am not chatting with any woman i just login now to see if your online because yestersday you didnot sms me ..
XXXX: i wasn't online yesterday, was only looking for mails, after them i was going sleeping
XXXX: i had to look for a girlfriend yesterday, she didn't feel well
william: AND YOU DIDNOT EMAIL ME WHATS HAPPENED.. sorry Papa, dass ich mich nicht gemeldet habe
william: Oh i see
XXXX: Darling, what should i tell you,...... i was visiting a friend?
XXXX: you see ...what ach... er meint, er liest es nun erst, dass ich bei einer Freundin war
william: Okay how are you doing today my love...
william: nope!!
XXXX: also you could sent mail, why have i to do it always? ja..., wieso immer ich??
william: Alright darling ...okay i will always email you hope that's okay with you my love na also, geht doch
XXXX: *smile, Darling, you like to know, were i am ... every day
william: yes my love because i care alot about you baby..
XXXX: but am adult, not a child
william: Darling how is everything with you over there?
XXXX: all is right with me, am happy cause its weekend
william: Yes darling today am not feeling well..i don't know why oh neeee, bitte nicht...
XXXX: you don't know why? what is the problem?
william: Darling i have pains all over my body
xxxx: o, i am sorry to hear this, what have you done?
william: Darling please can we chat tomorrow
william: i have pains all my body du Armer... Schmerzen durch Hunger?
XXXX: yes, okay... give me a time please wenn du glaubst ich bedaure dich nun ständig....Irrtum!!
william: ok
XXXX: hope you feel better tomorrow
william: Hope so darling i will go hospitel tomorrow morning er hat was von mir gelernt
XXXX: ok, after them... please sent me mail , cause i like to know, what is wrong with you
william: okay am crying here nein , ich gehe nicht drauf ein...., du willst nur Geld
XXXX: may be its better you go this evening to the hospital if the pain is too much
william: Yes Darling am afraid because i don't have any money if they charge me how can i pay it now
XXXX: yes darling, i thought you will ask me something like this sorry, verehrte Leserschaft, diese Bemerkung konnte ich mir nicht verkneifen
william: what do you mean ?
XXXX: mean.... i thouhgt you will ask , what can you do if you go to hospital without money
XXXX: Darling, you are a rich man, i will not believe, there is no possibility to change a bit of the draft into money
william: Okay i understand we will see us tomorrow da bin ich mir erstens nicht so sicher, denke nämlich DU wirst nicht kommen,und auch dann wirst du mich nicht weich bekommen
XXXX: it seemed , i have to come to Africa
william: Yes Darling that will be so wonderful my love... lüg mich nicht an!!!
william: i wish that you are here with me now...so that you will see everything in your eyes
XXXX: yes my Dear, i will think about it, cause for this yourney i need some holidays
XXXX: i know, my nephew makes a yourney to Africa next time, will ask him if it is possible to make this yourney with him togehter
william: dok
william: Ok ich weiß Schatzi, den magst du nicht, den lieben Prof. Mausbaer
XXXX: yes , but i need some free days for this, i have to ask for them by my *******, and i don't know the time if my nephew is flying to the continent
william: okay darling you can call her
XXXX: her? what do you mean?
XXXX: ah... ***** ******* , sorry , i understand
william: okay my love
XXXX: you like your rest now?
william: yes
XXXX: but i won't going without saying... i love you with all my heart
XXXX: and i wish you a speedy recovery
william: okay my love..
XXXX: okay, sleep well and i hope, you are okay tomorrow and give my regards to Mark, please
XXXX: good night Dear.... i love you
william: i hope so my love
william: i love you too
XXXX(22:15:32): good night Darling, send 1000 kisses to you, cause i am missing you so much
es kam nichts mehr von seiner Seite, da habe ich mich offline gemeldet. Habe etwas später nochmals den Messi geöffnet, er war noch immer da... dabei geht es ihm doch so schlecht....
Heute konnte ich mir die überflüssigen Bemerkungen einfach nicht verkneifen, deshalb hinterließ ich ihm im Messanger eine Mitteilung, da ich genau wußte, er konnte sie sofort lesen, da er immer noch online, aber als invasible gemeldet war
XXXX(22:24:28): i know you are still online Darling, think , I was right , you don't like chatting with me, cause i can't send money. I'm thinking you find another woman. See you before heavens door
Nun bin ich selber gespannt ob Darling sich weiterhin meldet... im Krankenhaus liegt, eine OP benötigt, oder einfach verschwindet....
War heute zu Hause und habe Darling beim chatten erwischt und das Gespräch mit ihm eröffnet. Er schien überhaupt nicht begeisert zu sein. Doch es gab ihm zum Schluss die Gelegenheit seine Geldvorderung kräftig zu erhöhen.
XXXX(13:01:31): hello William. how are you doing today?
william: am ok
william: and you?
XXXX: fine to hear, yes , am okay too, have a free day today
william: ok boah ist der kurz angebunden....
XXXX: what about your health?
william: am better now my dear
XXXX: thats fine to hear
XXXX: tell me ... and say the true please... do you like to interrup the contact?
william: Nope Darling am very dissapionted in you schon wieder oder immer noch?
XXXX: tell me why.......
william: so darling when are you going to come here my love
XXXX: but you didn't answer my question
william: i ask you when are you going to be here my love.. ich sagte ...meine Frage
XXXX: here? you mean in Africa?
william: Yes.
XXXX: last time we are chatting.... i thought, you don't like me and will cancel the relationship, so i didn't phone with my nephew, but he is still here in GER
william: Darling i still love you so much...i think when you are coming here you will take the money with you..and after you pay all the charge we will go together my love
XXXX: yes, thats what i try to do, to go with you to your bank
XXXX: you know , you need visa to come to Germany?
william: Yes Darling so how much are you going to come with..
XXXX: how you need for charge?
XXXX: *how much
william: Darling 5000 and i own alot for the hospitel and the hotel my love.. nun soll ich auch noch die Hotelkosten übernehmen? Bin ich die Bank von England?.... ach, die sind ja sicher auch in der Krise
william: maybe you will take..20.000euros.
XXXX: Darling... were shall i take 20.000 Euros?
william: and after i pay all my money finished we will get all the money in cash my love
william: Darling you need to borrow from someone come after we pay everything finished we will get the 200.000euros in cash my love..
XXXX: Darling... you know its a problem to get such a sum of money
william: Yes Darling maybe we will not use all the money and you will keep the rest of the money.. na hoffentlich
william: Darling when is the date that your going to come here my love..
XXXX: have to ask my nephew when he has to go to Africa
XXXX: think , next week
XXXX: but i am not sure
XXXX: have to phone with him
william: Okay Darling but i will be very happy if you will come here before ending of this month!
XXXX: yes Daer , i will be happy if the problems find an end and you are with me in Germany
XXXX: what is Mxxx doing?
william: Darling still Mxxx is not feeling better..
XXXX: o, thats bad , but he is in the hotel with you?
william: Darling i need to talk this things with the Bank manager so that when you come here the Bank manager will come and meet you and after you pay the money to him we will go and clear the document which will show that we have pay everything my love...and the next day we will go and clear our money in cash ok mit 'ner Mugubank?
william: Yes Darling..
XXXX: what do you think... how long does it need to clear all the things, mean , how much free days do i need?
william: Oh Darling like one week is okay my love...
william: But darling i will be very happy if you will come here next week monday .. hetz mich nicht immer so...
william4ualone12 (13:42:45): Because you know that i have been so much long here my love...
XXXX: yes Darling , i know, but do you remember.... i fly with my nephew
XXXX: will phone him tonight, hope , i can reach him
william: Okay Darling will you come to me with your nephew my love..
XXXX: yes, i can fly with him for low, cause he has his own jet
XXXX: i think, there is only one airport in Accra?
william: darling you mean he have his own jet nun wird Darling aufmerksam... eigener Jet, wow...
XXXX: yes , he has
william: Yes..Darling
XXXX: he is busy in Accra, so we are alone , without him
william: Okay Darling that means your nephew is very rich man my love.. haste seine Adresse noch??
XXXX: yes, i told you... but you won't his help
william: Okay Darling as your coming here tell him if he will borrow you maybe 50.000euros after everything i will give you so that you will pay him back my love...
XXXX: why shall i tell him we need 50.000 Euros? yust befor you talked about 20.000 Euros
XXXX: You know what he is thinking about you and the money you need bloß das Wort Scammer nicht benutzen, da geht er hoch wie ein HB-Männchen
william: Darling i want to make sure that everything will be okay with the 50.000euros my love...
william: i think God that your coming here so that you will see everything in your eyes..
william: Darling what is your nephew think about me!
XXXX: i told you , he is thinking you like to get my money but not me. But if we meet in Africa, he can see , he is wrong in his thinking
william: Yes darling i think so my love...
XXXX: yes, and i am happy to be with you
william: Yes darling i will kiss you all over your body everyday and everynight kiss you all over your lips
XXXX: *smile
XXXX: and when do we get our rest Darling? Think , the nights will be short *smile
william: yes darling..
william: am very happy my sweetheart..
william: The day that you will be here we will get our rest my love
XXXX: okay, we will see*smile
william: honest you changed my life. From the moment I saw you I knew you were a gift from God <------ Schnuckel
XXXX: thank you
XXXX: Darling , i have to close now, cause i have a meeting with a friend. May be she has a better computer for me
william: You constantly shower me with unconditional love and you always understand my shortcomings without criticism
william: Really..so what time can we chat again my love..
XXXX: nice to read, also we have a bit trouble sometimes
william: Yes darling..
XXXX: hmmm , i don't know when i am back home , think we can chat again in the evening... at 9:00 pm my time. That must be 8 pm for you man gut dass ich den anderen Lover erst mal vertröstet habe zwecks chatten
XXXX: cause tomorrow i have to work and its not good to go to bed so late
william: Okay Darling we will meet than..
william: i Love you so much!!
XXXX: the same .... i love you so much
william: Okay Darling...i am not using phone again and am afired if you come here now call me you will not get me on phone was soll das nun werden? Worauf möchtest du hinaus?
william: my cell fall inside water..
XXXX: *lol* you shouldn't phone if you take a shower
XXXX: til the time i will come overthere we can shat and i can send messages to yahoo messanger
william: Darling that day your not online and am trying to call you it fall inside the water my love ok, ich bin wieder schuld
XXXX: i'm sorry to hera this, thats eally bad
XXXX: sorry... to hear this thats really bad
william: Oh that's okay my love...you will give me all the information the time that you will use arrive my love..i will send my driver to go and pick you up my love.. na da kommt doch noch was nach... am Ende willste mich gar nicht sehen
XXXX: okay, but it needs some days
XXXX: til i arrive
XXXX: but why don't you pick me up ,cause your driver has never seen me
william: Darling i will be in Bank making arrengment for the money i will write your name for the driver as when you see your name you will know that's my driver he will take you to the Hotel and i wil come there as well..
william: Mxxx will be in the hostel as well
XXXX: okay, .... but for this... there is a bit time
william: Nope darling
XXXX: Darling, please, i have to close now. am late and my friend is waiting for me
XXXX: Nope? I have to wait for my nephew
XXXX: we will meet in the city
william: Okay when are you going to call him my love.. Drängler.....
XXXX: hope i will reach him tonight, cause he is working now
william: Alright my love..
william: Darling i think before you will come here...
william: we need two rooms right
XXXX: please Darling , can we talk about in the evening, i have to hurry now
william: okay i love you so much baby..
william: bye for now
XXXX: bye my Love, i love you so much
XXXX(14:26:16): bye Dear
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