Leider hat mich mein Schatz gestern versetzt. Männer eben... Heute erhielt ich dafür eine Mail. Aber Darling hat es sich anscheinend noch mal mit der Geldsendung überlegt, jedenfalls bietet er mir eine Alternative an....
Von: William XXXXX
An: XXXXXXX@xxxxxx.de
Betreff: Good Morning
Gesendet: Mo 22.09.08 08:28
Good Morning Sweetheart.
How are you doing today i hope everything is okay with you am so happy to hear from you once again and am enjoy reading your mail as well...am very sorry for not come online Yesterday night my phone was Off... wie schon so oft und sich dann beschweren, ich melde mich nicht.... na warte.... But now am changing it...Tomorrow when you come online you can sms me nö!, bin krank i Love you so much with all my heart and soul....Darling you are always in my heart....i think about you yesterday alot ....Sweetheart..the Bank people says that if i want to receive the money here i need to pay some amount before i will cleared the money for the Bank my love that's why i want you to receive the draff my love or if you want to help me with the amount that's very easy hmmm, haste dir so gedacht, träum weiter when i cleared the money i will pay you everything back and i will come to you as well my Sweetheart...But as for me i will be very happy if you will help me with the amount so that everything will be okay my love....i love you so much...Hope to hear from you soon
Love always
Leider kann ich heute nicht chatten, habe Husten, Schnupfen, Heiserkeit, Fieber . Werde ihn nachher noch kurz darüber informieren, auch wenn es mir sooo schlecht geht.
Habe mal wieder versucht mit Darling William zu chatten. Lust hatte ich überhaupt nicht und auch William schien keine zu haben. Das Gespräch verlief zäh wie Kaugummi. Doch es gab endlich wieder Thema Nr.1.
william (21:30:55): Hi Darling
XXXX: Hi darling, how are you today?
XXXX: nice to meet you here
william: The same here i love you so much XXXX
william: how is everything with you my love
XXXX: i feel better today
XXXX: is is everything with you and with Mxxx?
XXXX: how
william: Darling the Bank people told me that i need to pay some amount for cleard my money am very sad
william: thay said the money is too big
william: i need to pay 2500E
william: the bank manager help me to pay the 1000 but he don't have any money again my love
XXXX: too much money for a Bank? That must be a joke
william: Darling please am very comfues they said as soon as i pay this money am going to get all my money my love
william: Darling the Bank manager is good to me he have pay another money today 500 this is last money
william: darling please when i pay this last 1000 everything will be okay and i will come to you in germany Belive me my love
XXXX: Darling, you know...I've no money last time
XXXX: I wouldn't have 3 works, if i hasn't to do
william: Yes Darling i know that but you know that this is the last money that you are going to pay and i will get all my money
william: i will send you everything back
XXXX: where shall i get it?
william: you have helped me with 5000 how about 1000 so that i will clared all my money and back to you my love
XXXX: why can't you believe me... i have no money
william: i understand you my love
william: only 1000euros i will get all my money and come to you in germany my love
XXXX: i think , you don't understand... there is no money, all i had... you got it
william: Okay my sweetheart so now much how much are you going to help me with so that i will know want to do with the rest my love
XXXX: why did the buyer didn't pay cash? I can't understand, sorry. In Africa you have to pay before you get something, why did the buyer give money to you
XXXX: its the same like in the beginning... you need money, i have no more and we are at the same point
william: Darling the buyer can not pay me in cash because the money is too big my love
XXXX: yes , may be , but they could pay a bit in money, not all in drafts
william: Darling is only one clents ...
william: Darling the hotel manager love me so much ist Darling etwa schwul? Ist mir ganz neu... and he want me to get all my money that;s why he heled me with 1500e
william: hopw about you my love
XXXX: one client or more.... i see, you will hate me again... you will be disappionted again... its the same last time ago
william: Darling i will never hate you in my love
william: Darling tell me now as my wife how much are you going to help me with my love
XXXX: Darling... your wife or not... i have no money, please.... believe me
william: any amount it's ojk
william: Okay sweetheart...
william: hope your Bank will help you with this amount my love
XXXX: Darling, you know, i told you, the bank doesn't give money again
XXXX: If i need the credit, i told them, i pay back very soon, but now, i can not pay very soon
XXXX: it's not so easy to get any credit in Ger if someone doesn't earn a lot of money
william: i understand you my love...
william: Darling how much credit have you borrow from the Bank only 5000 right
william: how much did you buy your car my love
XXXX: you know, i have had an accident with the car, the Bankpeople don't know about this , i didn't tell it , i would get problems with the Bank
william: i knew that my love have you pay the people my love
XXXX: the people of the accident? eigentlich war mir jemand in den Wagen gefahren, ich war schuldlos
william: yes
XXXX: I can give only a bit every month, also i need to pay for my rooms and my son's school, you know all this
william: Darling am vey honest with you and i want everything to be okay with you before i will come to you in germany
XXXX: Darling , what is the different if something isn't okay, if you are coming here?
william: Darling i want everything to be okay with you my love
william: Darling what's happy with you
XXXX: what is happy with me? what do you mean?
XXXX: Darling... is money a reason you won't come?
william: Nope my love
william: why are you talking like this my love
XXXX: cause you wrote...i want everything to be okay with you my love
william: Darling i love you so much
XXXX: does it make a different if i have to pay money to my bank if you like to come or not?
XXXX: Dear, i need you beside me, with or without money
william: Darling Swetheart i know that you love me so much
william: But you know that io can't live this money and come to you in my love as soon as this money cleared i knew that it's going to help us with some things my love
XXXX: i need a person behind me... not money. Money can't give me love
william: only 1000uros or 500 everything will be okay
william: am ready to come to you next week monday as soon as you help me with any amount
XXXX: I won't say it , but then i have to wait for you, cause i have no money now
william: i understand you my love...i love you so much not because of your money or somethimg like that
william: because i know that you have heled me with alot of money
william: o pray to God that everything will be okay so that i will pay you all your money back
XXXX: i pray to God that you are coming to Germ thats all all i want...... You
william: Darling very soon
william: Sweetheart please i will be very happy if you will help me with this last money so that everything willbe okay
XXXX: Darling, i will be very happy if you can say me, were shall i get it?
william: Darling you can sell anything in your house and get the money when i clared my money i will pay you everything back and you will buy it back my love
XXXX: Darling, i have only a small apartment there are not such a lot things, i need a bed, a table, a chair and so on... what shall i sell?
william: Okay Sweetheart i understand you my love...
XXXX: i see , we reached the same pionts befor you cleared your stuff
william: i told you on my email that i want to help you with some 30.000euros so that you will get everything done my love before i will come to you my love
XXXX: hmmm, yes you did, but it doesn't help me now
william: Darling i promise you when i clared this money i will help you my love
william: because you are always in my heart
XXXX: the same here
XXXX: Darling, come here and than we will see what we can do
XXXX: Darling... don't be sad, but i like to stop now. I promised to come online today, but i have still a headache
william: why my love
william: seems that you don't want to chat with anymore
XXXX: Darling, i told you some days ago , i catch a cauld, i have had fever the last two days and i don't feel very good.
XXXX: and don't say anymore, thats a word i don't like so much
william: wish that i was there with you now so that everything will be okay
XXXX: i wish the same, but than it could happen, you catch a cold too
XXXX: wish i could lay in your arms now and you give a bit warmth to me
william: Happiness is falling asleep next to you and waking up thinking I'm still in my dreams
william: Yes Darling i will always makes you happy am very sad to not got your sms
XXXX: sorry, i sent sms tonight
XXXX: it didn't reach you?
william: Darling am very sad today you made me sad
XXXX: why? cause i can't help you? it makes me sad too, but i have no money
william: Darling not because of that
william: you didnot sent me sms tonight
XXXXX: i did, may be half an hour before you come online, wait, i will look for the time i sent
XXXX: 00233245133460 habe die sms per PC gesendet
Betreff: SMS-Nachricht
Gesendet: Mi 24.09.08 20:46
Good Evening Darling. How are you? I am online now. XXXX
william: Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure: where your treasure, there your heart; where your heart, there your happiness." daraufhin fiel ihm wohl so schnell nichts besseres ein
william: i got your sms now
william: whats your number my love
XXXX: still the same
william: whats your number can i have it my love
XXXX: Darling, my cell is moste time switched off, cause i cannot use it by work
william: Darling whats your phone number please
XXXX: i can't believe..... you got all of them , you canceled it
XXXXX: you canceled it , cause you are looking for another woman by Friendscout
william: Nope my love...darling i want to make sure that you are using the same number
william: Darling please believe me i love you only you in my life i don't need anyother woman my love
XXXX: and for what you are signed in by FS?
william: Darling i just to to look if i will see my Business partner
XXXX: by FS? sorry, am not so dump
XXXX: are you there?
william: am here my love
william: Sweetheart please Mxxx need me so much i will chat with you tomorrow ok
william: please sms me when you come online again ok
XXXX: oh , now you can't give me an answer, now Mark needs you
william: Darling i love you so much
william (23:22:51): Mxxx is not feeling well
hier endete das Gespräch, Darling hat sich im Messi abgemeldet. Habe ihm darauf hin noch eine Nachricht in seinem Messi hinterlassen, ich konnt es mir nicht verkneifen...
xxxx(23:32:44): very nice, but if i said, i like to stop about my headache you said i don't love you anymore,
what kind of love you love?
to stop by this way is not very friendly. Why are you treating me by this way?
and if you like chatting with me, please look, if am online. Will be there at 8 o'clock in the evening, my time.
Wenn sich mein Darling in die Ecke gedrängt fühlt, bricht er das Gespräch ab. Auf die sms kann er heute lange warten.
Darling kam auch ohne sms von mir. Obwohl mein Messi auf bin beschäftigt stand, eröffnete er ein Gespräch. Das Thema money blieb mir nicht erspart, aber ich konnte auch eine Weile über banale Dinge mit ihm reden. Das erspare ich mir hier. Er hat während des Chattens drei Mal versucht Dateien hoch zu laden, aber immer abgebrochen. In der Hoffnung heraus zu finden, was das für Dateien sind, habe ich meinen PC drei Mal verlassen(Toilette, Tee zubereiten... , aber leider hat er diese Gelegenheiten zum Datei versenden nicht genutzt.
william (21:34:55): Hi Sweetheart..
XXXX: Hi darling, how are you?
william: am doing great my love
william: how are you doing today
XXXX: oh i did the same, how is Mxxx doing?
william: Darling Mxxx is doing batter now my love
william: i have Missed you so much
XXXX: oh darling, but yesterday you disappeared very fast
XXXX: why?
william: Nope Darling i told you yesterday that Mxxx needs me my love
william: i will never disappointed you in my life
XXXX: yes, you did, but you were very fast, i didn't understand
william: Darling yesterday Mxxx have some cold my love...
XXXX: what is the problem with Mxxx?
william: i Love you so much
XXXX: what have you done today?
william: Darling am fighting for the rest of the money my love...
XXXX: o, thats not so fun for you, isn't it?
william: Toi di lang thang lan trong bong toi buot gia, ve dau khi da mat em roi? Ve dau khi bao nhieu mo mong gio da vo tan... Ve dau toi biet di ve dau? vvvvvv.freewebtown.com/nhatquanglan/index.html Hier versuchte er das erste Mal drei Dateien hochzuladen, bzw. zu versenden
[Edit Dana: Link unschädlich gemacht]
william: Darling i don't know what to do again am very confused
XXXX: Dear, you know, i can not help you, sorry please
william: i know that my Sweetheart...
william: Darling please do you know anyway that you can help me my love
XXXX: Darling, all people they can help you... you won't help by them
william: i don't understand you my love
XXXX: i ask my nephew, he has money, but you don't like him
william: Darling you mean proff
XXXX: yes, Prof Mausbär
XXXX: tell me, were do you live in USA? I think, we never talked about it stimmt zwar nicht, aber egal
william: New York city my love
XXXX: the city has a lot of areas, which area do you live?
william: Tha nguoi dung noi se yeu minh toi mai thoi thi gio day toi se vui hon. Gio nguoi lac loi buoc chan ve noi xa xoi, cay dang chi rieng minh toi...
[Edit Dana: Link entfernt] zweiter Versuch mit den Dateien
william: Bronx
william: i love you so much my Sweetheart
XXXX: i know this Darling, hope your love will never end
william: Never my love
XXXX: never say never........:x
william: i Love you so much am here just thinking about you always my love
XXXX: hmm, and what do you wish by your thinking?
william: Hope very soon everything will be okay and i will hold you in my arms
XXXX: and (never) not let me go?
XXXX: am thinking about Mxxx in this moment... i was not at school for a long time, doesn't he get problems if he is back home?
william: Darling i know that you will take good care of him because when Mxxx see you now everything will be okay
XXXX: thank you,....... but it isn't easy if a child is not going to school for such a long time
Das Thema mit der Schule haben wir weitergeführt.......
william: Tra lai em niem vui khi duoc gan ben em, tra lai em loi yeu thuong em dem, tra lai em niem tin thang nam qua ta dap xay. Gio day chi la nhung ky niem buon... [Edit Dana: Link entfernt] dritter Versuch mit den Dateien
XXXX: did he find some friends in Africa?
william: Nope my love
XXXX: oh, why not, he is a child
william: Yes Darling he's not going out...
XXXX: strange... i thought, kids love to play with kids
william: Darling here is not like states my love
XXXX: yes okay, but i think, there are kids too
william4ualone12 (22:22:16): Darling am living in Hotel no kids here
XXXX: and it is good to have friends all over the world
XXXX: yes , you are right
william: Okay my Love you will see kids only when you go out
XXXX: Darling , i am only astonished, it must be borred for him
william: Darling i love you so much i wish that i was there with you now my love...
XXXX: have you ever been in Germany?
william: Nope my Love But i will like to be there with you my love er sagte mal, er sei in Berlin gewesen
XXXX: do you want to see some other cyties, cause my is not very great
Es ging weiter mit dem Thema Deutschlandbesuch
xxxx: what are you doing after chattting tonight?
william: am doing to sleep my love because tomorrow i will be going to the Bank my love ja... tu mal was für dein Geld
XXXX: is Mxxx sleeping at this time?
william: Yes my love it's 9:40pm my love
XXXX: i hope he feel better tomorrow
william: Yes Darling please can i ask you for some favour my love...
XXXX: Darling... don't ask for money... you know... i have no more
william: Okay my Sweetheart never mind
william: you don't know what i want to ask you and you are talking about money Na was sonst könnte es schon sein?
william: why
XXXX: you are talking very often about them , but you can ask me anythink, i like to say... if it is the favour, i cannot help, sorry
william: Darling forget ok.. nun ist er eingeschnappt
william: what are you doing now my love
william: Khoc cho nho thuong voi trong long, khoc cho noi sau nhe nhu khong. Bao nhieu yeu thuong nhung ngay qua da tan theo khoi may bay that xa...
[Edit Dana: Link entfernt] Noch ein Versuch....
XXXX: chatting with you, what do you meanß
william: Okay my love i need to sleep now
XXXX: okay, then i wish a very good night with a lot of nice dreams
XXXX: you are in my heart and in my mind
william: The same here my Sweetheart..
william: I love you so much
william(22:51:40): bye for now my love
ich habe seine Versuche und die eingegebene www-Addy geflissentlich übersehen. Mir ist es gelungen, eine Seite zu öffnen, in der es um eine Anna ging. Sie scheint aus Vietnam zu kommen. In einem früheren Chat mit William hatte ich übrigens schon mal eine ähnliche Addy, leider schon gelöscht.
In Antwort auf:
william: Toi di lang thang lan trong bong toi buot gia, ve dau khi da mat em roi? Ve dau khi bao nhieu mo mong gio da vo tan... Ve dau toi biet di ve dau? vvvv.freewebtown.com/nhatquanglan/index.html
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Achtung, die Freewebtown.com-URL enthält ein VB-Script, welches eine Programm (nhatquanglan.exe) lädt und mit einem Shell-Execute ausführt, evtl. ein Wurm oder Trojaner, Benutzer von Windows und IE sollten vorsichtig sein!
Lange nichts vom Darling gehört. Heute eine kurze Mail
Von: William XXXXX
An: XXXXXXX@xxxxxx.de
Betreff: Hi Darling
Gesendet: Do 02.10.08 14:07
Good Morning my Sweetheart..
How are you doing today i Hope everything is okay with you i have Missed you so much i Lost my Phone when we have some Business meeting in the hotel...and i have get new one..Please can you give me your phone number so that i will call you or sms you my love..
Love always
Nicht mal ne Unterschrift, na so was....
Darlings Mail habe ich nicht beantwortet. Heute Abend erschien er im Y-Messi. Small talk und Money....
william (21:03:29): Good Evening XXXX!!
XXXX: hello William , good evening
XXXXX: how are you doing my Love?
william: am doing good and yourself..
william: did you got my email...i sent to you...
XXXX: yes, dear , i got it yesterday evening, but how can i send sms if you loose your phone, i don't know the new number
william: Darling seems that you are very busy!!!
XXXX: yes, i am busy
william: Okay my Darling this my New Number can you sms now ..
XXXX: why now, now i am chatting with you
XXXX: and what is the new number, please
william: 00233240706206
XXXX: okay, i noticed the number
XXXX: were you online last days?
william: Yes Darling but your not online..
william: How is everything with you my love..
XXXX: i am okay, a bit tired last days, that the reason why i wasn't online
XXXX: how is Mxxx?
william: Darling Mxxx is doing very Good now....But just worried..
XXXX: about what?
XXXX: why is he worried?
william: that he want to come home my love...
XXXX: yes, i can understand him , it was a long time in Africa now
william: Yes Darling...
william: i can't live without you baby...but am very worried always...
XXXX: you also worried?
william: Because you stop calling me or sms me it's makes me very sad!!
william: like i wanted my clients to Transfer the drafft to you so that you will cash it and send me here my love
XXXX: you know, it is not easy to send draffts to Germany?
william: Darling don't worried Even they wanted to send the drafft today but i said they should live everything on monday my love... wie nett von dir....
william: Because you need to send me your account number or your credit card Information my love
XXXX: Darling, i talked with the bank people... they told me, it's not good to send draffts, cause by Money Laundring
william: Darling they said you need to give me your Bank account Number so that they will Transfer the money into your account and you will send it here so that i will used to pay all my owns and Bills
XXXX: yes , Darling, i understand... i will ask the bank people on Monday again, what i have to do
william: Okay Sweetheart do you have credit card my love..
XXXX: no darling , i have not , cause never i need it
william: Okay Sweetheart...i Love you so much...Why do I love you? Because you are and always have been my dream
XXXX: after Monday i will send message to you , will it be okay?
william: Okay Darling sms me when you come back from the Bank!!
XXXX: yes, Dear, but it will be late afternoon, i am working for 10 hours last time in my ***********, its a lot to do last time
william: Darling when you ask your Bank finished about that please send me all your Bank Information so that they will made the Transfer Ok
XXXX: i try what i can do for you
XXXX: Darling, if Mxxx want to come home... are you going back to USA?
william: Nope am coming to you in Germany..
william: Or darling you can try your best for the last time and know if your Bank people will give you 5000Euros so that everything will be okay when i come back i will pay you everything my love tell the Bank people that you will pay it back in two days time my love...
XXXX: Darling, i am so happy you will come here
XXXX: you know, the bank doesn't give more money to me , cause they are waiting for the other money i have to pay back. I have a lot of troubble with them , cause i didn't pay back in that time i told them
william: Yes Darling Because i have Missed you so much..i can't wait to Kiss you all over your body
william: Darling tell them that you will pay everything times 2 Das wüßte ich aber.... zahle schon genug Zinsen
XXXX: *smile
william: i will send you 15,000 to give them my love o, will Willi die Bank belohnen?
XXXX: Darling , we should wait till Monday, it doesn't make sence to talk about if i don't know what i can do
william: Darling please beg them i know that they will give you if your confused them my love///
william: Okay Sweetheart i know that they will give it to you on monday my love.. träum weiter Kleiner...
william: whats your phone number darling so that i will save it on my phone die hast du doch... oder bist du nicht mein Darling???
XXXXX: will send sms for the night, after chatting, then you can see
william: Wowowwow
william: That will makes me very happy..
XXXX: you make me smile... and smiling is very good for the heart
XXXX: can you remember were you lost your cell?
william: Yes Darling i will always makes you happy my love..
william: Today i kiss your picture always..
william: because i post them in my room so that i will see you always i want
william: Yes Darling i have meeting with the Hotel manager...and i drink a little bit i don't know that my phone is on top of the tabel Treffen der Mugus??
william): i forget it there..
XXXX: thats bad
XXXX: is it easy to get a new one in Africa?
william: Yes Darling it's pains me very much
william: Nope Darling the Driver is very Good man he get me new one to use... so viele nette Leute um dich herum....
william: i promise to makes him happy as well bist halt ein großzügiger Mensch, gelle.. ..But am waiting on monday so that everything will das wird sicher noch länger dauern als Montag...
be okay and you will get the money send my love
XXXX: the hotel manager must be a very kind man, isn't he
XXXX: also your Driver
william: Yes Darling because i have not pay him more than 2months now..
william: i feel like crying now...because i don't know that someone will like us like this.. scheinst gerne zu weinen, armes Hascherl...
XXXX : o , don't cry, please
william: Darling am very happy too that you are always there for me too...
william: Thank you very much...
XXXX: please, tell me, what is the problem with white people in Africa, why don't they like white people?
XXXX: your welcome Darling.... and you are in my heart for the rest of my life
william: Darling i don't know they Hate white peoples so much
XXXX: yes, you told me, .... but why?
william: The same here my Sweetheart...i will be very happy when you will get the 5000Euros Everything will be okay my love and i will come to you in Germany ok
XXXX: okay Darling, on Monday i will talk to them
william: Darling i don't know...!! ich will es nun aber mal wissen... warum???
XXXX: why didn't you ask your driver or the hotel manager for the reason why they hate white people
XXXX: are the manager or your driver black or white man?
william: Darling the owner of the Hotel is white man my love..
XXXX: but he is living there, he should know why the Africans hate white
william: Darling the man dead
william: And they sell the hotel my love
XXXX: sorry, now i don't understand... you said, the manager is white, and then you say he is dead,..... i can not understand now
william: Darling i mean the owner of the Hotel is wihite and he dead so they Familys sell the hotel now my love But the Man who Buy it is Black man mylove Hope you Understand also wenn der neue Eigentümer schwarz ist, kann der Hass sooo groß nicht sein... würde er sonst einen weißen Ami über zwei Monate durchfüttern und ohne Geld wohnen lassen?
XXXX: yes, now i understand
XXXX: and the black... is he also such a friendly man... cause i think , not all black hate white
william: Yes Darling...
william: i Hope everything will be okay on monday nicht schon wieder... den kann Frau aber auch auf kein anderes Thema lotsen...
XXXX: yes i hope the same
william: Please Darling comfuesd Them i know that they will give you tell them that you will get some money from your Familys today and you will pay them tomorrow ok ich glaub es geht los...
XXXX: Darling, please.... i try my best on Monday, there is nothing more i can do
william: Okay my love...
william: Darling this Bank people if you don't comfused them well..they will not give you But if you Confused them well they will give you my love
william: Please i can't sleep today and tomorrow till the time you will send the money off my love.. mir kommen auch gleich die Tränen
william: Because i have been so much long in Ghana and it's very hard for me and Mxxx..
william: I love you today, yesterday and every tomorrow. Zuckerbrot???
XXXX: Darling... you know, it isn't easy for me to get more money
william: Yes Darling i know that..But i Believe that when you confused this Bank people on monday you will get the money my love..
XXXX: Darling , please, stop talking about this
william: Okay my love..
william: what are you doing now..
william: am very sorry my love
XXXX: oh, my girlfriend is also in a message with me
william: Baby! I love you more than cooked food:-*>:D<
william: Are you chatting with her now my love.. wie... darf ich nicht? Eifersüchtig?
XXXX: not only, mostly with you Darling
william: Smile you makes me happy my love!
william: Okay my love..please sms me now because i need to sleep it's very late here kein Gespräch über Geld, da wird der Herr plötzlich müde
XXXX: whats the time there, please
william (22:38:06): 8:30Pm beim letzten Chat war der Unterschied nur EINE Stunde, wie das?
XXXX: at this time you like to sleep? Okay Darling, you need your rest...
XXXX: it needs some minutes to send sms
william: Okay Darling i need to sleep now
XXXX: Darling , then... sleep very well and know... i love you. Also my regards to Mark
william: Okay my Sweetheart please take good care of yourself for me ok
XXXX: the same to you.... don't forget me
william: i will never forget you in my life
XXXX: that i hope Darling :)
XXXX: Darling, i need some minutes for send sms
william: Okay Darling i need to sign off now my love..
william: Okay my Sweetheart i will dream about you tonoght my love
william: Love you!!
XXXX: have a nice dream with me
william (22:48:43): Yes Darling i will...Hope you will do the same
hm... mit den Träumen ist das so eine Sache.....
Gestern hatte ich keine Lust auf William, habe mich deshalb mit einem Besuch zu meinem Kind heraus geredet. Das nun folgende Chatgespräch von heute Abend habe ich stark gekürzt, es beschränkt sich fast nur auf das Thema Geld. (Angeblich) habe ich heute versucht, bei meiner Bank vorstellig zu werden.
william: did you send me email my love...
XXXX: no , i didn't ... after them i was home i send sms
william: Okay my love how is everything with you my love
XXXX: am okay and i try to get a date with the bank people today
XXXX: but i could only phone with them, tomorrow i get the date after working at 5:30 in the afternoon
XXXX: i ask for the money, but the man said no , i have to pay back my credit first
XXXX: but tomorrow i can talk with em
william: Darling i want to be with you before December....do you think that the man will give you the money tomorrow my love...
XXXX: i am not shure, we have to find another way
william: Darling what another way now..
XXXX: moment, i have a problem with the words in my head irgendwie bekam ich den Satzbau nicht mehr auf Reihe
XXXX: do you still want to send your draffts to me?
william: Yes Darling have you talk with the Bank about that too
XXXX: no , not today at phone... but i will do it tomorrow
XXXX: how much is the drafft... or the draffts?
william: Darling it's 50.000euros
william: they will do it two times
XXXX: you mean... 2X 25000 €URO ?
william: 50.000 EURO two times
XXXX: that will be 100.000 €URO, i understand right?
william: Okay my love But it will be very easy if i can pay 5000 EURO to the Bank so that everything will be okay and i will get all my money you know that i will not take it with me i will send it to you there and you will use some to pay your owns
XXXX: sorry, now i am confused...let me ask in Ger....
william: alright
XXXX: du möchtest 2 mal 50.000 €uro in Wechsel (drafft) schicken... das sind zusammen 100.000 €uro. Die soll ich verwalten bis du in Ger. bist. Wenn ich aber 5000 €uro cash zu dir sende , dann bekommst du dein Geld ebenfalls bar (cash) ? das verstehe ich nicht... sorry, was hat das eine mit dem Anderen zu tun ?
XXXX: Oder soll ich von den gesendeten draffts 5000€uros zurück schicken , damit du deine Rechnung bezahlen kannst ?
william: Darling as soon as i pay 5000 Euro i will get all my money cash and i will send it to you in Germany so that you will take some money and pay your owns my love
XXXX: and what would you do if i don't get the money?
william: i will still send the drafft But it will take so much long that's why i said it will be very easy if you can help me with the 5000 Euro so that i will pay the Bank people and i will get all my money Cash my love Darling, da kannste lange warten
XXXX: and if you send such a lot of draffts... i need a good answer for the bank man.......upssss, das war ein Fehler, so was zu sagen.... I will never use your money till you're here in Germany
william: Okay Darling that's why i told you to talk with the Bank so that they will give you 5000 €uro and you will send it off here and i will send the Drafft with the some of the money and the rest i will use it to come to you in Germany before they Drafft will arrive there i will be with you my love... Nix da...
william: Hope you Understand me now..!!
XXXX: yes i understand now
william: Okay you need to talk with the Bank man Face to Face so that he will understand you very Good i know that he will give you the money if you tell him everything i said here... und du glaubst, das nimmt er mir alles ab?
william: When you get the Drafft into your account you will pay him everything back ok
XXXX: yes , i understand, hope i can do something for you
william: thank you my love i trust you
XXXX: the question is not if you trust me... the question is... if the bank man trust me
william: Darling i think the Bank man trust you before he give you the first 5000Euros right
XXXX: yes, he did... but i didn't pay back in that time i told him , and he is angry with me
william: Okay Darling i Understand you my love..when i send this Draft you will pay him everything and you will Keep the rest my love... Nöö, wo nichts ist kann ich auch nix keepen
william: Promise him that you will pay everything Back in 3 days time hope the draft will be there by that 3 days my love
XXXX: Darling, i cannot make the promise to you that the Bank man will give me the money, i can only try it
william: Okay Darling if the Bank man don't give you the money you can give my phone number to him tell him to sms me so that i will explain everything to him... mach ich aber nicht...
william: try to get the Bank man phone number for me ok i want to call him so that i will explain everything to him ok na dann viel Spass beim erklären....
XXXX: okay, i'll try it
william: Okay my love hope that will work well when he sms me or call me na da kannste ewig drauf warten... so that i will Explain everything to him...
william: or you get his number for me my love.. hört sich schon besser an
XXXX: yes Darling, it should be possible to get his number
william: Oh Darling very soon everything will be okay my love i can't wait when you get this money tomorrow so that i will do everything fast and come to you in Germany my love..
XXXX: yes , it would be very nice
william: IT'S VERY HARD FOR ME HERE MY LOVE ja, ja, armes Schwein, du...
XXXX: but on the other way... it's late here and i am tired, it would be nice, if i could sleep now
XXXX: yes Dear , i know... you like to come home
william: Okay Sweetheart i think you need to rest now ok
william: whats time will you go to the Bank Tomorrow Alzheimer lässt schon grüßen, wie?
XXXX: i told you, the date is 5:30 in the afternoon
XXXX: take care to you.... and now i say good bye for today es reicht, Darling.....
also irgendwie versteh ich das alles nicht... einerseits sagt Darling, seine Klienten wollen ihm nur draffts geben, weil es zuuu viel Geld für seinen Stuff ist (angeblich 150.000 €uro), andererseits geben sie ihm Cash, wenn ich ihm 5000 €uronen schicke? Also mit den 5000dern wird es meinerseits jedenfalls nix.
Gibt es hier jemanden der Darling mal klar machen kann, dass ich erst meinen Kredit zurückzahlen mus, bevor die Bank nochmals Geld an mich verleiht? Darling kann ja anrufen, er hat es ja angeboten...
Das EIN Mann so viel Nerven kosten kann... unglaublich
schreibe ihm doch, dass du die ganze Geschichte deinem Banker erzählt hast, auch dass der Banker deinen Lover anrufen soll um überzeugt zu werden und dass daraufhin der Banker einen Leistenbruch durch einen Lachanfall bekommen hätte und nun im Krankenhaus liegt.
Darum bemüht meinen Darling bei Laune zu halten, wurde ich bei der Bank vorstellig. Da ihm das Ergebnis aber garnicht gefallen wird, und ich keine Lust darauf habe, Fragen zu beantworten, auf die ich keine Antworten weiß, schickte ich 'ne Mail... in deutsch... weil ich noch zur Arbeit muss, schließlich muss ich die Schulreise für meinen Sohn irgendwie bezahlen.
Das Bierchen beim Geldplausch schmeckte ausgezeichnet
Von: XXXXXXX@xxxxxxx.de
An: williamXXXXXX@xxxxx.com
Betreff: Good Evening
Gesendet: Di 07.10.08 21:04
Good Evening Darling
how are you doing today, hope you are well and hope the same for Mxxx. After i came home i need a bit to eat, and now i'll send this messege to you. Sorry please, i have to write in German, cause i've to hurry, cause i've to work again this evening. You know, i had a date with the bank people, I was talking with the bank manager.
Ich habe nichts erreicht, das bedeutet, ich habe keinen neuen Kredit von der Bank erhalten. Wir haben uns fast 2 Stunden unterhalten, es war ein anstrengender Kampf für mich , trotzdem habe ich nichts erreicht. Selbst Tränen konnten diesen Mann nicht erweichen eigentlich ist Theater spielen nicht meine Leidenschaft . Habe ihm erzählt, dass ich eine große Geldsendung aus Ghana erwarte, in Form von Wechsel. Damit die Wechsel abgeschickt werden können, muss ich 5000 € nach Ghana senden. Er fragte, was das für Geld/Wechsel sei, ich erzählte ihm, dass ich eine Erbschaft gemacht hätte und um an das Vermögen heran zu kommen, müßte ich erst die 5000 € nach Ghana senden. Ich würde dann die Erbschaft umgehend erhalten und könnte dann sämtliche Schulden auf einmal bezahlen. Aber der Mann wollte mir keinen neuen Kredit gewähren. Als ich dann zu weinen anfing, fand er mich hysterisch Männer verstehen Weiber eben nicht... . Ich sagte ihm, wenn ich das Geld nicht senden kann, erhalte ich die Erbschaft nicht und die Bank bringt mich um viel Geld. Der Mann blieb hart. Ich bot ihm an, dass er dich anrufen könne, und du bereit wärest mit ihm zu sprechen, also... wenn er mir seine Telefon-Nummer geben würde... dass du zurückrufen würdest. Das lehnt er rigoros ab. Er wäre nicht bereit zu feilschen und das wäre auch nicht seine Aufgabe. Wenn ich wirklich so viel Geld erwarte, soll man mir erst das Geld aufs Konto einzahlen , wenn die Geschichte stimmt, dürfte es kein Problem sein. Du siehst mein Schatz, die Bank will einfach keinen Kredit gewähren, da kann ich nichts machen. habe ihm auch gedroht die Bank zu wechseln... er lachte nur und sagte... das könnte ich jederzeit tun, niemand würde mir einen Bankwechsel verwehren. Aber auch eine andere Bank würde mir zur Zeit kein Geld leihen.
In Deutschland gibt es ein Institution, die nennt sich >Schufa<, da wird jeder Kredit gemeldet. Solange der Kredit nicht zurückgezahlt ist, kann jede Bank mir einen Kredit verwehren , zumal ich auch kein so sehr hohes Einkommen habe. Das ist leider so in Deutschland.
Darling, du bist nun sehr enttäuscht, ich weiß. Nur was soll ich noch machen.... was? Ich habe alle Möglichkeiten ausgeschöpft, auch meine Familie ist nicht bereit mir Geld zu geben. und das bei einem so reichen Neffen....
Bitte, ich habe versucht dir zu helfen, aber die Bank hat in diesem Fall die Macht. Bitte nicht traurig sein, aber ich muss mich nun beeilen, ich muss meine abendliche Arbeit beginnen, damit ich Txxxs Schulreise bezahlen kann. Ich bin morgen wieder online, ich denke, so ab 20:00 , meine Zeit. Hoffe, ich kann dich dann im Chat treffen. Du fehlst mir so sehr.... ich umarme dich und schicke dir einen sehnsuchtsvollen Kuss . Ich liebe dich und auch Mxxx.
Schaun wir mal wie William morgen reagiert, ob er sich überhaupt meldet, denn Geld gibt es nicht von der Bank.
Ich habe ihm mit dem Wort Erbschaft etwas in Erinnerung bringen wollen. In einer Mail an ihn, in der ich versucht habe den Kontakt wieder aufzunehmen, deutete ich an , ich hätte eine Erbschaft in Aussicht... aus Afrika. Bislang hat William diese Mail, bzw. diese Erbschaft, nie angesprochen. Entweder er hat die Mail nicht gelesen, oder, der wie ich vermute zweite Willi, weiß nichts von dieser Mail. Jedenfalls... wenn er sich morgen meldet.... kann ich mich mal wieder auf einige Vorwürfe einstellen.
Weiber sind eben nur für's bügeln gut
Gestern hat mich Darling sitzen lassen, aber heute kam er online. Das Chatgespräch war recht kurz, da William offensichtlich ein Problem mit seinem Yahoo-Messi hat. Ich erhielt ständig die Trojanerverseuchte Site von freewebtown.Damit keiner aus Versehen da drauf klickt, lasse ich die Adresse weg.
XXXX(20:26:18): good evening Darling
XXXX: are you busy?, cause i can't read what i can see
william: Good evening my sweetheart
william: How are you doing?
XXXX: doing good my Love, but to whom do you talk?
william: i was just doing something when i saw your message so i quickly run to my laptop
william: so that i can talk with you
XXXX: are a kind man :)
XXXX: how are you doing
william: i am doing fine
william: what about you?
XXXX: but if i disturb you by business, than you tell me
william: Ok my love
william: So how was work today?
XXXX: my day was okay, a lot to do, but it is better than it is borred at work
es folgte die webaddy von nhatqunglan
XXXX: Darling, what do you send for a Adress? Is it for me or for you businesspartner?
XXXX: can't read this language
william (20:35:20): moment...
XXXX: okay... will cook a tea in this time
und wieder etwas Vietnamesisches ....
XXXX: Darling... you are back?
XXXX: Darling????
XXXX(21:00:26): are you there?????
XXXX(21:03:12): Darling William... are you there?
william: Dear i am doing something for my son i will be with you soon du hast ein kleines Problem mit deinem Messi, stimmts???
XXXX: can only read a language that i don't understand
XXXX: okay
william: i will be with you soon after attending to him....ok
XXXX: okay, will wait for a little time...
william: ok
william: thank you
XXXX: you are welcome :)
william: ok
XXXX: tell me if you back, ok?
william (21:10:54): ok
es folgten diverse vietnamesische Sätze, immer schön mit der bekannte Webaddy, nur Darling war anscheinend nicht in der Lage mit mir zu chatten... oder er wollte nicht
XXXX(22:04:13): okay, Darling, can't wait for longer... is time to sleep now. Was chatting with my girlfriend all the time, but it seemed, you have no time this evening
XXXX(22:04:56): will be online again tomorrow, Friday, at the same time then today
XXXX(22:05:30: take care to you.... good night
Obwohl ich noch mehrmals im Messi nachgesehen hatte.... Darling blieb verschwunden. Er hatte sich aber nicht im Messi abgemeldet. Ob ihn die Trojaner abgeholt haben?
Was wir gestern nicht gechattet haben... haben wir heute aufgeholt... über 3 Stunden! Es ging wie immer ums Geld, aber zum Schluss gab es ein neues Thema... und darauf war ich nicht im Mindesten vorbereitet. Deshalb habe ich dann auch versucht ihn abzuwürgen.
Ich bin auch überzeugt, dass es MEIN William dieses Mal war, also Willi Nr.1
william (21:12:09): Hi Darling
XXXX: good evening Dear
XXXX: how are you doing today?
william: am doing good my Sweetheart and yourself
XXXX: thank you , the same here
XXXX: what happened yesterday?, couldn't read all the words
william: Darling i have some problem with my Laptop because you know that it's a little bit Old my love...
XXXX: now the problems away?
william: Yes Darling...
william: How was your day today
XXXX: thank you , all was right today
XXXX: what have you done today? And how is Mark?
william: Okay Darling i have Missed you so much my love...
XXXX: thats good, *smile
william: Darling today i went to the Bank to know whats going on there But everybody are Angry with me because i can't pay this last money so that everything will be okay..
XXXX: i miss you every day, every time...
william: am very shy about that my love... ja, ja, du armer Kerl....
XXXX: Darling... i cannot understand... you have such a lot of money .... but you cannot pay
XXXX: there must be a way to change a bit of the draffts in money
william: Darling you know that Ghana is very Difficult country they want me to pay the money first before everything will be okay...i mean the Charge ja... was sonst...
XXXX: yes Dear, but why is there no one who can change the drafft in money, the drafft is money
william: Yes Darling they said if they will change the Draft to money i have to pay for some Charge and i will get all my money in Cash my love...that's 5000euros and everything will be okay...
william: Darling do you have Bank account number...
XXXX: i have to ask for the number by my bank... never i needed this special account you need
william: Okay Darling i Think you have Bank account number right!!
william: Or Darling do you have BARCLAY'S BANK THERE ups,.... neue Bank?
XXXX: no Darling, we haven't
XXXX: i can ask by phone, but not at the weekend
william: do you know where you can create BARCLAY'S BANK ACCOUNT nee, keine Ahnung...
XXXX): no Darling, i don't know... and if this bank isn't here, it doesn't make sence to create an account by this Bank
XXXX: hmmm , thats a problem..., cause i think, we have no Barkleys Bank here in my city. Can't they send it to my bank, if they know my accounts?
william: Darling i think they is BARCLAY'S BANK IN Frankfurt prima.... schön weit weg von hier
william: Darling you can check where Barclay's bank is in google now am waiting warum immer alles sofort?
william: i find that Barclay's bank is in Frankfurt
XXXX: Darling... in Germany banks don't work at weekend, i told very often to you
XXXX: and than it's easier for me to ask my bank
XXXX: ang you know... they only like to help me, if they see, money comes to me
william: Okay my Sweetheart i understand ok we are very hungry here my love since Yesterday Mxxx sleep with Hungry why am crying because i don't know what to think my love!! was... schon wieder am hungern?
XXXX: Darling... i wrote a mail to you... my bank won't give money / credit, and you know, what my family is thinking about you
william: Nope my love... nicht??? , nun bin ich aber erstaunt... du selber sagtest doch meine Familie hasst dich
XXXX: for me it is not a problem what my family is thinking... the problem is... they won't give money to me
william: Because of what my love!!
XXXX: they are thinking... you don't love me... you want my money genau... und sie haben auch noch Recht
william: Oh my God and darling you believe too that i want your Money right!! nun tu man nicht so erstaunt...
XXXX: if i would do... then i had stoped mailing and chatting with you... and... i never would ask for new credit... it's a shame to me to ask always the bank people genau....
XXXX: but i am chatting with you, mailing , and i was going to my bank
XXXX: and on Monday i can phone them for the account number
william: Okay Darling i want us to be very happy for the rest of my life because if i need only your money i will never send the draft and need your account number to transfer the money to you my love... na warten wir mal ab....
XXXX: Darling... think about this night what i offer you... i will ask for the account number on Monday by my bank and tell me, how much drafft you want to send ja, schlaf ne Nacht drüber bei einer so wichtigen Entscheidung
william: 50.000Euros
XXXX: okay, cause i will ask them what i have to do for next..., cause i think, you want this 50.000 €uro back in cash to Africa
william: Yes Darling...
william: Okay my Sweetheart...so your family's don't want to give you money again right?
XXXX: thats right
william: Because of me.. ja... deinetwegen gibt mir meine familie kein Geld, genau...
XXXX: Darling.. since we are chatting... all the time we have a problem with money.... altough i love you and send money to you and try to find a way for helping you
william: Darling i know that when i think about that it makes me cry moment am crying here du mußt nicht weinen.... nicht deshalb, wenn jemand um sein Geld weint, dann ich
william: Darling i need you in my Life so fucking much it's very hard for me and Mxxx...
XXXXX: it's also hard for me, you can believe. Sometimes i am thinking, why is this man so far away, why?
william: Yes Darling do you know the only problem now is this last 5000 €uros so that everything will be okay and i will get all my money cash. bestimmt.....
XXXX: and you know, thats a lot of money for me
william: Yes Darling i think you need to see how much your going to help so that i will try to pay the rest and everything will be okay my love... ich versuche garrrr nichts....
XXXX: Darling,,, please... you know, i don't get money/credit from my bank
william: I think you told me before that your Dad is not feeling well my love...
XXXX: yes, he had had an operation for many hours, but now he feels better
XXXX: next week he has a staging , hope , all is well with em
XXXX: has Mxxx problems with his head ? or is all okay with his head now? Mist... das hätte ich lieber nicht fragen sollen
william: Darling still war klar....
william: Darling he complain always that his head is paining him but i don't know what to do because i don't have money to take him to the Hospital..my love
XXXX: yes, its a problem
william: The Hospital people don't want to take Good care of him very well because i don't pay the bills so that they will buy some Drugs
XXXX: but you told me, you paid the bill by that money i sent to you... and he is at home... on the other way, i think, it isn't good, he is still in the hospital
william: Darling brb da brauchst ne Pause.... wieder mit deinen Worten konfrontiert worden, so'n Pech aber auch...
XXXX: an accident by the head needs a long time for healing, people have pain very often for a long time
XXXX: okay
es folgt Liebesgeflüster
william: True love is just like rain; it touches us all
william: True love is a wonder that has no end or beginning.
XXXXX: *smile.... you are a poem
XXXX: but i like it
william: Nope darling am typing it by myself
XXXX: okay, but for this you must be a poem
william: Darling i Love you so much wish that you are in my Bed now..
XXXX: or feeling like one
XXXX: to warm you up?
XXXX: you are freezing?
XXXX: i have enough warmth for both of us
william: Awwwwwwwwww DARLING PLEASE TELL ME WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU SO THAT YOU WILL KNOW THAT I REALLY LOVE ONLY YOU MY LOVE.... wie wäre es mit.... mein Geld zurück schicken... cash versteht sich...
william: ANYTIME I COME BACK WE ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED IN PARIS na wenn das kein Angebot ist...
XXXX: wow... in Paris... ... ich war noch niemals in Paris..., ich war noch niemals in NY....
XXXX: and for the first question... come here
william: yes darling i will first come to you in Germany and after that we will get married in Paris before we will move to my big house in New York das ist für mich geradezu ein Sprung nach oben....
XXXX: hope for you... your house is still there na ja.... nach 7 Monaten Abwesenheit...
william: Yes Darling am always checking in internet about Germany so that i know that Paris is very nice city
XXXX: but can you talk french? i can't
william: Darling we only go there to get married that's all my love
william: i will be with you for some month and we will move to my house in New York
XXXX: for this i need holidays
XXXX: NY is not just round the corner
william: Yes...how many people have you meet since you Joined fs Themenwechsel?....
william: Yes Darling when i look at your picture in my room i feel like crying
william: Because i don't know that someone will love me the way you do God will always bless you XXXX
XXXX: meet... no one, cause i still in love to you. Remember... i thouhgt, you got lost for me, so i was looking for you
william: smile you made me Happy now
XXXX: why?
william: Darling Remember i will never in my life lose you...
william: the time that you told me that you are in Hospital i can't sleep am always call you but your money is switch off schon wieder Themenwechsel?... bin ich aber gar nicht von dir gewohnt....
XXXX: in the hospital the cell has to be switch off ... by all the electric Instruments
william: Darling i Love you so fucking much baby please i need you here/////
XXXX: *smile... you need a shower? :))
XXXX: o Darling, yes , it would be very nice to lay in your arms now
william: Nope Darling...i Love you so much...
william: Darling it's very hard for me and Mxxx because we are very hungry here i will be very happy if you will try to help us with 200euros for Foods my love please i take God beg you for this i don't want to lose my only son
es ging ja auch schon zu lange gut ohne Thema Geld
william: Darling i will give you the information so that you will send the money off ok neeee, nicht okay!!!!
XXXX: Darling, you know is weekend
XXXX: Darling, i have only 50 €uro at home, and i cant send money at weekend
william: Okay Sweetheart i will go and borrow 100euro to the hotel manager and on monday we will pay everything ok
william: i know that before on monday you will make it 100euros my Sweetheart.. halloooo????
XXXX: Darling.... think about ... if you will send draffts. I have to know it , then i ask for the account numbers and i have to ask the bank people, what is to do, to send it back to you
william: Yes darling when you get the account number they will send the draft to you as soon as possible my love
william: But darling are you going to help me with the 100euros so that i will pay the Hotel Manager back
XXXX: Darling, i send all together back, cause it is very expensive to send money to Africa
william: Darling please help Mxxx out on Monday is very far i don't know what's going to happened on Monday is Mxxx doesn't see anything to eat still nest week on darling please take because of God send the 100euros Ok your not going to pay any big charge maybe only 10euros you will send the money ok ich glaub der spinnt nun total....
XXXX: do you know, how much i hate the word money ? es wird mir echt zu viel...!!!!
william: Nope darling dachte ich mir schon...
XXXX: in German we never talk about money... and you and i... we talk a lot about it
william: Smile... sehr lustig...
william: Darling i don't mean to talk about money because i don't want to lose my only son you helped me more than 10.000euros think how about 100euros is nothing jaaaa, das war eindeutig ein großer Fehler...
william: Money is not anything for someone lifes genau so ist es!
william: XXXX i Love you so much with all my heart and soul...you are my one and only love i have in this world,,, wieder Zuckerbrot?
XXXX: Darling, i wan't to talk about money now.. and am tired, i stood up at 6 o'cklock in the morning, please... i will think about what i can do and i want my rest now es ist immerhin null Uhr dreißig
william: Okay my Sweetheart...
william: True love doesn't just fill your heart, it overflows into your whole body and soul.
XXXX: you make me smile
william: Yes Darling i will always makes you happy
william: Because i love you so fucking much i know that you do the same for me too...
XXXX: you're right
william: Okay Darling i Love you so fucking much i need you now by myside
XXXX: a tired woman? *smile
william: Darling please i need you now in my bed ok
william: i can't live without you baby...
hier kommt er zu einer völlig neuen Frage.... und darauf war ich nicht im Mindesten vorbereitet...
william: Darling do you have passport...
william: do you have green card too...
XXXX: why do you want to know if i have passport and green card ?
XXXX: do you need my passport?
william: Because i went to airport and they said that i need to get green card my love... ja... DU brauchst eine...
william: and they want to see your passport as well...
XXXX: every body in Ger. has a passport
william: Can you send me your passport as post office on Monday so that i will show them my love...
XXXX: i need my passport in Germany
XXXX: i cant send it per post
william: Yes i will send it again to you after they see it Finished my love...i will post it back to you my love ok believe me
william: Okay how are you going to send it my love...
XXXX: i have to ask by the post office... if it got lost... i have a proplem, and for what they need my passport?
XXXX: *problem
william: and Darling how about the green card my love...they need it too can you make some for me my love...
william: Because i told them that my wife from Germany so they want to make sure if it's trus
william: true
william: Darling try to post it on Monday and your Green card as well ok
XXXX: Darling, i've to apply the green card, and.... your wife has another name than you
XXXX: Darling, please... i'm too tired to talk about this tonight... and who needs all this papers for what?
william: Okay Sweetheart try to post everything on Monday i will give you my new river information so that you will post it and send the money as well..
william: Darling as i told you before that Ghana is so difficult they want to know all the information who you want to meet you understand me now
william: and where are you going before you can travel if you don't send anything to proof am not going anywhere my love...
XXXX: but you came from USA, not from Ghana, you are American
XXXX: sorry Darling, can we talk about it tomorrow, am too tired for this now
william: Yes Darling But they not understand that..
william: wish that you are here with me so that you will know everything am talking about my love
XXXX: i wish the same, just now
william: Darling you need to post your own Green card don't change anything after they see it finished i will resend it again to you okay Because i know that you need it there
XXXX: Darling, i said... i have to apply the green card
william: Okay Darling so when are you going to post them anytime send them as you send the PlayStation nothing will happened i promise das wäre über UPS...
william: anytime you send them i will come anytime i like you understand me my love.. NEIN, nicht wirklich ... bedeutet das, du kommst nur wenn ich dir meinen Pass und die Greencard schicke?
XXXX: Darling, i like to understand you, but now i need my rest, in my eyes are tears, cause i am so tired
william: okay we can talk about it tomorrow sms me when you come online ok i will be waiting for your sms tomorrow ok
XXXX: okay, and now my Love... have a nice dream about me, i am behind you
william: Okay Sweetheart I lOVE YOU SO MUCH
william: TAKE CARE OK
william: KISS ALWAYS
XXXX: the same to you ,my Love , i love you and need you
XXXX: kisses for the night ... for good sleeping :-*:-*:-*
XXXX(01:07:36): bye Darling
Zitat von Schnuckelach du je.... kann das bitte gelöscht werden?
gelöscht kein Problem = Scambaiter
In Antwort auf:
william: Okay Darling if the Bank man don't give you the money you can give my phone number to him tell him to sms me so that i will explain everything to him...
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
sofern dass hier jemand alles gelesen hat... und nicht eingeschlafen ist...., ich hätte da mal ein paar Fragen...
ich war noch nie im Ausland, weiß aber, dass die Greencard für einige Länder benötigt wird. Nur... wozu braucht Willi als Amerikaner eine Greencard, um aus Ghana wieder auszureisen? Was will er mit meiner Greencard und meinem Pass? Wenn er Ami ist, die Schwarzen die Weißen hassen, sollten sie doch froh sein, wenn er das Land endlich verlassen will. Kann mir noch vorstellen, dass er die Card benötigt um nach Deutschland zu kommen, aber wozu braucht er dann meine? Selbst wenn er den Flug nach Paris buchen will, da brauch ich doch keine Greencard.
Ich versteh das alles nicht mehr...kann mich jemand aufklären? Heute Abend geht der Spass mit Willi weiter und ich weiß noch nicht, wie ich mich da rausmanövrieren soll.
Zitat von SchnuckelZitat von Schnuckelach du je.... kann das bitte gelöscht werden?
gelöscht kein Problem = Scambaiter
Soweit ich weiß, brauchst Du ein Visa wenn Du in die USA willst...und auch, wenn Du nach Ghana reist. Ein Bürger aus den USA braucht für die Einreise nach Deutschland nur sein Reisepass (Passport) und kann sich eine gewisse Zeit (ich glaube 3 Monate) hier aufhalten. Für eine längere Zeit braucht er auch eine Genehmigung... Eine Greencard braucht er nicht...oder nur, wenn er hier arbeiten will. Was er mit deinem Pass will...keine Ahnung. Wohl für irgendwas missbrauchen.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Greencard siehe: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greencard_(Vereinigte_Staaten)
Eine klassische Greencard gibt es nur in den USA.
Ein US Bürger hat einen Reisepaß und einen Führerschein, sonst nichts!
Ausweis, in unserem Sinn gibt es nicht. Merksatz:
In den USA ist der Führerschein (wir sprechen über US Bürger) die ID schlechthin.
Er wird i.d.R. mit 16 Jahren erworben, und ist - teilweise - zeitlich befristet:
Deutsch Staatsbürger benötigen - als Tourist und Geschäftsmann/Frau -
bis 90 Tage Aufenthalt kein Visum für die USA:
USA Bürger könne 90 Tage Visafrei in die Schengen Staaten einreisen:
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.577 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
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