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Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#1 von alter Schwede , 01.04.2010 20:16

Ekaterina Skvortsova.
28 Jahre

Area Nizhni Novgorod,
City Bor, street Kirov,
house 9,
apartment 22,
post code - 607655. Russian Federation (Yoshkar-ola) in Erfurth / Germany Germany (Munich) , London / UK Netherlands (Maasdijk)* Netherlands ( Maasdijk ) Netherlands (Maasdijk)*

Zum Bait : Dick Darm und Ekatarina

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#2 von alter Schwede , 01.04.2010 21:24

Svetlana Ponomareva

Die Strasse - Baumana 25-18
424000 Kazan

Zum Bait : Svetlana im Angebot

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

zuletzt bearbeitet 01.04.2010 | Top

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#3 von alter Schwede , 01.04.2010 22:45

Elena Borodina

Street LENINA 59.

Die Republik Tatarstan.


The postal index 422550.

The country Russia.
Russian Federation (Yoshkar-ola)*
France (Castres)*

Zum Bait : Ein flotter Dreier mit Elena

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#4 von alter Schwede , 02.04.2010 09:24

Anna Shinkaryova

Die Stadt: Volzhsk,
Den postalischen Kode: 424000,
Die Adresse: die Strasse Lenina 12, die Wohnung 83.
Das Land: Russia,
Russian Federation (Yoshkar-ola)*

Zum Bait : Anna stellt sich vor

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#5 von alter Schwede , 02.04.2010 12:01

Albina 26 Jahre

Kazan , russia

Zum Bait : Marie Godwin aus Polen

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#6 von alter Schwede , 02.04.2010 16:39

Natalya Vasilyeva
Aka : Tala , Anna , Lara ; Helga

Postcode: 424000
Die Straße: Lenina 68

425074, Filippsola
Mira, 16

Germany (Erfurt)*

Zum Bait : Larawebber

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#7 von alter Schwede , 03.04.2010 23:07

Yulya Mozgalina
Aka Eva
25 jahre

Lenina street 7, flat 2.

Zum Bait : Wer bin ich Eva oder Yulya oder doch Oleg ??

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#8 von icewastl , 04.04.2010 03:34

Date of birth: January 12, 1990 Age: 20 Height:5'3" (161 cm) Weight:96 lb (44 kg) Hair color:brown Eyes color:brown Country:Ukraine
City:Odessa Religion:Christian Marital status:single Children:no Smoke:no Alcohol:Never Profession:The dancer Education:Student
English language:middle level Print format for profile



SlideShow » Off Fast Medium Slow

Total photos: 46, bikini photos: 18

Hobbies and interests:
I am the champion of Ukraine in modern dances, also I was one of the best in European competitions. So dances are my main hobby. Also I like reading interesting books, good music and nice people.
About me:
I am very nice, sexy and interesting young lady. Also positive, you can see it in my eyes. I am like a little kitten=) Believe in friendship and real love. I am that kind of person who will never betray or hurt you.
Seeks Partner:
20 - 55 years old
Looking For Men Type:
I need a carying man who will understand me, will bring love to my life and will feel the same from me.

Icewastl der Bergtroll
Es ist das Schicksal des Genies, unverstanden zu bleiben. Aber nicht jeder Unverstandene ist ein Genie.R.W.Emerson

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
40027-11.jpg   40027-14.jpg   40027-15.jpg   40027-18.jpg   40027-6.jpg   40027-9.jpg  

Beiträge: 2.385
Registriert am: 09.03.2006

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#9 von alter Schwede , 04.04.2010 11:55

Rita , 25 Jahre

city of Saratov
Russian Federation (Saratov)*

Zum Bait: Rita

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#10 von icewastl , 07.04.2010 20:51


Date of birth:October 05, 1984
Height:5'6" (170 cm)
Weight:114 lb (52 kg)
Hair color:brunette
Eyes color:blue
Marital status:single
Profession:cooker, teacher, translator
English language:fluent English

Icewastl der Bergtroll
Es ist das Schicksal des Genies, unverstanden zu bleiben. Aber nicht jeder Unverstandene ist ein Genie.R.W.Emerson

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
40381-1.jpg   40381-10.jpg   40381-3.jpg   40381-4.jpg   40381-6.jpg   40381-7.jpg  

Beiträge: 2.385
Registriert am: 09.03.2006

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#11 von alter Schwede , 08.04.2010 23:41

Raisa Zagainova , 31 Jahre

Die Straße Gagarins, das Haus 5.
428 000 Tscheboksary.
Sweden (Stockholm)* NL Maasdijk Germany Düsseldorf Germany (Köln)* Germany (Witzenhausen)*

Zum Bait: Raisa

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#12 von HopSing ( gelöscht ) , 09.04.2010 00:46

So, Männer! Jetzt habt ihr euch die Damen in diesem Thread gaaaanz genau angeschaut.

Und nun sagt mir 5 Gründe, warum man schwul werden könnte.

Also mir fällt nicht ein einziger ein.........

Da sind aber auch ein paar Mädels dabei........


RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#13 von icewastl , 09.04.2010 09:15

Und nun sagt mir 5 Gründe, warum man schwul werden könnte

1. Männer sind treuer ....
2.Frauen unterdrücken uns Männer
3.Männer sind nicht so rationell wie Frauen
4.Männer sind die besten Liebhaber
5.wahre Liebe gibt es nur unter Männern

darum bin ich lesbisch geworden und steh nur auf Frauen

Icewastl der Bergtroll
Es ist das Schicksal des Genies, unverstanden zu bleiben. Aber nicht jeder Unverstandene ist ein Genie.R.W.Emerson

Beiträge: 2.385
Registriert am: 09.03.2006

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#14 von merino , 09.04.2010 12:58

Zitat von icewastl

Und nun sagt mir 5 Gründe, warum man schwul werden könnte

1. Männer sind treuer ....
2.Frauen unterdrücken uns Männer
3.Männer sind nicht so rationell wie Frauen
4.Männer sind die besten Liebhaber
5.wahre Liebe gibt es nur unter Männern

darum bin ich lesbisch geworden und steh nur auf Frauen

auch damit können wir dienen !!!

munter bleiben - (wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten)

Über 90% aller Gewaltverbrechen passieren innerhalb von 24h nach dem Konsum von Brot.

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!

Beiträge: 1.198
Registriert am: 24.02.2009

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#15 von alter Schwede , 12.04.2010 23:34

Diana 29 Jahre
angeblich Lettland ( Riga )

Zum Bait : Diana

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#16 von Scambaiter , 02.10.2012 03:53

An: mich
Datum/Uhrzeit: 27.09.2012 / 17:42(Empfang)
Nachrichtenart: E-Mail | 226 KB Anlagen
Betreff: from Elena
Hello, dear!

I hope you remember me:) My name is Elena and I'm from Ukraine!Here
I'm looking for my beloved man and I want to tell you why I've chosen
this way! I think that the Internet can be the place to find one's
second half. I feel that it can happen here as well as anywhere.

I even feel that the distance is not a barrier. You know, people say
there is no distance in prayer and the same can be said about love.
Love is patience, kindness, understanding, it isn't selfish, it is
giving and nurturing. I think that mutual respect, honesty, and open
communication are critical to a relationship and that is especially
true of Internet and long distance.

Both people have to want it to work out. Both people have to be
committed to it. We can learn about each other through our e-mails and
sharing our photos. This means that we must be frank. I just want you
to tell me anything you think is necessary to be told, and you can ask
me any questions - I will answer you with a pleasure.

I really want to find a good man,because I've just never found the
right one for me. It's simply an email to find out if we are thinking
in the same way, but I'll definitely tell you more about me later, if
you want. Take care and write when you can. I'll be waiting, Elena


An sich nichts besonderes, die übliche Osteuropa Variante - des Romantik Vorschussbetruges.
(Ukraine ABER Provider der IP: Leaseweb Germany GmbH )

Und Elena hat eien dicke Akte:

Der erste Treffer geht an:
Also Glückwunsch an: u254077_Ghost-from-Germany.html

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#17 von Roadrunner , 19.01.2013 06:34


Hier geht's zum Bait ---> Irina und Ona Niere

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.01.2013 | Top

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#18 von Roadrunner , 19.01.2013 06:45

Tatyana aus Tomsk

File name: okn.JPG
File size: 60508 bytes (566x669, 1.3bpp, 19x)
EXIF Summary:

Camera-Specific Properties:

Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 96 dpi
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Image Created: 2010:10:18 08:07:53
Color Space Information: Uncalibrated
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Resolution Unit: i
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EXIF Summary:

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Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows

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Hier geht's zum Bait ---> Tatyana aus Tomsk

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.01.2013 | Top

RE: Russenbräute stellen sich vor !

#19 von Roadrunner , 19.01.2013 08:25

Irina aus Kazan

File name: SL377265.jpg
File size: 463193 bytes (2748x3664, 0.4bpp, 65x)
EXIF Summary: 1/30s f/2.9 ISO80 5.7mm (35mm eq:32mm)

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Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
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ISO Speed Rating: 80
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Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
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Image Created: 2011:10:10 19:53:30
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Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
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Image Generated: 2011:10:09 16:24:47
Image Digitized: 2011:10:09 16:24:47
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Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 28 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:01 15:49:20
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
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Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 83
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Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 5.00 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
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Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
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Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
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Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1018
Bytes of JPEG Data: 8577
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:05:31 17:59:35
Image Digitized: 2011:05:31 17:59:35
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: DSCN2029.JPG
File size: 377989 bytes (3000x4000, 0.3bpp, 95x)
EXIF Summary: 1/30s f/5.0 ISO131 26.8mm (35mm eq:148mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 148 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:01 15:49:49
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Color Space Information: sRGB
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Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
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Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:05:31 18:03:13
Image Digitized: 2011:05:31 18:03:13
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File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: DSCN2073.JPG
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EXIF Summary: 1/740s f/3.8 ISO80 7.3mm (35mm eq:41mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 41 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:02 12:52:14
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
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Exposure Time: 1/740 sec
F-Number: f/3.8
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ISO Speed Rating: 80
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Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 7.30 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
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Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
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Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
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Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
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Bytes of JPEG Data: 6198
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:06:02 13:13:12
Image Digitized: 2011:06:02 13:13:12
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: DSCN4901.jpg
File size: 453997 bytes (3000x4000, 0.3bpp, 79x)
EXIF Summary: 1/6s f/3.5 ISO100 5mm (35mm eq:28mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 28 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:10:14 16:15:55
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Manual
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: Low Gain Up
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 1/6 sec
F-Number: f/3.5
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Fine Weather
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 5.00 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
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Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1018
Bytes of JPEG Data: 9697
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:10:09 16:23:38
Image Digitized: 2011:10:09 16:23:38
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: 2722843.jpg
File size: 146924 bytes (800x584, 2.5bpp, 10x)
EXIF Summary: 1/30s f/3.5 ISO1600 18mm

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: Canon
Camera Model: Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Photographer: unknown
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 240 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 240 dpi
Image Created: 2008:06:05 04:00:44
Exposure Time: 1/30 sec
F-Number: f/3.5
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 1600
Lens Aperture: f/3.5
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 18.00 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 800
Image Height: 584
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Exif IFD Pointer: 236
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 738
Bytes of JPEG Data: 7163
Exif Version: 2.21
Image Generated: 2008:05:31 22:54:14
Image Digitized: 2008:05:31 22:54:14
Shutter Speed: 1/30 sec
Focal Plane Horiz Resolution: 4433 dpi
Focal Plane Vert Resolution: 4453 dpi
Focal Plane Res Unit: i

File name: DSCN2078.JPG
File size: 267302 bytes (3000x4000, 0.2bpp, 135x)
EXIF Summary: 1/585s f/3.9 ISO80 8.6mm (35mm eq:47mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 47 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:07 18:15:01
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: None
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 10/5847 sec
F-Number: f/3.9
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 80
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 8.60 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1018
Bytes of JPEG Data: 5808
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:06:02 13:23:43
Image Digitized: 2011:06:02 13:23:43
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: DSCN2786.JPG
File size: 597930 bytes (3000x4000, 0.4bpp, 60x)
EXIF Summary: 1/41s f/4.5 ISO80 15.1mm (35mm eq:83mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 83 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:07:25 14:53:28
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: None
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 5/207 sec
F-Number: f/4.5
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 80
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 15.10 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 982
Bytes of JPEG Data: 7077
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:07:06 15:07:00
Image Digitized: 2011:07:06 15:07:00
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: DSCN2672.JPG
File size: 319938 bytes (3000x4000, 0.2bpp, 113x)
EXIF Summary: 1/128s f/4.3 ISO400 12.2mm (35mm eq:67mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 67 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:08 15:58:03
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: High Gain Up
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 10/1283 sec
F-Number: f/4.3
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 400
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Auto
Focal Length: 12.20 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1018
Bytes of JPEG Data: 7307
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:06:30 18:24:34
Image Digitized: 2011:06:30 18:24:34
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: DSCN2681.JPG
File size: 340017 bytes (3000x4000, 0.2bpp, 106x)
EXIF Summary: 1/124s f/4.3 ISO173 12.2mm (35mm eq:67mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 67 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:08 15:58:22
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: Low Gain Up
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 5/618 sec
F-Number: f/4.3
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 173
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 12.20 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1018
Bytes of JPEG Data: 6784
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:06:30 18:32:34
Image Digitized: 2011:06:30 18:32:34
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: DSCN2801.JPG
File size: 426606 bytes (3000x4000, 0.3bpp, 84x)
EXIF Summary: 1/164s f/4.1 ISO80 10.1mm (35mm eq:56mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 56 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:11 20:05:18
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: None
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 5/819 sec
F-Number: f/4.1
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 80
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 10.10 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1018
Bytes of JPEG Data: 7255
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:07:06 15:18:31
Image Digitized: 2011:07:06 15:18:31
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: DSCN2816.JPG
File size: 381584 bytes (3000x4000, 0.3bpp, 94x)
EXIF Summary: 1/168s f/3.9 ISO80 8.6mm (35mm eq:47mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 47 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:11 20:05:34
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: None
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 10/1683 sec
F-Number: f/3.9
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 80
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 8.60 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1018
Bytes of JPEG Data: 8112
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:07:06 15:27:17
Image Digitized: 2011:07:06 15:27:17
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: SL377386.JPG
File size: 335816 bytes (1536x2048, 0.9bpp, 28x)
EXIF Summary:

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: Nokia
Camera Model: 3600 slide
Camera Software: V 07.23

Image-Specific Properties:

Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Color Space Information: sRGB
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Image Width: 1536
Image Height: 2048

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Centered
Exif IFD Pointer: 163
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1567
Bytes of JPEG Data: 3477
Exif Version: 2.20
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Digital Zoom Ratio: 1
Image Generated: 2011:02:18 19:16:31
Image Digitized: 2011:02:18 19:16:31

File name: SL377398.jpg
File size: 452938 bytes (1536x2048, 1.2bpp, 21x)
EXIF Summary:

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: Nokia
Camera Model: 3600 slide
Camera Software: V 07.23

Image-Specific Properties:

Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Color Space Information: sRGB
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Image Width: 1536
Image Height: 2048

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Centered
Exif IFD Pointer: 163
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1567
Bytes of JPEG Data: 3561
Exif Version: 2.20
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Digital Zoom Ratio: 1
Image Generated: 2011:02:18 19:18:38
Image Digitized: 2011:02:18 19:18:38

File name: 100_1605.jpg
File size: 312802 bytes (1536x2048, 0.8bpp, 30x)
EXIF Summary:

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: Samsung
Camera Model: S5230

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Width: 1536
Image Height: 2048

Other Properties:

Exif IFD Pointer: 64
Exif Version: 2.10
Image Digitized: 2010:09:08 17:51:15

File name: SL377375.JPG
File size: 155154 bytes (2304x3072, 0.2bpp, 137x)
EXIF Summary: 1/45s f/3.0 ISO100 6.3mm (35mm eq:38mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: Samsung Techwin
Camera Model: <VLUU L730 / Samsung L730>
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 38 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.0
Sensing Method: One-Chip Color Area

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 96 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 96 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:16 17:56:58
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Exposure Time: 1/45 sec
F-Number: f/3.0
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 100
Lens Aperture: f/3.0
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: Flash
Focal Length: 6.30 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 2304
Image Height: 3072
Exposure Index: 1

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 376
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 914
Bytes of JPEG Data: 4870
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2017:03:04 16:21:48
Image Digitized: 2017:03:04 16:21:48
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 3.6
Shutter Speed: 1/45 sec
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

An dieser Stelle kommt ein Video Irina - Irka - Iroshka aus Kazan

File name: DSCN2049.JPG
File size: 594795 bytes (3000x4000, 0.4bpp, 61x)
EXIF Summary: 1/130s f/3.8 ISO80 7.3mm (35mm eq:41mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 41 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:19 15:32:01
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: None
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 1/130 sec
F-Number: f/3.8
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 80
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 7.30 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1018
Bytes of JPEG Data: 10077
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:05:31 18:46:38
Image Digitized: 2011:05:31 18:46:38
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: DSCN2050.JPG
File size: 291765 bytes (3000x4000, 0.2bpp, 123x)
EXIF Summary: 1/30s f/3.7 ISO130 6.4mm (35mm eq:36mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 36 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:19 15:32:30
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: Low Gain Up
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 1/30 sec
F-Number: f/3.7
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 130
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 6.40 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1018
Bytes of JPEG Data: 4802
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:05:31 19:24:01
Image Digitized: 2011:05:31 19:24:01
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: SL375215.JPG
File size: 264860 bytes (2304x3072, 0.3bpp, 80x)
EXIF Summary: 1/60s f/3.8 ISO100 9.9mm (35mm eq:60mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: Samsung Techwin
Camera Model: <VLUU L730 / Samsung L730>
Camera Software: 709291
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.9
Sensing Method: One-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 60 mm

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Created: 2010:11:01 16:32:32
Exposure Time: 1/60 sec
F-Number: f/3.8
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 100
Lens Aperture: f/3.9
Exposure Bias: -0.3 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: Flash, Auto
Focal Length: 9.90 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 2304
Image Height: 3072
Exposure Index: 1
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal

Other Properties:

Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Exif IFD Pointer: 198
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2010:11:01 16:32:32
Image Digitized: 2010:11:01 16:32:32
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 3.7
Shutter Speed: 1/54 sec
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused

File name: SL377273.jpg
File size: 344239 bytes (1536x2048, 0.9bpp, 27x)
EXIF Summary:

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: Nokia
Camera Model: 3600 slide
Camera Software: V 07.23

Image-Specific Properties:

Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Color Space Information: sRGB
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Image Width: 1536
Image Height: 2048

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Centered
Exif IFD Pointer: 163
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1567
Bytes of JPEG Data: 4113
Exif Version: 2.20
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Digital Zoom Ratio: 1
Image Generated: 2011:01:22 15:39:54
Image Digitized: 2011:01:22 15:39:54

File name: SL377274.jpg
File size: 378430 bytes (1536x2048, 1.0bpp, 25x)
EXIF Summary:

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: Nokia
Camera Model: 3600 slide
Camera Software: V 07.23

Image-Specific Properties:

Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Color Space Information: sRGB
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Image Width: 1536
Image Height: 2048

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Centered
Exif IFD Pointer: 163
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1567
Bytes of JPEG Data: 3863
Exif Version: 2.20
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Digital Zoom Ratio: 1
Image Generated: 2011:01:22 15:40:29
Image Digitized: 2011:01:22 15:40:29

File name: SL377309.jpg
File size: 164133 bytes (2304x3072, 0.2bpp, 129x)
EXIF Summary: 1/45s f/3.0 ISO100 6.3mm (35mm eq:38mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: Samsung Techwin
Camera Model: <VLUU L730 / Samsung L730>
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.0
Sensing Method: One-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 38 mm

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 96 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 96 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:23 14:10:55
Exposure Time: 1/45 sec
F-Number: f/3.0
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 100
Lens Aperture: f/3.0
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: Flash
Focal Length: 6.30 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 2304
Image Height: 3072
Exposure Index: 1
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Centered
Exif IFD Pointer: 272
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 970
Bytes of JPEG Data: 5566
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2017:02:26 22:51:06
Image Digitized: 2017:02:26 22:51:06
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 3.7
Shutter Speed: 1/45 sec
DateTime Second Fraction: 406
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused

File name: 100_1602.jpg
File size: 265397 bytes (2748x3664, 0.2bpp, 114x)
EXIF Summary: 1/30s f/2.9 ISO80 5.7mm (35mm eq:32mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Camera Model: KODAK EASYSHARE C180 Digital Camera
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 32 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/2.9
Sensing Method: One-Chip Color Area

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 480 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 480 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:24 17:02:26
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: Low Gain Up
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 33333/1000000 sec
F-Number: f/2.9
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 80
Lens Aperture: f/2.9
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 5.70 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 2748
Image Height: 3664
Exposure Index: 80
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 2748
Image Height: 3664

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 408
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 938
Bytes of JPEG Data: 5121
Exif Version: 2.21
Image Generated: 2008:02:20 13:19:37
Image Digitized: 2008:02:20 13:19:37
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Shutter Speed: 1/30 sec
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

File name: DSCN2040.jpg
File size: 277888 bytes (3000x4000, 0.2bpp, 130x)
EXIF Summary: 1/58s f/3.5 ISO400 5mm (35mm eq:28mm)

Camera-Specific Properties:

Equipment Make: NIKON
Camera Model: COOLPIX L110
Camera Software: Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
Focal Length (35mm Equiv): 28 mm
Maximum Lens Aperture: f/3.5

Image-Specific Properties:

Image Orientation: Top, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution: 300 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 300 dpi
Image Created: 2011:08:25 17:21:25
Rendering: Normal
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Gain Control: High Gain Up
Contrast: Normal
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Normal
Subject Distance Range: Unknown
Exposure Time: 10/581 sec
F-Number: f/3.5
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO Speed Rating: 400
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Metering Mode: Pattern
Light Source: Unknown
Flash: No Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length: 5.00 mm
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000
Color Space Information: sRGB
Image Width: 3000
Image Height: 4000

Other Properties:

Resolution Unit: i
Chrominance Comp Positioning: Co-Sited
Digital Zoom Ratio: Unused
Exif IFD Pointer: 404
Compression Scheme: JPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Horizontal Resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Resolution Unit: i
Offset to JPEG SOI: 1018
Bytes of JPEG Data: 7195
Exif Version: 2.20
Image Generated: 2011:05:31 18:34:35
Image Digitized: 2011:05:31 18:34:35
Meaning of Each Comp: Unknown
Image Compression Mode: 4
File Source: Digital Still Camera
Scene Type: Directly Photographed

Hier geht's zum Bait ---> Irina - Irka - Iroshka aus Kazan

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010


scammer und falsche Papiere???
10 (zehn) Idioten aus Nigeria

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