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Greetings in Jesus Name! The Scambaiter Letters

#1 von Scambaiter , 11.10.2006 02:20

Man sollte wirklich darüber nachdenken, in nicht all zu ferner Zukunft,
Stories und Erlebnisse zu Papier zu bringen. Die Nigeria-Connection liefert täglich Material.

Das - gut aufgearbeitet - sicher ein "Renner" (Neudeutsch: Bestseller) werden könnte.
Andere machen es vor, wie man hier sehen kann.


Zitat von Greetings in Jesus Name! The Scambaiter Letters
Taschenbuch: 512 Seiten
Verlag: Harbour Books Ltd (4. Oktober 2006)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 1905128088
Inhaltsangabe - Beschreibung:
Synopsis (Zusammenfassung)
With warm hearts I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope this letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising to you to receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally. However, I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction, which I propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity.

My name is Jacob Kamala the son of Mr. A.Y. Kamala, a farmer from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country. As led by my instinct, I decided to contact you through email...

The above, or something similar, is familiar to all of us now: letters asking us for money for orphans, for victims of hurricanes, letters telling us we've won the Spanish lottery, letters telling us we have been contacted because we are known to be of good integrity and could be trusted to bank $30 million in our saving's account, for a generous fee of 10 per cent of the sum. To most of us, the letters are an irritant.

To Michael Berry, they are a call to arms. For the last five years, he has replied to the scammers emails, expressing an interest in their propositions and then spending days, weeks, even months leading them down the garden path with his hilarious requests and misunderstandings. He's had them selling paintings to Del Trotter Antiques, writing out by hand an entire "Harry Potter" novel, booking expensive hotels for his no-show personas, posing with fish on their hands to prove their sincerity (!), believing he's been kidnapped by the CIA, or been killed by an out of control car just outside the office at which he was going to make a payment to them, and cruelest of all falling in love with him as he pretends to be Gillian Anderson.

His revenges are funny, often savage and, as he reminds us, wholly justified - these people are heartless thieves. And not only does he entertain us with his leg-pulling, Michael tells us how to bait the scammers ourselves - fun we can all have at home!

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Greetings in Jesus Name! The Scambaiter Letters

#2 von Sven Udo , 12.10.2006 05:14

...die Idee ist gut. Nur Zeit müsste man haben.
Ich kenne ja Shiver Metimbers als Macher und Betreiber von,
und habe schon einige Baits verfolgt.

Warnung diese Texte sind nicht für Jugendliche geeignet! WARNING: Very Adult Content!

Und dort kann man viele Stories lesen, unter anderem diese:
Creaming and Milky Things. A 100% risk-free tale of love and lust
Starring Nelson Otudo and Sylvia Saint : Baited and produced by Jon Barry - jonbarry[ätt]breathe[Punkt]com
Copyright © 2006

Hier die original Anzeige für das Buch: GREETINGS IN JESUS NAME! The Scambaiter Letters by Michael Berry
Sven Udo.

Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 12.10.2006 | Top

RE: Greetings in Jesus Name! The Scambaiter Letters

#3 von M.C. Kanada , 13.10.2006 04:44

Gute Neuigkeiten: Mike aka Shiver Metimbers vom 419eater schreibt:
Zitat von Mike
Von: "419eater admin" <admin [ätt]> Ins Adressbuch
An: ***
Betreff: Re: Link on your Website
Datum: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:02:29 +0100

Thanks for your email and I will be happy to add your link to my site-links,
and in fact by the time you read this your link will be online.

Good luck with your site and I wish you lots of success.


Mike Site Admin

Mike von 419eater, hat unseren Link schon eingebaut:


Scambaiter Deutschland - Impressive looking site in German. [Eindrucksvolle Seite auf Deutsch]
M.C. Kanada - Wahlspruch
>> A Mari Usque Ad Mare <<

M.C. Kanada
Beiträge: 92
Registriert am: 12.02.2006


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