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David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#1 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 30.08.2012 13:50

Soooo, ich hatte die letzten 5 Wochen dann auch das Vergügen mit einem Scammer. Kontakt kam über Facebook Sehr nett, sehr höflich .... hier seine Vorstellungsmail nach den ersten blabla-mails:

David Williams 14. Juli 01:43
My New found friend, thank you very much for your sharing about your life styles, and hope you are enjoying your weekend over there with friends and family, and I guess you should truly know who I am ,I don't really know how this is to work, but hey! here is an exclusive. If at my age i do not know what and when to say, then what would i be? When a wise man sees he has probably spent about half of his time in life already, he begins to assess his main goals in life. What could be more important than a happy ending? LOL,. A man needs to live his life full of joy and happiness. No matter his achievements, he is reduced to nothing if he has no crown to complete him and that is a woman to call his own wife and Best friend. A woman who knows that even while arguing they still need to hold hands. A woman whom i can call a partner in crime, lol A woman whom you can tell anything, share with and listen to all the time, How could you think anything can make you happier in life than finding a love that knows no bound. To make you know more about me, I will break this down to segments and it would be like a case study.


I am David Willams most friends call me Dav, I was born to a loving couple a home, By a Italian couple in durham. My father was an international business man of Sugar Cane Exportation for wine who met his wife from a business partner lol. She says there was something about the man that no woman could ever resist. sometimes she says she sees same in me,lol. During my father's global movement, while i was twelve i left to study in lethridge Alberta in Canada where i got the first degree as a Gemologist and then i later moved on to Join my mother back in the durham. My father died and she was left alone, before i return back to the Aberdeen where i stay now to start up my business in Gem collection and insurance.

I am a Gemologists, As a Gemologists study these factors while valuing or appraising cut and polished gemstones. Gemological microscopic study of the internal structure is used to determine whether a gem is synthetic or natural by revealing natural fluid inclusions, and included partially melted exogenous crystals to demonstrate evidence of heat treatment to enhance color.
The spectroscopic analysis of cut gemstones also allows a gemologist to understand the atomic structure and identify its origin as it is a major factor in valuing a gemstone.

I have worked very much in different countries as my work allow me to travel doing research program under and working with Gulf Partners, and more Russian agency on construction of sea bridge an others..


I have told you how my typical dream day would be like, i just want to spend the rest of my life enjoying the fruit of my labour. I just want a woman who would be my best friend and everything. You know someone whom we would still love each other more as the days pass by, even when we cant make love anymore and all we could do is play bingo and ping pong ,LOL.

I am a total package , i only need someone who understands the value of a good smile.

I cant wait to hear back from you i will go to bed now talk to you again when i hear you!!

Your turn!

Läßt sich ziemlich im gleichen Wortlaut ergoogeln

Wir chatteten hin und her und klar: er verliebte sich, wollte mich heiraten ... kann ich verstehen, ich bin ja auch eine nette

Letzte Woche wollte er mich besuchen kommen, aber wie das Leben so spielt, kam ein lukrativer Auftrag in Saudi Arabien dazwischen. Wo er derzeit noch weilt .... den Auftrag der Mine hänge ich als pdf an. Ich warte seitens der Saudis noch auf Bestätigung, daß es tatsächlich ihr Dokument ist ...

Ferner kontaktierte ich diese Firma: wo er angeblich für arbeitet ... eine Antwort steht noch aus ...

Jedenfalls ging es letzten Freitag dann los, daß er meine Hilfe bräuchte ... sein Geld sei in Malaysia investiert. Ich solle die 1.800.000,00 USD auf mein Konto transferieren, da es dort aufgrund von Unruhen wegen bevorstehender Wahlen nicht mehr sicher sei. Er gab mir die Bankdaten:

Affin bank of Malaysia
Mr. Gafoor Mohd
Finance manager

und schickte eine Mail an den Herrn, daß ich alles weitere abwickeln werde:


From - Fri Aug 24 13:36:23 2012
X-Account-Key: account1
X-UIDL: 1135784155.20735
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 02:53:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Williams <>
Reply-To: David Williams <>
Subject: Letter of Authorization.
To: "" <>
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To the Finance Manager
Affin bank of Malaysia
Mr Gafoor Mohd.

Dear Sir,

This is a letter of Authorization for my wife XXX to take charge over the transfer of our funds to our Germany account by telegraphic wire transfer.

Kindly correspond with her and grant acess of transfer and wire.

Yours Sincerely

Mr David Williams

Die IP läßt sich in Malaysia orten ....

Mr. Mohd nahm natürlich Kontakt zu mir auf:

From - Wed Aug 29 11:36:35 2012
X-Account-Key: account1
X-UIDL: 1135784155.20755
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
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Return-Path: <>
Received: from ([]) by
with esmtp id 1T6egU-09gprU0; Wed, 29 Aug 2012 11:35:38 +0200

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email sent to this office with the content noted.

We have also received the letter of authorization issued by your husband and we have resolved to inform you that the amount stipulated in your email is presently in your husband account pending activation. Due to the inactive nature of the account, transfer of funds from the account has been prohibited. In order to activate this account, you are advised to make a a payment of $5,200.00( five thousand two hundred united states dollars) to our transfer department as soon as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Mr. Gafoor Mohd
Finance Manager
Affin Bank Malaysia

Diese IP ließ sich in Californien orten ....

Gestern schrieb Herr Mohd dann auf meine Anfrage nach Zahlungsempfänger, Konto-Nr., BIC und IBAN-No.:

Sequel to our telephone conversation, below is the details of our Account Officer for the payment via Western Union Money Transfer Service:

Receiver's Name: Dickson Rasak
Receiver's Address: 17th Floor Menara AFFIN 80, JVerpetzstelle Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

You are advised to forward the payment receipt to me as soon as payment is made.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Mr. Gafoor Mohd
Finance Manager

Leider besuchte ich inzwischen die Homepage der Bank und mir fiel auf, daß diese einen anz anderen Server haben als Herr Mohd. So fragte ich dort via Mail an, ob er Mohd im Unternehmen bekannt sei. Die Antwort kam diese Nacht: selbstverständlich nicht!!!

Da ich mich gestern nicht mehr meldete,, hatte ich dann am Abend und heute früh diverse Anrufe, die ich nicht entgegen nahm ...

Hier das Ergebnis der Google-Bildersuche:

Die Bilder zeigen alle den australischen Schauspieler David Smith:

zuletzt bearbeitet 30.08.2012 13:51 | Top

RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#2 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 30.08.2012 14:10

Ach ja, Telefonnummern hat der Herr auch:

Handy: +447874625684
und die übliche UK-Nr.: +447031996030

Dazu noch eine 22jährige Tochter, die mich bereits Mummy nennt und via mit mir kommuniziert. IP ebenfalls in Malaysia zu orten ...

Da der gute David verwitwet ist, leben seine Kinder Sandra und Russio bei seiner 87jährigen Mutter in seiner Heimatstadt Mailan6 ...


RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#3 von MRW ( gelöscht ) , 30.08.2012 14:16

Hallo Kalimera,

herzlich willkommen im Forum! Ich muss sagen, du hast sehr gut alleine recherchiert. In der Tat ist es so, dass sich viele Scammer aus Westafrika in Malaysia aufhalten. Die ausstehenden Antworten erübrigen sich eigentlich. Schon allein die Tatsache, dass sich ein Bankangestellter Geld per Western Union schicken lassen will und nicht über ein Konto verfügt ist lächerlich.

Noch viel Spass hier!

Liebe Grüsse Mrs. Williams


RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#4 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 30.08.2012 14:24


Noch viel Spass hier!

Naja, lieber wäre mir, so ein Forum ist unnötig ... und ich hoffe, so etwas nie wieder zu brauchen!

Jedenfalls wünsche ich mir, daß ich anderen mit dem Eintrag hier helfen kann.

zuletzt bearbeitet 30.10.2014 23:41 | Top

RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#5 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 30.08.2012 16:32

Skype hat er auch ... habe ich fast vergessen:

Skype Name: david.williams1497
Ort: salt lake, utah, usa
Tel.: +18018720317
Kontakte bis dato: 8
keine Webcam ;-)


RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#6 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 31.08.2012 11:33

Hier der herzerweichende Chat, der dem ganzen Bankgedöns vorausging. Sehr schön zu sehen, wie mir immerwieder ein schlechtes Gewissen gemacht werden soll::

David Williams

Hello sweetie .. How are you doing my love .. Oh my god I miss you is much,. This job is really killing me so much my wife ..

What happens with the job`?

David Williams

Honey it has not been easy for me for the past 48hour s coup with the presently stress from my supplier losting all my investment funds from the supplier I did as their government is shaking .

Because of their oppression party try to win the election


Sorry, I need longer to translate ..

David Williams

Okay let me explain to you in details so that you can understand it in details .


where come the suppliers from`?

David Williams

I did a supplier of diamond and gold used in designing the kind of Malaysia palace and their celebration

David Williams

I mean the king palace of Malaysia

The supplier it worth is millions suppose and was only paid mobilization fees for 20%


and now`?

David Williams

The supplier is from me

Now their is problem with the contractor base on polities as there is an oppression party now ..


you are the supplier`?

David Williams

Yes I am the supplier honey and I used loan money from the bank for the transaction

It was a contract supplier scheme


and they will pay only 20% - but you have to pay all to the bank + interest`?

you're still there`?`?`?

David Williams

I received a notification today which bring the news.. I am very confuse and heart breaking if this happen I will lost all my funds for the supplier due to change of government because I got the contract from an insider sources ... Honey did only paid me 20% during the supplier which I used in paying other miners .

My capital and profit funds has not be paid yet ... This is funds hanging now ... But I have been advised that I should act immediately within the next 48 hours or I will lost it.

There have already deposited the funds in the bank in my names there in Malaysia bank .. Now I am suppose to transfer it immediately to my correspondent bank .


Sorry - I'm speechless in the moment. Try to undestand what you write and what it means to you ....

David Williams

Honey I it mean that I am about to lost my funds in Malaysia 1,890,567 Dollars

$ 1, 890,567.00

If I don't act immediately with the transfer given within the next 48 hours

Do you understand?


I know. That's what I understood ... but what to do now`? I'm still trying to translate the rest so that I can understand all ...

David Williams

Okay if you don't understand anything just let me know .. So that I can make it clear to you...

What I need to do now on the advise side is for me transfer this funds out of Malaysia as soon as possible or I will lost it


okay - the other fund sends money so you can react within 48 h`? Sorry, you are so excited ... writing without punctuation ... makes it a bit difficult for me ... but I do my best!!!

David Williams

Okay I understand baby my heart is just running too fast..


you can transfer out of Saudi`?

David Williams

No baby I don't have an account in Saudi


Can you access from Saudi on your account in Malaysia '?

Is there anything you can do out of Saudi`?

David Williams

There said the account is an online account where the funds was deposit and yes the bank said I can access it online and transfer also . But there is another problem, I can't transfer this funds to my account in London because it would taken by the bank and my company also.

I am suppose to have another account for it which I didn't open yet .

At the moment I can't do anything outside Malaysia

Sorry I mean I can't do anything outside Saudi

Until I finish my job here at the hole minning .


You can't open an account tomorrow in a bank in Saudi`? To transfer there and later you will think with rest what to do ...

David Williams

I am a foreigner here in Saudi remember .. I came for job for only 7 days

I can't open an account here


there are enough banks where you can open an account online ...

in Europe ...

David Williams

Honey it is not possible for me now.. I am in the hole and I am only using my phone to chat with you at the moment .. You are almost the only person I am communicating to right now in the outside world

You are the only person that can help me out right now honey



David Williams

Honey you are the only person that I can trust also now... I can give you the bank access and login when I get it from the Malaysia bank

And you will transfer the funds to your account in Germany

Since I will be coming over after my job here

Do you want me to translate it


Are you crazy`? You know what will happen here when I get the money`?`?`? That are not some 50 € ... And in suspected of money laundering they are not funny here!
Banking secrecy is in fact abolished in Germany! Hehe - ich denke, ab hier wußte er, das wird hart ....

David Williams

Honey I have all the legal documentation that proves it my money and clean

You are my wife and I will never do anything to put you in trouble


Give me time to think ... I know it's urgent ... but I need some minutes

David Williams

You are who I trust baby

Who I love and adore

Okay baby I will be waiting .. Beside how are you doing


Also, when I'm in jail `?

Why there is no fund manager `?

Why can not the money to England `?

And who the hell ever makes such a shitty business'?


I'm still thinking ...

David Williams

Oh honey you are you getting it wrong no jail.. The money is clean and why will I want to put my wife in troubles.. I am can't do that.. If you really trust words.

It is okay if you can't do it for me .

I explained everything to you ... Wish I was not in this hole I can do it myself ... Wanted to let you know my problem as my soul mate .


What will you do with the money when you're here`? And I have to pay tax on that shit. If it was just 5 minutes on my account ...

David Williams

I need to pay some of it to bank as the loan I took before and get a home in germany from part also.. Honey know that I trust you so much that anyone on earth right .

The taxation is not the problem


no problem .... sure. My account, I have to pay ... perhaps so much I will never earn ... sorry I'm laughing

David Williams

I am betray you darling why do you think that way now my XXX

Sorry I mean I can't betray you my love.. Are you laughing at me ??.


David - I am overwhelmed!

David Williams

Baby I know ... Should I say we are blessing for each other? - Na, da geht einem doch das Herz auf!!!


No! It's more a ... I don't know what kind of laugh ... it's all so crazy!

David Williams

Are you surprise that I have such funds?


no, not really

David Williams

Okay I understand maybe you are excited and surprise about our future coming together been positive as we have planned honey .. I believed this is our destiny .. Honey you don't have any saving for the future.


saving for the future is working - don't worry! - [gruen]hmmm, hier bekam er wohl Hoffnung. er kennt unsere gesetzl Rente nicht ... [/gruen]

David Williams

Okay that good I believe my wife is intelligent lol.. Honey I have we have to send the email on email only by morning when I can have access to the Internet with laptop outside this hole ... I will email you all the information and access the account to start the transfer


ahhh - I see - my master thinks to have me

When you're here we go to the next bank and you will open your own account there! Then we transfer your money to this.

David Williams

Okay baby that a great idea my queen...


No idea - my condition!

Es folgt belangloses Blabla ....

Der nächste Morgen ...


Since days you're telling me that you're without connection

Now I see you're on line the whole night ...

You told you'll have a laptop today ... why shall I do the transfer`? You can do at yourself ...

Why can't the money to your account in England`? I don't understand when everything is legal ..

It's all strange to me. There are only questions and no answers.

Only one fact: I don't know you! All I have are words .... everybody can write all this ..


I also asked for the flight. Flight no., arrival time in xxx .... up to now you gave no answer ...

It's all hard to believe ... I have a bad feeling at the moment.


And why don't you transfer the money to your Mum's account when it has to be a strange account ... she's your family!

Why you burden me with this`?`?`?


Finally: don't try to get in touch with me anymore. I will not pick up the phone and I wll not answer to anything you will write.

All this is not what I want or wish. Sorry, but I can't decide in any other way.

You don't know me and you overwhelmed me in all ways. There is no trust anymore.

David Williams

what are you talking about here?

i can't just hold my hands together any-more to think about what i have read from you this morning..

I logged on through my phone and now you call it a lies to you?

What's your sorry for?

that your words are full of heart breaks?

dear i have no words but tears..

David Williams

What will i tell my kids and mother? we built future together and now its sounds strange? This is to tell me that you never had feelings for me XXX ..

but its okay let God be the Judge!!!


Do you know what you did to me yesterday??? With this request?

Why do you bring me in this situation? Why don't you ask friends or business partners for help? WHY ME???

I know nothing about your job, I know nothing about such sums, I don't know how to handle ... but all this doesn't matter to you.

And again you give no answer to any question ...

Sorry, all this is no love.

We are writing since 5 weeks - I never met you, I never saw you .... do you know what you expect from me here??? You have only a very very small idea how I feel?


And they will lock my account when I receive this sum. Suspicion of money laundering. Then I have to explain from where the money comes. And I do not have papers here - nothing, absolutely nothing! And an locked account ... therefore I can not make any more payments until everything is cleared up ... and who knows if it can be clarified!

Sorry, confidence is good ... but somewhere there is a limit. And this was exceeded! All I have are words from someone I don't really know ...

David Williams

And after here broken you look and i don't look, you removed me from you friend list?

Look at the words you keep using for me "someone I don't really know"

Tell me, what do you actually gain in treating our relationship?


it is like this, or not??? .... seen realistically ... - immer dieses Gezicke

David Williams

Do you want to know how strong i would be or if i will run away from you?

If you said you ever asked me of time of arrival to your place and get me the conversation lone to read!

what did i do wrong that you break my heart and get my sad always?

Is that how you treat your man? by treating your relationship?

You said you won't talk to me again what made you write a word?

Dear, we are Adults and not kids any-more!! wake up..!!


What would you advise your daughter? If she were in my situation and with our history? After 5 weeks writing. With someone she never saw?

David Williams

Do you know the meaning of that word? LOVE


Exactly! We are adults!

And adults do not act on instinct. They use their minds.

And my mind tells me to do anything which I can not overlook!

David Williams

Sorry but i need to work now...You have made up your mind to make me suffer these way!!


I wrote you what will happen here, if I have the money! I will have no account any longer .... until all is clarified!

David Williams

am not sure you suffer


the answer does not surprise me.


You want me here without account for a while .... do you know what that means tome????? I think it's time that you wake up!

David Williams

you have made up your mind to destroy what we set up for a long time so i don't think you will suffer like what is going through my mind now

what are you talking about? who is going to take your account?


the german laws will lock my account! If you don't read what I write ...

David Williams

for what?


I wrote all!!!

Suspicion of money laundering!

David Williams

there is nothing to lock, the of Malaysia will have notify the reason why the money is coming in to you

if your bank ask..

David Williams

XXX what do you want?

David Williams

Am i stranger to you really?


Your money problem is strange to me ... I don't know how many 0 these numbers have you're talking about .... it scares me!

David Williams

why did you remove from your list?

XXX what is your problem in generally because you making me confuse.. i don't get your point please.. i am the Middle in losting my everything i told you about before you slept.. i am the one who need help.

Just tell me you want to walk away from me... i was shock you call me a total stranger when i take you so dear to my heart as my wife.

i don't understand your fear or this is your kind of person? i have explained everything to you. you either be in or out!!! but i trusted and love you and never expected you have lack of confident on our love..


I give you my account details. Then you can transfer the money.

I open another account later and let my salary then transfer there. Over the weekend I have time to book all standing orders and direct debits to the new account ...

For the case they will lock the other account ...

That's all I can offer. And I beg you to transfer by yourself. I don't want to do that! I will not book in strange accounts! I hope you can accept that.

David Williams

why don't listen to me .. i told you the situation last night that i don't have access to the internet.. i am communication with you with my phone


facebook is no internet????

David Williams

I wish i am not inside this hole i would have been able to take care of the transfer myself.. i don't much time now as i need to return back to the technical resolve department. the account belongs to me.

phone connection

do you even believe me or not


so write all I have to know and I will do ...

David Williams

I am not forcing you please.. if it from your mind let me know, you don't have to accept because you want to safe me


Give me the data! So I have it behind me ...

David Williams

hold .. i will type it for you now

David Williams

facebook and phone connection come on.. i was surprise when you said i was online all through the night on facebook. don't you know that i connected my phone to facebook so that i can talk to you

I am doing all my best to stay connected to you all the time and you call me stranger for our love

David Williams

this bank details.. Affin bank of Malaysia
Mr. Gafoor Mohd
Finance manager

David Williams

I will send the bank an email now and cc you a copy to inform them you are going to proceed with the transfer to your account as my wife



David Williams

i also want you to send am email to them also.. to Mr Gafoor Mohd about the transfer


what shall I write him?

David Williams

write him that you want to start the transfer of your husband funds.. i always sent an email to them and there expecting you to contact them.


you sent the mail? me in cc? didn't receive anything ...

David Williams

i am writing it...

i have sent an email to the bank honey and send cc you a copy .. check if you got it because i used my phone


nothing up to now ...

David Williams

check your email please .. as i need to be sure


I got it now ... you wrote my name wrong .... tzzzz

David Williams

oh the s

it is okay i think as it just typo error that why you need yo write the bank now honey


just did it

and now? How will it go on?

I promise you - if you will not be here on monday ....

David Williams

Okay baby that great.. there would be contacting you soonest since i have given the Authorization.. oops did you provide them with your telephone number for verification?


ups - no .... but I'm off the next 2 hours .... going home, shopping and all this ...

David Williams

okay.. try and email them your phone number because there would want to call for verification.. it is already closed hour in Malaysia so i am sure it would be still tomorrow before they can get back to us or maybe the customer service 24 hours would

I am not sure but please be on the watch honey




When will you be here on Monday? Wich flight no., time a.s.o..

David Williams

Honey i have not bought my ticket yet.. you will have to buy me a ticket sweetie when the funds are in your account because i don't have any money with me - langsam nervt die Alte ...


it's weekend in Germany ... the money is earliest in my account on monday. And when they lock it there is no money at all. Bravo!

forget it ... i'm not surprised about your answer

my trust isn't very big today and this gives me the rest now

What the hell are you playing`?`?`?

Nobody goes abroad without money or credit card, without flight back .... don't try to tell me that you're so stupid.


Yesterday you told me all the crap with the bank is an emergency ... now you show me that it is all planned ....

Go and find someone else you can muck around. I will not go in contact to your bank.

Leave me alone!!!

This is really the last thing I have ever experienced. What do you think how stupid I am`?

David Williams

I think your Ignorant is really showing up???


think what you want!

David Williams

Dear please, its okay!! you have done what you want for now "Leave me alone!!! too.. That's your words to me..

You have just showed me what you are really made of!! but thanks for these Adventure, you have teach me a lesson of my life, all the trust in you!! this is what i get insults disappointments!!


Sure - I'm the bad guy ...

You're telling stories which don't fit together and it's my fault

Quite simply your point of view.

But it's okay.


Trust`? I had the same trust in you ...

David Williams

babe why do want to kill me?

i left my job for the day to put things of our own benefits in other and here you are putting blames..

dear, am a business man and i know how i travel and what the risk can be!! You tell me that am a big joke for telling you stories that doesn't fall in line..

you call me names!!

now here you are telling about "hurt" check the conversation again then tell me where i have gone wrong? As my wife my woman i gave up all trust and put my hope in you!!!! Opening up to you in cost of transferring my money our money for safety now its a crime for you!! Secondly: I tell you that i don't have money on me here you said its a "Stupid man" that can do that!! what manner of person are you? A woman that calls her man bad names? OMG! XXX tell me how you will feel when i drop that kind of words to you as a Good morning mail?
David Williams
David Williams

please don't destroy me...Be your self for the now, that's what you really want! thank you!


you told me you would be here on monday ... coming directly from Saudi airport ...

and now you tell me you have no ticket!!!

And I don't crime you - the German laws will crime me! But you don't want to understand this fact! You ignore it!


Nevertheless I said I will do it! In the knowing what will happen to me ... and in the trust you'll be here on monday.... and we can clearify it all with my bank ...

But no - you will not be here and I'm alone with this shit. YOUR shit!


You let me down!
And all you can is to blame me!

You're perfect - no mistakes on your side. Only I'm wrong.

David Williams

Why shouldn't i ignore it when i keep on telling you the same thing? You still use bad languages on me "Shit"

Go on, i don't know why you didn't block me here!! Don't worry i don't need facebook any more after here i will have De-activate this.

David Williams

XXX what your problem ...??? I don't know why you are always on the bad side picking ... Why can't you just ask how I can make it to Germany by monday . Why will I want a transfer to your account if I am not coming? Don't you think?? Sometimes I think you get me so wrong .. But to be honest what your problem ?


Why shall I ask something when I got the answer already 3 h ago`?

Here yourwords:
Honey i have not bought my ticket yet.. you will have to buy me a ticket sweetie when the funds are in your account because i don't have any money with me

And I told you that the money can't be here before monday .... it's weekend!

So it's impossible that you can come as you said one week ago ...

And why don't you tell me that you'll be here as promised! Why shall I ask what you can do`?

I would have all understanding when your work needs lon6ger ... but in this case now ... pffffffff

David Williams

Honey you know that I am working .. Getting a ticket here Monday would be possible for me only in the morning by 10.45am


what do you mean`? I don't understand ...

Monday 10.45 . bying a ticket, taking off, arrival here ... what`?



David Williams

yes and that it just it

I was bought a two ticket before the company obtain for me and i cant use that

Und weil ich ja recht renitent bin, kam noch diese Mail hinterher:

Been with some one that has got your qualities in life is all i ever wanted in my life time i could barely speak any-more as you have been the words that comes form my mouth, i love you and i truly do and i wouldn't want what happened between us last night to repeat again XXX. All i need is a happy family dear, i kept on asking my self yesterday why am i the only fool seen in this crazy feeling as i don't even ask the same questions that my partner ask me!! But as we have sorted it last night i want it not be a story or words to look back at, but let it be in the best and never be spoken!! I love you XXX, you should know me wall as i don't like "arguments" and i don't wish for any till our life comes to an end as husband and wife!! Honey please be mine and never let go off me again my heart is "fragile" am so emotional easy to hurt but for the one i love, i take anything just not let go!! Please babe anything i have done wrong to you i need forgiveness form you and forget it also don't bear it in mind to use it against me any day!! I care about you, our happiness is what i fight for. I promise not to tell you lies as you know i hate to be lied to.. I stop here to get things done now.. XXXi can't wait to be there with you soon as to kneel and ask you for one thing i have never asked any other woman in my life after my wife passed away(will you marry me?) Honey don't say no to me please as my heart will beark at the risk of death.I love you and against all odd!! For me coming to Germany to you tomorrow still based on what i told you before dear, I have got no money with me here and the "Bank cards can't work while am in the mining holes you should know this too babe..

Take care of my kids/friends for me as i long to meet them soon in good health full of smiles and happiness with a good understand between us all as a big family..I love you so much my wife..

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.08.2012 19:16 | Top

RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#7 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 31.08.2012 11:42

Seit seinem Anruf gestern Abend habe ich nichts mehr gehört .... nicht mal eine Anfrage, ob es mir gut geht ..... ehrlich, ich sollte beleidigt sein!!!

Auch Mr. Mohd hat seit gestern früh nicht mehr angerufen oder gemailt ...


RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#8 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 31.08.2012 12:46

Hier die Bilder, die seine "Tochter Sandra Dario" schickte. Angeblich sie, die Mutter, der Bruder und ihr Freund.

Über google sind die Bilder nicht zu finden ....

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.09.2012 03:22 | Top

RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#9 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 31.08.2012 13:10

Und hier das Schreiben der saudischen Mine - die gibt es tatsächlich, auch das Logo stimmt. Adresse, Tel.-Nr. ebenfalls. Gefälscht wird es trotzdem sein ... leider melden sich die Saudis nicht ...

*seufz* - da sitzt er immernoch auf seinem Schiff bei der offshore Mine, ohne Internetz und ohne Rückflugticket ....


RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#10 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 31.08.2012 19:50

Gerade erhalten:



Thank you for your email. This man that you have mentioned does not work for
Gemisphere and has no affiliation with our company. Thank you for bringing
this problem to our attention.

Thank you!


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-----Original Message-----
From: XXX
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 10:23 PM
To: ***; ***; ***
Subject: WWW Email to Gemisphere -

Below is an E-mail message to "Discovery."
It was submitted by (XXX) on Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at

name: XXX

email_message: Dear Ladies and Sirs,

this man claims to be working
for you.
In fact he writes women, promises a marriage and asks for money. His mails
come from malaysia .... instead of the UK where he allegedly lives. Further
he told that he is in Saudi Arabia by the moment....

He wants me to pay him money via Western Union ...

Can you confirm that you know this man?

Thanks in advance,

Er selber hat soeben noch einmal angerufen .... gut so, war schon sauer, daß die Liebe so schnell verraucht ....

Wie ist das eigentlich bei euch anderen gewesen? Gab es da nur das Liebesgesäusel???
Wir unterhielten uns über alles mögliche. Literatur, Reisen, Geschichte und wir hatten den gleichen schrägen Humor und somit auch viel gelacht und Spaß gehabt ...

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.08.2012 19:58 | Top

RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#11 von floh67 , 31.08.2012 21:08

Zitat von kalimera im Beitrag #10

Wir unterhielten uns über alles mögliche. Literatur, Reisen, Geschichte und wir hatten den gleichen schrägen Humor und somit auch viel gelacht und Spaß gehabt ...

Ja, genauso ist es... leider. Diese Erfahrung haben wohl einige von uns machen müssen. Ob Frau oder Mann, bei der Partnersuche gibt man (aus gutem Willen) wohl manchesmal mehr preis, als im allgemeinen... registriert das Interesse am eigenen Leben und merkt nicht, dass man über bestimmte Dinge einfach nur ausgehorcht wird.

"Es ist leichter die Menschen zu täuschen, als sie zu überzeugen, dass sie getäuscht worden sind.'' (Mark Twain)

Beiträge: 2.044
Registriert am: 25.03.2011

RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#12 von The_fast_learner , 31.08.2012 22:54

Besser hätte ich es auch nicht sagen können. Es entspricht vollends meinen Erfahrungen und meiner Lesart.

Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)

Beiträge: 2.863
Registriert am: 28.02.2010

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.08.2012 | Top

RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#13 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 01.09.2012 07:47

Das blöde an facebook ist ja, sobald jemand als Freund hinzugefügt wird, kann er das kpl. Profil sehen (meins ist für Fremde kpl. geschlossen). Obwohl ich fast nie etwas für alle Freunde sichtbar poste, sondern immer nur für meine angelegten Listen, wird er genug sehen. Z.B Bilder von Reisen und leider auch paar Familienfotos .. die werden wohl irgendwann mal als seine Familie benutzt... Meinen Arbeitsplatz kann er via google finden ... fragt sich nur, was ihm das nutzt? An Schlägertrupps glaube ich nicht wirklich .... oder gibt es da gegenteilige Erfahrungen?

Gestern Abend kam noch eine sms ... warum ich seine Anrufe nicht mehr entgegen nähme, was los sei ...

Keine emails mehr - nicht bei facebook und auch so nicht. Wobei ich glaube, er ist bei facebook schon gesperrt, bevor ich die Profile alle meldete ... er simste irgendwann, er könne mich auf facebook nicht mehr finden ...

Herr Finanzmanager Mohd und meine neue Tochter Sandra melden sich auch nicht mehr ....

Ein bißchen mehr Einsatz für mich als sein holdes Eheweib + 5200 $ + etwaige Folgezahlungen dürfte es schon sein .... also ehrlich! Was denkt der, wie billig ich bin? ;-)


RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#14 von floh67 , 01.09.2012 12:41

@ kalimera.. Man weiß nie sicher, ob hinter dem Scammer nur einer steckt oder mehrere. Sie sind teilweise gut organisiert und haben ihre Kontakte, dank der Globalisierung, leider auch hier in Deutschland.

"Es ist leichter die Menschen zu täuschen, als sie zu überzeugen, dass sie getäuscht worden sind.'' (Mark Twain)

Beiträge: 2.044
Registriert am: 25.03.2011

zuletzt bearbeitet 01.09.2012 | Top

RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#15 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 01.09.2012 13:36

Ich weiß Floh.Ich will das auch gar nicht herunterspielen.

Denn alleine ich habe es mit zwei Scammern zu tun. Mein Mann David und Herr Mohd. Herr Mohd ist definitiv nicht David. Dafür sind die Stimmen zu verschieden.

Ich gehe davon aus, daß ich jetzt öfter Scammer-Mails erhalte. Ggf. werden meine Bilder mißbraucht ... und mein Mugu wird vielleicht noch paar mal anrufen und simsen ... aber bislang ist das eher human. Terrorisiert fühle ich mich nicht von ihm ... und Drohungen irgendeiner Art blieben bislang auch aus.

An persönlichen Besuch glaube ich nicht wirklich. Dies würde Öffentlichkeit schaffen und wäre den Mugus eher hinderlich. Bislang sind Scamming und Bezness in der Öffentlichkeit nicht weit bekannt ... zumindest nicht in dem ganzen Ausmaß. Und daher funktioniert ihr Geschäft ...

Bei Beznessern, wo es um die Aufenthaltsgenehmigung geht .... die bereits im Land sind ... ist es ggf. anders.

Aber vielleicht bin ich auch zu unbedarft in der Angelegenheit. Und glaube mir, ich nehme eure Warnungen sehr ernst und bin froh, dieses Forum gefunden zu haben.


RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#16 von fridolin , 01.09.2012 13:54

Wie wäre es denn wenn er dir ein paar Klunker schickt, geht bestimmt postlagernd, weil du öfter unterwegs bist und der Briefkasten ab und zu von Unbekannten geleert wird. Als Frau stehst du doch bestimmt auf Schmuck, echt natürlich. Brillies würden eigentlich zu allem passen.


Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#17 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 01.09.2012 14:30

Keine Ahnung, wie ich reagiert hätte .... aber Klunker gehören wirklich nicht zu meiner Welt und mit Schmuck habe ich es auch nicht so wirklich .... manchmal glaube ich, ich sollte ursprünglich ein Junge werden ...

In Richtung Klunker machte er mal Andeutungen ... wollte meine Ringgröße wissen, ein Foto meiner Hand ... ich bin da gar nicht drauf eingegangen ... und er fragte später auch nicht mehr.

Der Arme hatte es sowieso nicht leicht mit mir. Er wollte herkommen, ein Haus kaufen, wo wir alle zusammen als happy family leben ... meine Antwort war: okay, komm her, miete dich im Hotel ein, dann suchen wir dir eine Mietwohnung und schauen mal weiter ....

Auch die flockige Zukunftsaussicht, ich bräuchte nie mehr arbeiten konterte ich damit, daß ich sehr gerne arbeite und meinen Beruf niemals aufgeben würde ...


RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#18 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 01.09.2012 18:56

Da meldet man sämtliche facebook-profile mit den Bildern von David Smith und dem Hinweis, daß es scammer sind sowie Link zu dem echten Menschen und was ist? Mein zukünftiger Ehemann postet munter auf seinem Profil rum .... unbegreiflich ....


RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#19 von Scambaiter , 01.09.2012 20:45

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.573
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: David Williams, Aberdeen - Gemologe

#20 von kalimera ( gelöscht ) , 01.09.2012 21:49

Danke @Scambaiter!

Habe denen via feedback nochmals geschrieben. Mit Link hierher und Link zu Romancescam, sowie zu dem echten David Smith und der google-Suche. Und nebenbei erwähnt, daß ich die Untätigkeit als Beihilfe verstehe! Mal sehen, ob jetzt was passiert ...

Auf dem Profil meines "Mannes" unterhält sich grade Fake mit Fake .... dumm sind die Jungs ja nicht .... Jagd man den Freund allerdings durch die Bildersuche, findet man auch da den wahren Bildesitzer ..... unglaublich! Ich wunderte mich schon, wie die an ihre Freunde kommen .... . Und das ganze Vertrauensgeblubber da heute .... . Mal sehen, wann er sich wieder meldet ...

hier sein Fake-Freund:

und hier der wahrscheinlich echte:

aber vielleicht sind auch beide gefaket .... was ein Sumpf!

Hier noch paar Bilder, mit denen sich auch Profile finden ließen .... unglaublich ... ich habe echt alle (gibt noch mehr) durch google geschickt und alle facebook-profile gemeldet ... zu den anderen Communities habe ich leider keinen Zugang



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