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Julia aus Russland

#1 von HarryHirsch ( gelöscht ) , 13.09.2009 13:20

Harry Hirsch erhielt von (seinem tatsächlich existierendem) Bruder eine Mail weiter geleitet, in der eine Julia aus Russland einen deutschen Freund sucht. Klarer Fall, Harry übernimmt, und Julia scheint es sch....egal zu sein, ob sie Antwort von jemandem erhält, den sie gar nicht kennt. Klar, bei der Vielzahl der verschickten Mails verliert man schon einmal den Überblick . Harry schreibt zunächst in Deutsch, soll sie doch nochmal ihr Übersetzungsprogramm im Internet bemühen. Hier zunächst Harry's Mail vom 11. August 2009 - Harry schickt auch gleich ein attraktives Foto von sich mit...

In Antwort auf:
Liebe Julia
Dienstag, 11. August, 2009 16:33 Uhr
Von: "Harry Hirsch" <>
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge harry.jpg (6KB)

Liebste Julia,

Dein Konterfei hält was Dein exponierter Schreibstil verspricht. Ich bin hier in Deutschland ein sehr reicher Mann, ich produziere Gesäßpfropfen in allen möglichen Größen und Variationen, und ih mache sehr viel Geld damit. Nun ist Geld nicht alles, genausowenig wie Hänsel und Gretel seinerzeit Brotkrumen streuten, um den Weg aus dem düsteren Wald auch wieder zurückschreiten zu können. Alternativ hätte man hier auch Gesäßpfropfen mit integriertem Kompass nutzen können. Wo Du gerade das Thema Kompass ansprichst, liebe Julia, woher kommst Du? Ich kann Deinen Akzent nicht deuten.

Wenn Du willst, hole ich Dich gern in die Deutsche Demorkratische Republik und gemeinsam fahren wir im Sonderzug nach Pankow, was hältst Du davon?

Ich habe auch ein Bild von mir beigefügt, vielleicht erwischt es Dich ja auch so rasch wie mich.

Ich freue mich, von Dir hören,

liebe Grüße


Am 1. September 2009 flattert dann endlich eine vielversprechende Email in Harry Hirsch's Postfach. Besagte Julia aus Russland fragt Harry, ob er sich noch an Sie aus dem Chat erinnere. Da Harry aber grundsätzlich so gut wie nie chattet, muss Julia da etwas verwechseln. Kann ja auch mal passieren bei der Vielzahl von versendeten Mails... Wie auch immer, Harry will seine multikulturellen Kontakte nun auch in Russland aufbauen und lässt sich auf das Spielchen ein. Hier zunächst Julias Kontaktmail, die sogleich ein Foto mitschickte. Leider lässt sich die IP-Adresse nicht nachvollziehen, da Julia ein privates Netzwerk nutzt (IP: Julia schreibt nun lieber in Englisch, wure sie aus Harrys erster Mail nicht schlau...?

In Antwort auf:
Harry, this is Julia!
Dienstag, 1. September, 2009 17:45 Uhr
Von: "Julia" <>Kontaktdaten anzeigen
An: "Harry" <>
Die Nachricht enthält AnhängeDo you remember me.jpg (24KB)

Es tut mir leid, ich wei? nicht, Deutsch sehr gut, also werde ich versuchen zu schreiben, in Englisch.
Ich hoffe, Sie konnen mich!

Hi, Harry! This is Julia! Do you remember me? I wrote to you some days ago and got a message back from you.
I wrote to you from my work email address last time, So don't worry that I am writing to you from another right
now. There is my private email address and it would be more comfortable for me if you will write to me here.
I just don't want that someone of my coworkers read my emails, so I hope it's not difficult for you
to write to me on this address (Smile). I am sorry that I didn't answer to you earlier, but
I was so busy last week! Well, Harry, I want to be honest with you. This is my first experience of finding
friends via internet and I am wery nervious now. I hope you will forgive me my mistakes (Smile).
If you want to know how I found you, it's simple. I had a few profiles on some dating sites and I found your
address there. I hope that my mail don't bother you much, Harry? I think I will not write a lot here.
I just want to be sure that you got my new email address and can write to me here. Harry, I really
hope that we could be a friends. If you are interesting, you are always welcome to write to me! Feel free to
ask anything, you want to know about me. I will wait for your answer and then will write to you a little more
about me. If you want, I'll send you some more of my pictures. I think you already have one. I will try to attach
another picture here. Let me know what do you think about it here

Again, waiting for your answer!

Bye bye!


P.S. I am sorry again that I don't know German as well as English. I just don't want to use translate programs,
and I hope that you will be able to understand what I write to you here and answer to me in English too!

Aaaaah ja... Julia fand Harry's Email-Adresse auf eine Dating-Site. Dumm nur, daß Harry bislang seine Partnerinnen immer persönlich fand und noch nie auf einer Dating-Site war. Aber egal, wer so nett schreibt, bekommt prompte Antwort:

In Antwort auf:
AW: Harry, this is Julia!
Mittwoch, 2. September, 2009 10:02 Uhr
Von: "Harry Hirsch" <>
An: "Julia" <>

Hello Julia,

of course I remember you and I was wondering why you did not write anymore. I would love to get in contact with you and maybe you talk a little about yourself. Where do you live? What are you doing for a living? Which kind of hobbies do you have? How old are you anyway and how tall are you? What is the colour of your eyes? And yes please, if you have more pictures for me, I would very much appreciate to get them, please send as much as possible (smile).

Lovely greetings

your Harry

Harry bekommt aber gar keine Antwort. Ist Julia sprachlos, weil sie Harrys Foto gesehen hat und feststellte, daß sie einen echten Haupttreffer gelandet hat? Daher fragt Harry w Tage später noch einmal besorgt nach:

In Antwort auf:
AW: Harry, this is Julia!
Freitag, 4. September, 2009 07:19 Uhr
Von: "Harry Hirsch" <>
An: "Julia" <>

Julia, what's wrong? You've sent me an email and now I don't hear anything from you anymore....


Wow... das Geschäft scheint zu blühen, Julia sendet mir nach weiteren zwei Tagen eine kurze "Zwischenmail", daß sie derzeit recht busy ist und mir aber bald ausführlicher schreiben wird. Und für den Fall der Fälle schickt sie mir gleich die Website für das Übersetzungsprogramm mit, so würde ich sie gegebenenfalls noch besser verstehen, und... wir hätten eine weitere Sache mehr gemeinsam.... Äh...Julia... was haben wir denn Deiner Meinung nach noch gemeinsam, außer daß wir uns beide hier gegenseitig was vor machen.... Und überhaupt... gar keine üersönliche Anrede, nix... Julia scheint wirklich gut zu tun zu haben, wenn sie schon vorgefertigte Textblöcke verschicken muss, um ihre Leute bei der Stange zu halten. Hier Julias Originalmail:

In Antwort auf:
Some words - not enough time
Sonntag, 6. September, 2009 14:10 Uhr
Von: "Julia" <>
An: "Harry" <>

Hello again from Julia!
Please excuse me but I have not much time so I will be very short. Just pretty busy right now. I will try to
check my email tomorrow and will try to write you. I hope you can understand. I have to go now. I don't
forget about you and will be glad if you will write me. Sorry if I have mistakes here in my writing - I am
hurry now and use translator website some time. It is located on so if you
don't understand clearly my message you could use it too - and so we would have something common
more! (smile) But I am gone now.
See you next time!
Best wishes, Julia.
P.S. I will tell you more details about me in next time. I hope you are really interested to know me
and will write about yourself too!

Harry Hirsch freut sich sehr und antwortet sogleich, dies sei wohl sein Wochenende, da er zunächst am Samstag 11.595 Euro im Lotto gewonnen hat (quasi zum Anfüttern...) und jetzt am Sonntag noch 'ne Mail von seiner Julia... Kann das Leben schöner sein? Hier Harry's Antwort:

In Antwort auf:
AW: Some words - not enough time
Sonntag, 6. September, 2009 15:32 Uhr
Von: "Harry Hirsch" <>
An: "Julia" <>

Hello Julia,

I am so glad to hear from you because I was really worried. In these times you'll never know if something happens, but now I am so happy!

It seems that this is my lucky weekend anyway, because yesterday I won in lotto the huge amount of 11,595 Euros and I do not know whether to be happy or not, because I had five correct numbers. One number more and I would have been a millionaire. (smile). But anyway, I will see if I have a good idea how to spend the money (smile). Now your email.... this is a perfect weekend for good old Harry...

Julia, can I have more photos from you? Can you tell me more like your colour of eyes, how tall you are, your hobbys etc. ?

Best wishes and respectfully


Einen Tag später legt Harry nochmal nach: Esrt die Beschwerde, warum Julia wieder nicht antwortet (also, die muss aber wirklich gut zu tun haben...), und dann noch ein üaar Kleinigkeiten zum anfüttern. Eine gute Bekannte von Harry, 40 Jahre alt, muss bald den Löffel abgeben wegen unheilbarer Turbo-Blähungen. Auf die letzten Tage sucht sie noch das Mitgefühl Dritter, da sie ja auch ein riesiges Vermögen hinterlässt, das sie von ihrem Vater geerbt hat, der ülötzlich und unerwartet bei einem Unfall im Autoscooter starb. Nun möchte sie ihr Vermögen ihrem Hund übertragen, und da sorgt sich doch Harry, ob es nicht irgendwo auf der Welt jemand gäbe, der der Freundin die letzten Tage versüßen könnte. (In der Hoffnung, daß Julia noch nen Russen aus dem Hütchen zaubert...). Hier die Mail:

In Antwort auf:
AW: Some words - not enough time
Montag, 7. September, 2009 09:32 Uhr
Von: "Harry Hirsch" <>
An: "Julia" <>

Hello Julia,

again I hear nothing from you. Listen Julia, if you don't mean it seriously, ülease forget about a friendship. I don't need faked women but I am looking for an honest relationship.

And I got bad news today, too. A good friend, a 40 years old lady, called me this morning and told me she was only still living for 8 weeks. She has a sickness we call in Germany Turbo-Blähungen, and she wante to say good bye. I was very sad about it, she has nobody, was never married an only lived for her comüany which she overtook form her father, who died 1990 in an Autoscooter.

You see Julia, she is so incredibly rich, but when you are going to die, you cannot take the money into the grave. I think it's better to be poor and healthy, what do you think? What really embarrasses me is the fact, that she only loves her little dog, and he will get most of the money when she dies. Now she is looking for kindergardens and institutions where she can spend some money, that's good, I think. But best for her would be a man, so that she maybe falls in love for the rest of her days. But who wants to fall in love with a woman who is going to die soon? Do you hav any idea?

Anyway this is why I am not in a good mood. Maybe you can cheer me up with some nice photos and finally your email (smile).


Julia scheint besonders Wochenend-aktiv zu sein, 5 Tage lässt sie Harry warten, bis Samstag die nächste, diesmal zugegebenermaßen längere Email kommt. Viel bla bla, sie ist wo Jahre alt, 165 cm groß, sie philosophiert über das Leben, Partnerschaft und ungeheuer viel allgemeines Zeug, das nun wirklich zu jedem passt. Dann passt sie in ndas Bild einer völlig normalen Russin, die demütig in ihrer Armut glücklich ist, denn - wie sie beschreibt - matrielle Dinge machen niemanden glücklich. Na, warten wir's mal ab, ich werde dich daran erinnern, liebe Julia. Schlußendlich fragt sie Harry nach den wichtigsten Parametern wie Größe etc., und schiebt auch gleich noch ein Foto hinterher. Hier die Mail:

In Antwort auf:
Finally have a time to write you Harry!!!
Samstag, 12. September, 2009 18:06 Uhr
Von: "Julia" <>
An: "Harry" <>
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge Here is me.jpg (22KB)

Hello Harry! It is me, Julia.
First of all I want to say Thanks the God that my e-mail address is working!!! I am very glad that you
could write me and I am happy to write you back.
I will write at least the most important things about myself here today. I could say that I want to find a
friend very much, but my desire is diluted with an absence of any experience in dialogue via internet.
But I am sure that time will help me and you could help me in it too (smile). As you already knew, my
name is Julia. My nationality is russian. To be honest, I was afraid that you will not write me
when you will know my nationality and location. If I was right about you and this moment is unpleasant
for you I'll try to understand you. But I sincerely suppose that there are no borders, limits and distances
for a friendship. Besides that in the near future I will have opportunity to travel outside my country and
maybe we could meet each other and could be big friends or even ore... Who knows? That's why I want
to communicate with you, and I sincerely hope that you will be glad to have a female friend from Russia
too (smile). Have you ever been to Russia, Harry?
Harry, I am sure of that the presence of my image will make you look at it before you will read my
message, am I wrong? (smile). Well, I hope you will like my look. As you know I am 29 years old. My
height is about 165 centimeters and my weight is about 52 kilos. What measurement system do you use
in your country? Is it metric one as we have here? My birthday is May, 28 1979. And when is your
birthday? I have a University education and know English not bad besides my native Russian.
Harry, I am still not sure if you are really interested in dialogue with me or not. But before I finish, I
want to tell you that I have written to you not for fun. And though I had a strong desire to find a friend
via Internet, however I do not want to turn it simply into a game. I'm trying such communication for the
first time in my life, and this decision is a hard decision for me. I am a usual woman. I try to enjoy what I
have. But in my almost 30 years I know life enough to understand that happiness is not always defined
by things which surround us and which we have. I like my life, I have various things, - own apartment,
profession, interests and hobbies, I have heart and mind. But I would lie to myself if I would say that I
am happy, because not the material things make people happy. I very much want to have a man, a
partner and a friend first of all. I could not find mutual understanding which is so important for me. For
me friendship is above all because I think that the friendship is a base of any relations. I would like to try
to find out more about you. And I hope you are interested in our conversation not less than me. May be
we have a chance to learn each other, to become friends and maybe more, who knows? But if you think
that I am not worthy of you, if you have no desire to talk to me anymore, please, at least, write me
about it. Harry, assuming that you will write me again, may I ask you some questions? (smile).
Where is your home? Where you were born? What languages do you know? Do you like your work?
What are your interests? These questions could be banal, but wouldn't you like to know about me the
same things as well? (smile). And by the way, I will be glad to see your images! Thank you! I really hope
you want to talk to me and will give me your answer, will you? (smile).
With the best regards, Julia.

P.S. I have figured out that Internet here has low-speed. So if you will send me images, please make its
size smaller, ok?

Harry Hirsch ist unbeschreiblich glücklich und bringt dies auch entsprechend zum Ausdruck. Vorsichtshalber sendet er auch noch einmal sein attraktives Foto mit, um folgende Aussage zu bekräftigen: Harry kann ja, so er nur will, an jedem Finger 5 Tussis haben, aber er weiß halt nicht zu unterscheiden, ob die Frauen tatsächlich sein Geld oder wirklich sein Herz erobern möchten. Seine letzte Beziehung liegt knappe 5 Jahre zurück und dauerte ungefähr 3 Wochen. Nach 2 Wochen fragte Harry, ob er einen Kuss haben könne, und seine Ehemalige sagte "Nur gegen einen Porsche". Er kaufte ihr sogleich einen Porsche und erhielt dafür einen Kuss auf die Wange, sein bisher aufregendstes sexuelles Erlebnis, tja, und eine Woche später musste die Dame nach Neuseeland auswandern - so kann's kommen. (Jetzt wollen wir doch mal sehen, ob Julia sich diesen Mist tatsächlich nicht mal durchliest...irgenwann muss doch Ende sein mit den Textbausteinen...). Harry freut sich auch, daß Julia 165 cm groß ist, denn mit Schuhen ist Harry auch 165 cm, und so kann man sich doch ganz romatisch direkt in die Augen schauen... Harry schiebt noch ein Gedicht in bayerisch hinterher und erwartet schon sehnsüchtig die Antwort, hier zunächst Harry's Mail im Original:

In Antwort auf:
AW: Finally have a time to write you Harry!!!
Sonntag, 13. September, 2009 09:35 Uhr
Von: "Harry Hirsch" <>
An: "Julia" <>
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge harry.jpg (6KB)


You will never imagine how happy I am that you finally could answer. Your words really impress me, you seem to be a young and dynamic woman, exactly what I am looking for. Also your photo is more than impressive, I definatly must confess that I love blonde women. Here in Germany they make jokes about brown-haired women, because they seem to be silly in daily situations, but blonde women are really smart.

As you can see on my attached photo (hope you like it *smile*) I could have five women at each finger, they're really after me like hell, but I do select them very carefully. Well, and until now I did not find the right one, maybe it's you?

I told you in my very first email that I grew up in a very rich family and I overtook my Dad's company before he passed away. I am producing butt-plugs for the European market, though not for Russia yet, and it's a good and growing market.

For me it is very difficult to make a difference between women who are after my money or after my heart, you know? My Grandma says I am too good for this world. I will give you an example: My last girl friend, it is 5 years ago, was together with me for about 3 weeks. I asked her after two weeks if I could kiss her, and she said: "Only if you buy me a Porsche". I am sure she just wanted to be funny, but I bought her a brandnew Porsche and she had a smile on her face and kissed my chest. Wow, that was the most erotical experiences I ever made in my life. Unfortunately she had to emmigrate to New Zealand 1 week later, well, job is job and life is life.

Enough about me, tell me more about yourself... You write you are 165 cm's tall, and this is so wonderful because we match perfectly! When I wear my shoes I am also 165 cm's tall, which means... we can directly look into each other's eyes - isn't this romantic?

If you ask me, we are made for each other, tell me what you think about it, okay?

You ask which kind of languages I speak. Well, first and foremost there is German, I speak a bit english, too and in school I have learned Bavarian. It's a nice language, and I would like to write down a lovely poem for you in Bavarian:

Jo mei, a Moaß will I hom.
Juja sog I. Juja sog I.
Des is a Schmarrn.
Vor dem Spui is nach dem Spui,
Jo is' denn scho Weihnachtn....

Now I have some questions for you: Have you ever been to Germany before? What kind of music are you listening to? Have you brothers and sisters? In which part of Russia do you live? Who do you like more, Borussia Dortmund or Schalke 04? Do you drink a lot of Vodka?

I hope you will answer very soon, I am looking forward to hear from you!

Your Harry

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.09.2009 13:31 | Top

RE: Julia aus Russland

#2 von traeumerinHB ( gelöscht ) , 13.09.2009 23:02

mensch harry mit den Brillengläsern kannste auch feuer anmachen ..was


RE: Julia aus Russland

#3 von HopSing ( gelöscht ) , 14.09.2009 14:52

Nene, er arbeitet bestimmt nebenberuflich bei S.E.T.I. Deutschland. Da sparen die Jungs das Geld für ein teures Teleskop.....


RE: Julia aus Russland

#4 von HarryHirsch ( gelöscht ) , 14.09.2009 17:10

In Antwort auf:
Nene, er arbeitet bestimmt nebenberuflich bei S.E.T.I. Deutschland. Da sparen die Jungs das Geld für ein teures Teleskop.....

Also etwas mehr Containance bitteschön...ja..? ich vertreibe nebenberuflich Glasbausteine, da ist meine Brille quasi meine Visitenkarte....


RE: Julia aus Russland

#5 von dr.doolittle ( gelöscht ) , 29.09.2009 07:26

Hallo Harry, schreibt Julia immer noch? Ich habe die gleichen Briefe bekommen.

zuletzt bearbeitet 29.09.2009 08:22 | Top

RE: Julia aus Russland

#6 von HarryHirsch ( gelöscht ) , 29.09.2009 09:40

Hallo Doc Doolittle,

nein, Julia war von Anfang an extrem schreibfaul und meldete sich nur an Wochenenden und ging auch nie auf das ein, was ich ihr geschrieben hatte. Und nun passiert gar nix mehr... Absolute Sendepause...


RE: Julia aus Russland

#7 von dr.doolittle ( gelöscht ) , 02.10.2009 08:51

Um diese Thema um Julia aus Russland zu vervollständigen, nachdem sie mir 6 Wochen regelmäßig geschrieben hat und jetzt ihren Besuch ankündigte, kam jetzt der erwartete Vorschußbetrugsbrief:

Zitat von Julia
Hi !!!
I even do not know what to tell you first. I simply hope that you will be happy! The most important,
finest thing that my boss finally confirmed my vacation and as I told you, I already got my visa and all
documents, necessary for travel. My vacation will be from October, 3, 2009. Today I have been
to the company which reserves airway tickets. I asked them how I can reach to your city and how
much it costs. They have offered to me the ticket that costs $1276.60 USD. I asked them to find
cheapest ticket because this price is expensive for me. They have answered that they have a
cheaper roundtrip ticket and the beginning of the flight October 10, 2009. It costs $992 USD.
It was the best variant for roundtrip. I asked them to reserve a ticket. But they refused, because they
can't reserve the ticket without advance payment. I must pay full cost. I have asked if I can pay
a part of money now and the other part later. They have told that it is possible but I will be
limited by term. And if I will not pay the full cost of the ticket within of this term I will lose
already nested money. I have agreed because it is the only chance for me because I must give
to anti-emigration committee a data about my payment. Else they will not allow me to leave my
country. They will approve my visa after I show them all documents and paid ticket. By this
moment I had only the concrete sum of money which I had after all my expenses. I paid $340 USD.
But it was not enough for them. In a panic, all what Anna and I could do - we pawned our earrings
and gold rings and I got $80 USD. That is all I could do. I want to say that I will fly to you from
Ekaterinburg. From Koltsovo airport. I will give you all details of flight soon. I know that probably
I simply must tell that I can't come to you because I haven't the remaining sum. I know that
I promised to do all by self and I was sure that I can. I did not want to ask you about any thing!
But after I did everything I did I cannot simply tell that I will not come to you. I have passed
through so many difficulties and I have overcome the most difficult. But all the same I have
disgusting feeling that I could not fulfill the promise. I am always ready to do all what is possible,
to fulfill my promises but at the same time I understand that any person could get in such a
situation. To get the visa and other documents I have spent much more money than I expected.
But people were ready to help me only if I will pay them. I paid more than 600 dollars to get all
documents I paid in municipal committee, in the ministry. Even official in militia office have
compelled me to pay for their help. I did not expect all this but up to the last moment I was sure
that I still can make everything. I feel so guilty. I must bring all ready documents to Ministry and
anti-emigration committee on appointed day, because if I will not be able to do it, I will not be
able to come to you at all. I was sure that nothing can prevent our meeting. But I must pay remaining
sum. It is $572 USD. And I must pay money before October 9, evening. Otherwise I will lose
my nested money and our jewelry will be sold out simply in vain. I know that I should not ask
you, and I am very ashamed to do it. I understand that probably you have no very strong feelings
towards me. And I understand that it is a big money. I know it and for me twice difficult to address
to you. But also comprehension of my position convinces me that any person could get in similar
situation. I want to meet you and I say sincerely that I need your help. I understand that I put you
in inconvenient position. But I am simple person, I am the simple woman. I am not the wizard.
Any person could get in a similar situation. And maybe I really simply had to tell you that I can't
meet with you because I could not provide my travel completely. But I cannot simply refuse our
meeting because then all my diligence, forces, nerves, means will be spent in vain. I understand
that for you it is too big sum to lend me. You are not obliged to help me. And $600 dollars which
I have spent to get the visa, and $420 that I have given for the ticket are huge money for me. But
I want you to know that I have given everything not for the sake of myself but for the sake of us,
for the sake of you and me. I would never ask you about anything without reasons. I hope you
still want to meet me in person and to be with me. I want it so much but I don't know what to do
and I don't know can you help me or not. Now I have to find the rest of the money in time. If I
will be late I will lose all! I do not know what you will say me after you read this letter. I just
hope for understanding. I'm afraid very much that you will say "I don't want you to come Julia"
and will stop to write me. But I want to tell, that I really need you and I simply can't endure the
thought that I did almost everything, but I will not meet you. I understand that this financial
problem is a barrier between us. But I think we have to overcome this situation. WE TOGETHER!
I have given all my forces but together we are stronger. Do you agree? I already made my first
step to you and I hope you will do the same. If you will try to help me I want to say I will give
you back all your money at the earliest opportunity. After I come back I will work harder to
reimburse all of your expenses. I have written you honestly and sincerely.I want to ask:
are you with me?
Your Julia.

Also Vorsicht vor Julia aus Russland

Modedit schmubo: Bitte Forencode verwenden! Mail-Inhalt immer in [quote] und [/quote] einschließen.

zuletzt bearbeitet 02.10.2009 12:39 | Top

RE: Julia aus Russland

#8 von HarryHirsch ( gelöscht ) , 02.10.2009 16:33

Nachdem Julia Harry's Bild gesehen hat, ist sie wohl hintenüber gekippt. Harry hat jeenfalls nichts mehr von ihr gehört. Schae eigentlich, denn ich warte hja nur darauf, dass mir jeman eine solche Geschichte erzählt. Denn ruckzuck habe ich das Flugticket ier gekauft und sende auch eine ordentliche Fälschung rüber, und am Tag der Abreise kann sie sich dann das Ticket direkt am Counter abholen (oder eben auch


RE: Julia aus Russland

#9 von merino , 03.10.2009 11:05

@ dr. doolittle
wo sie jetzt doch schon ein Visum hat, kann sie dir doch mal die Kopie schicken - die Schengen Visa haben jetzt auch alle Passbilder drin - Einreise hier nach Deutschland auch nur mit entsprechender Krankenversicherung (bei manchen Visa schliesst das Reiseburo diese mit ab, ansonsten hier abzuschliessen) auch Kopie davon anfordern.

munter bleiben - (wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten)

Über 90% aller Gewaltverbrechen passieren innerhalb von 24h nach dem Konsum von Brot.

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Registriert am: 24.02.2009


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