Und die fiese Masche geht noch weiter
Betreff: Good morning my love
Von: John Williams <sincerity4love001@yahoo.com>
Datum: 06.01.09 08:13:57 Uhr
Good morning my love,I am glad to read your email this morning,
Paula's condition is so worse now that she is now coughing as well
and vomiting blood, we did not sleep all through the night,she
runs temperature,her eyes are pale, i tried to get online to chat
with you but the connection wont let me through,i will so much
appreciate your help regarding Paula so that she can be treated
at the the hospital..i am feeling sick myself to have seen my
daughter in this kind of condition.
My love when did your Uncle promise to send the money and
how will i get the details.....i will need the senders name,address,
amount sent ...I promise that i will pay you back as soon as the
situation at the bank is sorted...I truly love you and i will be
try to be here at 12:00 this afternoon
Lots of love
Um 13.00 dann noch diese mail:
My love i am online now waiting for you ..Paula is still very sick she
has been vomitting blood seriously and i tried to take her back to the
hospital but they did not attend to us.I am having a very sad moment,
i have yahoo ON if you get here,buzz me.
Love you
Dumm gelaufen für ihn, ich war aber nicht zuhause...
So, das Geld ist nun unterwegs, aber er sollte sich doch wenigstens ein
bischen zusammenreißen...sowas kann Sonja ja gar nicht leiden
Hi sweety,
i am so sorry for Paula. But you should not behave like a little boy.
Be assured, that i know how sad you are, but if you ran around like
an jackass, you won´t help Paula in no way. The best you can do is to
take her to hospital and stay there until she will be treated or the
police will come. But i cannot imagine, that the police will come...
Just try to think about an solution and give Paula the feeling, that
she will be ok soon.
My uncle told me that you can get the money tomorrow afternoon. You
know his name already and his adress cause of the mails you got.
The only information you need is the MT-Nr.: 31185388.
Sweety, try to behave like a man. I know you are strong and you have
the energie for all. I believe in you.
By the way, i am not pleased about my computer...i always get disconnected.
(das mit dem PC ist nicht mal gelogen und daß es geschneit hat,
auch nicht )
And the weather here is bad too. So much snow, that you need hours to
go where you need to. And lots of accidents and traffic jam.
Everything will be good very soon. Love you.
Kisses Sonja
John hat es sehr, sehr eilig an das Geld ran zu kommen. Im Messenger
hat er heute auf mich gewartet um
08.00 Uhr
12.00 Uhr
12.30 Uhr
15.15 Uhr
21.00 Uhr
und jedesmal gefragt, wo ich bin...
Betreff: Re: MoneyGram
Von: John Williams <sincerity4love001@yahoo.com>
06.01.09 23:42
thank you so much my love for your love and kindness...and for your
words of encougement,i got the email and the mtcn number ...the senders
name is Felix Hugo ...right ? how much did he send and what is the
text question and answer he used in sending the money without this,i
dont think i can get the money from money gram...i am looking forward
to reading from you .
Love you always John
und noch eine mail
Betreff:Re: MoneyGram
Von: John Williams <sincerity4love001@yahoo.com>
07.01.09 10:53:09 Uhr
Good morning my love,i was at money gram this morning to get the
money but after filling the transaction form,i was told that there
is no match found on the number meaning that the information is
in correct..when will you be online again,could you please cross
check or scan the money gram form you filled in while sending the mone
Love you so much
Um 15.00 habe ich dann geantwortet...aber mehr Infos gibt es nicht armer John...
My dearest John,
ok, try this number: 45783672. I think you will get your money than.
I do not have a copy from the transaction, but i ask my uncle to send
this to me. As I told you, my uncle was sending the money to you, not me.
His name is XXX. Hope to hear from you.
Mugu hat Angst, daß er wieder kein Geld bekommt
Betreff: Re: <kein Betreff>
Von: John Williams <sincerity4love001@yahoo.com>
Datum: 07.01.09 19:58:33 Uhr
thanks for your love and concern ...My love is this the number?and what
was the first number? without a correct number,they wont let me have the
money and Paula's health is getting so worse and it is making my
life miserable
I love you and i will keep you posted
Natürlich ist das die Nummer ...wofür braucht er denn die erste
Nummer? Steht doch in seinen Mails, muß er halt mal lesen....die arme Paula
Ach Got, ach Gott, der liebe Johnny braucht ja gar kein Geld, Für die arme Paula gibts ja in Antanarive.das ist in Madagaskar
den Wunderheiler Ugum Gumu, der kann ihr bestimmt helfen. Das ganze kann man ja über das Rote Kreuz oder Caritas organisieren. Kostet zwar viel viel Penunse, aber für den armen Vati von Paula darf uns nix zu teuer sein. Spendenaufrufe in den Medien haben wir ja schon organisiert
das ist ja cool...tja, der superschlaue Mugu hat ganz vergessen, daß seine Tochter eigentlich schon fast tot sein müßte (bei der Symptomatik), so lange wie er um Geld bettelt...da ich die letzten Tage keine Lust zu chatten hatte, gab es also nur mails. Kein Wort von dem sterbenskranken Kind, aber immer vom Geld...
...you are feeling miserable, i understand this. But sweety pray to
your God, he will help, don´t forget this. Tomorrow you will get the money.
I am feeling miserable too cause I miss you so much and i cannot talk to
you, cause my messenger does not work. I miss you so much to talk to you.
You are the one man in the world, who is able to present me the stars in
the sky. Hold on my sweety, everything will be okay very soon. But you
have to believe in God and in our love. Because our love is something
very special. When you are sad, try to think about our future...we will
be together for the rest of our life and Paula will grow up in a family
and when she finished school, she will study, will marry and will have
own kids. And we both are grandma and grandpa.
In love
Betreff:Re: <kein Betreff>
Von: John Williams <sincerity4love001@yahoo.com>
Datum: 08.01.09 00:31:12 Uhr
thank you so much my love.....i would like to know the amount sent.
so that there will be no problem with the details again
Love you
Sonjas Antwort, diesmal leicht angesäuert...
You want to know the amount? I told you that it is 600 Euro. But i am
a little bit angry, that you only talk about money! Maybe i have to overthink all...
Meine letzte email wurde nicht beantwortet.
Das ist ihm alles egal, denn er ärgert sich, daß es
schon wieder kein Geld gab...also bin ich halt noch
mal in Yahoo gewesen
sincerity4love001: i am here now
sincerity4love001: hello my love
sparkelsonja: hi
sincerity4love001: how are you doing?
sparkelsonja: hm
sparkelsonja: how are you
sincerity4love001: not good
sincerity4love001: with my daughter being so sick
sparkelsonja: how is your job, are you in
time with your work
sparkelsonja: have you been at the hospital with paula
sparkelsonja: still there
sparkelsonja: ?
sparkelsonja: so John, if you want to tease me, than
i am leaving here...i am angry, cause you never write
something about Paula, about you or some lovewords...you
only write about money...and now you are not answering
sparkelsonja: i think, by the time i learn, what ist means for you to love me!
sparkelsonja: maybe Usman Bello is the better one...i am
back in a few minutes - and if there will be no answer -
i say good bye sweety
sparkelsonja: oh - by the way - my uncle wanted to send
money again to you cause i told him, that you did not get
a cent at all...but it seems you are not interested
tja - und nun war er verschwunden...etwa eine
Stunde später tauchte er wieder auf. In dieser Zeit
hat er "seinen Boss" gefragt, wie es jetzt weitergeht
(es gab schon beim echten Scam mehrere Hinweise auf
einen Boss - diesmal hat er sich aber verraten)
sincerity4love001: hello
sincerity4love001: are you there?
sparkelsonja: hello
sparkelsonja: what´s going on
sincerity4love001: Paula is still very sick
sparkelsonja: i know, you told it
sparkelsonja: take her to hospital
sincerity4love001: i dont have the money to take her there
sincerity4love001: i told you my love
sparkelsonja: are you sure, that you did not get the money
sincerity4love001: what money
sincerity4love001: the numbers you gave me are invalid
sparkelsonja: hm
sparkelsonja: did you read my message?
sincerity4love001: yes i did
sparkelsonja: the best is, you contact my uncle again
sincerity4love001: why would i contact your uncle again
sincerity4love001: enough of this games you are playing with my heart
sincerity4love001: who are you ?
sincerity4love001: are you for real?
sincerity4love001: are you geniue?
sincerity4love001: do you really want to help ?
sparkelsonja: are you crazy
sincerity4love001: no i am not
sincerity4love001: i should ask
Er sollte fragen! Von alleine kommt er nicht auf so
eine Idee (Erfahrungswert)
sparkelsonja: if Paula is as sick as you told me, you will contact my uncle cause you know that i am in Germany a.s.o
sparkelsonja: Whot told you to ask?????????????????????
sincerity4love001: enough of all this
sincerity4love001: how many times do you want me to contact your uncle
sparkelsonja: so i guess my uncle is right...he told me, you don´t need money for taking paula to hospital otherwise you would contact him...if my child would be badly ill i would take every help i can get
sparkelsonja: the only thing i know for real is, that god will bring justice - for the good ones and the bad ones
sparkelsonja: AGAIN - WHO TOLD YOU TO ASK?
wusch - und weg war er...ich glaube, er meldet sich nicht mehr
Gut gemacht Sonne! Der ärgert sich jetzt richtig.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Danke dir Dana...(nur hast du leider ein wenig zu schnell geantwortet...ich wollte das mit den Farben noch in Ordnung bringen - naja nun ist eben alles rosa)
Eigentlich wollte ich ihn noch ein wenig länger hinhalten und es ärgert mich schon, daß er so schnell alles hinschmeißt. Aber das ist halt sein Konzept - schnell und möglichst intensiv - bzw. das Konzept seines Bosses
Ich finde, es ist gut gelaufen. Lass es am Besten eine Weile sacken und wenn Dir dann danach ist, kannst Du ihn dir ja nochmal schnappen.
Hab ein bisschen rosa rausgenommen...hoffe, es ist so okay.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Sei net so ungeduldig, der liebe sinci (hrmpf) muß sich schon mit seinem Boss absprechen. Ungefähr 30 Scams, da brauchts schon eine Koordination. Der kommt schon wieder. Der MUSS unbedingt unser Diplpom kriegen.
Zitat von SigiF
Der MUSS unbedingt unser Diplom kriegen.
Zitat von Dana
...kannst Du ihn dir ja nochmal schnappen.
Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur! (frei nach Titio)
Beiträge: | 3.351 |
Registriert am: | 21.11.2007 |
...doch Schmubo, das ist ein guter Gedanke , doch ich glaube, daß der sich nicht wieder meldet...der ist darauf aus, schnell an Geld zu kommen. Und wenn es nicht nach seiner Nase läuft, dann ist er auch schnell beleidigt. Aber wenigstens ist er zweimal umsonst gelaufen, oh nein, drei mal, denn das Paket kam ja auch nie an
Dana, danke fürs Ändern der Farben (ich habe es nicht mehr machen können, da ja schon eine Antwort da war).
Ich habe ihm in Yahoo aufgelauert! Irgendwan kam er. Er
hat wohl noch einmal seine mails alle durchgelesen und
gemerkt, daß Onkel ja mehr Geld schicken wollte und das
Päckchen ja auch noch immer nicht angekommen ist...also
doch noch Kontakt (hätte ich nicht gedacht)
sparkelsonja: are you there?
sincerity4love001: yes i am here my love
sincerity4love001: how are you ?
sparkelsonja: not amused
sparkelsonja: why did you go away yesterday
sparkelsonja: how are you
sincerity4love001: not good because m daughter is very sick
sincerity4love001: and all i could get from you is the
decietful numbers
sincerity4love001: which made me look like a fool at the bank
kicher, er ist ja auch einer...
sincerity4love001: what about the parcel you sent
sincerity4love001: it was not delivered
sparkelsonja: oh i am sorry...i got a copy...but
there are no other numbers
sparkelsonja: it is not send by now? I think i try to
call on monday to find out the number
sincerity4love001: you should have done that earlier
ich bin ja so ungehorsam...
sincerity4love001: it is as if you are just toiling with
my feelings and the life of Paula
sincerity4love001: she is so sick and i need help
sparkelsonja: you did not tell me, that the parcel
did not arrive...i had to think it will be there by now
sincerity4love001: you have given me 2 diffrent number to
get the money now
sincerity4love001: you said the amount sent was 600 euro
sparkelsonja: yes sweety, this two numbers are written
on the bill or however you call that
sincerity4love001: in the email your uncle sent to me,he said
he sent 5000 euro
ui, er hat seine mails ja gelesen - jetzt will er
mehr als er
eigentlich angeblich braucht - aber da muß er sich mit
meinem Onkel gut stellen
sparkelsonja: i don´t know - but i think that were
the emails you did not answer and of cours of not answering
he did not send...and later Paul got ill so that i talked
to him...you told me you need 600,00 and that is on the bill
sparkelsonja: sweety, i have a copy of that transaction,
and the numbers i told you are right and also the amount
sparkelsonja: so - what can we do now?
sincerity4love001: scan it and send it to me jawoll Herr Hauptmann
sincerity4love001: so that i will figure out the appropriate
number myself
sparkelsonja: ok i will do later on
sparkelsonja: but first i want to talk to you...we did not
talk very much the last days
sincerity4love001: yes my love
sincerity4love001: because i have not been happy
sparkelsonja: whats about your work? Do you think you
will finish in time, so that we can meet?
sincerity4love001: i can even go to work now
sincerity4love001: i spend time at the hotel with Paula
ja, ja Weichei
sparkelsonja: he sweety, i know you were not happy, do
you think that i was happy?
sincerity4love001: Paula is really sick
sparkelsonja: oh is see - but you have employees, are
they not doing their work?
sincerity4love001: they are doing it my love
sparkelsonja: ok thats good
sincerity4love001: but i did not go throughout this week
sparkelsonja: i see
sparkelsonja: hm...it feels very sad to sit here and not able
to help...today i thought again to come to you
sparkelsonja: so that i could be with you and paula and i
could help
sincerity4love001: baby scan a copy of the transaction
reciept used in sending the money to me
sincerity4love001: so that i can get the money and get
Paula treated at the hospital
sparkelsonja: yes i will do - but i wish to be at
your side
sincerity4love001: i wish to be by yourside too my love
sincerity4love001: and try to call fedex on monday to get
a tracking number for the percel you sent
sincerity4love001: so that we can know its acyuatl destination
sparkelsonja: yes sweety, i do on monday - but i hope, the
package is not stolen - it thought you got it already
sincerity4love001: no my love
sparkelsonja: you know what? what is, when the money
is maybe stolen too?
sincerity4love001: if i have gotten it i would have notified you
sincerity4love001: it cant be stolen my love
sincerity4love001: you sent it in my name
sincerity4love001: and no one can claim it
sparkelsonja: well i dont know if you would have done
that...you did not talk to me during the last week and i did
not get any emails
sincerity4love001: i was worried
sparkelsonja: i hope so - but you maybe know, that in
Nigeria everything is possible
sincerity4love001: i couldnot think straight either
sincerity4love001: there is no power now and i using the battery
war mir klar, er wollte nur mal abschecken, was mit
Geld ist
sparkelsonja: and why did you ask me yesterday, if i
would be for real? i am a real person, i am sitting here
for real and i am talking to you for real and you know
about my love to you - so why should this not be real? I
don´t understand that
sincerity4love001: and it will run out very soon
sparkelsonja: oh no
sparkelsonja: i miss you so much
sparkelsonja: sweety, still there?
sparkelsonja: miss you so much and it really hurts very
much to miss you
sparkelsonja: what are you doing?
er ging raus aus yahoo, kam wieder rein, sah mich
immer noch
und dann ging er wieder raus...
an sweety am 11.01.09, 20.00
Hello my love,
i talked to my uncle and told about the 5.000 Euro
you mentioned yesterday. I am sorry, i did not know that.
My uncle sent me a message, that you will get the
5.000 too. But there is a new law in Germany which says
you have to answer a list of questions and than you
will get the code. This law wants to prevent criminality,
especially washing money. So i beg you to go to the
link my uncle told you, answer the questions and than
you will soon have the money to get Paula to hospital.
In love Sonja
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