Es war einst ein armer John Williams mit Tochter Paula und ich (zu dem Zeitpunkt leider
wahre Geschichte). John ist auf der Suche nach der Frau seines Lebens und einer Mutter
für Paula. Paulas Mutter starb kurz nach der Geburt und er tat die letzten sechs Jahre
nichts anderes, als für seine Tochter dazusein. Er ist Architekt und Ingenieur und
arbeitet für private Aufgraggeber aber auch im Auftrag der Amerikanischen Regierung.
Derzeit ist er in Nigeria angekommen und genau jetzt hat er mich kennengelernt. Hätter
er gewußt, daß er die Liebe seines Lebens findet, wäre er erst gar nicht nach Nigeria
gegangen. Er muß soviel arbeiten, daß er für seine Tochter einen Privatlehrer
eingestellt hat. Viele Liebesschwüre hin und her und dann passiert es. Er möchte
so schnell wie möglich zu mir kommen, deshalb wird er seinen Scheck zur Bank bringen
und mehr Arbeiter einstellen. Aber die böse Bank braucht drei Wochen, um das Geld
auszuzahlen. Nun weiß er nicht mehr, wie er sich und seine Tochter ernähren soll.
Sein allerletztes Geld hat er für einen Mann ausgegeben, der überfahren wurde und
von ihm ins Krankenhaus gebracht wurde. Einen Tag später wurde Paula sterbenskrank
und nun braucht er Geld. (Ich habe natürlich Geld geschickt...). Am übernächsten
Tag muß Paula operiert werden und er braucht noch mehr Geld. Leider habe ich keins
mehr. Und nun wußte ich auch, daß er ein Scammer war. Also war klar, es gibt eh
nix mehr, auch wenn ich es gehabt hätte. Ich wurde mit Vorwürfen überhäuft, nicht
helfen zu wollen, ihn nicht mehr zu lieben, mit ihm nur zu spielen (was ich dann
auch tat) und daß ich wolle, daß Paula stirbt. Ich sollte doch mein Auto verkaufen,
die Nachbarn um Geld bitten, meinen Goldschmuck und meine Diamanten verkaufen (was
ich eh nicht habe) usw. Schließlich folgen noch einige Drohungen sich umzubringen.
Nach Auskunft der angeblichen Ärzte damals (mit denen ich sogar telefonierte) muß
Paula nun am 24.12.08 gestorben sein.
Als mir meine Freundin die Tür einrannte, weil sie das dumme Gefühl hatte, daß da was
nicht stimmt und ich dann auch hierher gefunden hatte und Bescheid wußte (auch aufgrund
sämtlicher Vorfälle drumherum), habe ich diesen Mugu unter einem Fake angeschrieben
und freue mich über die persönliche Genugtuung. Und darüber, daß er wenigstens eine
weniger abzocken kann, finanziell und emotional, so lange er mit mir beschäftigt ist
Paula wird erst am 24.12.08 sterben, das haben die Ärzte gesagt. Also ihn mal schnell anmailen - nun ist Sonja dran
Datum: 21.12.08 19:45:38 Uhr
Hello, good evening,In Antwort auf:
it is a time ago, but i have seen your picture. You look pretty nice and
your sweet little daughter too. This evening I was thinking I should let you know,
that I want to know you better. I am looking for real love and I am honest.
I hope I get answer.
Betreff: Re: Hello
Von: John Williams <>
An: xxx
Datum: 22.12.08 15:29:15 Uhr
Betreff: Re: Hello
Von: John Williams <>
22.12.08 15:29
Received: from [] (
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Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 06:29:07 -0800 (PST)
From: John Williams <>
Subject: Re: Hello
To: xxx
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Good to hear from you..My name is John..i am 46 years old single father of a 6 years
girl whose mother passed away immediately she was given birth to and ever since her
mother passed away,i am a civil contractor and i specialise in building houses for
people and governemnt,i do road construction contract and construction of bridges,
i have not been in any relationship since her mother passed away ..but now,i am in
search of real ,pure and genuie love..i am so loving and caring and i know the best
way to make my woman happy..i know all that is expected of from my woman, i know my
responsibilty as a man and husband,i love music,i love kids,i love beach,i love
walking out site seeing bicking and exercises...tell me more about you ..what you
do,how long you have been searching for love experience since you started
dating online and so on .............. I am looking forward to hearing from you
Der Fisch hat angebissen
Ja, ich finde auch gut, von dir zu hören
Betreff: Good to hear from you again
Von: John Williams <>
An: xxx
Datum: 23.12.08 21:01:03 Uhr
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Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 12:00:48 -0800 (PST)
From: John Williams <>
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Die liebe Paula, ihr geht es richtig gut und sie will daß ihr Papa glücklich wird,
weil er es verdient hat aber was geht es denn meinen erwachsenen Sohn
an, wen ich liebe
Thanks for getting back to me.....i am honored to read from you again,
so i get you right you are in Germany for Christmas vacation in your
friend's place?I hope you like it there? and when are you going back to
Germany and how old is your Son and what is his daughter is 6
years old and her name is Paula........she wants me to have a good
love life because she knows i deserve to be happy,Despite the age of
my daughter,she is very intelligent...she woke me up at the middle of the
night few months ago that she knows i a good father and i deserve to be happy ,
though she agreed that we are happy family already but the happiness is
incomplete without the love of a woman in our lives ,someone i could see
as my wife and who my daughter will see as a mother,it was during the time
that i was thinking of getting into a relationship that my daughter came
up with this suggestion and i came online to join the site so as to
implement the i am searching for love i have not come across
any serious woman on the site so far ...after exchanging few emails
with them,it is either they are not ready for a relationship or that
they are looking for someone who lives nearer as i am open to relocation
Ja klar...die bösen Frauen...sie haben schön bezahlt und nun werden sie
nicht mehr gebraucht. Und diese schrecklich weite Entfernung, die ist
richtig gut, denn dann wird Frau wohl kaum kommen wollen, richtig
gute Idee matter the distance that lies between my woman and I i will work
something out of it as long as what i feel from ths relationship is nothing
but happiness.
What is your Son's opinion about you getting into a relationship
and i am glad that you are the first woman (Lügner!!!)
that i have contacted on the site that is ready for a good relationship
that will lead to happy marriage...we deserve to be happy,
and we can start from here and get to know ourselves better day by day.
Are you ready to give love a chance to enter your heart again?
can you get on yahoo instant messenger to chat with me online and
at what time your time is Germany is convenient for you ?
Do you know how yahoo instant messenger works?
Can you send me few more pictures of you?
I pray this Christmas brings us joy and happiness and bring us the
love our heart desires.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon
have a fun filled day
Merry Christmas
Er muß nun lernen, daß ich anspruchsvoll bin und ich brauche Bilder...
natürlich bin ich bereit für einen Neuanfang in meinem Leben, er weiß nur nicht,
was das heißt
Hello John,
you are asking what my son is thinking aobut a new love, maybe new love, in my life let me tell you, that this is my decision. I am an emancipated women who is
able to decide for her own. By the way my son is grown up. I told you - did you
forget already? - that he ist studying and lives not at home anymore.
I am ready for a new start in my life. But i am only looking for a man who is able
to accept, that i am often not at home. I told you i am an artist and if a client
wants me to paint for him i am sometimes a few weeks not at home. I really love
my work. But when i am at home again i also like to sit on my sofa listening to
the music or just looking into the fire of burning wood in the open fire place.
The man i am in love with needs to have many interests and he must be able to be
himself even when i am at home or when there are datings with my clients. You
told me, that you have a good job too, so i guess you are able to. Also i hope,
my man wants to come with me sometimes when i need to work. So all in all it
means he must be interested in my life.
I don´t live in Germany, i am here for vacation. I live in Swiss. For a few
days i will stay here and than i am leaving to Norway. John, tell me, where
do you live and where do you work? Can you send me a picture? You will get
on when i am back home again. Only because I want to know you better i will
come to the yahoo messanger.
Ich war auch schon ganz fleißig:
Datum: 23.12.08 22:51:16 Uhr
Hello again,
ok, have got a name in yahoo. Have a look at the messanger, you will find me as
"sparkelsonja" - maybe we will see soon
I missed you online
Von: John Williams <>
Datum: 23.12.08 23:29:41 Uhr
Oh my God....It was so painful that i missed you online tonight....but i will
like to know what time you will be online again for a chat,i cant wait to get
to know you better.
Genau - und vor allem kann er nicht warten, endlich ans Geld zu kommen...
es tut mir unendlich leid, daß er so voller Qualen auf mich warten mußte bis
zum nächsten Vormittag
sincerity4love001: i just sent you an email now
sparkelsonja: ups - you are here
sparkelsonja: i just sent you an email
sparkelsonja: and thought maybe to find you now
sparkelsonja: cause i have to leave soon
klar muß ich schnell wieder weg, Mugu soll merken, daß
ich es Wert bin, sich um mich zu kümmern
sincerity4love001: i am here
sparkelsonja: did you have nice dreams - von was wohl ??? -
sincerity4love001: yes my love
sincerity4love001: i dreamed of you last night
sincerity4love001: you are all i have been dreaming and searchingg for
sparkelsonja: so take care of me and pay attention that i am not faiding away
sparkelsonja: and take care of your heart, that no other woman can steel it away
sincerity4love001: i want to assure you of my unconditional love with me
sincerity4love001: i am ready to make you happy all the rest of your life
sincerity4love001: i wish you can feel the happiness you radiate in me
sparkelsonja: be sure, i can feel it
sincerity4love001: i wish i could be with you for Xmas
sincerity4love001: we deserve this love we share
sparkelsonja: ok, than take a plane and come here, on christmas you are not working
sincerity4love001: this is the very kind of love i have always wanted in my life
sincerity4love001: the love that will be from the bottom of my heart
sincerity4love001: i am very busy here my love
sincerity4love001: but i promise that i will finish up on time so that i can be with you soon
sparkelsonja: fine
sincerity4love001: you are my heart desire and i had a wonderful night sleep
and i am keep imagining how it will feel if i am with you all through the night
sincerity4love001: to sing into your hears (urgs, besser nicht) tell you the words you like to hear
sincerity4love001: to show you i really care and i mean all my words and my words are real
sincerity4love001: i just wish i had met you before i left for Nigeria
(woher wußte ich nur, daß dieser Satz kommt?)
sparkelsonja: so it is the way it is
sparkelsonja: i am often not at home too
sincerity4love001: i am pretty sure that we are meant to be together
sincerity4love001: so your work requires lots of travelling?
sparkelsonja: yes, i told you last night
sincerity4love001: it is OK (was soll der "Arme" denn sonst sagen, er will ja mein Geld)
sincerity4love001: when we meet we would talk about that
sparkelsonja: why should we talk about that
sincerity4love001: i told you i deserve to be happy and i know all that is
expected of me from my woman and my entire family
sparkelsonja: sweety, the way you are doing your job, the way i am doing mine
sincerity4love001: but i have has been Paula and I all this while,and now i have you
(und hier nun der Beweis für die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula)
sincerity4love001: you have become part of my life
sparkelsonja: love will always find a way
sincerity4love001: yes and we are destined to me eachother
sparkelsonja: there will be times we are missing each other so bad cause
of our work, and there will be times we can stay togheter
sincerity4love001: and when i come to swiss,you and I will need to sit and discuss a way
of sorting this out
sparkelsonja: no we need not to discuss, i don´t like discussions...we will
find a solution
sincerity4love001: yes and discussion will lead to figure out a solution
sparkelsonja: ok maybe - but better say we talk
sparkelsonja: not discussing
(ich mußte ihn belehren, es mußte einfach sein, denn sonst belehrt er am allerliebsten
wie man aufwiedersehn sagt, das war vorher)
sincerity4love001: ok
sincerity4love001: we would figure out a solution
sincerity4love001: whether to go into business that will allow us spend much more quality
time with our selves
jetzt werde ich ihn auf die Schweiz heiß machen, er soll kommen, schließlich
habe ich genug Platz und Geld
sparkelsonja: but sweety, i dont think we need a solution - it is so easy -
you come here to me to life in swiss and from there you can work whereever you want -
like i am doing
sincerity4love001: that is why i said discuss ja, ja Besserwisser
sincerity4love001: yes that is a good and brilliant idea my love
sparkelsonja: but i don´t like the word to discuss - we are talking about -
a discussion is when you quarrel about
sincerity4love001: oh ok
sparkelsonja: well i always have brilliant ideas
sparkelsonja: what is paula getting for christmas
sincerity4love001: christmas gifts
sincerity4love001: games,movies,cloths,shoes..lots of cookies and chocolate
sparkelsonja: lots of cookies and chocolate - i know girls likes this but you
have to pay attention that she is not getting thick
kicher, und gleich winke ich wieder mit meinem Reichtum
sparkelsonja: little girls like rings and other things which they can wear to
show that they are girls
sincerity4love001: yes i got those things for her
sincerity4love001: but woman(wife and mother) are in the best position to get this things for her
sparkelsonja: oh no - a loving is father can do this as well
sincerity4love001: if i have a woman in my life,i would have gotten her to buy these
things for her
sincerity4love001: but i am glad i have you now and next xmas will be fun filled
sparkelsonja: yes it will
sincerity4love001: yes i tried my best as a father
sparkelsonja: so - i have to leave for doing my shoppings
jaaaaaaaaa, ich gebe wieder gaaaaanz viel Geld aus - er kann es förmlich riechen
sincerity4love001: but it cant be compared to that of a woman
sincerity4love001: oh ok my love
sincerity4love001: and when will you be here again?
sparkelsonja: in the email i wrote at 1.00 but it is so horrible late now,
i think for about 2.00
sincerity4love001: ok my love,i will be here around 2 :oo
sincerity4love001: i will have my messenger on when you get here buzz me if i am
near the computer ,i will answer
sparkelsonja: oh than you should not be far away, cause i need to go to the
internet cafe, but you know
sincerity4love001: yes i know
sincerity4love001: i wont be far away from the computer my love
sparkelsonja: ok, than have a nice day
und schon bin ich weg, Geld unter die Leute bringen und er muß auf mich warten,
der Arme
sorry für die Schreibfehler im chat - war mir igendwann egal
Überhaupt nicht peinlich, Sonne. Wir sind alles keine native speaker. Mein Englisch ist auch absolut grottig. Ist doch lustig.
Weiter so!
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
sincerity4love001: i am here now........if you get here buzz me i if i am near the
computer,i will answer
sincerity4love001: welcome my love
sincerity4love001: how did the shopping go ?
sparkelsonja: welcome too
sparkelsonja: oh it was horrible, everyone is in hectic
sincerity4love001: oh i see
sincerity4love001: everywhere is busy today...right?
sparkelsonja: oh yes
sincerity4love001: that is how it is when it is a day to xmas
sincerity4love001: so what did you buy?
ui was für eine schlaue Frage, Mugu hofft auf teure Sachen
sparkelsonja: oh just presents for my friends
sincerity4love001: your friends in Germany?
sincerity4love001: or in other countries?
sparkelsonja: for the friends i am staying with here in germany
sincerity4love001: how many of them are you staying with there?
Genau, ich bin mit zwei Ehepaaren hier, da klingt es doch noch viel
besser, wenn ich ihn so sehr vermisse
sparkelsonja: oh just with two couples
sincerity4love001: are you in there house or you are in an hotel there?
sparkelsonja: we are going to have a good night tonight and later in
the night we go back to the hotel
sincerity4love001: oh ok my love
sparkelsonja: what did you do this day
sincerity4love001: i just wonder how funfilled it would have been,if we
happened to have met before now
sincerity4love001: this xmas will be the best xmas i have had since 6 years ago
sincerity4love001: i have so much love in my heart to pour on you
sincerity4love001: and now that i have found myself in love with you ,i
will handle your heart with care i promise
aber nur solange, bis Mugu Geld hat
sparkelsonja: oh what a nice xmas present thanks a lot
sincerity4love001: you are my precious gift that God has blessed me with
for xmas
sincerity4love001: we are blessed to have eachother at this time of the
year especially
sincerity4love001: darling
sincerity4love001: do you know i have been thinking of you lately?
sparkelsonja: oh really
sparkelsonja: what did you think (ich weiß doch, was er denkt )
sincerity4love001: yes i have you so close to my heart
sincerity4love001: that i am happy out our present ..i mean the love we
share and what the future will bring,it is going to be the brightest of all
sparkelsonja: oh if you feel like that i am happy
sparkelsonja: what did you do this day, did you do some christmas shoppings too
sincerity4love001: nope
sparkelsonja: nope? for what?
sincerity4love001: i did the shopping i did yesterday
sincerity4love001: are you there?
sparkelsonja: yep
sincerity4love001: what is your favourite color?
sparkelsonja: oh my favourite colour - let me think
sparkelsonja: sometimes black, sometimes silver
sparkelsonja: why did you ask
sincerity4love001: i asked because i want to know you better
sincerity4love001: mine is blue
Na endlich fragt er mal was gescheites
sincerity4love001: do you own a house in Swiss or you live in a
rented apartment.
sparkelsonja: sugarbabe - are you so crazy - of couse i am owning
a house, i am an artist
sincerity4love001: my love i am asking you because i want us to get to
know eachother better
sparkelsonja: how do you live in Dublin (lebt angeblich in Dublin)
sincerity4love001: that is the essense of true and unconditional love
sincerity4love001: i live in a house
(was soll er auch sonst sagen, ich könnte ja schnell weg sein,
weil er mir zu arm ist, der "Arme")
sparkelsonja: maybe the essence - but trusting in each other is more
sincerity4love001: yes i want to trust in you and know everything about
you my love
sparkelsonja: don´t you trust in me by now?
sincerity4love001: of course i do (genau, bin ja reich genug)
sincerity4love001: my heart knows what i deserve and it brough t us together
sincerity4love001: i believe in you
sincerity4love001: that is why i am very much intouch with you heart
beats for you
sparkelsonja: oh no sweety
sparkelsonja: your heart needs to beat for paula too
muß ihn doch mal wieder an seine Tochter erinnern
sincerity4love001: you dont seems to know how much love you radiate in me
sparkelsonja: well i havent seen you by now in real life, but i can imagine
sparkelsonja: and you don´t know that i am in seven heaven
sparkelsonja: is paula nervous and courious about this evening
sparkelsonja: what are going to have for dinner
(muß doch mal fragen, schließlich müßte Paula ja bald sterbenskrank
werden von dem schlechten Essen dort)
sparkelsonja: are you with friends this evening
sincerity4love001: i dont have friends here
sincerity4love001: i dont have friends...
(achja, muß er ja sagen, sonst gibts ja keinen Grund um Hilfe zu betteln)
sparkelsonja: everyone has friends
sparkelsonja: where are you friends gone? did you do bad things?
sparkelsonja: sweety - where are you
leider scheint er nebenbei noch andere abzuzocken, es ist ja Weihnachten,
da geht immer was - hoffentlich kriegt er die nicht rum
sincerity4love001: i only have employees who work for me here
sparkelsonja: yes there but at home?
sparkelsonja: pleas don´t let me wait for your answers - it is boring to wait
sparkelsonja: i even want to know you better
sincerity4love001: i use to have a friend who later betrayed me because of money
sparkelsonja: ups thats not fine
sparkelsonja: why did you change your Messenger id
sincerity4love001: i did not change it
sincerity4love001: what are you seeing there?
sparkelsonja: i can see your Name, before i saw your sincerity...
sincerity4love001: oh ok
sincerity4love001: that is my yahoo ID which i used in registering
sparkelsonja: yes i think so but why did you change it by now
sincerity4love001: sometimes it choose to show between name and ID
sparkelsonja: oh it does not makes sense for me - but if you like :)
sincerity4love001: before i was seeing you as sparkelsonja
sincerity4love001: but now i am seeing you as sonja B
sincerity4love001: it interchanges
sparkelsonja: ups but i did not change
sincerity4love001: i did not change it either
sparkelsonja: ok it is like it is
sincerity4love001: i know
sincerity4love001: so you have never used the yahoo messenger before..
have you ever used it before?
sparkelsonja: no i did not before
sparkelsonja: i told you there was no need before
sincerity4love001: i understand
sincerity4love001: and you are introduced to it now that God knows it
is the best time for you to meet your man who will love,cherish,adore
and appreciate you all his life
sparkelsonja: it seems so:)
sparkelsonja: so my loving man, it is time for me to leave here
sparkelsonja: when will we meet us again?
sincerity4love001: i wish we could stay here and talk forever
sparkelsonja: me too
sincerity4love001: i will be here whenever you want me to be here]
sparkelsonja: i can´t tell you, when there is time to come here
again, i don´t know yet
sparkelsonja: a big kiss for you and paula and the best wishes for
christmas, that come from my heart
das merkt der aber früh
sincerity4love001: oh you are leaving now?
sincerity4love001: and when will you be here again?
sparkelsonja: don´t you read, what i am writing?
sincerity4love001: yes i did
sincerity4love001: just that i am missing you already
sincerity4love001: do you know that you have become part of my life?
sparkelsonja: :x
sparkelsonja: so have a nice day
sparkelsonja: the best ist to check your emails sometimes the day,
than i can tell you, when i am here again
sincerity4love001: ok my love
Kurz nach dem Chat schon die nächste Mail, er muß ja beweisen, was ich ihm bedeute;
meint er, denn Mugu hat nun schon Angst, ich bleibe ihm nicht erhalten
Von: John Williams <>
Datum: 24.12.08 01:21:44 Uhr
My love Sonja,i have to let you know that you are a blessing that my entire being is
very thankful for,Where have you been all this while,i must have missed a lot all this
while i never knew are all i have been dreaming,longing and searching for.
I feel that we were made to love,listen, understand, and work through all times in our
lives together and individually.I really enjoyed chatting with you tonight and I am looking
forward to spending more meaningful and happier moments with you,I know there are many
more special occasions and moments in our lives that will surprise and bring us closer.
You are my soul mate and nothing, and no one else feels more right than you,I love you
eternally and unconditionally. God's love has answered this prayer,I have wanted and
been almost too anxious for so long. I wish i am with you right now but my love will
reach any distance and fly to be in your dreams and heart each day until we finally meet
so that i can show you the love your heart desires. I physically long for you and i will
make sure i see you in my dreams and feel you around me until we find ourselves wrapped
in the love that grows stronger and deeper each day, into our future together. I believe
and have faith in you.
I LOVE YOU dearly.
Wow, er hat sich meinen Namen gemerkt (diesen und die anderen Briefe habe ich
alle wortwörtlich schon einmal bekommen; eigentlich gar nicht schlecht, er ist
für mich kalkulierbar geworden - abgesehen davon, daß er schnell beleidigt ist)
Und schon wieder ein Brief, gleich nach dem aufstehen,
er hat es eilig
Von: John Williams <>
Datum: 24.12.08 09:03:34 Uhr
Good morning my happiness,i am leaving for work now and so i am writing you this
letter to let you know that since yesterday we have shared something incredible,something
that most people only dream of. I had been searching for you all this years. You have
made me the happiest I have ever been with your loving ways and your plans to make my
daughter happy too.(?????welche Pläne????, ich weiß von nix) You are a
sincere, caring, loving woman,the kind of woman i have always wanted in my life
(genau! oder doch nicht? weiß er aber noch nicht) and I
wouldn't trade you for the world.I am so thankful and blessed that you loved me as much
as I loved you,in fact i love you more because i cant explain the love you radiate in
me since last night and that you regard me as your Man,i will give you the regards,love
and respect you deserve as a woman(a wife).We would get married,and become ONE,I have
cherished the moment we spent together yesterday. I love you more and more every second.
Thinking about our future fills me with anticipation and excitement. We will make the
perfect husband and wife team, and I cannot wait to be with you because what i feel is
true love, We are going to have an amazing life together raising a family. All of our
dreams are coming true, Sonja ! We have so much to be thankful for, We will just
continue to lean on each other, loving and supporting one another with all of the love
we have, and we will be just fine. Our life together is already amazing, and together
it will only get better and better. I will forever be grateful that you came into my
life and made all my dreams come true. Together we are perfect, and I will enjoy
spending the rest of my life with you.
I love you more than words can say for just this little chat we had yesterday.
i will be here at 11:00 a.m
Love always,
Ich glaube, ich war bis jetzt ganz gut - er will mich heiraten der
Hey my sugarbabe,
a thousand kisses for your letters. I had sweet dreams about our future and cause these
dreams have been like it would be reality, i believe in the truth of your words.
I am looking forward to see you in February in Swiss, when your work is done, but
take paula with you!
You cannot imagine, how tired i am this morning. I just went here to check my morning
mail. I should have done my christmas shoppings but I slept much too long. With your
love at my side I am leaving here now to do these shoppings. But therefore i cannot
be back at 11.00. Love will always find a way, so I see you in the chat for about 1.00 this midday.
Schon mal vorsorgen, daß er auch wirklich online kommt,
Geschenke in Aussicht
Hello and good morning sugarbabe,
how was your evening? Hope you had a pleasent time with your daughter. I just
had a look at yahoo messanger to see you there but it seems your are not online. I wished
so much to talk to you.
Yesterday morning everything was ok. But in the evening i had to cry a lot. It was a few
weeks before christmas when my husband died this many years ago. To have a look at all
those happy couples made me really sad. My thoughts were all the time at your side and
i wished so much to have this christmas with you. So to have you in my mind and in my
heart it helped a lot - and do you know what? I bought some christmas presents for you
and your daughter. I always have a look at them and the next days will send them to you.
But i don´t know where to send, so you will tell me, when we meet at yahoo.
Sugarbabe, the next hour i am in the cafe. Hope we will meet at yahoo. Maybe i am
going to have a cafe but i am soon back at the computer. Miss you.
sparkelsonja: hey hello
sincerity4love001: merry xmas
sincerity4love001: how are you doing today
sparkelsonja: merry xmas
sparkelsonja: i don´t know
sparkelsonja: how are you doing
sincerity4love001: i am fine and i miss you
sparkelsonja: you cannot imgagine how i miss you
sincerity4love001: really
sincerity4love001: how much do you miss me
sparkelsonja: to see all these happy couples around ist not funny
sparkelsonja: did you read my email, i told you Dumpfbacke
sincerity4love001: i just got online to see if my sweetheat is here
sincerity4love001: and i am happy you are
sincerity4love001: sweetheart*
sparkelsonja: i would give so much, we could spend this christmas togehter
sincerity4love001: so how has your day been honey
sparkelsonja: oh a bit sad but i wrote in my mail to you
sparkelsonja: i am missing a family
sparkelsonja: i don´t have a family you know
genau, und deswegen brauche ich ihn
sincerity4love001: oh
sincerity4love001: what happened to your family?
sparkelsonja: sweety you know it already, my husband died several years ago and
my son lives his own life
sincerity4love001: yes i know that
sincerity4love001: what i was asking you about are you other family
sparkelsonja: what ohter family
sincerity4love001: are you the only child like me? (ja, er ist ja sooooo alleine)
sparkelsonja: yes i am
sincerity4love001: do you have brothers or sisters? (ist der doof, fragt alles fünfmal)
sincerity4love001: baby i wish you could know how much love you radiate in me
sincerity4love001: i think about you all the time that i cant get you off my mind
for a second
sparkelsonja: really - i had a look this morning if there would be an email
for me, but there was nothing
(ich warte doch auf schlechte Nachrichten )
sincerity4love001: there is happiness in my life since you became part of me
sparkelsonja: oh i miss you so much
sincerity4love001: i miss you more than words can express
sparkelsonja: i would prefer to lay in your arms than writing here
sincerity4love001: all i have in my mind is you
sincerity4love001: i just dont know why i have not meet you before i left for Nigeria
sincerity4love001: me too my love
sincerity4love001: nothing compares to the joy of being with you
sparkelsonja: you know what get clear to me this night?
sparkelsonja: Jesus came down with the wish for freedom on earth and justice and i
belief in it, more than ever before (jawoll, jetzt wird er gebaitet, er weiß
gar nicht
wie wahr das ist)
sparkelsonja: my husband died some weaks before christmas - and some days before
christmas we met
sincerity4love001: the Lord is good
sincerity4love001: i know that when God is ready to bring two people together,he will
surely do
sincerity4love001: i am ready to love you forever and always
sparkelsonja: sweety - are you online in half an hour - i have to laeve for moment
sparkelsonja: brb
sparkelsonja: please wait (brauche mal nen Kaffee und ne Pause)
sincerity4love001: you are all i have been dreaming and searching for all my life
sincerity4love001: you are my heart desire,you are my love
sincerity4love001: you are my source of inspiration
sincerity4love001: you are my jewel of inestimable value
sincerity4love001: i will be here my love
sincerity4love001: i will buy a cell phone tomorrow so that we can speak and send text
message on phone
sincerity4love001: i dont have the intension of buying a phone here because i dont need
it .but i will because of you and i will let you have my number so that you can reach me
whenever you want to do so
sincerity4love001: you mean more to me than what words can express
sparkelsonja: hello there
sparkelsonja: :-?
sparkelsonja: ;;)
sparkelsonja: where are you
sparkelsonja: are you playing in the meantime with paula?
(muß mal wieder an Tochter erinnern, wird sie langsam krank?)
sparkelsonja: what are you doing?
sparkelsonja: i am waiting
sincerity4love001: i am back my love
sincerity4love001: yes i with Paula
sincerity4love001: i was with Paula
sincerity4love001: where did you go?
sincerity4love001: i am here now
sparkelsonja: how was your christmas evening
sincerity4love001: baby we are just here
sincerity4love001: and i am sure,it would have been lots of fun is we are together
sparkelsonja: surely
jetzt wirds langsam Zeit, daß ich ihn dazu kriege, seinen Scheck einzulösen
sparkelsonja: when do you finish your work over there
sincerity4love001: you have won my heart completely and nothing feels better than being
with you and showing you how much you mean to me with the ways i will take care of you
sincerity4love001: 6 weeks my love
sparkelsonja: i see
sparkelsonja: you are just a few days there, did you begin already
sincerity4love001: i hope that is not a long time for you to wait for us
sincerity4love001: because we have so much love in our heart to give
sincerity4love001: yes we have started working already
sparkelsonja: oh by the moment it is a long time, but we will meet after than
sparkelsonja: do you come to swiss or do we meet in Dublin
sincerity4love001: for sure,i plan to come to Swiss to come and meet my jewel
sparkelsonja: whats with paula, is she coming too
sincerity4love001: yes we are leaving together and we will be with you together
sparkelsonja: oh thats will be great
sincerity4love001: it will be more than great
sparkelsonja: when will paula visit school, i think in the summer, she is not in
school already?
sincerity4love001: i am home schooling her here..she has a teacher here
sincerity4love001: who teaches her while i am working
sparkelsonja: thats a great idea
sparkelsonja: i thought about our futurer
sparkelsonja: paual will get a nanny and a private teacher, so we both can work
and she can come with us
sincerity4love001: you are part of our life now and everything i plan are
part of my life and you are part of my plans too
sincerity4love001: you have my heart now.please keep it in the safest place.......
my heart is fragile...and when i love,i love wholeheartedly and unconditionally
sparkelsonja: what do you think about me
sparkelsonja: i will ever do
sparkelsonja: or do you think i am teasing you
sincerity4love001: Sonja my love,have no fear or fret..i wont disappoint you because
my love for you is from the deepest part of my heart
sincerity4love001: i know you are not teasing me
sincerity4love001: i have faith in you and i know you love me for real
sincerity4love001: though we have not meet in person but i feel this love
sparkelsonja: yes i do
sincerity4love001: and i will never hurt you that is a promise i am making to you
from the deepest part of my life
sincerity4love001: i will do good things for you ,all the things any other man can do
sparkelsonja: oh i thank to the special force above in the universe that we
found each other
sincerity4love001: i will bring you so much honor and prestige among your family,
friends and relatives
sincerity4love001: we are more than blessed to have found eachother
sparkelsonja: yes we are
sincerity4love001: we deserve this love we is genuie and pure and i can
feel your love
Gute Idee: ich habe Geschenke gekauft für Mugu und Töchterchen
sparkelsonja: do you know i already have presents for you and paula
sincerity4love001: oh really what present did you get for us my love?
sincerity4love001: You ,yourself is more than any present you are a precious gift
for me from God
sparkelsonja: you need to wait, don´t be so curious, you will get them, when
we will meet or i can send them to you
sincerity4love001: it depends on which one you prefer
sparkelsonja: let me think...sending to you is faster
sincerity4love001: i would prefer you send them and when you are sending them,send
them along with your pictures..i want to have you in my bed so that i can kiss you
before i go to bed in the night and when i wake up in the morning
sparkelsonja: but sweety - i can wait - it depends on you
sparkelsonja: oh i see
sincerity4love001: i will have you on my chest all through the night and you will
never be out of my life
sparkelsonja: hey sun, don´t burn so hot, the poor little snowman is melting
sincerity4love001: you are my life and my world and i will do everything to make you
happy,to make life meaningful and worthwhile
sincerity4love001: you are my life
sparkelsonja: but where can i send them
sincerity4love001: ok you mean an address you can send them to where i am in Nigeria?
sparkelsonja: yes
sincerity4love001: send it to ..Name : John Williams
sincerity4love001: address : 38 Quarry Road
sincerity4love001: City : Abeokuta
sparkelsonja: oh sweety, i know your name already
sincerity4love001: State : Ogun
sincerity4love001: Country :Nigeria
sincerity4love001: Zipcode : 234039
sincerity4love001: these is the address
sincerity4love001: please send me your pictures when you are sending the picture
sparkelsonja: kisses
sincerity4love001: you are of more importance to me my love
sparkelsonja: i will send them via airmail on monday
sincerity4love001: will you please send Paula roses too,she love them with passion
sparkelsonja: will they reach you, i think about an insurance for them
sincerity4love001: and PSP console game because ,here is so boring for her after
home schooling
sparkelsonja: roses? they get dry
sincerity4love001: with that,she will get herself busy
sparkelsonja: oh sweety, i have already your presents
sparkelsonja: but
sparkelsonja: i will by a psp for her
ich kaufe euch alles, was ihr wollt, die ganze Welt und noch mehr
sincerity4love001: oh thank you you can buy the catridges of the games aswell
sincerity4love001: meanwhile do you have fedex express courier service there in Germany?
sparkelsonja: you need games - ok it will be done
sparkelsonja: oh i thought about airmail
sincerity4love001: you have won my heart completely
sparkelsonja: sugarbabe, i don´t need to convince you that i really love
you, you both, with my presents you see it
sparkelsonja: otherwise i would never do that
sincerity4love001: you can check on the fedex store or agent from to check a place
close to where you can send it from,it is easier,faster and safer
sparkelsonja: ok will do
sparkelsonja: but you have to give me promise
sincerity4love001: yes and i will do everything to make life meaningfuland
worthwhile for you
sincerity4love001: ok my love
sincerity4love001: i love you and i will never make you cry
sparkelsonja: pleas take care of you both and only eat in the best
restaurants over there, cause the food in Nigeria is not very well
(und noch ein Versuch - sie wird doch endlich krank?!?)
sincerity4love001: yes i promise to take very good care of us and God will protect us
sincerity4love001: i love you with all sincerity
sparkelsonja: :x
sincerity4love001: you are loved now and you will always be loved no matter
what time may bring
sincerity4love001: you only dont know how much love you radiate in me
sparkelsonja: are you sure?
sincerity4love001: you are the reason smile these day
sincerity4love001: how i wish you know how exicted and overjoyed i felt when
i was discussing you with my daughter last night
sincerity4love001: i told her someone really cares about her
sparkelsonja: oh really
sincerity4love001: yes my love
sincerity4love001: Paula is happy that dad is happy now because she knows i
get busy on the computer theses days and you are the reason i smile lately
sincerity4love001: and i promise to always bring you happiness
sincerity4love001: and i promise you that forever from today that happiness
is what you will feel from me from now on
sparkelsonja: i promise it too
sparkelsonja: now i know why my husband died before chrismas and i found you
before christmas
sincerity4love001: tears is dropping from my eyes now and it is tears of joy
sincerity4love001: that i am deply in love again and the woman i love loves my
daughter and I as much
sincerity4love001: nothing feels better
sparkelsonja: so darling, i have to leave in a few minutes...tell me,
when will you be online tomorrow
sincerity4love001: what is the mobile number i can reach you on there?
sparkelsonja: i did not take it with me
sincerity4love001: i will buy a phone tomorrow because i want to keep intouch with you
sincerity4love001: ok my love
sincerity4love001: i will be online at 10:00 am from work
sincerity4love001: because i have to work tomorrow
sparkelsonja: oh i cannot come here at this time
sincerity4love001: will you be here by 10 a.m tomorrow?
sincerity4love001: ok what time do you think you will be here tomorrow ?
sparkelsonja: for about 2 or 3
sincerity4love001: oh ok my love
sincerity4love001: i will have my yahoo messenger on
sparkelsonja: fine
sincerity4love001: buzz me whenever you get online
sparkelsonja: sweety - don´t forget to write me emails
sincerity4love001: i love you so much my love and i cant do anything than
to think about the joy and happiness i feel with you
sparkelsonja: i want to read from you
sincerity4love001: ok my l;ove
sparkelsonja: cause your words are touching my heart so much
sparkelsonja: and i want know how are you doing and paula too
sincerity4love001: i will email you my love
sincerity4love001: ok my love
sincerity4love001: i love you so much and i will always love you
sparkelsonja: sweety, i always want to know how you both are
sparkelsonja: i don´t want to have sorrows if everything is ok over there
sincerity4love001: ok my love
sparkelsonja: can you trust your home teacher?
sincerity4love001: she is a pastors wife here but she is a teacher aswell
and they are well respected people here
sparkelsonja: ok - but don´t forget that nigeria is not good
sincerity4love001: i know my love there are lots of bad people here..please
pray for us
sincerity4love001: and i will be careful here i promise
sparkelsonja: i just think about, if you could finish earlier your work,
so that you come out there very soon
sincerity4love001: i will try and finish up on time so i can be with you soon
sincerity4love001: my love...i have to go now
sincerity4love001: i want to go and get Paula something to eat
sparkelsonja: ok
sparkelsonja: yes you need to eat
sparkelsonja: but remember, only in a good restaurant (genau!)
sincerity4love001: i will have my yahoo messenger on tomorrow
sincerity4love001: buzz when you get here
sincerity4love001: yes my love
sincerity4love001: good resturants
sincerity4love001: i love you
sparkelsonja: ok
sincerity4love001: talk to you tomorrow
sparkelsonja: love you too
sincerity4love001: i am missing you already
sparkelsonja: i have to leave too
sparkelsonja: me too
sparkelsonja: ok, so see us tomorrow
sincerity4love001: i love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
sincerity4love001: i am signing out now my love
sincerity4love001: should I?
Oh weh - sorry, sorry, da ist ein Fehler, die mail, in der ich christmas-shopping ankündige,
gehört weiter nach oben - aber ich lerne dazu
Von: John Williams <>
Datum: 26.12.08 07:13:35 Uhr
Sonja my love...Do you know You brought love and laughter to our empty, sad and
boring life? My heart had known only emptiness until the day you came into my
life and filled my heart to overflowing with your love and caring ways. Your sense
of humor has turned my frown into a smile. You taught me how to love again, you taught
me to give and receive love by trusting in you and believing. You taught me to go
the extra mile. And though there are miles between us, I never stop thinking of you,
you have brought a change into our life and our heart is forever yours.I can never
forget you, or keep thoughts of you out of my mind. I think of your sweet words,
(your plans to make Paula happy) feel them as if it you were here with me. Thoughts
of you warm my heart. You complete me, you are everything my heart desires.I love
You so much my dearest.We will be able to spend lots of time together and i will
make you smile all the time and i will sing for you as well,baby i have so much
love in my heart that i will shower on You
We are blessed by God to have found each other and i will never break your heart.
Wholeheartedly,I love you
hi my sugarbabe,
while i was reading your email, tears were running down my face. You are the
one i want to spend the rest of my life with. I cannot believe that we met
during the christmas days. My heart belongs to you and i am burning inside
cause of all those great feelings.
But i am not amused that i did not see you at yahoo, you wanted to meet me
between 14.00 and 15.00. So whats going on? Why did i miss you there? I am
thinking about, but there are no answers. Waiting for an answer and how are you doing.
Von: John Williams <>
Datum: 26.12.08 16:49:40 Uhr
my love i am sorry to have kept you waiting,how are you doing..i have been
busy with work here and i could not get the chance to get online,i have got
more employees to work for me on the site in order to finish up on time so
that i can be with you ....i think about you all the time and i think about
the joy of spending the rest of my life with you i am here now and i will
be waiting for you online.
So - jetzt dauert es nicht mehr lange, dann fängt das Drama
mit dem Scheck an
Ui, Mugu hat Arbeiter eingestellt
sincerity4love001: hello my love
sparkelsonja: hey you still there?
sincerity4love001: i am here now my love
sincerity4love001: how are you today?
sincerity4love001: are you there my happiness?
sincerity4love001: hello
sincerity4love001: are you there my love
sparkelsonja: hi
sparkelsonja: how are you doing?
sincerity4love001: i am fine
sincerity4love001: i miss you so muhc
sparkelsonja: i miss you too
sparkelsonja: what are you doing this day?
sincerity4love001: it has been hard working with few workers and i want to
make sure i get work done fast so i can be with you as soon as possible
sparkelsonja: oh that would be great
sincerity4love001: so i had to look for more employee yesterday to make
sure thy comence work today
sincerity4love001: i am sorry for not being here ontime yesterday
sparkelsonja: did they start to work for you
sincerity4love001: yes i have them get on site today and things will be faster now
sparkelsonja: wonderful
sincerity4love001: more workers brings more output
sparkelsonja: and the rest of the day you get off
sparkelsonja: what ist paula doing, is she still bored?
sincerity4love001: yes she is so much bored ... yesterday was a hectic day for
her because she has to go with me looking for people to work for me
(Hä? Er hat doch einen Privatlehrer, die Frau des Pfarrers
diese Klischee ist auch bedient)
sincerity4love001: but she is better today that i could spend little time
with her while i work and talk to you
sparkelsonja: whats about the people in nigeria? are they friendly over there?
sincerity4love001: not friendly at all
sincerity4love001: they even speak diffrent language
sparkelsonja: hm
sincerity4love001: and they are all wicked
sincerity4love001: they dont help one another
sincerity4love001: nor help strangers
sincerity4love001: they dont care
(genau mein Liebster, genau wie du )
sparkelsonja: oh thats horrible
sparkelsonja: i think you never go again over there when you have finished
sparkelsonja: paula will be happy to leave nigeria as soon as possible
sincerity4love001: i have a plan when we meet
sparkelsonja: tell me
sincerity4love001: i dont want to get myself involved in this kind of work
that requires lots of travelling again (toller Plan)
sincerity4love001: i will go into business that will allow me spend quality
time with my you and Paula
sparkelsonja: it sounds good
sincerity4love001: but that kind of business is not decided yet
sincerity4love001: you and I will have to sit and discuss about that work
because i am a man who will never make decisions without seeking the consent of his wife
sparkelsonja: we will talk about
sincerity4love001: i will always put you into consideration before i make
decisions because that is what true,genuie and unconditional love is about
sparkelsonja: wife? we are not married
sincerity4love001: i was married years ago and that was to Paula's mom
sincerity4love001: but she passed away when giving birth to Paula and since
then i have never been in any relationship
sparkelsonja: i know - you still told (ich bin doch nicht blöd)
sincerity4love001: i was only trying to explain to you better
sparkelsonja: oh i see
sincerity4love001: my love i have been thinking about you
sincerity4love001: i think about you all the time
sparkelsonja: me too
sparkelsonja: every minute the day
und weitere Liebesschwüre
dann diese dämliche Frage, habe alles schon erzählt:
sincerity4love001: as an artist, what do you do?
sparkelsonja: i still told you
sincerity4love001: i know you did
sparkelsonja: so what?
sincerity4love001: just tell me what you do as an artist...
sincerity4love001: are you a sign artist or a movie or a musical artist
sparkelsonja: why once again? try to remember
sparkelsonja: sugarbabe, i think true love will never forget
the words the woman told before
sincerity4love001: yes i know you told me this
sincerity4love001: but your love has taken the whole of my heart
sincerity4love001: try to understand that i have not felt this much love for years now
sparkelsonja: yes i understand and me too - but i know what you told me and for me
it is an improve for your real love, when you listen what i say and remember
sincerity4love001: ok my love
sincerity4love001: i know you said your work requires lots of travelling
sincerity4love001: i understand that
sparkelsonja: oh thats not all i said
sincerity4love001: just tell me and i promise i wont forget again
sparkelsonja: no sweety - you need to try to remember
sincerity4love001: just tell me because of the love we share that is so strong
sincerity4love001: ok pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
sincerity4love001: just tell me and i wont forget again
sparkelsonja: i am doing paintings for my clients and special wall paintings
sincerity4love001: oh silly me..hahahahahahahaha
sincerity4love001: can you paint pictures ?
sparkelsonja: yes i can
sparkelsonja: otherwise i could not do my job
sincerity4love001: wow that is wonderful
sincerity4love001: my love do you know why i asked?
sparkelsonja: you will tellme
den Zusammenhang verstehe ich jetzt nicht, aber ich habe schon
die nächste blöde Idee, gleich bin ich Gospelsängerin - auch noch - wow
sincerity4love001: i asked because i have a very good singing voice and i love
singing for my woman
sincerity4love001: mostly in bed time before going to bed to make her know how
much she means to me
sincerity4love001: i want to do that for you
sincerity4love001: i want to sing into your ears
sparkelsonja: hope you will sing really good, otherwise i prefer
listening to my music
sincerity4love001: and do all the things you would like for you
sincerity4love001: show you the very kind of love you have never felt before
sincerity4love001: my love believe me,i have so much love in my heart to shower on you
sincerity4love001: wow
sincerity4love001: i sing real good
Das mit dem Gospel singen muß noch warten, vorher frage ich aber noch,
ob ich zu ihm nach Nigeria kommen soll, komisch
irgendwie findet er das gar keine gute Idee
sincerity4love001: there are lots of wicked people here to hurt any one of us
genau, wie du...und ich bekomme ganz viel schreckliches über
die Menschen dort erzählt
sincerity4love001: but i promise that i will finish on time so that i can be with you
sparkelsonja: ok - i have to wait
sincerity4love001: i dont want anything to happen to any one of us
sincerity4love001: please try to understand
sincerity4love001: but i promise to finish up on time and be with you
sparkelsonja: ok-ok
sincerity4love001: i want to concentrate on work so that i can finish
up on time to be with you for lifetime
sparkelsonja: but you can have a look for the plane you will take, the best
airport to come here ist Frankfurt
vielleicht will er zur Abwechslung irgend wann mal Geld
für die Tickets - ist doch auch eine Idee
sincerity4love001: but if you come,your love fill me up that i will hardly
concentrate on work
sparkelsonja: or Köln
irgendwie kam das nicht an bei ihm, naja, ein Mugu
kann eben nicht so vieles gleichzeitig denken
sincerity4love001: all i will do is spend time with you
sincerity4love001: i have gotten more employees to work with me on the site
sparkelsonja: well done sugarbabe
sincerity4love001: in order to finish up on that you and I will
have quality time to spend together
weiteres Liebes-blabla
sparkelsonja: in some minutes i have to leave
sparkelsonja: there is a concert where i am needed
sincerity4love001: you dont know you are the love of my life and the
time i spend with you is the moment i treasure most
sincerity4love001: there is Germany?
sincerity4love001: what kind of concert is that?
sparkelsonja: curious?
sparkelsonja: a concert in a big church
sincerity4love001: just asking
sincerity4love001: i want to know everything about my wife
sincerity4love001: i see
sincerity4love001: is it a musical concert my love?
sparkelsonja: ok darling, than sit down - i am doing a lot more than
you know right now
sparkelsonja: gospel singers
sincerity4love001: i see
sparkelsonja: sometimes i am travelling around to sing with a gospel choir
sincerity4love001: i am pretty sure,that we would make a good husband
and wife and a good singing couples (oh weh, die Milch wird schlecht)
sparkelsonja: well - are you able to sing gospel? the really origin gospels?
with heart and soul
sincerity4love001: i have a good singing voice my love and i can implement
in it there is lyrics for it
sparkelsonja: well we will see
sincerity4love001: i will utilize my voice and i bet that will melt your heart my love
sparkelsonja: ok but i have to leave for now
sparkelsonja: have a nice day with paula
sparkelsonja: and take care for you both
sincerity4love001: ok my love and when will you be online now
sincerity4love001: ?
sparkelsonja: i dont know by now---when will you be online again
sincerity4love001: i can have my yahoo ON when you get online buzz me if i am here,buzz me
sparkelsonja: haha - like yesterday
Komisch, jetzt will er auch noch mit mir singen
sincerity4love001: daydreaming about the joy of spending the rest of my life with you
sparkelsonja: and how is paula doing
sparkelsonja: you know what?
sincerity4love001: what my love
sincerity4love001: paula is fine
sparkelsonja: it is great to have a daughter
muß doch mal wieder ein bischen "an Paula arbeiten"
sincerity4love001: yes it is so great and a blessing from God
sincerity4love001: why do you say that?
sparkelsonja: i am not allowed to say that?
sincerity4love001: why do you say it is great to have a daughter?
sparkelsonja: well you know my son is grown up and i really like to
care for her
sparkelsonja: isn´t it?
sincerity4love001: yes my love
wieder Liebes-blala; ich glaube ich muß mal krank werden
sparkelsonja: but i think i am getting sick
sparkelsonja: ill
sincerity4love001: why my love?
sparkelsonja: oh i don´t know, there is a feeling that i could puke
sparkelsonja: maybe the day was too strong, i don´t know
sincerity4love001: it is true love and i will do everything to make life
meaningful and worthwhile for you
sparkelsonja: no sweety true love does not give that kind of feeling
sparkelsonja: sweety, i am missing your morning letter
sparkelsonja: it is cold, i am freezing, wish i could lay beside you and
you warm me up
sincerity4love001: nothing feels better that being with you
sincerity4love001: i am deeply in love with you
sincerity4love001: you have stolen my heart complete
sincerity4love001: i can barely concentrate while working
sincerity4love001: whenever i sit,i sit to think about you
sparkelsonja: i know this feeling very well, why do you think i am
coming so often to that cafe to talk to you
sincerity4love001: because the love is so strong
sincerity4love001: ?
sparkelsonja: yes - Dummerchen
sincerity4love001: when i come back from church tomorrow
sincerity4love001: i will chat with you and spend quality time with you
sincerity4love001: will you go to church tomorrow
sparkelsonja: no, i am a witch, i don´t go to church
sparkelsonja: to belief in god or however you will call this force, i need
not to go to church, i do praying at home
sincerity4love001: that is good
sincerity4love001: i love you my wife
sincerity4love001: and i will always love you
sparkelsonja: but let me tell you, when you are here you can go
to church, i don´t
sincerity4love001: it is Ok my love
sparkelsonja: so if you really love me, it needs to be ok
sparkelsonja: most preachers are so stupid
sincerity4love001: what matters most in a relationship is unconditional
love lovers share and understanding among them
sparkelsonja: right
was soll er auch sonst sagen, jetzt werde ich ihn mal runterhandeln,
wann wir uns endlich sehen....dann müßte ja auch bald der Scheck ins Spiel kommen
sparkelsonja: and in 4 weeks you will be here
sincerity4love001: latest 5weeks my love or less
sparkelsonja: oh you wanted to say in 3 weeks
sincerity4love001: it could be 3weeks my love
sincerity4love001: i want to be with you
sparkelsonja: wow in 2 weeks
sparkelsonja: i see - i drive you crazy
ups, da isser, der Scheck in ein paar Tagen kommt dann der traurigste
Tag seines Lebens, Scheck dauert 3 Wochen!!!
sincerity4love001: and i will go to the bank on monday to cash my cheque so
that i will be able to get more and more employees
sincerity4love001: i want to be with you soonest
sincerity4love001: once i get more empleyees i will finish on time
sparkelsonja: very good idea
sparkelsonja: thats the way it works
Ich bin ja reich, wie wäre es mit Privatlehrer und Nanny für Paula?
sparkelsonja: i think i should start to have a look for a teacher
and a nanny for paula
sparkelsonja: only the best teacher and nanny for her, i can find
sincerity4love001: you should be back home by the time i finish with the work here?
sincerity4love001: because i want to be with you and show you so much
love that your heart desires
sincerity4love001: we deserve to be happy
sparkelsonja: darling i will...when you tell me when your plane arrives,
i´ll pick you up and than i will have some weeks off
sincerity4love001: wow
sincerity4love001: that will be so wonderful my love
und dann die verhängnisvolle Frage nach dem Auto...
bald hängt ihm die Zunge am Boden, jetzt fahre ich auch noch ein geiles Auto
sincerity4love001: my love what brand of car do you drive?
sparkelsonja: why do you ask for, it does not matter anyway
sincerity4love001: just asking my love
sincerity4love001: i drive ford expendition
sparkelsonja: i don´t know that car
sparkelsonja: what´s that for a car
sincerity4love001: it is a truck
sparkelsonja: a car for upper class people? or middle class or what
sparkelsonja: oh a truck
sincerity4love001: yes my love
sparkelsonja: what yes
sincerity4love001: it is a truck
sparkelsonja: well a truck
sparkelsonja: hm
sparkelsonja: try to find out what car i am driving
sincerity4love001: what car is it my love.. i think you will have to tell me
sparkelsonja: try to find out
sincerity4love001: i am not a good guess
sparkelsonja: try it
sparkelsonja: its boring if you don´t try
sincerity4love001: 2008 vw car
sincerity4love001: ?
sparkelsonja: oh let me see, i am doing a table dance to force
your energy by now
sparkelsonja: no not a vw
sincerity4love001: mercedez benz
sparkelsonja: no
sincerity4love001: ferrari
sparkelsonja: no
sincerity4love001: bently
sparkelsonja: no
sincerity4love001: honda or nissan
sparkelsonja: awful
sincerity4love001: toyota
sparkelsonja: awful too
sparkelsonja: it begins with p
sincerity4love001: then i am must say drive a brand new JOHN
sparkelsonja: ?
sparkelsonja: ?????????????????????????????
sparkelsonja: a JOHN?
sincerity4love001: yes
sincerity4love001: you drive me then
sparkelsonja: sweety you did not read well
sparkelsonja: the name of the car begins with an p
sincerity4love001: Pajero?
sincerity4love001: pouch
sparkelsonja: ok, here are some letters and you have to put them
in order, than you will know
sparkelsonja: R S O H P C E
sincerity4love001: pocher?
sincerity4love001: it must be an european car
sparkelsonja: pocher? i only know pocher as an comedian
sparkelsonja: it is an european car - i think so
sincerity4love001: lol
sincerity4love001: i dont know the name honey
sincerity4love001: i cant try because i dont know it
sparkelsonja: oh sweety
sparkelsonja: lol
sparkelsonja: i won´t tell you, caus you know by now i am a witch o:-)
sparkelsonja: Kisses
sincerity4love001: oh ok baby i will be happy if you tell me
sincerity4love001: please
sincerity4love001: please
sincerity4love001: please
sincerity4love001: honey please
sparkelsonja: Kisses
sincerity4love001: kisses
sincerity4love001: you won
sincerity4love001: i dont know it
sincerity4love001: just tell me my love
sparkelsonja: you will see when i pick you up
sincerity4love001: i need to know baby
genau, damit schon mal gerechnet werden kann, wie hoch die Abocke
ausfallen wird
sincerity4love001: please
sparkelsonja: you need to know?
sparkelsonja: so curious
sincerity4love001: yes
sincerity4love001: yes please i need to know
sparkelsonja: ok once more the letters in another order, but you
still have to find out: PORSCHE
sparkelsonja: :-?
sparkelsonja: ;;)
sparkelsonja: john is thinking
sparkelsonja: and thinking
sparkelsonja: and thinking
sparkelsonja: and more thinking
sincerity4love001: yes
sparkelsonja: and much more thinkin
sincerity4love001: please make me think less
sparkelsonja: ok i will tell you
sparkelsonja: Porsche
sparkelsonja: hello there
sparkelsonja: at the end of the universe
sparkelsonja: i am here not somewhere else
sincerity4love001: wow
sincerity4love001: baby you drive a nice car
Schnellmerker, Googel hat wohl geholfen
ständig muß ich auf Antworten warten, naja, dann werde ich eben
auf dem Tisch tanzen,
es gibt bestimmt tolle Männer hier, die das mögen...
sparkelsonja: so if you don´t want to talk to me and if you let me
wait, i need to look around for another nice guy to talk with
sincerity4love001: dont ever do that
sincerity4love001: you know i will not let you wait
sincerity4love001: i will always be here for you
sincerity4love001: and you have my heart my heart already
sparkelsonja: oh darling you are a special person, you have two hearts *lol*
sincerity4love001: yes we have two heart
sincerity4love001: yours and mine
sparkelsonja: you have my heart my heart already
sparkelsonja: oh than there are threee
sincerity4love001: two hearts that beat as one
sparkelsonja: well you see it is necessary that you come over
here soon - looking aroung for nice gys
sincerity4love001: dont look
sincerity4love001: you know you have me to yourself
sincerity4love001: dont look else where
sincerity4love001: you have me now and you will forever have me
sincerity4love001: i dont plan to brake your heart
sparkelsonja: ok but what shall i do - i am missing you and it is
boring here
sincerity4love001: i will be with you soon my love
sincerity4love001: i will go to the store to get a phone when the
store opens on monday
or you can send me a phone with the pacakeg on monday
(ist ihm aber gerade noch rechtzeitig eingefallen)
sincerity4love001: can you
sincerity4love001: you will have to do it for my sake
sincerity4love001: you mean alot to me
sincerity4love001: more than word could say
sincerity4love001: you have stolen my heart away with your loving words
sparkelsonja: i will think about
sincerity4love001: oh ok my love.... have you eaten tonight?
sparkelsonja: no
sparkelsonja: whats about you
sparkelsonja: hello there
sparkelsonja: oh really nice guys over here...
sparkelsonja: why is your picture away
sparkelsonja: well if you want to do that
sparkelsonja: i don´t like to talk with me cause you donßt answer
sparkelsonja: ok my dear, than have a good night
sparkelsonja: so if you are angry than think about how it feels to
wait often so long for an answer
sparkelsonja: I am leaving here now - kisses
sparkelsonja: hope to get a morning letter from you
vielleicht sollte ich doch mal einlenken...
sparkelsonja: ok i never will look again
sparkelsonja: i promise
sincerity4love001: hello
sparkelsonja: sweety, i have to leave now
und noch mal Liebes-blabla
In Antwort auf:
i asked because i have a very good singing voice and i love
singing for my woman
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Ich liege hier und lache Tränen. Das ist ja gut
Zuerst muß ich den Rest noch einstellen, damit ich mal aktuell bin...mal sehen, wie das noch weitergeht.
Auf jeden Fall ist noch ganz viel passiert, mein Onkel stirbt und ich werde auch noch krank
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