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Another dating / chat scam - USA/ Nigeria connection

#1 von Karolina , 11.11.2006 00:16

Ein überaus interessanter Bericht über Mugus Chat & Dating.

Zitat von Another dating / chat scam - USA/ Nigeria connection
Last week I got contacted via my profile on a dating web site. The person had a temporary profile only with no picture posted and sent me a one-liner including her yahoo address and she asked me to add her on the yahoo messenger.

I was bored so I fulfilled her request.

Her profile had said she was from Illinois, USA. I live in California. Once we chat on Y! messenger, she says she just left Madrid/ Spain and is in West Africa now.

Supposedly she works for a diamond company which is owned by her step dad. She lives with her daughter since her husband (or kids father, I do not recall) left her after the kid was born. Here are her photos - I am not quite sure that they are really HER photos:

Hier die ganze Story zum weiter lesen

Hier die ganze Story zum weiter lesen
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Viele Grüße, Karolina

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