Die todkranke schwedische Goldhändlerin Mrs Annick Johan, die seit 10 Jahren an der Elfenbeinküste lebt, bietet 50% aus ihrem Nachlass von "$2.2 Million US Dollars", wenn man sich bereit erklärt dafür zu sorgen daß die anderen 50% ihres baldigen Nachlasses den Waisenhäusern in der Elfenbeinküste zu Gute kommen:
My name is Mrs Annick Johan, I have been suffering from ovarian cancer
disease and the doctor says that i have just few weeks to leave.I am
from Sweden but based in Ivory Coast,Africa since ten years
ago as a business woman dealing with gold exportation,now that i am
about to end the race like this,without any family members and no
child.I have $2.2 Million US DOLLARS in COBACI BANK in Ivory Coast.
But my mind is not at rest because i am writing this letter now through
the help of my laptop beside my sick bed. I have decided to donate $2.2
Million US Dollars in Cobaci bank which i want to entrust into your hands
to use in helping the orphanage home in your country,but you must assure
me that you will take only 50% of the total money and give the rest 50% to
the orphanage home in your country for my
soul to be at rest.
As soon as i hear from you that you are competent to execute my desire, i
will instruct my lawyer and the bank management to make the immediate
transfer into your account.Kindly Contact Me Back please it is very
Mrs Annick Johan
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