Hier mal was ganz feines. Zwei Mugus versendet an eines meiner Postfächer diese beiden Mails. Ich persönlich glaube, es ist nur ein dummer Zufall, dass es sich hierbei um die selbe Story zum Abzocken handelt.
hier Mail 1:
In Antwort auf:und hier Mail 2:
Received: from [] (helo=web26602.mail.ukl.yahoo.com)
by mx26.web.de with smtp (WEB.DE 4.109 #226)
id 1KbEdf-000198-00
for xxx@xxx; Thu, 04 Sep 2008 15:12:43 +0200
Received: (qmail 43639 invoked by uid 60001); 4 Sep 2008 13:12:25 -0000
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 13:12:25 +0000 (GMT)
From: tosou philip <philiptosou108@yahoo.co.uk>
Reply-To: barr.philiptosouesq@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: I Want to Seek for Business Relationship with you
To: philiptosou108@yahoo.co.uk
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Sender: philiptosou108@yahoo.co.uk
From Mr Philp Tosou.
Regional Supervisor,
Sagam Security Company Benin,
Cotonou Republic of Benin,
West Africa.
My Private tel number:+229-97780584.
Dear Friend,
I am Mr Philp Tosou a Regional Supervisour with a Sagam Security Company Cotonou Republic of Benin, West Africa. We had a foreign client who deposited a huge sum of money (US$10.5million and 55kg gold) with our Company.
Eventually, this client was among the victims of Beechcraft Baron near McArthur River mine in Australia in 2003. But since then we have not had any
body coming for the claims as the next of kin.
Now, having monitored this deposit over the years after his death and no body has showed up as the next of kin or relative for the past years, now I have removed the file to my private volt and I solicit for your assistance to present you as the next of kin as every other arrangement has been concluded by me to move this fund out. I have concluded all arrangement to move the fund out of this country Rebublic of Benin. I am only waiting for a foreigner that can stand as the next of kin and receive this fund and that is why I am contacting you. I will need your full contact such as full name, address, telephone numbers so that I can computerise them totally with the next of kin collum in our company's computers.
This does not have any risk attached to it as all the documentations will be handled by me and my personal lawyer. For the immediate take off of this transaction, I therefore request you to confirm your interest by replying this message with your information as I requested.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Mr Philp Tosou. Telephone: +229-97780584.
In Antwort auf:Also, dass sind mit Sicherheit 2 ganz verschiedene Mugus...
Received: from [] (helo=qb-out-0506.google.com)
by mx02.web.de with esmtp (WEB.DE 4.109 #226)
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for xxx@xxx; Thu, 04 Sep 2008 14:58:06 +0200
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Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 14:57:59 +0200
From: "Isah Dave" <daveisah2@hosanna.net>
Reply-To: daveisah34@hotmail.fr
Subject: I Want to Seek for Business Relationship with you
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Sender: daveisah2@hosanna.net
From Mr Dave Isah.
Regional Supervisor,
Sagam Security Company Benin,
Cotonou Republic of Benin.
West Africa.
My Private tel number:+229-97780584.
Dear Friend,
I am Mr Dave Isah the Regional Director of Sagam Security Company Benin in Cotonou Republic of Benin, West Africa. We had a foreign client who deposited a huge sum of money (US$10.5 Million and 55kg of Gold ) with our Company here in Benin. Eventually, this client was among the victims of Beechcraft Baron crash near McArthur River mine in Australia in 2003. But since then we have not had any body coming for the claims as his next of kin or relative. Having monitored this deposit over the years and after his death and no body has come up as the next of kin or relative for the past years, I have removed the deposit file to my private volt and I am soliciting for your assistance to present you as the next of kin the deceased as I have completed every arrangement to move this fund out from this country.
I have concluded arrangement to move the fund out from this country and I am seeking for your co-operation and assistance to stand as the next of kin and receive this fund and gold.
This is why I am contacting you. I am giving you 100% garrantee that with me as the Director of this company, this deposit will be released to you as soon as you co-operate with my instruction and come forward for this claim.
I will need your full contact such as full name, address, telephone number so that I can computerise the next of kin collum in our company computers totally to your name as the next of kin the deceased. This does not have any risk attached to it as all legal documentation will be handled by my lawyer. As soon as the deposit is released to you, 40% of the total will be for you while 60% will be for me. For the immediate take off of this transaction, I therefore request you to confirm your interest in this offer by replying this message with your information as I requested above. Thanks for your understanding and co-operation.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Mr Dave Isah. Private Telephone: +229-97780584.
Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen ( Loriot )
Die letzte Stimme, die man hört, bevor die Welt untergeht, wird die eines Experten sein, der versichert, das sei technisch unmöglich. (Sir Peter Ustinov)
Beiträge: | 2.660 |
Registriert am: | 22.10.2006 |
Dann teilen die sich aber ein Telefon. nimm doch mal die header und setze sie hier ein http://headertool.apelord.com/. bei dem link zu urgent message siehst du wer noch alles von dieser ip spammt.
Leider ist die 2. mail über mountain view = google eingeworfen. Die Verlinkung nach der Analyse ist aber prima.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Das lädt in meinen Augen dazu ein, auf beide Nachrichten einzugehen, jeweils die andere Nachricht weiterzuleiten und dann zu fragen, wer denn jetzt das Gold und das Geld hat.
Dann Popcorn holen und zurücklehnen und den/die Scammer argumentieren lassen.
Steckt viel Potential drin zum quälen & Zeit vergeuden
In Antwort auf:
Steckt viel Potential drin zum quälen & Zeit vergeuden
Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen ( Loriot )
Die letzte Stimme, die man hört, bevor die Welt untergeht, wird die eines Experten sein, der versichert, das sei technisch unmöglich. (Sir Peter Ustinov)
Beiträge: | 2.660 |
Registriert am: | 22.10.2006 |
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