XXXVII. Casper hat dem "Sekretär" wieder etwas vorgeflunkert. Mal sehen wie er reagiert....Mezzosopran singt, Casper. Dann müsste er eine Frau sein, ein Knabe oder ein Kastrat.
Und dann hat Casper noch die Kontodaten in Berlin der Deutschen Bank gezeigt. Und die haben größe Augen gemacht.
Was "Platinum Bank Ltd." , das sei doch eine Bank in Afrika, in Nigeria sogar....
Und noch die spannende Frage, fliegt Kofi um die Welt, oder fähre er mehr mit dem Auto ?
In Antwort auf:
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 02:49:15 +1000 (EST)
From: *** Add to Address Book
To: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <>
Dear Mister Kofi Annan,Thank you for your Mail. Unfortunately I come not until today - Sunday - to it, you to answer. I was today (like each Sunday) in the church. I sing in our church, already in our choir some years. I sing Mezzosopran and it make for me much joy.
But as I see, you are also completely beautifully busy. And there you must fly certainly also with the airplane? Or do you mostly drive with the car? I do not fly so gladly, I have large fear of flight.
Now I would like to come still to our cash transaction. Since you wrote me, it is a department of the “DEUTSCHE BANK ” in New York, I once with the DEUTSCHE BANK in Berlin inquired. And I was the bank your account data shown.
The bank said, it to me, gives a branch of the bank in NYC. However the bank was surprised, at the forwarding after: "Platinum Bank Ltd."
This bank would be a bank society in Africa. I believe they have said in Nigeria.So I am not sure it will again give trouble, Kofi? Please explain me this difference, thank you.
Best regards,
Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXVIII. ...und sofort macht den "Sekretär" einen Rückzieher. Und zaubert eine neue Bank aus dem Ärmel. Das mit der Deutschen Bank war wohl keine so gute Idee von ihm
Na' gut da wird Casper mal Geld nach Holland überweisen . Allerdings wird das Geld wieder zurückkommen. Weil - so wie von Schnabelland beschrieben:
(... und Du kannst diesen Umstand nutzen, die Überweisung weiter zu verzögern [Überweisung kommt nach zwei Wochen zurück - Grund: "SWIFT-Code doesn't match name of bank"]...)
etwas mit dem SWIFT-Code nicht stimmt.
Wieder mal muss man sich wundern, wie lange man die Mugus bei der "Stange halten kann". Wenn nur die geringste Ausicht auf Geld besteht, machen die tatsächlich jeden Blödsinn mit .
In Antwort auf:
From: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <> Add to Address Book
To: *** [Edit - Delete]
Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 20:13:46 -0500
Dear Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),I just arrival JFK international airport here in the US, I was on a four days trip to Irag, if you are very conversant with the news, you would understand what I am talking about, just two days ago on my visit to Iraq, I welcomed the announcement of the formation of the new Iraqi government, and I congratulated Prime Minister Al-Maliki and members of the first constitutionally elected government of Iraq. The new Government every success in confronting the enormous challenges facing Iraq. I hope that the process of forming a broad-based and inclusive government will be completed as soon as possible, so that it will be able to quickly address the crucial issues of national reconciliation, security, the rule of law, respect for human rights, reconstruction and development. During my speech, I also paid tribute to the courage and determination that the Iraqi people have shown despite the ongoing violence. I urge them to seize the opportunity offered by the successful establishment of a broad-based and inclusive government, and come together to support their new Government and build the foundations of a united, peaceful and prosperous Iraq. I reiterate the commitment of the United Nations to fully support the new Government and the people of Iraq in accordance with its mandate under Security Council resolution 1546.
I just said I should give brief you on my obligation to the world on a daily bases, imagine you having to fly around the world when ever you are been called upon, Mr. Casper, it is not an easy task. I think God has destined me to help humanity and this I most follow because it is my calling. Thank you very much for your email, and again I must apologies for not giving enough clarity on the recipient of your donation. As you are already aware the United Nations are involved in countless of charity organization around the world and giving my last dispensation in office as Secretary General, I am now focusing on Africa. I am embarking on a massive charity fund raiser for the less privileged in Africa and knowing your honesty and generosity, I deemed it necessary to involved you in this great project.
I am already making arrangement to complete the 1st chapter of this charity organization which would boast among the top people around the globe. I can understand that you are very cautions sending funds to Africa, but I must warn that those are the people that needed it most. Anyway, if you are still keen on making a donation for a reputable course but not necessarily as far away as Africa, you can still make donation to the United Nation Appeal Fund for the Eradication of Polio at the International Court of Justice Den Hague, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Fiduciary Account:
Bank Name: Rabo Bank NL
Address: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
SWIFT CODE: NL 14 RABOYou now have two options opened to you, is either you make payment to the previous account provided or send the funds to our funds raising fiduciary above. Please for avoidance of delay, you are to make payment via wire transfer with the exact account information above. Do not address to it to the UN because it is a funds raising organization so make donation with the account information as given above in order to avoid complications. I hope this is clearly understood.
I will be traveling again to Indonesia but will access to the internet with my laptop so I will advised that once you are able to make the donation as instructed, send me the wire transfer slip so that upon my arrival back in the US before Thursday of this week, your appointment to come down to the US will be definite.
I look forward to your response.
Sincerely, Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXIX. nun hat Kofi sein Geld nach Amsterdam überwiesen bekommen.
Aberrrrr, nicht so ohne weiteres. Caspers Bank,
die "BBP Berlin-Finanztransferinstitut für Petrugswirtschaft",
hat auf dem Überweisungsschein, einen "Sperrvermerk" angebracht.
Nun muss der "Sekretär" sehen, dass er in 7 Tagen die nötigen Unterlagen "beibringt".
Sonst wird das wieder nix, mit dem Geld....
In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 10:24:46 +1000 (EST)
From: *** Add to Address Book
To: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <>
Dear Kofi Annan,Thank you for your mail. Follow a short note. Like you
advised me, I was sent the money (10.000,00 Euro) to
Mr. Wal in Holland.BUT: This transfer slip has a "barrier note"!
The money will NOT disbursed without one legal
indentification - like Passport. All personal data the
bank will collect and send to me. After I was checked
- this payout is OK - then the money will come in Mr. Wal's hands.YOU or Mr. WAL have to send to me all necessary data
to me: Passport copy, permit of residence for Holland/Amsterdam etc.If you can't give me this in next 7 days, the money
come automatically back to me.I am sure, all is OK and the ID is quick here from Mr.
Wal and soon you will have my money to you and for the UN.Sincerely,
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXX. ...ein Zitat genügt: "Kofi der Sekretär" is not happy.
Soll er ja auch nicht .
In Antwort auf:
From: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" < Add to Address Book
To: *** [Edit - Delete]
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 13:53:44 -0500
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A.(HRM),I received your mail and I am not happy over the content enclosed. Sir, what do you take the UNITED NATIONS for? Do you think it is small organization where by you just throw around? Or do you think is a just some playing show? You have traveled to the US and saw that this is no joke.
Sir, we receive millions of dollars on a daily bases from big multi-national companies and also prominent wealthy individuals globally. You insulted my personality and dis-respected my image. How will you conduct such a transfer stating that you must receive personal identification first before the funds will be credited? If that is the case we say you keep your donation. We have other prominent individuals and multi national companies to deal with. As the Secretary General, I am only to trying to accommodate you to be one of the UN leading team not for you to start insulting my personality.
If you actually want to make donation, you would not have made such instructions, we receive million of dollars and euro on a daily bases which is paid directly into our fiduciary account globally, we have never had such an instance were personal identification has to be present before payment is released to our agents so if you know you are ready to make donation, you instruct your bankers to remove the hold on the funds or you retrieve your funds back and never bothered to make any further donations.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
...mmm, es scheint so, dass "Kofi der Sekretär" langsam durcheinander kommt. Er schreibt an Sir Casper, aber adressiert an sich selbst. Wirkt fast "weinerlich", Sir Casper soll doch bitteschön, den "Sperrvermerk" (für die 10000,--€) aufheben.
Die arme UN, der "Sekretär" verschickt seine Mails mit Werbung. Die scheinen wirklich am Ende zu sein....
Und dann noch das Argument, von Kofi, welches "unschlagbar" ist: Don’t you see that the money you paid to our fiduciary account in the US was returned back to you? Wenn der wüsste, dass da kein Cent über den "großen Teich" geflossen ist .
In Antwort auf:
From: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <> Add to Address Book
To: *** [Edit - Delete]
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 00:09:00 -0500
Dear Kofi Annan,I am currently in Sudan over the current crisis so I said let me write to know if you got my last message. However, I need a consign update from you If your banker’s have credited our agent’s account with the €10,000.00 you made. You can understand that I was not quite happy over your last response regarding personal identification of me or my agent. I believe you are very conversant with the news so you should understand my situation. I like you in person and this is the only reason why I kept close communication with you and also willing to appoint you as one of us to carry out humanitarian gesture. You have nothing to be worried about regarding your donation. Don’t you see that the money you paid to our fiduciary account in the US was returned back to you? In view of this, I want you to go ahead and remove the "barrier note" so that your donation can be used towards assisting the less prevail age. I will advise that you report to me as soon as possible because your appointment has been approved.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Play 100s of games for FREE!
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXXII. Eigentlich wollte Sir Casper die Summe der Spende auf 15.000,-- Euro erhöhen .
Das wird er sich aber noch einmal gründlich überlegen.
Bei so unfähigen Mitarbeitern, von Kofi.... Und überhaupt, ist Casper - sehr unzufrieden.
Und außerdem verschwindet er bald im Regenwald, ohne Internet.
In Antwort auf:
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2006 04:30:18 +1000 (EST)
From: *** Add to Address Book
To: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <>
Dear Mr. Kofi Annan,thank you for your mail.
Now it becomes slowly annoying, dear Mr. Kofi Annan.
The period from seven days applied, without which someone the fact that money in Amsterdam fetched.
Why comes nobody and take the money from the account of the Rabo bank?It's so easy to finish this. But you are surrounded unfortunately by incapable coworkers. I am the person give you the money. I give (one donation) you 10.000,-- Euro! Thus I determine who and like the money used. Who fetches the money from an account and on which conditions, NOT YOU!
Where does it give such a thing in the world that humiliate receivers of the money, over it certainly like it one uses? I am here a boss and not YOU!
I already considered, the sum on around 5.000,--Euro on 15.000,-- Euro to increase. That I consider myself now still once exactly!
Now you are to be led at the course the whole fast and uncomplicatedly to end. Particularly since I begin soon a longer journey. And then for some weeks, not at home are. I travel to the rain forest - Brazil. And there it gives no Internet!
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXXIII. Antwort von "Kofi aus NYC". Jetzt will er wieder mal Dokumente schicken.
Aber vorher muss der Sperrvermerk auf der Überweisung verschwinden....
Jetzt muss er erst einmal wieder ein paar Tage warten.
Die Vorbereitungen auf den Regenwald in Brasilien braucht Zeit, viel Zeit...
In Antwort auf:
From: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <> Add to Address Book
To: *** [Edit - Delete]
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 19:55:24 -0500
Subject: Response
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),I just received your response through my Pam top that I carry with me all the time; I am far in the Middle East as we speak. Sir, I must apologize if my previous got you upset, but as donor you are suppose to give out freely to help the less prevail age and not to start putting holds on your donations. In regards to the €10,000.00 our agent has informed us that no such payment has been received by their bankers (RABO BANK). I believe the reason why the funds did not reflect in the account was because of the “Barrier Note”
Now that we are better acquitted with each other, if you know you really want to do humanitarian gesture and would want to work for the UN, we advise that you remove the “Barrier Note” on the previous transfer and also make out more donations if you which to. Please note that whatever donation you make out to charity, God will always reward you ten fowl. Once you have remove the barrier on the transfer and funds has been received by our agent, I shall send all legal documentations declaring you a member states of the UNITED NATIONS via courier.
In view of this, I shall expect to hear from you urgently.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXXIV. Sir Casper ist auf dem besten Weg, einen eigenen Staat zu gründen.
Er hat dem Regenwald 1 Mill. Euro gestiftet. Dafür erhält er die Staatsbürgerschaft Brasiliens.
Und dann kauft er dort ein paar km² Regenwald. Foto und Urkunde sind der Mail an Kofi schon beigefügt...
In Antwort auf:
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:45:09 +1000 (EST)
From: *** Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Response
To: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <>
Dear Mr. Secretary General Kofi Annan,
I want to tell you I got your last mail. In front of my trip to Brasil, I am not able to do anything in our case.
I have to finish prepare my trip, start this week. So you must wait till I come back home. So sorry for you!
I send you my address in Brasil, you can send me a airmail letter to:
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Jardim d'acute; Amazônia Eco Lodge
São José do Rio Claro, 92710
BrasilI bring for the organisation Mercur ICN one cheque over 1,23 Million US Dollars = ONE MILLION EURO!
With this donation I get the citizenship of Brasil.
Then I have the right to buy some km² rain forest.
See the picture in this mail. This a part of mine.
I hope we can finish our deal quick after I come back from my trip.
Till July yours,
Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXXV. Und auch die UN ist pünktlich zur Stelle. Kofi hat immer Zeit für Casper's Theater...
In Antwort auf:
From: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <> Add to Address Book
To: *** [Edit - Delete]
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2006 02:46:20 -0500
Subject: Re: Response
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),
Sorry for my late response, I have not been able to check mails for weeks because of too many appointments, I hope you are doing great, if I may ask, are you still in Brazil? and also what about your book launching? I would need to hear from you urgently.
I will appreciate your quick response.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXXVI. Casper hat Kofi geantwortet. Und Casper nimmt Wetten an, ob der Sekretär zurückschreibt.
Oder ob er noch, im Olympia Stadion in Berlin, auf dem Klo sitzt
Obwohl - aber das könnte ein Doppelgänger sein - Kofi am Montag beim Bundespräsidenten gesichtet wurde .
In Antwort auf:
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:01:32 +1000 (EST)
From: *** Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Response
To: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <>
To Mister Kofi Annan UN Secretary General
Hotel Adlon - Presidential Suite
Berlin Germany
Dear Mr. Kofi Annan,
thank you for your mail. My trip to Brasil was very interesting.
Now to you and me. They were on Sunday in Berlin in the Olympia stadium to the final match,
to the football world championship.
They sat on the honour places, and I only 10 meters far away in my V.I.P. Lounge.
And in the half-time break we had a short discussion together.
I imagined to you correctly. With my full name and my title.
They said "one moment" to me, please, you would have to settle fast an urgent business.
Disappeared then on the toilet.
Before the door I waited then still 10 minutes for you. Unfortunately you did not come from this “business” again back. Lasts always so long with you?
However, I had the money as cash with me and also a cheque had I with me.
Now it folded again with the money delivery. That was the best opportunity.
How is it to now continue?
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXXVII. Dem Kofi Double - besser Mugu genannt - ist wirklich nichts zu blöd.
Nach einer "Schamfrist" von ein paar Tagen, kommt die Antwort:
In Antwort auf:Mmmm, wenn Casper zahlt, wird er zur UN eingeladen. Und er darf Kofi besuchen, usw. bla, bla ...
From: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <> Add to Address Book
To: *** [Edit - Delete]
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 03:40:04 -0500
Subject: Please accept my apology...
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),Good day to you. Firstly I will like to apologize for my miss-conductor at the final match of the World Cup championship, as you are aware I am a highly respected individual and it was not proper for me to be discussing such issues at that point in time considering the multitude of important dignitaries around me. Please accept my deepest apology and do not allow that to stop your goals towards humanitarian gesture.
I and members of this organization welcome you to be part of us and in order for you to achieve this aim, you have to show your kind affection towards humanity by making a donation to the less prevailaged. Since you said you had the funds you intend to donate in cash, I will suggest you send it via Western Union Money Transfer to our agents to hasten up your appointment/membership of the United Nations. If this is accepted by you, let me know so that I can send you our agents contact information so that you can send the donation funds through Western Union to them for immediate pick up.
Once the funds are received, you will have the opportunity to visit me in the US for a conference meeting were you will be interviewed by the Members of States of the United Nations.
Your urgent response would be highly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXXVIII. Nach 2 Wochen schmollen, hat sich Sir Casper zu einer kurzen Antwort entschlossen.
GS Kofi hat jetzt bestimmt keine Zeit, bei den Ereignissen im "Mittleren Osten".
Aber Casper zeigt ihm schon mal den Scheck, über 15.000,00 € ...
In Antwort auf:
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 09:29:42 +1000 (EST)
From: *** Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Please accept my apology...
To: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" < >
Mr. Kofi Annan,thank you for your mail.
I accept your apology. I know that you are at present
very busy. It is again war in the Near East. Enclosed
your cheque with 15.000,00 € Euro.When you have again more time, after the war, we will
finish our deal - for sure - my dear friend Kofi.Regards,
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXXIX. So so... Selbst in so Krisenhaften-Zeiten, hat Kofi Zeit, private Mails von Casper zu beantworten.
Ja, wie sagt das Srichwort:
"Geld regiert die Welt" = und eben auch die Mugu-UN von Kofi, dem Falschen.
In Antwort auf:PS: Kofi kann/will den schönen Scheck nicht einlösen. Dabei ist der Scheck sogar TÜV geprüft!
From: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <> Add to Address Book
To: *** [Edit - Delete]
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 04:07:56 -0500
Subject: Re: Please accept my apology...
Dear Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),Thanks for your response and I appreciate your kind gesture but I am afraid that the check would not be cashed because you addressed it to me and besides I don't have that time so if really you want to make a donation that can be picked up immediately, I will suggest that you use western union like I mentioned in my previous mail. Let me here back from urgently because I just managed to check my mail today and saw that you wrote.
Mr. Kofi Annan.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Nachdem Casper drei Wochen gewartet hat, fragt er bei Kofi dem Sekretär" an,
warum er nicht antwortet
Unter uns, die Mail von Kofi (vom 01. August) hat Casper nicht bekommen....
In Antwort auf:
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 03:09:49 +1000 (EST)
From: ***
Subject: Re: Please accept my apology...
To: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <>
My dear Mister secretary-general Kofi Annan,
How are you today? I hope well and fine.
I am in good health.
I want to ask you, why you not answer to me. You
received the last mail of July 31th 2006? I sent you
one cheque, 15.000,00 Euro. I am worried about the money!
Otherwise, I know you are very busy with your hard job
as UN secretary-general.
If you find time, so please answer me quick.
And explain what is happen with the money.
Yours faithfully
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A.(HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Hat Casper bei dieser Gelegenheit nicht den Scheck gegeben?
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Nein so was, den "Sekretär" gibt es auch noch.
Mit ihm hat Sir Casper nun auch schon 7 Monate Kontakt (seit: 23. Feb. 2006).
Aber mit dieser heutigen Mail, ändert Kofi die Geschäftsgrundlage.
Da Sir Casper Le Theater, quasi schon im "Vorstand der UN" sitzt ,
bekommter eine neue delikate Aufgabe in Amsterdam.
Es geht nur um USD $10.5 Million. Mal sehen, was sich daraus entwickelt...
In Antwort auf:
From: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <> Add to Address Book
To: *** [Edit - Delete]
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 23:04:10 -0500
Subject: Re: Please accept my apology...
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A.(HRM),
Compliment of the day to you, I just managed to check my email since the past few months and saw that you wrote. I believe you should understand why I have not been able to contact you all this while; it was due to current crisis around the world. In regards to the check payment you sent, we did not receive it, you should be able to confirm from your bankers if it was actually received. In due light of the above, there is an urgent task I would need you carry out for me.
Since for the past months you have been wanting to be part of the UN, I think the opportunity is finally here. Sir, I wish to inform you that there is a donation we received from a well know individual to the tune of US$10.5 Million united states dollars, the funds was deposited as consignment with a secure vault facility in Amsterdam The Netherlands, since you are in Europe, we have deem fit that you help us travel down to the location of the vault facility and have the consignment of funds release. We intend to use this fund to build more orphanage homes in Germany and for accepting this offer; you will be giving the chance do this on behalf of the UN.
If you accept, do get back to me so that I can instruct my Personal Assistant (PA) contact you with more details as you know that I am a very business person.
I wait to hear from you earnestly.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Nun hat Casper dem "Sekretär" seine Bereitschaft erklärt, etwas anderes für ihn zu machen.
Mal sehen, was nun kommt....
In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 09:02:17 +1000 (EST)
From: *** Add to Address Book
Subject: Fwd: Re: Please accept my apology...
To: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <>
Dear Mr. Kofi Annan,
thank you very much for your mail.
I know you are very busy with your UN.
When I understand you right, is our deal/business
(10.000,-- USD) over?
Well, you offer me I can carry out something for you.
Are you sure, I am the right man for this kind of new
Tell me more details.
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A.(HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Casper hat sich mal in Erinnerung gebracht. "Kofi der Sekretär"
wollte doch Sir Theater ein neues Geschäft vermitteln.
In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 11:17:31 +1000 (EST)
From: "Carolina Kuksky" <> Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Please accept my apology...
Dear Mr. Kofi Annan,
How are you today? I hope well und fine.
In your last mail, you was offer me a new business.
How going the things on? I hope we can soon start with
the new partner and new deal.
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A.(HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
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