XX. Der UN Generalsekretät enttäuscht Casper. Kofi soll sich um den Weltfrieden kümmern. Stattdessen sucht Annan nach Möglichkeiten, wie Casper ihm Geld schicken könnte.
Erst Money Gram, dann Western Union, jetzt wieder Money Gram. Hat der wirklich nichts besseres zu tun?
Zitat von CasperUnd hier folgen nun die 11 Büros nach diesem Muster:
From: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net> Add to Address Book
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2006 13:05:34 -0500
_______________________________________________Thanks for the mail. How is your health? Hope you will soon get better. Please don't fail to visit to me, when ever you come over to New York.
I do understand all you have said. Please I want you to know that I understand the financial law in Germany, as well as order countries. The lady at the western union office gave you that form because you where trying to transfer a large amount of money at a time, you are not suppose to transfer more than 2000 euro at a time. Please I want you to follow the instruction I am about to give to right now.I have been able to find some MONEY GRAM office in Berlin. You will find the name and address of the MONEY GRAM office below, please you will have to visit one of those office close to you. I am sending you to MONEY GRAM because it is a better and faster way to send money. Please find below what you will have to tell the MONEY GRAM attendant when you get there:
1) Tell him/her that you want to send money to London (UK). Tell him to give you the payment slip to fill, him/her will give you the payment slip to fill
2) In the form you will see a place written SENDERS NAME and ADDRESS. You will have to fill your name and address there.
4) You will have to send 2000 euro at a time because you can not send more than 2000 euro at a time. If you have 10000 euro with you, than you will send it in five places, to the same name and address.
5) Please note that you are not suppose to disclose the reason why you are sending the money to any body/staff in the process of making the payment for security reasons. As soon as the Money is sent, we will have to publish your name and address in CNN and in the UN website for appreciation from UN office. Please confirm the payment by sending us a scanned copy of the payment receipt/payment information.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
MoneyGram Agents
11 Agent(s) found
Phone: 49308821086
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXI. Nun wird sich Kofi aber freuen. Casper kommt am Freitag nach NYC, um ihm das Geld persönlich zu überbringen.
Bei Kaffe und Kuchen versteht sich. Kofi wird begeistert sein...oder nicht ?
Zitat von Casper*Anmerkung: Hier folgen lange Passagen des Lebensweges...
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 03:49:24 +1000 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
To: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net>
_____________________________________________________Oh, my dear Mister Secretary-General Kofi Annan,
thank you for the cordial mail, which sent you to me.
I read straight some over you:
<|* Mr. Annan's
priorities as Secretary-General [...]
Mr. Annan was born in Kumasi, Ghana, on 8 April 1938.
He studied at the University of Science and Technology
in Kumasi and completed his undergraduate work in
economics [...]|>They are such good-natured humans. So honestly and
self-sacrificing - unbelievably! And thus I decided to
visit you in New York. I already booked a flight, as
well as a hotel in New York Manhattan/Chelsa:Hotel Chelsa artist's Inn New York
871 UN Plaza/ First Av., zw. 48th und 49th St., Tel.
1418-610-43219,Subway: 51st St., 6, E, FI will already be on Friday with you. I bring along
the money naturally equivalent personally. The whole
10,000.00 Euro! I am reliably you look forward much to
our meeting and the money. It will be best, if it
itself on Friday afternoon nothing further
distinguished.Then we can drink together coffee and eat cakes. By
the way I drink always two cups coffee with much milk
and sugar. Can you furnish that? I would bring along a
package coffee. As gift as it were.Then we do not need a bank or such transfers Institut.
And under us said that for you will be best. Because
- if a little by the money privately kept sake, that
does not notice you!I bring along the money in the envelope and you take
only once which you need out. You pass the remainder
on then simply. Thus I am pleased on Friday afternoon,
with you to the coffee and cake.Till Friday, your friend -
Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXI. Kofi wird aktiv, weil er nicht koruppt ist. Er will kein Geld auf die Hand in der UNO. Nein, er will das Geld SOFORT, noch bevor Casper Le Theater nach NYC komme. Erst dann ist Casper willkommen.
Und neue Wendung beim Geldüberweisen. Kein WU, kein "MoneyKram", nein auf ein Konto der "BANK OF CHINA" N.Y ( immerhin in NY). Aber der Account ist nicht für die UN... seltsam, seltsam!
Zitat von Casper
From: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net> Add to Address Book
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 07:05:55 -0500
Dear Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),
Thanks for the mail. How are you today, I hope you are feeling much better. I will be glad to me you in New York by weekend but I wish to inform you that I don’t receive money in hand. All donation/fees but be transferred into the account of the UN. Please I wish to advise that you transfer the 10,000euro into the UN account here in New York. You will find the account details below. Please you will have to make the transfer before coming over to New York by Friday or when you come over you can go and paying in the money directly to the account found below before coming to see me. Or you can as well send the money via Money gram as instructed earlier.
Please go and make the transfer or send via money gram immediately and send me a scanned copy of the transfer slip, and as soon as the transfer is cleared, I will start making arrange as regards to your coming. Once again I will love to see you in New York.
ABA NO:026003269 CR TO
A/C NO::01266792007651
Regards, Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXII. ...leider haben sich die Ereignisse "überschnitten".
In Caspers Emaibox, wartete eine Mail von Freund Kofi.
Aber war Casper doch extra nach New York gereist, um Kofi - bei Kaffee und Kuchen - die 10.000,00 Euro persönlich zu übergeben.
Doch Kofi war nicht da! Zum Beweis hat Casper Fotos gemacht... von der leeren UNO!
Und Casper ist schwer "beleidgt"...
Zitat von Casper
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 01:42:29 +1000 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
To: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net>Mr. General secretary,
I am very disappointed by you! Straight ones I return from New York.
But unfortunately you were not there, on Friday, how agreed upon! I had bring along the 10.000,00 Euro (as cheque) in a beautiful gift box.
Then I asked for you. Not at all there but one said you to me is. And in addition would go only with registration.
Why didn't you say that before to me?One offered to me to make a guidance by the UN. Everything empty!
The photos I send to you to the proof with these Mail.How does it continue now? I create the money now again to my bank. And then I am strained on your excuses!
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXIII. So ein Pech nun ist Kofi, Caspers Freund, aufgeregt und verärgert.
Weil Casper Le Theater, ohne genau hinzuhören, nach NYC geflogen ist.
Mal sehen, wir wir das nun wieder ausbügeln können...
Zitat von Casper
From: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net> Add to Address Book
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:40:34 -0500
Subject: GOOD DAY.
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),
Good day, I am sincerely sorry for the misfortune. I told you not to come over to New York without sending the money to the account that I provided for you, I told you that I don’t receive money in hand, I told you to send the money via the account that I provided or send it via any of these money gram agent that I provided for you earlier on, but you failed to listen to any of those advise, please I want you to understand that I am not trying to collect money from you, you are the one who promised to donate to the UN, we are not trying to force you, if you are not willing to send the Money via Money Gram or to the account that I provided then you can forget about the money/donation. I don’t receive money in hand, that is simple and I need you to understand that. Have a nice day.Regards,
Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXIV. Nun gibt es so etwas wie " Zuckerbrot und Peitsche" für Kofi. Casper erinnert ihn nocheinmal daran,
wer mit dem ganzen Mailverkehr angefangen hat. Kofi bekommt bald einen persönlichen Brief und das Geld auf's Konto.
Nur leider, Casper hat die Kontodaten verloren...
Zitat von Casper
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 03:41:02 +1000 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: GOOD DAY.
To: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net>Dear Mister Kofi Annan,
Hello, thank you for your mail.
Yes, that is really unfortunate that I did not meet
you in New York. Perhaps it folds with the next time
better!I spoke in New York with one of your coworkers,
Mr. Franz Branntwein. He was very friendly, and
promised themselves to give you a letter from me to
you. When in the next days Mr. Franz Branntwein gives
a letter, already know. This letter is from me!OK about the momey, do you remember, YOU send me the
first mail to me! And I want to help you and the UN!And for this donation (I want to give) the UN have to care for, the
money come quick in her hands, right?At least, Mr. Kofi - I will send you then money to the
account, you was give to me! So soon as possible!But please, send me the bank details again! I was do
something wrong with my PC and so I lost you mail with
the account detail.If you are so friendly, this will be great, thank you.
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXV. Mir "dürren" Worten, bekommt Sir Casper die Kontodaten nochmals übermittelt.
Aber, Casper weiß etwas, was Kofi noch nicht weiß.
An dem Konto sind gerade Andere am "drehen und abschalten".
So das Caspers Geld, welches er dahin schickt nicht ankommen wird.
Also mit Sicherheit, wieder zurückkommt....
Zitat von Casper
From: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net> Add to Address Book
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 12:56:29 -0500
Dear Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),Good Day, Please go and make the transfer immediately and send me a scanned copy of the transfer slip, and as soon as the transfer is cleared, I will start making arrange as regards to your coming.
ABA NO:026003269 CR TO
A/C NO::01266792007651
Regards, Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXVI. ....Antwort an Freund Kofi. Zum einen hat Casper nun das Geld überwiesen
. Zum anderen, ist Casper in Eile. Er geht - vom Sonntag bis Mittwoch - auf eine Lesereise. Er stellt sein neustes Buch vor: "My African Dreams".
Hoffentlich hat Kofi das Geld bis Mittwoch. Herr Franz Branntwein, wird sich mit dem Sekretär auch noch in Verbindung setzen.
BTW: Stoff, für viele weitere "Verwicklungen".
Zitat von Casper
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 05:22:33 +1000 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
To: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net>Dear General secretary Kofi Annan,
thank you for their mail! I am much in hurry.
I transferred the money (10.000,00 Euro) fast still to
the indicated bank in New York. For you and the UN.
See the scanned copy of the transfer slip, as
attachment!Already did Mister Franz Branntwein announce itself to
you? He comes soon to Berlin, and there he wants to
refund report to me! About you.To your information: I am off 23.04. to 26.04.06 on
one reading - journey. I present my newest book:
"My African Dreams". Photos and text of me!When I`m back, I hope that the money is with you and
you send the VIP invitation then IMMEDIATELY to me.
And don`t forget a receipt for the tax! Really not
forgotten.Have a nice time until soon,
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM), author of books.
Das neue Buch von Casper Le Theater. Herausgegben von der "Dr. Carl Peters Verlagsgesellschaft Berlin"
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Wer spendet Geld für meinen Freund den Sekretär?
XXVI. A. ...Casper hatte seine Mail an Kofi geschickt. Und kurze Zeit später, kommt die Mail - unzustellbar - zurück.
Die Mailbox von Kofi ist zu klein. Dabei waren es nur 297 Kbytes. Mail plus Anhang.
Die arme UN: Mailaccount von outblaze.com (Hong Kong). Das hat Casper nun dem Sekretär "unter die Nase" gerieben .
Zitat von CasperHi, hi - ich versetz' mich mal in "Kofi": Der wird ersteinmal hämisch lachen, über Caspers Dummheit.
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 17:21:44 +1000 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
Subject: Subject: Re: ACCOUNT DETAILS FOR TRANSFER (Fwd: failure notice)
To: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net>
What's happen Kofi?
I was sent you yesterday one mail with the transfer slip, as attachment. But the mail come back to me.
Your UN mailbox is to small for a simple mail plus small attachment.See below the MAILER-DAEMON from outblaze.com:
Sorry, your intended recipient has too much mail stored in his mailbox. Your message totalled 297 Kbytes.
However a small (< 1Kb) message will be delivered should you wish to inform your recipient you tried to email.By the way, I know outblaze.com is a freemail account from Hong Kong!
My god is the UN poor!
So I send you today two links, there you can find the scanned copy of the transfer slip and on an other link my book:
I want from you, that you explain me all this crazy things!
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM), author of books.
MAILER-DAEMON@mta1-7.us4.outblaze.com wrote:
Date: 22 Apr 2006 19:31:51 -0000
From: MAILER-DAEMON@mta1-7.us4.outblaze.com
To: ***@yahoo.com.au
Subject: failure noticeHi. This is the MTA program at mta1-7.us4.outblaze.com. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. : Error 01373:
User's Disk Quota Exceeded. Sorry, your intended recipient has too much mail stored in his mailbox. Your message totalled 297 Kbytes. However a small (< 1Kb) message will be delivered should you wish to inform your recipient you tried to email. ---
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
...und es ist gekommen, wie es kommen musste. Freund Kofi hat "plötzlich Probleme" mit seinem UN Konto. Die UN "Bank of China NY", hat - letzte Woche - soooo viel Geldüberweisungen zu verbuchen, dass konnte das Konto nicht verkraften...
Aber Kofi hat viel Vertrauen in den ehrlichen Casper, und gibt ihm eine neue Kontoverbindung, in SAN FRANCISCO!
Nun müssen erst einmal die 10.000,-- € zurückkommen. Und das kann daueren...
Und im übrigen hat Kofi die Frage nach dem "outblaze.com freemail account" in Hong Kong nicht beantwortet.
Zitat von CasperSeltsam ist aber:
From: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net> Add to Address Book
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 05:52:47 -0500
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),How are you today? Thanks for the mail. We have received the wire transfer slip you sent to this office, I have contacted our account officer in the US, I was informed that the account you made the transfer of €10,000.00 to his currently having problems due to lots of payments we receive last week, the account is currently undergoing file upgrading for this reason no money/fund can enter the account for now.
However I want to advice you to instruct your bank where you made the transfer from to call back the funds/money (€10,000.00) and have it sent to the account below:
CHIPS CH 038317
A/C NO 64010012359
Once again I advice you to instruct your bank to call back the funds and transfer it to the above account immediately. As soon as the correction is made you will have to send me the new transfer slip for verification and I will have to send you the letter of appointment/personal invitation. I hope to hear from you soon and I also hope to meet you soonest. Have a nice day.
Regards, Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXVIII. Mein Gott hat der Mann Zeit. Nun will er sich mit Casper über sein neues Buch unterhalten.
Auf gut Deutsch: Kofi drängelt . Und das gibt bekanntlich Punkteabzug.
Zitat von Casper
From: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net> Add to Address Book
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 04:49:30 -0500
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),Good day, I just hope you are ok, I sent you mail on the 24-4-06 and until now I have not received any reply from you. Please note that you are delaying. We need to meet each other as soon as possible, so that we can talk about your new book “MY AFRICA DREAMS”. I told you in my last mail that the funds you sent to us was not received, that you need to go back to the bank and re-send it to the new account found below. Please effect this change immediately and get back to me at once. Have a nice day.
CHIPS CH 038317
A/C NO 64010012359
Mr. Kofi ANNAN
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXIX. Antwort an Kofi. Bis nächste Woche geht gar nichts, von wegen Geld.
Montag ist Feiertag. Und dann schaun' mer mal...
Zitat von Casper
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 09:43:38 +1000 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
To: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net>
Dear friend Kofi,thank you for mail. I arrived well at home.
With to frighten I had to read in their mail, it give
problems with the account in New York. VERY annoying
the whole!Now I must try to get my money back. But before next
Tuesday nothing at all does not go. Because, on Monday
the 1.Mai is a holiday in Germany. And there all banks
are closed.I am pleased however that you invite me. First I have
a large request: Send to me please a photo of you,
best with an autograph and a dedication. Of you to me.In addition, send please your address to me. Then I
would send a copy of my book to you, with a dedication
of me to you, dear friend Kofi.I have already prepared the book for you!
Find it as attachment.Regards,
Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXX. ...ätsch, ich habe ein Autogramm plus Widmung von meinem Freund dem Sekretär
Aber trotz großer Mühe, wird das Geld irgendwie doch nicht den Weg zu Kofi finden.
Zitat von Casper
From: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net> Add to Address Book
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 12:21:43 -0500
Subject: GOOD DAY.
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),
Thanks for the mail, with the first paragraph of your mail, I can see you are really annoyed with the problem that came from the account in NY, I want to let you know that we are indeed sorry for the inconveniences.
I am very much aware that there is a public holiday in Germany tomorrow (Monday), please do not fail to visit the back on Tuesday and re-send the money to the new account I have provided, that account is perfect and as soon as the transfer is made, there will be no problem at all, as regards to receiving of the money.
I have attached a copy of my photo with an autograph, please fine it below.
I can't send you my address at the moment because I want us to talk about your book one on one. As soon as you make the transfer on tuesday, just let me know and I will send you the official invitation letter alongside with my personal and office address where you will meet me when you come over to NY. Please do as I have instructed so that we can talk in details.
Have a lovely day.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
In Antwort auf:
...ätsch, ich habe ein Autogramm plus Widmung von meinem Freund dem Sekretär
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
XXXI. Antwort an Kofi, Casper bedankt sich artig für das Foto.
ABER er ist sehr verärgert, wegen der Geldüberweisung.
Und fragt nun nach, btr. der Bank in Kalifornien .
Zitat von Casper
Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 05:35:51 +1000 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: GOOD DAY.
To: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net>
Dear Mister Secretary-General Kofi Annan,I thanks you very very much for their mail, plus photo
with dedication and autograph. They are really fine
humans. Again thank-beautifully, you me made very
lucky!I visited now my Bank-Institut. They said to me there,
it is not so simple, my 10.000,00 Euro to get back.
Something with the bank in New York is not correct.
There is no more partner. Neither on email fax or
telephone calls a contact is possible.What is there the matter with the UN bank?
My bank says to me on Friday, still once to come back.
Possibly the bank can get then the money back. I have
only these 10.000,00 Euro available, for the moment.
They must wait Mr. Annan.Iam really angry about this situation!
Well, you can tell me more abot the bank:
UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIAGive me please the address and the phonenumber. Also
the name of the responsible bank employee.Best Regards,
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXII. Kofi ringt sich Erklärungen ab, warum das Konto in NYC tot ist.
So, so - zu viele Einzahlungen, ungedeckter Scheck oh Schreck und das Konto ist weg...
Und nun wird untersucht, wie das alles passieren konnte. Viel Spaß dabei, kann man nur sagen.
Aber das Konto in "California" ist OK. Da hat Casper so seine Zweifel .
Zitat von Casper
From: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net> Add to Address Book
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 15:01:50 -0500
Subject: GOOD DAY.
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),Thanks for the mail. I told you that the account in NY is having problems, the fact is that we received a lot of voluntary support from so many people in the last 3weeks and one of this persons pay-in a bad check into the account, so we have to stop/close the account because the bad check have corrupt the account. We are still investigating the issue to find out who did sure a thing.
So you are can see that it is not our fort but all the same we sincerely apologize for this problem and hope you understand.
The account in California is a perfect account, all you need do is to resend the funds to that account, and send us the transfer slip, the funds/money will be confirmed at once, and I will have to look forward to our meeting each other. Please act upon my instruction.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXIII. Seltsames ereignet sich. Kofi der Sekretär, scheint viel Zeit zu haben.
Und so so versucht er mit Casper zu telefonieren.
Sat May 6 11:08:17 2006 S2M(6): start receiving Voice
Sat May 6 11:08:34 2006 S2M(6): connect duration 17
Sat May 6 11:08:34 2006 S2M(6): cdr_no_calling_nr
Die Aufzeichnung des Anrufbeantworters: Hier kann man Kofi hören
Also Casper schaut sich schnell seine Mailbox an. Und findet das hier:
In Antwort auf:Soll das die Mail von Kofi sein? Unterschrieben von einem "CAPT. JAMES C. WILLIAMS".
Date: Sat, 6 May 2006 07:41:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: "United Nations New York" <un_newyork_office@yahoo.com>
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Our Ref: WB/NF/UN/XX027
We have actually been authorized by the presidency, Republic of Benin and the governing board of commercial Banks of Cotonou-Republic Du Benin to investigate the unnecessary delay of your payment, recommended and approve your claims for payment if certified as genuine.
During the course of our investigation, we discovered with dismay that your payment has been unnecessarily delayed by corrupt officials of the Bank who are trying to divert your money into their private accounts, to forestall this, security for your funds was organized in the form of your personal identification number (PIN) and your transfer access code (T.A.C), this will enable only you have direct control over this fund, we have also agreed with the presidency that we will handle this payment ourselves to avoid the hopeless situation created by the officials of the bank of Benin Republic.
We obtained an irrevocable payment guarantee on your payment from the presidency we are happy to inform you that based on our recommendation, instructions. Your entire Inheritance/Contract fund has been credited in your favour through our overseas paying Bank.
You are therefore advised to contact REV. GRAHAM DRYDEN WILLIAM DIRECTOR International Audit unit, United Nations Liaison Office Cotonou Republic Du Benin on 229 931 324 76 or EMAIL: un_benrep@diplomats.com to collect your original payment slip with your Pin and Transfer Access Code.
As soon as you submit these Codes and your payment slip to your bank they will credit your account without delay. NOTE: YOU ARE ADVICED TO FURNISH REV. GRAHAM DRYDEN WITH YOUR CORRECT CONTACT AND BANKING DETAILS TO AVOID TRANSFER OF THIS FUND INTO A WRONG ACCOUNT.
We expect your urgent response to this email to enable us monitor this payment effectively.
UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK.This email is intended for the above named recipient only. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately, returning all pages to the address above.
Das ist mehr als merkwürdig.
Da hat dann Casper gleich mal nachgefragt.
In Antwort auf:
Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 09:59:19 +1000 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
To: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net>
Dear Mr. K. Annan,below you find a mail, looks like come from the UN.
But no personal note to me. No information in detal about my money!Can you explain me this?
By the way, next week (I hope) I get my 10.000,-- Euro back.Answer soon and tell me more, thank you!
Casper Le Theater
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXIV. Oh.... ...Kofi "mein Sekretär", war nahe drann, sich in die Hosen zu machen...
. Wie Casper schon vermutet hat, muss es die UN mehrmals geben. Eine UN hat mit Kofi zu tun.
Die Andere - mmm, eventuell gibt es eine Neugründung des "Völkerbundes" - als UNO II.
Oder so ähnlich, daß wird es sein...
Auf jeden Fall, sind "die Anderen" für Kofi Betrüger, die Ihn (Kofi) um seine 10.000, -- € Spende, von Casper, betrügen wollen.
Das kann ja noch lustig werden!
In Antwort auf:*Alle Hervorhebungen, original Kofi's Mail!
From: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net> Add to Address Book
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Date: Mon, 08 May 2006 03:46:47 -0500
Subject: GOOD DAY.
Dear Casper Le Theater,I am in receipt of your mail and thank your prompt response. I have read through the email you forwarded to me, after going through the email, I realized that it was a "FRAUDULENT EMAIL" * that was not from UNITED NATIONALS nor any of our organization. I will advise that you do not bother to write them because they are FRAUDSTERS. We are aware of the relatively SCAMS of that nature so please do not contact them any further.
Sir, I am a very busy person been the secretary general of UNITED NATIONS it is not an easy task for me, I have to travel 5 to 6 times a week to different countries just to resolve issues and also give advise to different "NGO'S" under UNITED NATIONS. I must confess to you that the greatest things and stressed I have encounter in my entire life is been appointed as the SECRETARY GENERAL of this GREAT ORGANIZATIONI must say to you that I am overwhelm for been appointed because it is not easy. The problem we are facing now is the current crisis with "IRAN" over their NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY. For past months now the International Atomic Energy Agency (IA EA) have been in peace talks with IRAN over the situation but with fruitless result, as we speak the motion has been raised forward to the UN security counsel of which I am the head of that committee, if we do not tackle the situation very well it might result to third world war so you see what has been going on?
I arrived NEPAL yesterday, I was able to check my mail and saw your email so I immediately called the bank in the New York regarding the €10,000 donation you made. I was informed by the manager of the bank that yes our account with the bank is currently undergoing scrutiny because alot of people that made donations in the last three months sent us "BOGUS" cheques just to participate in our program, their registration code and appointment letter was given, they attended the program but now we are facing greater problem with that account as our account with the bank in New York has been suspended for further investigation. After long conversation with the branch manager, he said that they can transfer the funds you made to our account if only you can send us a "TELEX CONFIRMATION" that your bank received from their bank accepting that they have receive the €10,000.00 and that your account has been debited. In view of this, contact your bank first thing this morning; tell them that you need a "TELEX CONFIRMATION" showing that they actually credited the €10,000 to our account in the New York. Once they can get this for you, send it immediately so that I can fax it to the bank immediately in order for them to release and transfer the funds to your account. I have tried the two numbers you provided in your email but I am afraid that they are not working numbers, please send me a number that you can be reached at any time because I and members of this great ORGANIZATION has decided to appoint you as one of our BOARD MEMBER for your generosity and kindness, so it is good that we speak verbally on phone.
I look forward to your swift response.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXV. So Casper hat nun - nach fast einer Woche - dem Sekretär geantwortet. Der hatte - fast täglich - nach dem Stand der Dinge gefragt.
Zum Glück, ist das Geld aus NYC, zurück auf dem Konto in Berlin . Zur Überraschung von Casper sind die ersten Tantiemen, für sein Afrika Buch geflossen.
So hat Casper, Kofi ein Geschäft angeboten. Kofi schickt eine schöne UN Mitgliedschafts-Urkunde der UNO. Dafür bekommt der Sekretär, 5000,-- Euro extra für seine UN .
In Antwort auf:Die Deppen von der UNO II. haben auch eine Mail bekommen:
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 11:16:39 +1000 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: GOOD DAY.
To: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <united-nations-event@programmer.net>
Dear Mr. Kofi Annan,first thank you for your mails. Don't worry about me and my delayed answer.
I was waiting to get back my money. So,good news, my friend: My 10.000,-- Euro are back. My bank and the management was hard work for this positive result.
But this transfer back to my account, was not easy. And I had to pay a lot of fees and taxes. I have to to count my money now.
Luckily, next week, I get my first royalties, from my new book.
My publisher Mr. Stechende Stachel-Beere tells me, it is income over 80.000,00 Euro! A very good deal.They write to me that I become a special UN member. I would donate some money more (5000,-- Euro more), if you would send a document about my membership to me.
And I will write - in my next book - about our personal meeting. I was start to write a new book. For this book, I will have a journey planning to go abroad next month (June).
Well, send me soon this UN membership document, thanks.
Your friend
Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
In Antwort auf:
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 11:47:07 +1000 (EST)
From: ****@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Your funds is ready for transfer.
To: un_benrep@diplomats.com
Hello and thanks for your mail.What do you think, I am stupid or what? You ask me very personal thinks, like:
> PIN numbers
> Transfer Access Code (T.A.C)
> private telephone, mobile and fax numbers
> bank detailsAnd othe more. You are 100% strange for me, I have nothing what you make
trustworthily in any way.Before I send you any of this data I want from you the documents as attachment. Also your UNITED NATIONS LIAISON OFFICE ID!
After, we can talk about the next step.
Regards Chang Ng
PS: What is = "a copy of your sworn affidavit of claim"?
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XXXVI. Kofi ist rastlos tätig, wie man seiner Mail entnehmen kann, selbst am Sonntag. Und er muss ein wenig Zeit für Casper "squeezen":"I must tell you the truth that I only squeeze time to send you mails." Wie rührend.
Zurück zu den Fakten. Die UN und der Sekretär, wechseln die Banken und Konten, fast täglich wie "die Hemden". Nach der "Bank of China NY" und er "Union Bank of California", haben wir nun die:"DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST AMERICA" wieder in NYC.
Schön gelogen, denn der Weg führt direkt nach Nigeria: Platinum Bank Ltd!
In Antwort auf:
From: "Mr. Kofi ANNAN" <united-nations-event@programmer.net> Add to Address Book
To: ***@yahoo.com.au [Edit - Delete]
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 16:02:35 -0500
Dear Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),This is to acknowledge the receipt of your mail and thanks for your response, however, I was indeed not happy over your last reply because you should realize that UNITED NATIONS is a very big organization and when it comes to monetary accept, we appreciate all donors because they are the ones that keeps the spirit of UN growing on a daily bases. All the same, I am glad you finally received back your money and I also thank the management of your bank who helped to see that your money was successfully returned back to your account.
Just two days ago I delivered a keynote address at the opening session of the Fourth European Union-Latin America and Caribbean Heads of State Summit in Vienna, Austria and focused mainly on the challenge of rising youth employment confronting both regions, which I described as "a grave and growing problem", and I recommended some necessary approaches to productive employment for young people because the UN was called upon by members of states in Austria regarding unemployment opportunity for youths. Following my speech, I was also disturbed by the news of major sea and aerial attacks in Sri Lanka, including an attack on a vessel that had unarmed international monitors on board. These attacks have caused the deaths of 18 Sri Lanka navy personnel and a number of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) members. To finalize the conference meeting in Vienna, I announced the decision to appoint Mr. Kevin M. Kennedy as Deputy Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process at the level of Assistant Secretary-General. In this capacity, Kennedy will also serve as UN coordinator for humanitarian and development activities in the occupied Palestinian territory.
I believe with this you should understand that my task as the Secretary-General of the United Nations is not an easy task but with the members of states and God by our side, we have been able to conquer most of the world problems. I must tell you the truth that I only squeeze time to send you mails just to make you know that we acknowledge your present and willingness to assist the United Nations humanitarian gesture. I am glad that you will be getting your first royalties, from your new book that would be really great. I must say that I am glad you are a hard working man and this has shown that you will be able to work for the United Nations, I hope to read one of your books soonest, if it is a good one then I will help you introduce the book to the whole world.
In regards to your membership of the UN, you are already accepted as member but you are not yet a bonafied member because you are not yet recognized by the UN members of states and you have not also been introduced to other members of the house. Please go ahead and transfer the previous donation (€10,000.00 euro) to proof your sincerity and dedication to work for this organization. Payment should be made to our fiduciary account below:
NY 10006,NEW YORK,Swift code- BKTRUS33
ABA#-021001033,cHIPS U.I.D-410773
ACCT #-04-435-183
ACCT Name-Platinum Bank Ltd{Domicialiary A/C],
Beneficiary Acct Name in platinum bank limited-G.C Rental service,
Beneficairy ACC #-1746100003You should transfer the funds to the above account exactly the way it is to avoid delays in confirming your donation. Once the money has been sent, send me a scanned copy of the transfer slip, so that the bank in New York can verify the funds, if it is confirmed then I will have to send you all the necessary documents you might need to visit me in New York, include hard copies of your UN membership certificate so that I can introduce you to all the member of the house, then you can be a bonafied/real member of the UN. As soon as the funds/money is transfer to the bank details above, I will send you all the documents you will need via DHL or UPS.
I look forward to your swift response.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
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