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#1 von Mugu-Baiter , 13.12.2006 23:08

Diesmal eine Mugu Irak Mail mit Fotos. Die Geldkiste ist uralten Mugumaterial!

In Antwort auf:
From: "usacaptain duker" <> Add to Address Book
Subject: Dear Friend!!
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 18:48:14 +0100 (CET)
To: ***@***
Dear Friend,

Thanks for your mail and for accepting my offer. I apologize for my late reply, it's due to my duty here. Since your last email to me on the month of JUNE, I couldn't reply back because my troops were camping at the road to the jordanian border, that makes it difficult for me to check my mail.

I have finally secure the money as being aggred and have every proof of this transaction only what I need is your assistance in smuggling this money out of Iraq. I am ready now to transfer the money to you. I want you to send your BANK details and YOUR PERSONAL CONTACT PHONE NUMBER to enable me start transferring the money into your BANK ACCOUNT as i cannot leave IRAQ because of the nature of my work.

I will transfer it with the Bank of Baghdad, Iraq. They do International Transfer. I will not send it at once, I will transfer $500,000 each transfer. I will inform you on what to do when i finally transfer the money into your BANK ACCOUNT.

I am giving you all the trust and I believe that with the help of God, we will sucessfully transfer this money out of Iraq. I hope that one day we will meet each other face to face to start a long lasting relationship.

Please do not disclose this deal to anybody as to protect my duty with the US Marine. I attached my picture and the picture of the Money which for your confirmation as you requested.It wasn't easy for me to do that but I had to because you requested for it and to make assurance double sure.

Remember, your share still remains the same 30% out of the total amount of the money. The total amount of the money is $12.8million Dollars.

I will be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible to proceed it the transfer.Please, Do not reply to this email, reply me to my private email address for security reasons.



Mugu-Baiter forever ;-)

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