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Riggs, Derrick - Colonel der US Army in Syrien, will 4 Mill. USD nach Deutschland verschiffen

#1 von if6was9 , 09.06.2023 07:27

Name, Vorname:
Riggs, Derrick

Alter, Wohnort, Beruf:
Colonel der US Army in Syrien

"Express Logistics"

Kontakt über:

Colonel Derrick Riggs will eine "consignment box" mit "4 million USD" nach Deutschland verschiffen. Dazu braucht er Hilfe, und für Steuer, Versicherung und Frachtgebühren sollen vorab 2310 Euro bezahlt werden. Die Zahlung soll auf Bankkonten von "Agents" in Deutschland erfolgen.



Von: sergent derrickriggs <>
An: Mich
Gesendet: Sonntag, 28. Mai 2023 um 16:46:28 MESZ
Betreff: Trust And Confidence!

Hello xxx
I am sending you this message with a deep sorrowful and broken heart.It is me Col Riggs, the friend of Alan Terry your close friend. I know you might be very surprise seeing my message!You know it has been for 9 months i was deployed dawn here in Aleppo. I really need your assistance right now bro, because i lost both the access and contact of your friend Terry. I must be sincere to you xxx , because this will help both me and you.
When i came to Syria newly, i was so lucky to meet with an oil company here call SPC ARABIAN, and because of my ranks they begged me to help them and secure their properties against some criminals, And after 7 months they will pay me the Sum of $4million USD, And i accepted and we whent into an agreement
So i used my ranks to released some soldiers out from their duties to go and guide the place. though i knew that what i did was illegal, But i did it because of the Amount involved. xxx you know we can not make so much money through an Honest way. We must be a criminal to make such money and every theifs has someone he trust! Now the 7 months contract is over and i got paid already and they begged me to renew the contract but i refused because i considered the risk involve.
I am so much afraid because i am not the Superior here, i am afraid of the high ranks staffs, they will punish me severely if they find out what i did. I cried out loud when i noticed it.
That is the reason i am written you to know if you can help me to receive the box, so i can shipp it very far away to you there in the state through the diplomatic way, Please Keep this informations private to your self alone because we dont know who our enemies were! It is a secret between us. No one else knows the content of the the Box. Not even the shipping company. I have already locked it with a password which i will send everything to you later.
Please xxx get back to me as soon as possible and let me know if you can help me to receive it or not, Because when you receive it , you can call me and let me know that you have received it, so i will apply for my Replacement to come home and meet you there in the states. 25% is for you. Let me know if you are in or not, because this is the only way we the military minorities make our money here.
Waiting!Staff, Riggs Derrick.

Di., 30. Mai um 00:05
i am really glad you have such a good understanding, because it pains me so much whenever someone goes against the Logic each time there's a little chance to success! Listen remember to keep this informations very secured to your self alone because no one else knows about this, not even the shipping company i lied to them that this is a gift box and they agreed.
I am a chaplain Col. and everyone in my station knows me, i can not achieve anything if i lie to you, believe me or not i must tell you what i know which is the truth. I cant even eat neither sleep because of how worried i am. i want to move this box very far away out from this province because i know the rules and implications involve if they caught me here with such fund.
Please i really need your help, i have no one else to share my sorrows with, i lost my wife since on march 2019, left alone with my little son Benjamin.I spoke with the Shipping Agent and they requested i provide the following informations of the reciever.
(1) Your Full Name.
(2) Your Home Address
(3) Your Phone Number/Email Address
(4) Your Nationality
(5) A copy of an ID.
Please send me your above requested informations, so i will forward them to the company to register this box. Note, Here is the new password i used to lock this BOX. ((1960aa)). please do not let anyone see this.

Mi., 31. Mai um 23:14
Received, thank you.
i have forwarded it to them already. But please i forgot to tell you this because i love to be sincere, my major worries right now is that i am thinking on how to incur the shipping fee.because the middle east signal here is too local, i dont have any access to make a mobile transaction here. i only have access to my messenger and email.
I can not go out from this camp without a concrete permission you know that. Damascus is too far away from here! Please i dont really know how you will feel about this, because it may seems as if i am asking you for too much. Please help me to incur the fee. though i dont know how much it will cost, but i believe it wont cost us much,Please help me.
I have instructed the Agent to come here during the day, to take this box to their company because i can not go out from here.
I gives you a full guarantee not to be afraid of anything since i am involve.

Fr., 2. Juni um 00:44
Final address.......To
We acknowledge receipt of your message and details concerning the delivery of a consignment box from Riggs Derrick, the United States soldier who is currently stationed in Syria.
Please be informed that above picard up the consignment box from current location in syria
Shippment denies (shal)immediately commence the delivery of the consignment box to your provided address in Berlin Germany, engagement request. The final delivery demands the bellow arteries.
Cerbi Specification (private) this fare is not guaranteed on your patient has been confirmed. Taxes and fees information.
I understand summaries 1.vat 800 Euro Euro 3.clearance.920 Euro
A total Amount of 2,310 Euro.
This is the final shipping and cost policy protects and ensures that the shipment of the shipping box is not interrupted or stopped in transit to your destination address in Germany in accordance with this notice and to enable me to facilitate the prompt delivery of the shipping box . approach. It is therefore your responsibility to immediately pay the final carriage which requires 2,310 Euro via the correspondent agent's Account who is currently in Berlin
Account name: Frida Karlsxxx
Bank name: N26
IBAN: DE81 1001 xxx 2554 xxxx 81
Bank address: Kurfürstenstraße 72, 10787, Berlin, Germany
Purpose of payment: Frida.

Sa., 3. Juni um 17:22
We want to let you know that Agent Frida left Germany. since yesterday to Belgium to deliver a package.
We appologize for the inconvenience. Below is another Agent account for the payment.

IBAN:: DE63 4305 0001 xxxx 390xxx
Name::Christopxxx Cyntxxx
Bank:: Sparkasse Bochum
Reference: family and friends
Address:: Überseeboulevard 4-10, 20457 Hamburg.


Account name: Frida Karlsxxx
Bank name: N26
IBAN: DE81 1001 xxx 2554 xxxx 81
Bank address: Kurfürstenstraße 72, 10787, Berlin, Germany
Purpose of payment: Frida.

Sa., 3. Juni
IBAN:: DE63 4305 0001 xxxx 390xxx
Name::Christopxxx Cyntxxx
Bank:: Sparkasse Bochum
Reference: family and friends
Address:: Überseeboulevard 4-10, 20457 Hamburg.
ermittelte Bildherkunft: RPO ist Lt. Col. Derrick Riggs.
Von 2015: "...serving in Afghanistan as command chaplain for NATO Special Operations and the Special Forces Joint Task Force..."

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1 Mitglied hat sich bedankt!
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"sergent derrickriggs" <>

#2 von Scambaiter , 04.07.2023 19:19

"sergent derrickriggs" < > sucht Hilfe!

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 08.07.2023 | Top

RE: "sergent derrickriggs" <>

#3 von if6was9 , 08.07.2023 07:45

Di., 4. Juli um 19:23

We acknowledge receipt of your message and details concerning the delivery of a consignment box from Riggs Derrick,
the United States soldier who is currently stationed in Syria.
Please be informed that above picard up the consignment box from current location in syria
Shippment denies (shal)immediately commence the delivery of the consignment box to your provided address in Berlin Germany, engagement request. The final delivery demands the bellow arteries.
Cerbi Specification (private) this fare is not guaranteed on your patient has been confirmed. Taxes and fees information.

I understand summaries 1.vat 800 Euro Euro 3.clearance.920 Euro A total Amount of 2,310 Euro.

This is the final shipping and cost policy protects and ensures that the shipment of the shipping box is not interrupted or stopped in transit to your destination address in Germany in accordance with this notice and to enable me to facilitate the prompt delivery of the shipping box . approach.
It is therefore your responsibility to immediately pay the final carriage which requires 2,310 Euro.

xxx that is their message. it is 2,310€. I will forward you their payment details.

Di., 4. Juli um 19:28

xxx here is the payment details they sent to me.

First name: Martin baffoe
Last name: antwi agyei

City Bremen

Wenn die hier gefundenen Informationen für dich hilfreich waren oder dich evtl sogar vor einem größeren finanziellen Schaden bewahrt haben, dann spende bitte einen Kleinbetrag an uns! Dazu gehst du bitte auf unsere Startseite und nutzt den Button "Spenden an Scambaiter" rechts oben.
Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)

Beiträge: 5.874
Registriert am: 01.09.2014

RE: "sergent derrickriggs" <>

#4 von Scambaiter , 08.07.2023 23:26

Heute 07:45 verfasst und am Abend schon an erster Stelle!

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

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