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#1 von Scambaiter , 01.12.2006 22:16

...hier hat mir ein Mugu geschrieben,
und behauptet, er hat schon Geschäfte mit mir gemacht.
Weiß aber weder Namen noch Adresse etc.

Und das schönste ist, er gibt sich als Deutscher aus.
Dem werde ich wohl ein wenig auf die Sprünge helfen müssen!
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 21:05:09 +0100 (MET)
Von: "" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: ***@***
Hello my good friend,

How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family?, You may not understand why this mail come to you.But if you do not remember me, you might have receive an email from me in the past regarding a multi-million-dollar business proposal which we never concluded.

I am using this opportunity to inform you that this multi-million-dollar business has been concluded with the assistance of another partner from Germany who financed the transaction to a logical conclusion.

I thank you for your great effort to our unfinished transfer of fund into your account due to one reason or the other best known to you.But I want to inform you that I have successfully transferred the fund out of my bank to my new partner's account in Germany that was capable of assisting me in this great venture.

Due to your effort, sincerity, courage and trust worthness You showed during the course of the transaction.I want to compensate you and show my gratitude to you with the sum of $1,200,000.0 which I left to my secretary on your behalf.

My dear friend I will like you to contact MY SECRETARY Mr. Kenny Brown,on his direct email address at:[kenny_bro***] for the collection of the fund.I authorized him to release the fund to you whenever you contact him regarding for it.

At the moment, I'm very busy here because of the investment projects, which I and the new partner are having at hand.Please I will like you to accept this token with good faith as this is from the bottom of my heart,Also comply with Mr. Kenny's directives so that he will send the money to you without any delay.

CONTACT: Mr. Kenny Brown.
Cotonou, Benin Republic.
His email address:[kenny_bro***]
Direct Phone: 00229 9347 6584.

The money will be send to you by the security company where I deposited it before my trip. Therefore, you should send to Mr. Kenny your full Name and telephone number/your current mailing address which he will submit to the security company to enable them register you as the beneficiary.

Thanks and God bless.

Engr James Hans

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.526
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 01.12.2006 | Top


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Mugu = "MR PETER ADO" <peterado2007

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