Redaktionelle Anmerkung: S.U. hat mich beauftragt, ab hier die Story für ihn weiter zu führen.
Da er anderweitig mit Baits beschäftigt ist.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 04:02:30 -0800 (PST)
Von: "trevor chambers" <trevorchambers***> Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: Good News
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Sven,
Sorry that i didnt get back to you very soon.The transaction is not going to take more than few hours so i dont see the need of you staying in an hotel.All you need to do is call them or send an email to them so that you will know what to bring along with you.When are you planning to travel down.I cant wait to see the transaction completed.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
S.U. hat seid dem 31. Jan. 07 nicht mehr geatwortet.
Aber "Trevor der Dritte" scheint ohne mich das Leben nicht lebenswert zu finden.
Er schreibt und schreibt...
Hier die Mails (nicht alle) der letzten Zeit, ohne Kommentar.
Zitat von
Datum: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 07:42:25 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: Contact
Dear Sven,
You will have to write to the bank and tell them when you will come and meet them and finish the transaction with them.Please you will have to send you ID to them so that they will you are the owner of the funds with them please get back to me to let me know when you be going to meet them i hope by next week the funds should be in your account.
Zitat von
Datum: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 17:59:22 +0000 (GMT)
Betreff: important
Dear Mr Sven,
I have been informed by Mr Trevors of your willingness to come to Switzerland to bring this long awaited transaction to an end.
I must inform you that based on the effort of my company in handling this funds till this particular time in point.Charges will have to be paid by you to our company.The amount you are paying is £6000.This money is for the service charges which the money has accumulated.Waiting to hear from you.
Best regards
Dominic Whajah
Zitat von
Datum: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 08:34:34 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: RE: Thank you For your Email
Dear Sven,
I guess you are too busy to check Email.Please get back to me to let me when you have in mind to conclude the regards to your family.
Zitat von
Datum: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 01:52:51 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: Good Morning
Dear Sven,
I am still waiting to hear from you.Please i will like to know when you have it in mind to travel to conclude the transaction.The transaction is taking longer than expected.
Zitat von
Datum: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:16:36 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: Reply
Dear Sven,
Mr Whajah told me today that the funds will be transfer to Indonesia very soon because there is nobody to stand or claim the should have told me from unset that you will not be capable of handling the transaction.Am really worried that the funds is leaving zurich very soon of wish you can be able to claim the funds because is not that far from you.All my effort as being wasted by you.I hope you contact them as soon as possible so that they can put an hold on to it.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Ich weiß nicht warum, aber Trevor ist mein bester Mugu Freund .
Er kann einfach nicht von mir lassen.
Warum glaubt da immer noch "einer" im fernen Nigeria, es gibt Geld für den Schwachsinn ?
Denn da muss es welche geben, die dass glauben.
Ansonnsten hätte ich nicht folgende Mail erhalten:
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 17 May 2007 02:07:18 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "trevor chambers"
Betreff: Worried
Dear Sven,
I have been really sick and worried and i want to no you not gotten back to me since i sent you the documents so please can you let me know if you are still ready to finish the transaction.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Nach angemessener Wartezeit, bekommt Trevor Antwort.
S.U. hatte in letzter Zeit viel um die Ohren.
Das neuest Hotel-Projekt musste fertig werden.
Nun wurde das Hotel "The Hotel Palazzo Las Vegas" am 26.Mai eröffnet.
Die große Party dazu steigt bald.
Da muss S. U. wieder nach Las Vegas fliegen...
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 31 May 2007 02:08:28 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: Worried
An: "trevor chambers"
Dear Trevor,
hi how are you? Thanks for your mail.
I hope your health is stable now?
I want to say apologize to you, because of my late answer.
I had much hard work with the opening of the new hotel in
the last weeks.
I was flying several times to Las Vegas, for the last
steps to open the hotel. Now is all good done. The
hotel was opening on May 26. 2007!
Next I fly on June 13.07 to Las Vegas for the opening
vestival. I am owner of 27,6% of this consortium:
The Hotel Palazzo Las Vegas
Green Sands Ldt. LV Nevada
In Coop Kabushki Kaihai Co.Tokyo Japan
Sven Udo & Partners Holding SA Berlin
Trevor my friend, of course I will finish the
transaction also quick.
Tell me the last recent developments in this case.
I send you a map and visiting card from the hotel.
Regards Sven
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Oach Trevor, dir fällt aber auch gar nichts Neues mehr ein.
Transaktion...wie war das noch mal, ich hab's vergessen.
Da muss ich wieder nachfragen, ich komme in die Jahre...
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 2 Jun 2007 05:39:05 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "trevor chambers"
Betreff: RE: Worried
Dear Sven,
Is good to hear that you open the hotel at last now and you ae luck to open te hotel in a nice place like America.They are still expecting you to come and complete the transaction and after i sent you the documents you need to complete the transaction they didnt hear from you again so they are still waiting for you to come and finish the transaction and tell them when you will travel down.My health is getting beter now.Please try and finish the transaction with them so that we can both smile and i will have the time to spend so time in your new hotel.Please get back to me okay.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Vor der Abreise nach Las Vegas zum neuen Hotel,
schnell noch ein paar Zeilen an Trevor.
Als treuer Freund bekommte er eine Gedenk-Medaille aus Gold.
Diese muss er aber später zurückgeben.
Ach ja, da war doch noch was. Richtig die Geschäfte mit Trevor.
Aber lest selbst...
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 03:07:43 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: Worried
An: "trevor chambers"
Dearest more faithful friend Trevor,
thank you for your mail.
Well, the big job is done! The Palazzo hotel has open.
I send you one -limit to 100 pice - gold medal.
You will get number 37 from 100.
I will give you in person, when we meet.
It is 24 carat gold and it is not allowed to sell!
When you die, your family must give back to the hotel
consortium! Note that.
Well, I fly next week again to Las Vegas for 3 weeks.
You can get me on my mobile phone next days only:
Via my phone company "Ahrkohr-deh" Germany number
+ 49 - 32 xx - 1158 xxx
Oh yes, I forget. There was our business.
Sorry, but send me all infos and documente again.
I lost all, in the trouble, of the the last weeks.
Your friend
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Und weiter gehts...
Trevor bedankt sich artig. Und kündigt an, ich werde die Dokumente nocheinmal bekommen,
Ja doch, da bin ich ganz sicher, die bekomme ich.
Aber ich muss mir noch ein paar neue Gemeinheiten ausdenken.
Trevor der IV. - muss auch leiden. So wie T. I. bis III.
Wer Ideen hat, immer heraus damit.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 03:46:46 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "trevor chambers"
Betreff: Thank You
Dear Sven,
You are such a nice man and it is a great honor from you and very happy and glad to receive it my good friend.Please when you get back from your trip you will see the documents and the last information the bank sent and i guess you have that in your email box.Please my friend i want us to finish our transaction by travel to switzerland and complete the transaction okay.And is like you know more about business and i will like you to put through when the transaction is over please.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Nach der Pause, eine kleine Erinnerungsmail für Trevor.
Mal sehen, was als Antwort kommt. Dann sollte es "zur Sache" gehen.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 01:52:50 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: Thank You
An: "trevor chambers"
Dear friend Trevor,
hi and how are you?
I am back now from my Las Vegas business trip.
You was promisse me, I have here all documents,
in my mailbox.
But the box is empty, no one doc. here, why?
So please send quick all what we need.
Thank you and best wishes,
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Nun wird Trevor schon wieder lästig-
Zwei Mails bekam ich von ihm in de letzten Tagen.
Und dabei beginnt wieder die Nörgelei.
Ich werde mich wohl zu einer Reise in die Schweiz aufmachen.
Leider sehe ich da am Horizont schon wieder viele Probleme aufziehen...
In Antwort auf:Und weil es Urgent ist, gleich noch ne' Mail hinterher.
Datum: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:36:58 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "trevor chambers"
Betreff: Fwd: Ready
Dear sven,
Here is the document so is for you to conclude the transaction now.Please i want it dont as soon as possible okay.well come back from america.
[Und hier war die Mail plus Dokument vom Datum: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 02:43:32 -0800 (PST) angehängt.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 01:42:21 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "trevor chambers"
Betreff: Urgent
Dear Sven,
I guess you have gotten it now.Because i just sent it some days ago.please get back to me so that we can finish this on time and now that you are less busy now is for you complete the transaction so that i can invest in your country.Please get back to me or contact the back.Get bact to me Asap
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Ich habe bisher nicht auf "Trevors" Hilferufe reagiert.
Inzwischen, hat auch ein Beauftragter von Trevor angerufen.
Und auf den Anrufbeantworter (von Arcor) eine Message hinterlassen.
Diese Message werde ich demnächst hier einstellen.
Jetzt erst einmal die nächste Mail von Trevor.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 02:42:48 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "trevor chambers"
Betreff: Get Back To Me
Dear Sven,
The bank is disturbing about the transfer telling that the person in charge is the one delaying the transaction so what is happening i have sent you the document you needed so why the delaying or are you out of germany.Please get back to me so that we can finish the transaction am getting worried.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Da S.U. so gar nicht reagiert, haben sie es mal mit telefonieren versucht.
Hier kann man den Anruf hören: Mr. Dominic Whajan von der Global trust company
In Antwort auf:
Hello, good morning. This is Mr. Dominic Whajan from Global trust company.
Please I call you yesterday but I couldn't reach you,cause this is why
I calling today. My call is a review of Mr. Trevor Chambers,
unfortune we have a deal.
And you know I'm recharge you hope some question.Switzerland, so that is why I'm calling you today. And give you the message again and how we complete andhow you can come to Switzerland to meet me.
Please try to reach me on this number, I would look you for the call, because tomorrow I'm travelling.Please try to call me today.The number is 004178622xxxx.The number again is 004178622xxxx.Thank you and I'm waiting for you or your call.Bye
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.543 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
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