Mal ehrlich, wie stellt man sich in Europa/Deutschland ein Flüchtlingsmädchen vor?
Noch dazu, wenn sie in einen Flüchtlingslager leben müssen, wie hier:
"I am from Sudan in Africa but presently residing in the missionary here in Senegal...
I am in sufferings and pains here in this camp, i really need help from someone..."
Nach diesen Worten doch eher ein trauriges, mageres Mädchen - oder nicht?
Und dann bekommt man nachfolgende Fotos geliefert:
Hier die vollständig Mail:
Von: Kate Celine <>
An: "" <>
Gesendet: 11:57 Donnerstag, 15.Dezember 2011
Dear friend,
I am more than happy in your reply to my mail, how is your day today i hope all is well and fine with you including your health and job. My name is Miss Kate Celine Simba and i am 24 years, single and never been married, i am from Sudan in Africa but presently residing in the missionary here in Senegal where i ran as a refuge due to the political civil war that took place in my country. I am in sufferings and pains here in this camp, i really need help from someone by encouraging me and good advice in life and to help me to come out from this situation, again to help me get my money, because my late father deposited some amount of money in the Bank and he used my name as the next of kin.
My late father Dr. Ellison Simba, worked as the Chief Executive Officer of (E E C PLC) in Port Sudan in Sudan. During the war, the rebel loyal to one of the greedy business associate of my late father attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and father in a cold blood. It is only me that is alive now as the only child of my parents and i managed to make my way to this country Senegal by the help of UN army where i am living now in the missionary, headed by a Reverend Fr. Joshua John, i used his office computer to send you this email and i only enter his office when he is less busy in his office.
I would like to know more about you, your likes, dislikes, your hobbies and what you are doing presently. i like to meet understanding, loyal, sincere, truthfully, kindly, friendly and more to that, a man of vision. Attached here is my picture.
Nevertheless, I don't have any relatives now that i can go to, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war and there is no contact, the only person i have now is Rev.Fr. Joshua John who is heading the missionary. He has been very good to me since i came here but l am not living with him, l am living in the women quarters.
In case you want to speak with me, here is the Rev Father's telephone number (+221 766 612 474 ) as you call, tell the Rev.Father that you wish to speak with me, definitely he will send for me in the women quarters as i have already discussed with him about you or you can call me directly with my personal number (+221 766 328 969) which the Rev Father gave to me at the moment.
Regarding my condition here as a refugee, i don't have any right or privilege to anything be it money or whatever because it is contrary to the law of this country.
I want to go back to my studies because i only stopped at my first year before the tragic war that cause to my being in this situation now took place. Honey i really believe in face to face, i like to meet you in your country but there is know way i will be coming to your country now, i need to have my (International passport) before i can be coming to your country.
Dear friend, everything is money, i will offer you 15% (percent) of the total money for compensation immediately after the transfer. Please l would like you to know that l have my late father's death certificate here with me which l will like to send to you to assist me, because when he was alive he deposited sum amount of money with a Bank which he used my name as the next of kin. The amount in question is (2.750,000,00 Million British Pounds) Two million seven hundred and fifty thousand Pounds.
I will like you to assist me to transfer this money to your account and from it you will send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet you. I can't withdraw the money myself due to some conditions of things here in this country which i am not permitted to do, and the money can't be transferred here in Senegal.
I have got in touch with the bank manager through mail and also told him about my plans to withdraw this money, I have informed him of the death of my father and he have acknowledged it with all the confirmation. However, the bank manager advised me to get in touch with a very responsible person who will stand on my behalf as a foreign partner/trustee over the transfer since l am presently of refugee status over here and wouldn't be permitted to handle this amount of money, he also let me know about the bonds which they signed with my father that the money will be handled to me in bulk amount which means that l should decide on if i should continue with the bank or not.
Meanwhile, i will give you the personal contact address of the bank Manager so that you will contact the bank Manager direct for his direction and guidance concerning the transfer in my next mail.
I just have to let you know about this so that you can assist me to be my trustee on this money, like l have said, l want you to call me because l have a lot to tell you. l kept this secret away from people in the Missionary here, the only person that knows about it is the Reverend Father Joshua John because he is like a father to me.
Have a nice day and think about me. Dear friend , this is the email address of the Reverend ( i hope to hear from you soonest.
Yours forever,
Kate Celine
OK, es geht also um, die "kleine " Summe von:
2.750,000,00 Million British Pounds Two million seven hundred and fifty thousand Pounds.
Nach Tageskurs von heute sind das 3.273.323,14 EURO
Wer also Interesse hat, dem armen Mädchen zu helfen, bitte zugreifen.
So leicht verdient man nicht jeden Tag Millionenanteile!
(Mid-market rates: 2011-12-16 | 15:48 UTC
2,750,000.00 GBP = 3,273,323.14 EUR
1 GBP = 1.19030 EUR | 1 EUR = 0.840125 GBP)
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
sieht wirklich notleidend aus, das arme Kind! Ich wusste auch gar nicht, dass es im Flüchtlingslager Nagellack gibt. Na ja, Hauptsache gut aussehen!
Ich habe geträumt, dass Du mich liebst. Was bedeutet das? Dass Du geträumt hast!
Beiträge: | 42 |
Registriert am: | 01.11.2011 |
Auf der einen Seite ist es super, dass manche Mugus nicht wirklich dazugelernt haben - auf der anderen Seite erschreckend dass sowas tatsächlich funktioniert. Würde es nicht funktionieren, würden wir nicht laufend Mails von Modelflüchtlingsmädels kriegen - der Beweis, dass das Gesetz der großen Zahl trotz niedrigster Wahrscheinlichkeit funktioniert... Oder seh ich das falsch?
Beiträge: | 799 |
Registriert am: | 21.12.2009 |
@Jay, du hast Recht. Nur ein Unterschied, oft kommen die Mails erst mal ohne Fotos.
Und dann - wenn sie doch welche mitschicken - sind es solche Modell Fotos.
Unter dem Strich, ist es dasselbe. Und es scheint zu funktionieren.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.580 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
ich habe schon einmal ein slum gesehen, in der dominanischen republik allerdings. Aber ein fotostudio mittendrin? Nein, eher nur hektische wochenmärkte mit noch lebendigen hühnern angebunden an wegfahrenden mopeds. wir durften nicht mal den bus verlassen. Und wo hat sie abzüglich der kosten für den fotographen jetzt die kohle verbuddelt? Unter dem linkem pfeiler der wellblechhütte oder unter einem der tausenden autoreifen. ?
Hi sollte vor kurzem auch reich beschenkt werden, gegen Nutzung meines Bankkontos.Wow leicht verdientes Geld, aber kaum E-Mail geöffnet und gelsen, schon abgekackt.Postfach gesperrt und hat 2 Tage gedauert bis ich wieder reinkam. So einen Schmarrn lese ich gar nicht mehr.
- der Beweis, dass das Gesetz der großen Zahl trotz niedrigster Wahrscheinlichkeit funktioniert... Oder seh ich das falsch?
Nein , es ist nur das Gesetz: Erektion frisst Intelekt !
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Ich muss gestehen, ich sabbere schon.
Und als Niedriglöhner wäre ein Nebenverdienst sicher nicht schlecht. Ob mir das Jobcenter bei den zu erwartenden Vorschusszahlungen behilflich sein würde?
Immerhin versuche ich ja aus meiner Transferabhängigkeit kommen!
Da ich nun sehr erregt bin, spiele ich mit dem Gedanken mir die kleine nächstes Jahr zur Brust zu nehmen, wenn keiner die will
Sola Scriptura
In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside
¥€$ WE $CAN
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Registriert am: | 11.01.2010 |
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