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...former government official in Egypt

#1 von Scambaiter , 05.03.2011 08:40

Es war ja nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis Nordafrika (Ägypten, Tunesien sicher auch noch Libyen)
zum Gegenstand der Geldwäsche oder Geldtransfer wird.

Freitag, 4. März, 2011 06:49 Uhr
Von: "james john" <>
An: Empfänger nicht bekannt
Dear friend,

I have a client whom is a former government official in Egypt that has been forced to step down alongside his party members that will like to have your assistance to relocate and start a new life in your country with his family.

I will not expose his identity at this point but will divulge the information of his intentions which is your assistance to secure and invest a total sum of twenty five million US dollars at his custody now.

I will give you more details of this exercise once i get your feedback with assurance to maintain the highest level of confidentiality that is needed in this exercise.

Please call me or indicate your direct number where we can keep in steady contact until we meet face to face

Best regards


Mailto: James John

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

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