Malik ein Kaufmann aus Dubai, hält sich wohl zur Behandlung in Syracuse Staat NY, USA auf
da wird der Troll mal versuchen zur Genesung seinen Beitrag zu leisten...
In Antwort auf:
From ibrahim malik Tue May 9 04:57:29 2006
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Von: "ibrahim malik" <> Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: HELLO
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Dear friend,
This letter may come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we have
yet met. I have to say that I have no intentions of causing you any
As you read this, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because, I
everyone will die someday.
My name is Ibrahim Malik, a merchant in Dubai, in the U.A.E. I have
diagnosed with prostate and oesophageal cancer that was discovered very
due to my laxity in caring for my health. It has defied all forms of
medicine and right now, I have only about a few months to live
medical experts.
I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared
anyone not even myself but my business. Though I am very rich, I was
generous, I was always hostile to people and only focus on my business
that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this as I now
that there is more to life than just
wanting to have or make all the money
in the world. I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to
world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it.
that I know my time is near, I have willed and given most of my
and assets to my immediate and extended family members and as well as a
close friends.
I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to
one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed
to some charity organizations in the U.A.E, London and Ireland. Now
health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this my self any more. I
asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and donate the
which I have there to charity organizations in Bulgaria, they refused
kept the
money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem
not to
be contented with what I have left for them. The last of my money
which is
the huge cash ($21.500.000) deposit that I have with a security firm
abroad .I will want
you to help me collect this deposit and dispatch it to charity
I am writing this from my laptop computer in my hospital bed where I
for my time to come. I pray that God uses you to support and assist me
good heart.Ibrahim Malik.
Please respond to my secure email address at
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
der Troll entdeckt wieder einmal sein gütiges Herz
und entsprechend ist sein Angebot zur Hilfe für malik
In Antwort auf:
[QUOTE]Datum: Tue, 9 May 2006 16:11:38 +0200 (CEST)
Von: "von Bergtroll" <> Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: RE: HELLO
Sehr geehrter Herr Malik,
das Sie sich in Ihrer Not an mich wenden spricht für Ihre Menschenkenntniss und Weitsicht,
und dürfte sich für uns beide als Glücksfall erweisen. In der Tat gehöre ich in unserer Region
zu einem kleinen Personenkreis die es als Ihre Aufgabe ansehen Hilfsbedürftige auf allen Kontinenten
zu unterstützen.
Daher bin ich gerne bereit Ihnen bei Ihrer finanziellen Misere zu helfen, schreiben Sie mir
Ihre Vorstellung wie wir Ihre gierigen Anverwandten in die sprichwörtliche Röhre schauen lassen können.
Nun zu Ihrer Krankheit, auch hier kann ich sehr wahrscheinlich helfen, einer meiner Bekannten,
dessen Ur Ur Ahn war Samuel Hahnemann der Begründer der Homöopathie, er hinterließ
eine Urtinktur die seit Jahren erfolgreich von einigen wenigen, ausgewählten Heilpraktikern und Internisten,
bei bestimmten Personen anwendung findet, und von unserem Wohltäterkreis vertrieben wird. Der Erlös
fliest natürlich Hilfsbedürftigen zu.
Mit dieser Urtinktur konnte vielen geholfen werden und ich würde mich glücklich schätzen
wenn auch Sie in den Genuß dieser Hilfe kämen, das Problem : die Urtinktur ist nicht
gerade preiswert 5ml kosten 750 Euro und für eine wirkungsvolle Kur benötigen Sie 105 ml.
mit freundlichen Grüßen
Wastl von Bergtroll
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
Malik antwortet, narürlich mit Hinweis auf eine Niederländische Firma und kein Wort zu meinem Wundermittel
für seine schwere Krankheit. Pass und das übliche möchte er von mir, im anschluss erhalte ich seine " verbiegende" Dokumente. Treffend formuliert.
Dann werd4n wir den mal füttern...
In Antwort auf:
From ibrahimmalik Thu May 11 12:35:24 2006
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Dear Friend,Let me thank you first for taking my proposal into consideration,may the lord give you the strenght to be able to help me recieve this funds for it objectives.As I already put to your awareness,I am undergoing a very painful period of my life without hav
ing no relatives that I can put my trust in anymore due to what I indicated in my previous mail to you.For this reasons I decided to propose to you in order to help me receive this funds which I deposited with a fanancial house in the netherland.My objectives regarding this funds is for you to put hold to the funds in any perspective so that you can make use of it as I will instruct you with all legal assistance given to you.Since I am almost close to my time as I ealier indicated,am go to advis
e you to use this funds in assisting charities organization in your country.With the fear of God,am taking this action even thoug h we`ve not met before,cuz I know when I die the lord will recieve me in his bosom.Before I will give you more details on how to go further and put claims to this funds in what ever perspective,I would require you to provide me with more informations about you stated below cuz as you are aware the amount is a huge amount and I must be
assure how capable you are to accommudate the funds and most of all to use the funds as I instructed.see below;1.Your full name as stated in your international passport.
2.copy of your identity card or passport
3.Your house or firm address.
4.Your telephone and fax number.
5.Your occupation.As soon as I have the said mentioned,I will provide you with all legal bending documents that will clearify you as the new beneficiary of the funds during the process of claims.Note the proposal should be kept confidential until all legal documents are c
leared for the transfer of the funds to any of your nominated account in your country.Contiunue to pray for me so the lord will recieve me when my time come to past.I hope all is well cleared and I expect you to provide me with what I requested from you
to enable you take the responsibility of the funds.Thanks again and may God strenghten your desire in this project.Yours sincerely One
Ibrahim Malik
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
sieht so aus als wenn Malik irgendwelche Probleme hatte
In Antwort auf:
From malikibram Wed May 17 10:00:09 2006
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Dear Bergtroll,Let me thank you again for your fully support even though I will not be long on earth,may God continue to bless you in every aspect of your life.Due to my situation I was unable to access my mail because my doctors aks me to rest on my bed for the past days.At present now my condiction is geting worse and I`m afriad I would be long on earth again,so I hope you will continue to pray for me so that as I pass away I will go to the bosom of thy lord.
Today I already forward all your details to the security company in the netherlands and they are going to contact you to invite you to their office so that you can personally clear the release of funds order certificate to take fully possesion of the USD21.500.000 to carry out the assigned project.
You will recieve a filing of claims documents from them (e.g) certificate of deposit,a legal binding agreement document or power of attorney which you will be require to sign and send back to them before your arrival in the netherlands for the claims.
Be rest assure if you are required by the security company to pay some amount of money to have the funds release on your name,I would advise you to do so that the funds can be release to you without no hinderances.Also be rest assure when you have fully possesion of the funds,any expenses cost you should be withdraw from the funds and the rest should be put into charity homes in your country for God sake as I plead.Why I say so is becuase even my family had betrayed the trust I put in them previously,so for me to choose you as my next of kin you should know I dont want to fall into any wrong hand as previously did.For the mentioned reasons you will have to sign the legal binding document for me to be rest assure what I require from you will be done with the funds.
See below the security company details below,you can also contact them on your own to file for the claims of the funds assigned by me MR IBRAHIM MALIK which they are already aware of.Please act in accordance and this transaction should remain confidential to avoid any scrupulous act outside you and me.Alway keep me posted with every details as you proceed with the secuirty compnay.
FAX: 0031847131601
TEL 0031619024752
Director Mr Donald Jefferson.
Your Sincerely One
Ibrahim Malik
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
Malik scheint leicht verwirrt und vergesslich, wie anders soll der Troll sich diese Mail erklären?
Den Text erhielten wir schon bei der letzten Mail.Na dann werden wir mal, Ausweisskopie, Trollsche Vollmacht,
Depot und Kapitalnachweiss, Freistellungs Bescheinigung zur Geldwäsche und über die angesprochenenGebühren wird
man reden müssen
In Antwort auf:
From ibrahim malik Sun May 21 19:29:49 2006
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Dear Bergtroll,
Let me thank you again for your fully support even though I will not be long on earth,may God continue to bless you in every aspect of your life.Due to my situation I was unable to access my mail because my doctors aks me to rest on my bed for the past days.At present now my condiction is geting worse and I`m afriad I would be long on earth again,so I hope you will continue to pray for me so that as I pass away I will go to the bosom of thy lord.
Today I already forward all your details to the security company in the netherlands and they are going to contact you to invite you to their office so that you can personally clear the release of funds order certificate to take fully possesion of the USD21.500.000 to carry out the assigned project.
You will recieve a filing of claims documents from them (e.g) certificate of deposit,a legal binding agreement document or power of attorney which you will be require to sign and send back to them before your arrival in the netherlands for the claims.
Be rest assure if you are required by the security company to pay some amount of money to have the funds release on your name,I would advise you to do so that the funds can be release to you without no hinderances.Also be rest assure when you have fully possesion of the funds,any expenses cost you should be withdraw from the funds and the rest should be put into charity homes in your country for God sake as I plead.Why I say so is becuase even my family had betrayed the trust I put in them previously,so for me to choose you as my next of kin you should know I dont want to fall into any wrong hand as previously did.For the mentioned reasons you will have to sign the legal binding document for me to be rest assure what I require from you will be done with the funds.
See below the security company details below,you can also contact them on your own to file for the claims of the funds assigned by me MR IBRAHIM MALIK which they are already aware of.Please act in accordance and this transaction should remain confidential to avoid any scrupulous act outside you and me.Alway keep me posted with every details as you proceed with the secuirty compnay.
FAX: 0031847131601
TEL 0031619024752
Director Mr Donald Jefferson.
Your Sincerely One
Ibrahim Malik
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
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