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Photos with Orphans

#1 von Orion , 13.04.2006 08:49

Post aus Indien vom Antigo-Gästebuch...

In Antwort auf:
From - Thu Apr 13 08:30:22 2006
X-Apparently-To: ***@***de via; Wed, 12 Apr 2006 21:39:59 -0700
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Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 21:39:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: ChristChurch Ministries <>
Subject: Photos with Orphams
To: ***@***

Dear Beloved in Christ
Greeting to you in the most exalted name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His richest blessings shall be upon your forever.

I am Katta.Edukondalu, Repalle, which is on the costal belt of "Bay of Bengal". Geographically our location is at Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh State in South India.
I am doing the Lords work since 7 members 45.poor and neglected community people.only hindu religions people.I am doing the Lords work honestly and faithfully.We are team pastors are depending gods grace.please kindly pray for our team work.

Our regular services towards orphanage: - I am running one orphanage for the welfare of 25 orphan children. They are quite deserved to be as Orphans. Once they had suffered a lot at their basic needs like food Clothing and shelter. In India these group of victims are going to be Called as street boys, young Rashkels, rag pickers, and pousin. They Kindly bless our kids through your gracious efforts. Actually I got Motivated with the verses in the Bible "James 1:27" and I hold-up this mass Responsibility. I need of your kind encouragement. Lease responds me on Cordial lines.

Our relief services towards destitute People: - In India number of Destitute people like widows and aged persons are suffering a lot at there Basic needs. I want your good fellowship. I want your regular prayers. We too remember you daily at our regular prayers. My best wishes to you daily at your Church people. Shall wait at your prayerful reply. Thanking you in His Precious name.
Yours in His service
Katta. Edukondalu
Christ Church Ministries
2nd ward
Repalle- 522 265
Guntur Dt, A.P.

I recieved your eamil this guest book

La prueba del pudín consiste en comer.

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
I_and_Orphans.jpg   I_and_widow_sisters.jpg   church_mebers_and_my_family.jpg   eating_food.jpg   my_family.jpg   orphans.jpg  

Beiträge: 2.972
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 10.08.2007 | Top

RE: Photos with Orphans

#2 von Scambaiter , 14.04.2006 03:41

Orion, hast du da schon geantwortet? Heute hatte ich die zweifelhafte Ehre !
Eventuell können wir gemeinsam etwas unternehmen?

In Antwort auf:
From ChristChurch Ministries Wed Apr 12 21:43:27 2006
X-Apparently-To: *** via; Wed, 12 Apr 2006 21:43:28 -0700
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Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 21:43:27 -0700 (PDT)
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Subject: Photos with Orphams
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Dear Beloved in Christ
Greeting to you in the most exalted name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His richest blessings shall be upon your forever.

I am Katta.Edukondalu, Repalle, which is on the costal belt of "Bay of Bengal". Geographically our location is at Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh State in South India.
I am doing the Lords work since 7 members 45.poor and neglected community people.only hindu religions people.I am doing the Lords work honestly and faithfully.We are team pastors are depending gods grace.please kindly pray for our team work.

Our regular services towards orphanage: - I am running one orphanage for the welfare of 25 orphan children. They are quite deserved to be as Orphans. Once they had suffered a lot at their basic needs like food Clothing and shelter. In India these group of victims are going to be Called as street boys, young Rashkels, rag pickers, and pousin. They Kindly bless our kids through your gracious efforts. Actually I got Motivated with the verses in the Bible "James 1:27" and I hold-up this mass Responsibility. I need of your kind encouragement. Lease responds me on Cordial lines.

Our relief services towards destitute People: - In India number of Destitute people like widows and aged persons are suffering a lot at there Basic needs. I want your good fellowship. I want your regular prayers. We too remember you daily at our regular prayers. My best wishes to you daily at your Church people. Shall wait at your prayerful reply. Thanking you in His Precious name.
Yours in His service
Katta. Edukondalu
Christ Church Ministries
2nd ward
Repalle- 522 265
Guntur Dt, A.P.

I recieved your eamil this guest book
............... Orion, dieses Foto war bei dir nicht dabei?

Titel des Fotos: my_wife_serve_food_orpahans.
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 10.08.2007 | Top

RE: Photos with Orphans

#3 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 20.04.2006 20:07

Pastor Bullerdick kann das auf natürliche Weise erledigen. Der hat den gleichen Schrott bekommen. Diesmal von der IP, ebenfalls aus Indien.
(Er steht sogar im Antigo-Gästebuch).

2. Der Pastor hat sofort geantwort:

In Antwort auf:
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 12:35:30 +0200
From: Pastor Bullerdick <pas*.buller*{ät}gmx*>
Subject: Re: Photos with Orphams
To: ChristChurch Ministries <>

Carus contraho,

ego animadverto formidilose statua vestri penuriosus pupillus quod constituo iuvo vos in vestri pugna obviam ieiunium.

Preteritus Bullerdick

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer

zuletzt bearbeitet 10.08.2007 11:13 | Top

awaiting for yoru kind reply

#4 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 20.04.2006 20:09

3. Latein scheint er jedenfalls nicht zu verstehen und sein Englisch ist noch schlechter als beim ersten Mal.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 08:47:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: ChristChurch Ministries <>
Subject: awaiting for yoru kind reply
To: "Pastor Bullerdick" <p*.b*{ät}gmx*>

Dear belovd Pastor Bullerdick
Greetings to you in the holy name of Jesus Christ.thank you very much froy oru kind reply.we ar epraying for you and yoru kind services.

please kindly pray for us and encourage us.I am asking fro your kind prayers and encouragemetn.please extend yoru love.

My family and church members adn orphana sare gret for all.I ama waiting for yoru kind reply soon

Yours in Christ

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.04.2006 20:11 | Top

Your reply

#5 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 20.04.2006 20:12

4. Mal sehen, was der Gute auf dem Herzen hat.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 09:03:58 +0200
From: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*@gmx*>
Subject: Your reply
To: ChristChurch Ministries <>

Dear Pastor Katta.Edukondalu,

thank you for your kind reply.

Dear brother in God please tell me. Who can I, my church and my community help you and your orphaned children?

By the way: Can you answer me in German or Latin cause English is not my native language. So there is sometimes the possibility that I misunderstand you.

I pray for you and your whole family.

Frohe Ostern und fröhliches Eiersuchen

Pastor Hieronymus Bullerdick

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer


Awaiting for your kind reply

#6 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 20.04.2006 20:16

5. Mein "Kollege" hat geantwortet und bittet um "monatliche Unterstützung".

Bibelfest ist er auch nicht so richtig: Schickt mir ebenfalls Ostergrüße zu Karfreitag.

Er versteckt sich diesmal hinter einem Proxy, der bei gelistet ist:

Seine Antwortschreiben erstellt er mittels Vordrucken. Das sieht so aus:

In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 18:41:55 -0700 (MEST)
From: ChristChurch Ministries <>
Subject: Awaiting for your kind reply
To: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.*{ät}gmx*>
IP: []

Dear beloved Pastor Hieronymus Bullerdick
Easter greetings to you and yoru family and yoru church members familys.
We are praying for you and your kind services.please pray for us.I would like send more photos very soon.
thank you very much fro you are help the our orphanan ge work.please pray for us and encourage us.I am asking for your kind prayers and encouragement towards our poor and faih ministry.
Please pray for us try to help our orphana ge is great work.kindly posible any help.try to support us and encourage us.please klindly support monthly.I am able to working more.please kindly pray for us.I ama wauiting for your kind reply soon
My family and church members and orphans are gret for all.I ama waiting for your kind reply soon

Yours in His services

...mal sehen, was der Mugu-Tracker sagt
Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.04.2006 20:26 | Top

Re: Awaiting for your kind reply

#7 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 20.04.2006 20:25

6. Pastor Katta ist ein flinker Eiersucher. Schon 4 min. nach Zugang der "Eastereggs" hat er sie gefunden (s.u. ;-)

Seine Empfänger-IP ist ebenfalls gelistet:

In Antwort auf:
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 13:10:57 +0000 (GMT)
From: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}@gmx*>
Subject: Re: Awaiting for your kind reply
To: ChristChurch Ministries <>

Dearest Pastor Katta.Edukondalu,

many thanks for your kind reply.

Some of our church members are very interested in your work with orphans. I will pray for you tomorrow in the divine service. There are attached some pictures of the church.

Frohe Ostern und fröhliches Eiertitschen.

Pastor Hieronymus Bullerdick

Der Mugu-Tracker sagt "Einwählverbindung in Bangalore/Indien" und "WinXP mit IE 6.0":

In Antwort auf:
Date     : 15.04.2006 - 13:15:17 GMT
True-IP : (
Proxy-IP : (
Referrer :
Browser : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer


Ministry Photos-1

#8 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 20.04.2006 20:29

7. Bruder Katta überhäuft mich inzwischen mit Fotos und Texten. Offenbar hat er nicht viel zu tun, da er bereits nach kurzer Zeit antwortet. Hier mal ein Beispiel.

Leider fehlen die Waisenkinder auf den Fotos. Zu sehen ist immer nur die gleiche Gruppe fideler Herren. Sind das die Waisenknaben? Möglicherweise die Waisen aus dem Morgenland?

In Antwort auf:
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 17:19:15 +0200 (MEST)
From: ChristChurch Ministries <inf_ccm [at]>
Subject: Ministry Photos-1
To: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}gmx*
IP: []

Dear Beloved Pastor bullerdick

Greetings to you in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. We hope this letter finds you all in sound health and enjoy every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. I send attached some ministry photos.please pray for us and encourage us.Thank you very much you send your is great day.

First I thank God very much for He has allowed us to correspond with you in Christ Jesus. We thank you for all your email messages that you sent for us. We always appreciate you for your love, kind and great concern for the people in India. I know the brethren there are in frontline to strengthen and encourage the Lord’s people in other countries. Paul said – “For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your behalf, and for those who are at Laodicea, and for all those who have not personally seen my face ….” Col 2:1. We see the true love of Christ in you.

We hope that you and all our brethren are doing well by God’s grace. We give our thanks to God also for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers, constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father. I know God continues to bless all your efforts. You are great blessing for us in Christ.

I believe that you know the true condition of the people in India. Seventy percent people above are living under poverty line. They suffer with their poverty and financial problems. Some times they were unable to go to hospitals when decease comes. Many people die with deceases and with unsolved situations. We see many people suffer with illness. Today we visited a sister in Chavali village, Guntur District; name Lydia, suffering with cancer. Last month, one of our sisters Ruth at Anjanapuram village died with same decease cancer. When we see these brothers and sister we pray and express our sympathy only. Our condition is also not sound. We do not have support from brotherhood.

We have some other domestic problems also, water and electrical power scarcity etc. People are in some villages do not have government corporation water, so they walk some miles for drinking water. Some families buy water from local people. More parents struggle very much to feed their children and send them to secular schools. So, some parents send their children (10 to 15 ages) to labor work for wages. With this situation they spoil their bright future. According to this circumstance we desire strongly to educate 40 children at least for their bright future. If we give decent and delicious food for the children then they go to school very happily. They can study in the schools. I know every child have desire and ambition to study and live in a decent way. Proverbs 22:6 say “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it”. With uncared situations children becomes sick with several deceases and dies. Truly it is a pitiable thing. I am very busy last two days. Pleae pray for us.

I am so happy your good and honest response. I am contact so many brothers did not any favor reply. God willing you are contact .You is my spiritual mother. It is god willing. I am asking for your kind prayers and encouragement towards our poor and faith ministry and orphanage. Please kindly pray for us. I am waiting for your kind reply soon

My wife Nagamani and our orphan children are doing well here by His grace. One of our orphan children, we hope that you would help us with great generosity for these orphan children. We look forward to hearing from you soon. You are always in our thoughts and prayers here.
Children and my wife greet you all.

In His service,


Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.04.2006 12:13 | Top

A DaySpring E-Card is waiting for you!

#9 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 12:58

8. Einen elektronischen Ostergruß hat es auch gegeben. Man benötigt zum Ansehen ein Flash-Plugin im Browser.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 09:57:58 +0200 (MEST)
From: <inf_ccm [at]>
Subject: A DaySpring E-Card is waiting for you!
To: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*.{ät}gmx*>
IP: [] has sent you an E-Card!

Someone wanted to share their heart and God's
love with you today with a DaySpring E-card.

Your E-card is waiting at this location:

You can also go to and enter
your retrieval
number (02f481af-pse) in the space
provided on the left-hand side of the page.

Blessings to you from the folks at DaySpring Cards,
the world's leading Christian greeting card company.

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer


Baptisms photos

#10 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 13:00

9. Die gestrige Mail ist Pastor Katta gründlich in die Hose gegangen.

Sie enthielt keinen Text und die angehängten 8 JPG-Fotos sind zusätzlich mit GZIP gepackt worden:
Content-Type: application/x-gzip-compressed; name="Baptisms photos 1.jpg"
(GZIP ist der Linux-Standardpacker und wird unter Windows eigentlich nicht verwendet. Wie hat er es also geschafft, die Bilder damit zu komprimieren?)

Die Fotos sind übrigens ganz frisch mit Adobe Photoshop erstellt, EXIF-Daten sind noch vorhanden.

Auch diesmal hat er keine Bilder von Waisen geschickt, sondern nur "Taufbilder" älterer Herrschaften. Oder will er mich damit nass machen?

In Antwort auf:
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2006 05:43:25 +0200 (MEST)
From: ChristChurch Ministries <inf_ccm [at]>
Subject: Baptisms photos
To: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}gmx*>
IP: []

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer


Re: Ministry Photos-1

#11 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 13:00

10. Bei so viel Zuneigung sollte man sich erkenntlich zeigen. Er soll seine Adresse und Bankverbindung angeben. Oder nimmt er nur Spenden über Western Union an?

In Antwort auf:
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:27:08 +0200 (MEST)
From: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}gmx*>
Subject: Re: Ministry Photos-1
To: ChristChurch Ministries <inf_ccm [at]>

Dear beloved Pastor Katta.Edukandalu.

Greetings to you, your wife and your orphan children in the name of our LORD. And thousand thanks for your impressive photos and your nice e-card.

Sorry that I couldn't reply to you on easter sunday but I'm very short of time and have so much work with my 1013 church members (yesterday 7 christenings, today 4 weddings and 1 burial service).

But the prophet says (Isaiah 29:17): "In a very short time, will not Lebanon be turned into a fertile field and the fertile field seem like a forest?".
So I always look forward to do the work in HIS name.

Dearest brother in God, some of our church members want to send donations to you, but we don't have neither a postal address nor bank account informations.

May the LORD be gracious to you, may HE lift up HIS countenance to shine upon you, and give you peace.

I pray for you all.

Pastor Hieronymus Bullerdick

By the way: Your latest photo series (Baptism 1 - 8) could not be displayed. It seems that there is something wrong with the email or pictures.

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer


#12 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 13:01

Der Geistliche ist schon etwas seltsam.

Er ist in zahlreichen Gästebüchern zu finden, meist mit unterschiedlichen Mail-Adressen. Hier ein kurzer Auszug:

In Antwort auf:

Offenbar sind seine Adressen nicht sehr langlebig.

Die Namen seiner Mission wechseln ebenfalls:

In Antwort auf:
Adam Harvest Ministries
Christ Church Ministries

Ein paar Websites hat er auch:

In Antwort auf:

An der angegebenen Adresse in Indien befindet sich ein Waisenhaus:
und von da aus nach:
Der dort abgebildete Prediger ist derselbe, wie auf den Fotos von Pastor Katta, nur heißt er Pastor S.Vidyasagar.

Und ich bin nicht der einzige, der sich Gedanken macht:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, My name is Don Iverson. I work in Tamil Nadu with preacher training schools. I have had some correspondence from a man (brother) living in your area. His name is Katta Edukondalu. Do you know this man and his work? Thank you.
Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer


Baptism Photos

#13 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 13:02

11. Pastor Katta hat eine neue Mail-Adresse und schickt die defekten "Taufbilder" nochmal. Seine Post-Adresse hängt unten dran, aber ein Konto hat er wohl nicht.

Seine IP ist wieder mal ein gelisteter Proxy:

In Antwort auf:
Date: 18 Apr 2006 12:07:09 -0000 (GMT)
From: "Ministries ChristChurch" <>
Reply-To: "Ministries ChristChurch" <>
Subject: Baptism Photos
To: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}gmx*>
IP: []

Dear beloved pastor
Greetings to you in the naem of Jesus Christ.thank you very much fro yoru kind reply.

I send attached another email this photos.please kindly pray for us.I ama waiting for yoru kind reply soon

Yours in Christ
2nd Ward
Repalle -522 265
Guntur Dist

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer


praise to be god

#14 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 13:03

12. Und gleich eine weitere Mail hinterher - schön bunt.
Bittet um monatliche Unterstützung, weil er zur Miete wohnt. Und nimmt Schecks an - so so...

In Antwort auf:
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2006 04:23:21 -0000 (GMT)
From: ChristChurch Ministries <>
Subject: praise to be god
To: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}@gmx*>
IP: []

Dear beloved Pastor Bullerdick
Greetings to you in the holy name of
Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for your kind prayers and encouragement towards our poor and faith ministry and orphanage work.

We are praying for you and your family and your kind services. I received your email message. I am encouraged. I am so very happy for you are happy send some help. it is great work and Lord work. Please pray for us.

Our vision and burden gospel work, helping the poor and neglected community. I am asking for your great help .our orphans are parent’s neglected children’s am very poor but god giving good great opportunity in my life. I am using this offer greatly and honestly. Please kindly pray for us and encourage us.

Please kindly possible monthly regular support our orphanage work but did not any support regularly monthly. Please kindly send monthly your love gift. Did not own house and land, we are living rented house, every month pay the rent more. Orphan children’s and my family-using house rented. Please kindly pray fro us and encourage us.

We are praying for you and your family and your kind services regularly I would like to send more news very soon. Please kindly possible monthly support our orphanage work. I am waiting for your kind reply soon.

Cheques are send pay my name,Katta.Edukondalu.please kindly pray fro us and encourage us. I am asking for your kind prayers

My family and church members and orphans are greeting for all. I am awaiting fro your kind reply soon

Yours in His Services
2nd Ward
Repalle –522 265
Guntur Dist

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer


awaiting for your kind reply

#15 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 13:04

13. Und noch ein Bettelbrief. Der Mann ist eindeutig unterbeschäftigt. Ich werde mir eine nette Aufgabe für ihn ausdenken müssen...

In Antwort auf:

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 13:34:39 +0200 (MEST)
From: ChristChurch Ministries <>
Subject: awaiting for your kind reply
To: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}gmx*>
IP: []

Dear beloved Pastor Bullerdick
Greetings to you in the holy name of Jesus are you?I am fine.Wea re praying for you and your family and church member familys.please kindly pray for us.

You are send money ?please kindly pray for us.your help is use our orphaange is great encouragement towards our poor and faith ministry and orphange work.please tell me more news.I ama waiting for your kind reply soon
My family and church membes nd orphan sare send greetings to you and all.

Yours in Christ

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer



#16 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 13:04

14. Jetzt wird der Depp ein wenig geködert - mal sehen ob er anbeißt.

Winkt doch eine kostenlose Mitgliedschaft in der Geldverteilungsorganisation DEPP...

In Antwort auf:
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 17:02:41 +0200
From: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}gmx*>
Subject: DEPP
To: ChristChurch Ministries <>

Dearest brother in God,

sorry for the short delay but I have very little time. But I also have very good news.

Yesterday my brothers and sisters from the german DEPP-Network decided, that you can become a membership in our social organisation. Appended are some older and newer photos from our assemblies.

DEPP is the abbreviation for DEUTSCHES PFAFFEN-PORTAL (this is german language).

There is another international meaning for DEPP: DONATION ECCLESIASTICAL PAYEES PROJECT

This means that DEEP preachers of poor countrys get money from their brothers and sisters in the rich countrys. This is much more effective than a single (wo)man can do.

This membership is completly free for you at absolutely no cost. If you are interested to become a DEPP member please let me know.

"Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. (Romans 12:4)

I pray for you all

Pastor Hieronymus Bullerdick

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer



#17 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 13:07

15. Bruder Kattas Antwort läßt nicht lange auf sich warten.

Die IP-Nummer ist ebenfalls bekannt:

In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 03:36:50 +0200 (MEST)
From: ChristChurch Ministries <>
Subject: awaiting
To: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}gmx*>
IP: []

Dear beloved Pastor Bullerdick
Greetings to you inthe precious name of Jesus Christ.thank you very much fro yoru great reply.I am so very happy.My family and co-pastors and orphans are vey ahppy yoru great encouragemetn email news.ok ,pleease continue yoru prayers and attached deep magzine.
I would like to yoru great help and encouragement towards our poor and faith ministry and orpahange work.pleae kindly posible help very soon.
My family and church members and orpahans and co-pastors are send gretings to you,
yours in Christ

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.04.2006 13:07 | Top

Prasie to be God

#18 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 13:10

16. Und gleich noch eine Mail hinterher, in der er deutlich zum Ausdruck bringt, dass er ein DEPP-Mitglied werden möchte.
Dem Manne kann bestimmt geholfen werden...

Keine Ahnung, wie er es immer wieder schafft solche IPs aufzutreiben:

In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:12:18 +0200 (MEST)
From: ChristChurch Ministries <>
Subject: Prasie to be God
To: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}gmx*>
IP: []

Dear Pastor Hieronymus Bullerdick
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

I am very much glad in the Lord Jesus to write you, thank you very much for your kind prayers and encouragement towards our faith ministry. By the Grace of God and by your fervent prayers we are doing His work faithfully and sincerely.

We are reguarly attending to the ministry and conducting cottage prayers, street Gospel meetings, tracts distribution, Gospel Crusades, Bible class for the Youth and children and praying for the sick etc., Our vision and burden is Gospel work and help the poor.

In fact your e-mails given great rejoice in the Lord Jesus, and have hope with you we are able to do His work more. Since few we are doing His work on faith lines without any kind support from any where. But doing His work faithfully and sincerely and looking for His gracious help. Because we called to Serve Him only.

I would like to work with you and to join in your DEEP.

Please kindly pray for us, we are praying for you and your kind services. Awaiting for your kind reply soon.

Yours in His Services
Christ Church Ministries

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer


DEPP member

#19 von Sirius ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2006 13:13

17. Pastor Bullerdick erklärt seinem Novizen, dass es ganz einfach ist, in die DEPP-Gemeinschaft aufgenommen zu werden.
Einfach ein Schild mit dem Namen "DEPP" in die Kamera halten ...

In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:44:03 +0200 (MEST)
From: Pastor Bullerdick <p*.b*{ät}gmx*>
Subject: DEPP member
To: ChristChurch Ministries <>

Dearest brother in God,

I see that you would like to become a DEPP member.

The procedure is very simple. Write on a sheet of paper (or something else) the name of our social organisation: DEPP .
Then hold this sheet in your hands and take a photo from you for us. That's all (see example below).

With this sheet in your hands, we can see that the picture is really recent and especially for our organisation.
From there on, you will get a monthly cheque for 120 - 130 US$ from our ecclesiastical DEPP network.

"He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; upon them he has set the world." (Samuel 2:8)

Attached is an image from our latest DEPP member: Pastor Alele Selassie from Ethiopia.

We pray for you all

Pastor Hieronymus Bullerdick

Pastor Alele Selassie

Irren ist menschlich - aber für richtig dumme Sachen braucht man einen Computer

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.04.2006 17:03 | Top

RE: DEPP member

#20 von icewastl , 21.04.2006 13:25


das ist einfach köstlich...

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Registriert am: 09.03.2006


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