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Dr Jurgen Dietman Spiess and Frieda Springer Beck

#1 von M.C. Kanada , 01.04.2006 04:55

..................... Detainee slams N50m suit on EFCC, 2 Germans

Zitat von Daily Sun

Friday, March 31, 2006

A detainee, Anthony Nwizu has slammed a N50 million suit on the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and two others over alleged illegal detention.
Others listed as co-defendants by the claimant, are Frieda Springer Beck and Dr Jurgen Dietman Spiess, both German nationals.

Besides the demand for N50million damages, Nwizu is also seeking a court order to perpetually restrain the defendants from further writing, printing or causing to be written, printed anything that tends to insinuate that he was a fraudster.
He is also seeking a court order declaring as an "act of malicious persecution, his detention in custody of the EFCC since February 28, 2006.

The aggrieved claimant averred that he was arrested by the defendant at the entrance of a Lagos High Court immediately after court proceedings on February 28, 2006 as he was leaving the courtroom.
According to him, since his arrest and detention, he had been subjected to severe hostility and threat if he and his brother fail to produce alleged stolen money.
Nwizu expressed surprise and embarrassment over his ordeal over the allegation that the second defendant claimed that he recognised him as the face that either drove him in a car or opened a car door for him in 1994 when he visited Nigeria.

The claimant also averred that he has never met the second defendant in his life as he did not come to Lagos until 1997 and that he was just a struggling trader in Alaba trying to make out a living.
In addition, Nwizu contended that his travail was connected with the desperation of the defendants to break the spirit and resilience of their family members who were out to ensure that his brother Okey Nwizu gets justice in the alleged trumped-up charge of fraud preferred against him.
He further averred that his business and health had suffered tremendously since his arrest and detention.

M.C. Kanada - Wahlspruch
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M.C. Kanada
Beiträge: 88
Registriert am: 12.02.2006


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