Bin für jeden Hinweis dankbar :-) Meine Taschen sind zwar voll, aber in jedem Fall ZU! Also keine Sorge um das liebe Geld. Vielen Dank für Eure Mithilfe....
Hello David!
I am glad to receive your reply. Thank you! How are you doing today?
Can I ask you to send me your photo? Please!
I will try to send you my photos in each my letter.
If you want to know something about me, you can always ask me. But I
am sure, you want to know where I live! I live in Tajikistan, it's a
small country in Middle Asia. I live in the capital of Tajikistan
which is called Dushanbe. Could you tell me in which city you live,
I am 26 years old, my height is 164 cm.
I am a nurse by profession and I work in the hospital of Dushanbe. I
work here not for long because I prefer to work abroad. I worked in
Great Britain, France, USA. I worked as a carer for old people. I
lived with them and I did everything they needed.
I live here with my dad. My mom is Russian and she works in
Saint-Petersburg because my country is very poor and because of the
world crisis it became even poorer and people don't earn much. My dad
is Tajik by nationality, he works here as a teacher of mathematics in
school. But he is going to go to Saint-Petersburg because my mom will
find job for him and they will be together.
Within 3 weeks I will go to Germany to visit my sister. She is married
a German. I am going to stay with them for 3 months, I need to learn
German because I would like to find work there and be closer to my
That is why I am looking for friends in Germany, I need to meet people
and speak to them to learn German because it's a very difficult
language for me :)
I am sorry, I have to finish my mail because I have to go to work.
I will be waiting for your reply!
Jasmin (jasminkiro).
Hello David!
Thanks for your reply and very nice photo of you!! How are you? I hope
everything is fine! I am doing fine, just a little bit tired after
When I have free time, I cook, cleammy home, meet with my friends,
watch TV and read medical journals :) I don't have any other contacts
in Germany because I really very busy, you are enough for me :)
I am sorry, I didn't tell you where my sister and her husband live.
They live in Mannheim. But mostly they spend their time abroad because
they work on the scientific ship. I mean they are German citizens and
they have house in Mannheim but they live there when they are not at
work in the ocean. Right now they are somewhere in the Pacific ocean
but in several days they will be back home to Germany.
Today I am at home. It's my day off. Sometimes I work even on Sundays
:) I need to cook food for my dad. He has a big heap of text-books,
they had tests at school and he needs to check every test. May be I
will help him because I am good at maths.
Also I am going to wash clothes :) What are you going to do today,
May be also I will meet with my friends. I live in a concervative
country and women and girls don't have much freedom. Usually parents
choose husband for their daughters. Mostly girls don't have choice!
But my mum is not Tajik and that's why I am still unmarried :)
I don't say I don't want to marry and have children. All my friends
are married and they have 2-3 children. I want to choose my husband
myself, I want to marry by love and not by my parents' choice.
I haven't met anybody who I would like to marry :)
I try to learn German... I have no success. It's so difficult for me.
I don't understand anything. I am not stupid and I always learned
languages easily. May be I don't have much free time and I don't spend
much time on learning. But I will try.
Ok, I need to stop now. I wish you to have a great day! I am waiting
for your reply!
Best regards,
Hello David!
Thank you very much for your reply and wonderful photos! How are you?
Fine? I hope so! I am fine too!
I received a mail from my sister, she asked me to bring her our Tajik
sweets and some other sweet food. She misses a lot those food. Of
course I will bring them to her :) I will buy those things before my
departure to Germany.
I will come in 2 weeks, I can't say the exact date of my arrival, I
haven't booked the tickets yet. I am sure, I will like to spend 3
months in Germany!
I miss my mom, my sister... I can communicate only by internet with
them because I don't have a phone at home, it's too expensive. I have
mobile phone but it doesn't work in my country because I bought it in
the USA. I can't buy a new mobile phone. But sometimes I call my mom
from phone booth. I think it's great to talk to each other over the
phone, if you like, you can give me your phone number and I will call
Today I have to go to work, I will work night shift, it's not too
difficult because patients sleep and I am there only for urgent cases.
I work in marternity home, so, most of the urgent cases are when women
are going to give birth to children :)
When I worked abroad, I never worked anywhere except in families when
I looked after old people. But I had a chance to see different
countries. David, did you travel a lot? What is the country which you
would like to visit again? Which country have you never visited but
always wanted to visit?
I liked a lot the USA. Also France is very beautiful country! :) I
always wanted to visit Australia and New Zealand. I saw on TV that
those countries are very beautiful! At least they have magnifique
Well, I am finishing my mail! As usual I wish you to have a great day!
Best regards,
Hello David!
Thank you very much for your reply and nice photos! How is your day
today? As for me, I have just come home from work after working all
night long. I am very sleepy :) I am going to go to sleep :)
Today at work I had very difficult night. We had 4 women who began to
give birth to their children. I helped them to go to the another level
where they gave birth to children. Our old doctors say that a woman
gives birth to her child at the same time of the day/night, as she was
making that baby :) I can't understand, how could some women make
babies at 5 o'clock in the morning?? :)
Well, that's my work! I like to see how a new life appears! It's
better than to see people dying.
I have internet at home, it's a portative modem, I don't need to have
landline to connect to internet. It's very convenient because landline
is very expensive.
Today also I need to meet my travel agent, she must tell me when I
receive my visa. I am glad I don't need to go to the embassy because I
visited many countries.
David, may ask for your phone number? I can call you and talk to you.
I am going to call my mom and I would call you too!
I am cooking dinner for my dad. It's his favorite dish: fried chicken
with potato. I like it too! And you, David, what is your favorite
food? As for me, I am not picky. I eat everything. I like any soup :)
I need to finish my mail because I don't want to burn chicken and
potato :) I like cooking. While preparing food I can think about
different things. I need to think what I want to do when I come to
That's all for today. I wish you to have a wonderful day!
Don't make me wait for your reply :)
Best regards,
Hello David!
Thanks for your mail and nice photos of you! How are you today? I hope
everything is good! As for me, I am upset today.
David, my sister wrote me that she and her husband can't come back to
Germany but they will pay for my trip as they promised. I am very glad
I will visit your country but it's a pity I won't see my sister and
her husband.
They have distant work and that's why it's not easy for them to come
back. Right now they are in the Pacific ocean and they will have to
stay there longer, may be for 1-2 months.
My sister said that it would be better if I come to your city because
it will be easier for me. I won't be alone. If I don't know something,
I will always can ask you.
That's why I need to ask you if you don't mind my coming into your
city. If you agree, please, tell me the name of the airport which is
the nearest to your place. And I will book the tickets when I receive
visa this week.
I will be very happy to meet with you in real! I could invite you to
your favorite restaurant :) May be you will show me the most beautiful
places of your city :)
And also I must say that if I come to your city, it doesn't mean you
are responsible for me. No!! We will be friends and we will do the
same things friends do: meet, go to the cinema, go for walk, to the
restaurant. I will never cause any problems for you!
Well, I need to go, I am waiting for your reply!!
Have a great day!
Jasmin with hugs and kisses.
Hello David!
I need to say that I was very happy to talk to you over the phone! It
was great, I was nervous a bit :) Unfortunately we were disconnected
because my calling card ran out of funds :( But don't worry, when I
come we will have enough time to talk :)
Thank you very much for your reply. How is your life? Is everything
ok? I am fine as ususal!
Also I have news about my visa. I have received it!!! I am so happy! I
will come to Germany very soon. I am going to meet with my travel
agent to discuss my tickets.
Don't worry, David, I will write you my flight details when I have
So, very soon we will meet! I will be very glad to know you in real
life! As I told you, I won't cause any inconveniences for you :)
My dad talked to my mom, she found a job for him. He will go to
Saint-Petersburg very soon too. He needs to leave his work here. Me
too, tomorrow I will work last day and I will have vacation!
It will be the longest vacation I have had :) David, have you ever had
a very long vacation? Could you be tired of vacation? :)
I thought much about what I want to do when I come to Germany. I will
have good rest for the first week. It means I will sleep long, walk
and see beautiful places of your city :) Of course, I will be very
glad if you join me when you have free time.
Then I am going to pay much attention to learning German. I think it
will be easy because everybody there speaks German :)
Also I will try to find work in Germany. I can talk to people with
whom I will work and we will organise working visa for me.
Well, I am finishing my mail! I hope you are having good day!!
Kiss, Jasmin.
Das Englisch ist eigentlich zu gut für eine klassische Russian-Bride, auch Dushanbe ist eher ungewöhnlich.
Typisch ist aber das Geplapper über Gott und die Welt und die Bilderserien.
Stutzig macht mich die Schwester in Mannheim - das könnte sich um einen Phisher handeln.
Poste mal den Header einer Mail.
Grüß Dich!
Das ist mir nach intensiver Recherche auch schon alles aufgefallen. Tadschikistan, gutes Englisch, ich mit meinen 28 Lenzen noch recht jung, kyrylische Bilderbeschriftung, Sie (Es) hat bei mir angerufen ABER: zu perfekte Fotos, kein detailliertes Eingehen auf Fragen usw.
Wie gewünscht der Header:
Jasminkiro <> Ausblenden
Hinzufügen zu: Aufgaben, Kalender
An: Modedit: Adresse entschärft / Cuchulainn
Mo., 4. Mai. 2009, 11:15
у_елки.jpg, портрет.jpg
:-) Nee, ich meine den kompletten Header, in welchem man sieht über welche Mail-Router die Mail geschickt wurde und ggf. die IP des Absenders.
hmmmm...soweit erscheint mir noch nichts auffälliges, für mich scheint die bisherige Kommunikation nachvollziehbar. Auffällig erschint mir nur, dass sie angeblich schon in einigen anderen Ländern wie z.B. USA war, wovon bezahlt? würde aber ihre Englischkenntnisse erklären.
Ein bisschen obskur kommt mir die Geschichte mit der Schwester aus Mannheim auf einem Forschungsschiff im Pazifik vor, äusserst merkwürdig.
Nunja, bisher hat sie noch kein Geld gefordert, auch hat sie noch keine Fallen eingebaut, wird vielleicht noch kommen, also auf der Hut sein!
Bei dem Abs.:
werden wir mit der Ursprungs IP kein Glück haben.
Gmail übermittelt keine (verwertbaren)IP.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
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Nur wenn man den Webmailer verwendet. Aber das glaube ich bei den Russenbräuten nicht, ich wette auf The Bat! und dann haben wir auch bei Google eine IP.
Hilft das weiter? Habe da leider gar keine Ahnung :-)
X-AOL-UID: 3141.845569232
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Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 12:14:49 +0400
From: Jasminkiro <>
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Subject: hello David!
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also ich hab das hier
Provider: Digital Networks JSC
Organisation: Best Hosting LLC
Region: Moscow (RU)
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Registriert am: | 24.09.2008 |
Ja, das hilft weiter.
IP address:
Host name: is from Netherlands(NL) in region Western Europe
Das ist zu 100% nix gutes, mal wieder ein Server, den die Russkis im Ausland betreiben.
Also ist es ein Fake, ja! Habe ich mir natürlich gedacht. Allerdings schien es dieses Mal nicht ganz so offensichtlich wie sonst :-) Wirklich gut gemacht und kein Wunder, dass leider viele Menschen daruf reinfallen... Finde ich klasse, was Ihr Euch für einen Spaß mit denen macht. Da überlege ich ja direkt :-) Aber dann müsste ich erstmal noch ne Menge lernen...
Weiter so. Was empfiehlt Ihr zum weiteren Vorgehen?
Ich uebe noch mit der Technik irgendwann wird auch das besser klappen
Beiträge: | 1.434 |
Registriert am: | 24.09.2008 |
Was empfiehlt Ihr zum weiteren Vorgehen?
ne Frage: Hast du ihr Realdaten von dir gegeben?
Wie gesagt, ich nehme an, dass das ein Phisher ist. Die Schwester aus Mannheim will ihr das Geld für die Reise schicken (natürlich wird sich Blondie unsterblich in Dich verlieben und deshalb besuchen wollen), das kann sie aber nicht direkt, da sie ja auf ihrem Schiff durch die Welt kutschiert. Also wird das Geld auf Dein Konto überwiesen, und Du sollst dann das Geld per Western Union nach Russland schicken. Also einfach Geldwäsche.
Wenn Du mit Deinem echten Namen drinhängst, dann breche das Ganze ab. Es sei denn, Du wünschst Besuch von der Russen-Mafia...
Geldwäsche & Phisher
Ja da läuft es hinaus!
Meine Alice hat ihre Schwester auch plötzlich in Indien.
Obwohl sie ja in DE wohnt....
Sven Udo
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