Das muss ein Glückstag sein ,für Hussain er braucht jetzt nicht mehr suchen ,
und der icewastl kann seinen Job an den Nagel hängen. 11 Mio. na da mach
ich im FX trading doch glatt das 4-fache mit...
Werd ihn mal nett bitten um einen kleinen Vorschuss
wurde mir doch von einem Schweizer Broker Gestern noch ein gutes Geschäft angeboten
und da kommen seine Mio's zum rechten Zeitpunkt.
From Hussain El Amin Wed Mar 22 22:30:57 2006
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Ho cambiato indirizzo!
Puoi ora scrivermi a questo indirizzo: hussainelamin2@yahoo.it
As you read this, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believe everyone will die someday.
My name is Hussain El Amin a merchant in Tunisa and Dubai.I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer.
It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live,
according to medical experts. I have not particularly lived my life so well,
as I never really cared for anyone (not even myself) but my businesses.
Though I am very rich, I was never generous,I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for.
But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world.
I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live my life in a different way from how I have lived it.
Now that God has called me, I have willed and given most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended family
members as well as a few close friends. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul so,I have decided to give
also to charity organizations,
as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed
money to some charity organizations in the U.A.E, Algeria, Malaysia and some countries in Africa.
Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore.
I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money which
I have there to charity organization in Bulgaria and Pakistan, they refused and kept the money to themselves.
Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contented with what I have left for them.
The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of
Eleven Million United States Dollars $11,000,000,00 that I have with a Security Company abroad.
I will want you to help me collect this deposit and dispatched it to charity organizations.
I have set aside 10% for you, your time and also any expenses incured during this assignment. God be with you.
Kindly reply me on my confidential email account : helamin0@excite.com
God bless you greatly as you do.
Hussain El Amin.
- Hussain El Amin
Wastl von Bergtroll
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
hier die Antwort vom Bergtroll ,bevor Hussain "stirbt" muss das schnell gehen , mit dem erben...
Sehr geehrter Herr Hussain,
welch ein Glückstag für uns beide !
Am Samstag bat mich die Leiterin des hiesigen Kinderdorfes um finanzielle Unterstützung ,diesem Wunsch konnte ich ,auf Grund meiner zur Zeit angespannten finanziellen Lage , nicht entsprechen.Gestern noch rief mich mein Schweizer Banker an , und unterbreitete mir ein Wahnsinns Angebot: FX - hochzinstrading Einlage mininum 5 Millonen Euro Laufzeit 12 Monate bei einer Rendite von 450 % ,und jetzt Ihr Schreiben , Sie schickt der Himmel.
Könnten Sie eine kleine Vorrauszahlung leisten , für's Kinderheim ?
Könnten Sie ganz schnell einen Scheck senden , oder benötigen Sie meine Bankverbindung?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Wastl von Bergtroll
Wastl von Bergtroll
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
da mach ich mir Sorgen um Hussain s Gesundheit und der Ärmste ,so schwer erkrankte findet die Zeit mir so schnell zu antworten
so ,so Allahs Gnade soll mich belohnen ,den Segen wünscht er wohl für sich,der Wohltäter in christlicher Nächstenliebe.Kein Scheck?!Dann wünsch ich mir jetzt mal eine nette Passkopie ,die Garantieurkunde und dann sollte der Bergtroll in Anbetracht der Gesundheit von Hussain mal an ein Testament denken,oder?Eine Genaralvollmacht wär auch nicht schlecht,man kann ja nicht wissen wie schnell der samariter seinen Abschied nimmt
From Hussain Thu Mar 23 09:57:57 2006
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Dear Beloved,
I am most grateful for your mail, and I seize this opportunity to thank you for coming to my rescue and to also let you know that this transaction is a straight forward and legal binding transaction. I am somebody with a conscience. If this transaction was in any way illegal, I would tell you straight away so that you know what is involved and decide for yourself. But it is not like that at all, and you will later see and understand that.
I hope you were not too embarrassed by my first email to you since you do not know me. I had no option since my immediate and extended family in and outside Tunisa refused to distribute my funds because they want to keep it to themselves. I didn’t know how to move the funds out and dispatched it to charity organizations, so I resulted to putting fate to test and making a random contact.
I got your email address from a private search which i did on the internet. I am communicating with only you at this moment with regards to this transaction. And I would not have any cause to do otherwise, except you state your intention to withdraw your assistance. Just like I stated in my first mail to you, this fund is presently in security and holding firm.
I cannot distribute these funds myself because of the following reasons:
(1) I am under going medical treatment. It has defiled all forms of medicine, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts
(2) I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul and so, I have decided to give arms to charity organizations and churches, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth.
It is for this reasons I am seeking for your assistance to stand as the beneficiary to the fund and retrieve it on my behalf and dispatched it to charity organizations. I will send to you some names of these organizations too.
All the necessary documents required to get the Funds out of the security firm are in my possession and I will be sending them to you After we must have come to a conclusion and reached an Agreement. Not Before. I need you to give me your words that you will be very Honest and straight forward with me when the money gets to you, So long as you can execute this Project successfully and help me dispatched it to charity organizations or set up one yourself that could also benefit from this funds.
Thus, I would need you to get back to me on the following issues,
(1) That you are in a position to be trusted as a God fearing person with such a large amount of fund and dispatched it to charity organization or set up one in my name.
(2) That you are ready to sign a letter of guarantee with me, clearly stating the terms of this transaction, including your percentage and dispatching the remaining funds
to charity organizations.
(3) That you are willing to contact the security company to discuss the terms of releasing the funds.
(4) That you fully understand this transaction up to this stage and you are ready to proceed under these terms.
(5) That you will keep this trust I have in you confidential pending when you have funds in your possession to distribute.
As soon as I receive your reply that you are ready to proceed under these terms, then I will furnish you with all details including the company . But if you have any questions up to this stage, please ask and I will be more than happy to respond to them.And I will also send you all the necessary documentations to conclude this Project.
Thanks for your mail, your mail has relieved me and I pray to almighty Allah with his infinite mercy to reward you. I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it now. I want you to pray for me so that God would forgive me and be merciful to me and accept my soul.
May God bless you,
Hussain El Amin.
Wastl von Bergtroll
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
Heute noch eine schnelle Antwort vomn mir an den "sterbenden" Hussain ,bevor die "Probleme und Missverständnisse" anfangen.
Sehr geehrter Herr Hussain,
mit Freude vernehme ich Ihre Worte der Barmherzigkeit und darf Ihnen versichern das nicht nur ich ,auch über 80 Kinder ,für Sie beten..Möge Allah in seiner unendlichen Güte und Weisheit Ihnen die Gnade der Zeit gewähren und es Ihnen ermöglichen Ihre finanziellen Angelegenheiten mit meiner Hilfe zu regeln.Alles was in meiner Macht steht werde ich für Sie unternehmen .
Doch was passiert wenn Allah es gefallen sollte Sie vorzeitig in sein Paradies zu holen ,sollte man da nicht Vorkehrungen treffen? Nicht das am Ende die von Ihnen angedachte Barmherzigkeit von Ihren Anverwandten zu nichte gemacht wird! Verwandte sind ,wenn es um Geld geht schlimmer als ein Schwarm Heuschrecken , eine Plage !
Ratsam wäre daher die Garantieerklärung schnellsten zu regeln , weiterhin würde ich raten eine Willenserklärung ab zu fassen aus der hervor geht das Sie mich als Ihren Verwalter Ihres Vermögens bestimmen um Ihre Barmherzigkeit fort zu setzen. Auf das Sie im Paradies mit Freude und Genugtung auf mich schauen , und in aller Zufriedenheit sich den Jungfrauen des Paradieses widmen können
.Das sollte ein Notar oder Anwalt beglaubigen.
In Erwartung Ihrer Antwort verbleibe ich
Wastl von Bergtroll
Wastl von Bergtroll
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
@icewastl Wastl von Bergtroll, da hast du eine schöne Antwort zurückgeschickt.
Bestimmt wird da ein guter Bait 'draus.
Eine Bitte an dich: Ich weiß - dir ist das nicht so wichtig mit deine E-mailadd.
Trotzdem, bevor du Mails postest, nimm deine E-mailadd raus, danke .
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<
Beiträge: | 11.580 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Email addy = gelobe Besserung.
Schöner Bait = ich hoffe, bei den letzten sieht es leider so aus als wenn Sie zum Teufel wären.Da habe ich einen "kleinen" Verdacht das mein "Freund" Keese oder einer seiner Kanaillen, dran drehten.
Wastl von Bergtroll
Beiträge: | 2.385 |
Registriert am: | 09.03.2006 |
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