Ist natürlich net meine Addy, kann mir wer sagen, warum ich diese mail kriege, bin ein bissel ratlos in diesem falle, oder verstehe ich irgend etwas falsch
In Antwort auf:
Thomas Kent
an j_zing ????????
von Thomas Kent <>
Antwort an
Datum 22. Februar 2009 11:35
Congratulations to you,
I have been directed to bring to you in offer of work
online from Home/Temporarily and get paid weekly? We are glad to
offer you a job position at our company, RAC PLC. We need someone to
work for the company as a
Representative/Book keeper in USA, ( and its ENVIRONS), Canada, United
Kingdom and in EUROPE.We have our company here in United Kingdom and
some parts of the world and we deal on Car Buying,
Car care, Insurance, Training on how to drive, Loans and leasing,
Motorcycle services and so many more, we have few
clients from the USA/CANADA, California, Florida, New
York, Ontario, Quebec and so many other states in the USA/CANADA,
but we have been having problems with most of our clients from
USA/CANADA, because some would prefer to pay by Cashiers Check or Money
Orders, which we can not cash here, but it is easy to cash over in the
USA/CANADA, so we are looking forward to get representatives around the
USA/CANADA and United kingdoms, that can be working for us as a Part-Time Worker.
* The average monthly income is about 4000.00 USD.
* No form of investments from you.
*This job takes only 1-3 hours per day
About the job.
We have sales representatives all over the world to distribute our
products. You know that it is not easy to start a business in a new
market (being the US). There are hundreds of competitors,
close direct contacts between suppliers and customers and other
difficulties, which mpede
our sales promotion. We have decided to deliver the products upfront,
it's very risky but it should push up sales on 25 percent. Thus we need
to get payments for our products as soon as possible.
Unfortunately we are unable to open Bank Accounts in the United State
without first registering the company name. Presently with the
amount of Orders we have, we cannot put them on hold. For fear of loosing the
customers out rightly. Secondly we cannot cash these payments from
the US soon enough, as international Checks take about 14 working days for
cash to be made available. We lose about 75,000 USD of net income
each month because we have money transfer delays*.
Your task is to coordinate payments from
customers and help us with the payment process.
You are not involved in any sales. we make direct contact for sales of products.
Once orders are received and sorted we deliver the product to a
customer (usually through FED EX OR UPS). The customer receives and
checks the products.
After this has been done, the customer has to pay for
the products. About 90 percent of our Clients prefer to pay through
Certified Checks and Money orders based on the amount involved. We have
decided to open this new job position for solving this problem. Your tasks are:
1. Receive payment from Customers
2. Cash Payment at your Bank
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the of our offices.
Payment is to be forwarded either by Money Gram or
Western Union Money Transfer) or any Local Money transfers take barely
hours, so it will give us a possibility to get customer's payment
almost immediately.
We are looking for a reliable and trust worthy
person, that will not play smart on the company's money, but its always
easy to track the person here and in the USA/CANADA, but we just need
to trust you that you will receive the payment take your own commission
(10%) and send the balance back to us For Example you receive a payment
of $1000.00USD, You deduct your income $100.00USD Send to us: 900.00USD
and you pay the cost of sending from the $900.00 or from the money
left with you after deducting your income.
If you are interested, we would require your:-
Name: ......
City: ...................
State: ..................
Zip Code: ...............
Occupation: .Accountant............
Contact phone numbers: ................
Contact Mobile numbers: ................
Marital Status: .........
Present Job:..Not currently
Signature (type in your name):
Note: This is a legit business, so we will have every information you
provide for this Job, fully verified and we will call
you for brief interview.
We do hope to hear from you as soon as possible,
Thomas Kent
Human Resources
R.A.C plc
Contact Number: +44-704 571 3466
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In Antwort auf:
Ist natürlich net meine Addy, kann mir wer sagen, warum ich diese mail kriege
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Jeden Tag schreibt mir dieser nette Herr und bietet Kredite an...vielleicht sollte er endlich mal Antwort bekommen
In Antwort auf:
Received: from by
From: "D Cole" <>
To: kenn ich nicht....
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:55:11 -0800
In Antwort auf:
Hello Mr. Cole
How much is your interest rate and how fast will
a loan be approved? I also like to know how much money
can I get, I need quiet a bit.
Awaiting your reply
Friedrich Ucker
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