Diese mitleiderregende mail schlug heute mittag bei mir auf. Da der Herr Graf Koks so ein weiches Herz hat, ist die Antwortmail schon unterwegs. Wenn sich der Bait lohnt, wird er in den Mitgliederbaits veröffentlicht.
In Antwort auf:
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From: "Mrs. Theresa Khobe" http://mail.oleco.net/Xa2119e98cc9b939cc...kb3@hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 12:04:40 +0000
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In Antwort auf:
"Mrs. Theresa Khobe" http://mail.oleco.net/Xa2119e98cc9b939cc...kb3@hotmail.com undefined | undefined
undefined :
undefined :
undefined : Tue, 21 Mar 2006 12:04:40 +0000
undefined : I NEED YOUR TRUST
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Beloved,
This is with due respect, please bear with me at the perceived confusion or stress you may be receiving this letter from me.
I am Mrs. Theresa Khobe, the wife of late Gen. Maxwell Khobe former ECOMOG [West African peacekeeping force] commander who died in the Sierra Leone civil disturbance [War]. My three daughters and I are trapped in obnoxious custom traditional rites. We have suffered maltreatment and untold hardship in the hands of my late husbands family, simple because I did not bear a male child for my late husband By tradition, all that my husband had, [wealth] belongs to his brothers/family and myself is to be married by his immediate younger brother. They have taken all that I suffered with my husband to acquire including treasure, houses and his bank accounts closed by them. I wanted to escape to the United State of America [USA} with my children on exile, but again they conspired and stole my international passport and other traveling documents to further frustrate me. Thank God, two weeks ago, I received Key Text Code [KTC} from SECURITIES COMPANY, that my husband deposited U.S $5.7 Million [Five Million seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars] cash with this company. It has therefore, become very necessary and urgent to contact some one, a foreigner like you to help me receive/secure these funds overseas and to help invest it on our behalf as well, while we find a way of getting out to meet with you in your country. These funds are kept on a CODE with the Securities Company to avoid detection, seizure or diversion. I have had several telephone discussions with the Assistant Director of the Securities Company, Mr. Gilbert Scott who has express willingness to help me on meeting the company’s demand. This is why I have contacted you to help save my children and I, receive these funds on our behalf. But, you would need to give me sufficient assurance that if you help me, you would not divert the funds. My children and I have resolved to give you 20% of the total sum. This is all my children and I have got to live on. Please, I have reposed my confidence in you and hope you will not disappoint me.
I will forward you the contact of Mr. Gilbert Scott for you to contact him and ask him the possibility of receiving this fund on our behalf as the sole beneficiary look forward to your urgent response.
Best Personal Regards,
Mrs. Theresa Khobe.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Na' fridolin - da halten wir mal die Daumen, dass der Bait gut läuft .
Damit wir alle Spaß daran haben können
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<
Beiträge: | 11.540 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Die Antwort des Herrn Grafen.
In Antwort auf:
Von: "Rupert Graf Koks von der Gasanstalt" <xxxxxxoleco.net> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
An: <theresakb@mynet.com>
Datum: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 21:20:49 +0100
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Urinsammelstelle Potsdam
R.Graf Koks von der Gasanstalt
Palazzo Protzo
BerlinSehr verehrte gnädige Frau Khobe,
voller Anteilnahme habe ich Ihre mail gelesen und war sehr bestürzt über ihr Schicksal bitte schreiben Sie mir doch wie ich Ihnen helfen kann. Als Anhang erhalten sie eineKopie meines Passes.-bitte schicken sie mir doch auch ein Bild oder Passkopie damit ich sehe mit wem ich es zu tun habe. Sie dürfen auch gerne Bilder ihrer Kinder beifügen.
Küß die Hand und meine Verehrung
Rupert Graf Koks
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
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