From Mrpeter Andrew Tue Oct 28 10:08:43 2008
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From: Mrpeter Andrew <>
Subject: We Need Foreign Partner.
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Betreff: We Need Foreign Partner.
Tuesday, 28 October, 2008 10:08 AM
From: "Mrpeter Andrew" <>
Eco Bank International Plc
Avenue Terrasson de Fougères,
01 PO Box: 4107 Abidjan 01,Cote D'Ivoire.
Greetings to you.
It is my pleasure to communicate with you on this fruitfull transaction. I am Mr Peter Andrew, an accountant in the auditting and accounting section of our bank here in Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire.
With due respect and regards I wish to seek your urgent partnership to transfer the sum of Eight Million Four Hundred U.S Dollars (U.S8.4M) from our bank to your own bank account. This money belongs to a deceased customer who died in a plane crash with his wife and his fund has been lying dormant with our bank without any claim either from his family or relative up to date. I am contacting you to present you as the next of kin to the deceased by which the funds will be transferred to you. There is absolutely no risk involved in this transaction as all loope holes have been taken care of and all necessary informations as regards to the fund have been secured.
Please be notified that I am still working with the bank and it's only me and my colleague (boss) who have information of this development therefore I advise you to treat this proposal very secret for the security of our jobs and successful conclusion of the transaction. I have served the bank faithfully for good number of years and i am presently preparing for my retirement so I see this as a golden opportunity to be comfortable in life after retirement and also help the needy around me. As soon as this fund is secured into your account we shall meet with you in your country for collection of our share and look at possible investment over there.
We have worked out all procedures and agreed sharing ratio to be as follows: 20% for you (the account owner), 70% for us while 10% will be set aside for expenses made during the transaction and these include, cost of procuring all documents, payment of transfer cost and payment of taxes invloved.
For your perucial, I here below send you the website of the plane crash that took the life of the account owner and his family:
Looking foward to hearing from you soonest.
Faithfully yours,
Mr Peter Andrew
Der übliche next of kin – Scam, aber mein erster bait, nach langer Vorbereitung.
Mitwirkende: Herr Klaus Dieter Giesebrecht
Ein verwitweter Großgrundbesitzer (66) und Bewohner eines Herrenhauses in Forzheim a.d. Knatter
Herr Giesebrecht ist stinkreich, spricht kein Englisch, Aber mit Hilfe seines Dieners Strunzmeier klappt eine Verständigung mit dem Scammer recht gut. Herr E. Mielke
Sachbearbeiter der EAV – Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung in Poppenheim Fräulein Ina Ugum Redoelb
Die vermeindliche Sekretärin des Herrn P. Andrew Herr Peter Andrew
Bankangestellter bei der Eco Bank International Plc. Haupttätigkeit: 419 Scam Herr Mowete
Barrister von Herrn Andrew. Haupttätigkeit: 419 Scam
K.D. Giesebrecht antwortet Herrn Peter Andrew, am: 29.10.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
unfortunately I do not understand English so well. I let translate therefore your text in the Internet. This is a very difficult procedure for me, since I belong to the older generation (I am 66 years old) and would have not even be able to read your mail without the assistance of my servant Strunzmeier, which is been versed with the PC well, your mail, let alone, would have understood it.
Now to your inquiry. Yes, I would be much interest them to help this large sum on my bank account in Germany to transfer. Please answer soon, so that we can introduce the necessary steps.
With kind regards
K.D. Giesebrecht
P.S.: This is my Business mailbox.
Please answer to my private mailbox:
P. Andrew antwortet am selben Tag: 29.10.2008
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Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 10:32:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Peter Andrew" <>
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Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: We Need Foreign Partner.
To: "XX" <XX@>
Cc: <>
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Dear K.D. Giesebrecht,
I am very happy to hear from you because i saw your profile in the computer and i decided to contact you to see if we can do the work together because i am very sure that it will be a very good business for both of us and i will like you to tell me if you can be able to come to abidjan here so that we can meet and talk and if you cannot be able to come to abidjan then i will like us to arrange a lawyer who can work out an agreement for both of us so that all of us can believe in one thing prior to the transfer into your bank account,
I will be waiting for your response on this matter so that i will know the next line of action because i have already explain the percentages to you in the first mail so that you can see that i am not going to be greedy and i need your sincerelity too so that we can be able to achieve this result together and don't forget to give me your telephone numbers in your next mail and also i will like you to feel free to ask me any question you desire prior to this transaction,
Thank you very much for your coperation,
Mr Peter Andrew
K.D. Giesebrecht antwortet am: 29.10.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
Beautifully that you answered so fast me. Unfortunately I cannot come to you, since I am entrusted with many tasks despite my high age. You suggest a lawyer to assign, to which I would like to suggest, to assign my private lawyer. He is an old study colleague and friend of many years of me and is specialized in international financial transactions. He can make a friendship price for us, how I know it. Thus we would not have so high costs with the completion of our transaction.
Mr. Andrew, please you understand me not wrongly, but I would be pleased much about a kind authentication of you. Me it became from many people who are active in the Internet said that there are a great many cheats and rogues, who lure others the money from the bag. Please do not understand me now wrongly. Naturally I do not believe that you are such a Spitzbube!
My servant Strunzmeier suggested before simple our passports or ID-cards have to exchange. He said to me that this is very simple nowadays, with the assistance of a so called scanner, with which one can photograph the passport haven and the photo can dispatch by Internet.
I assigned to communicate already to Strunzmeier with the procurement of a computer with scanner and printer, there I so many more simply with you Mr. Andrew, can communicate. So far communication we over the private computer of my servant. If I possess such equipment, our Kommunikation is wesendlich simpler.Thus as of tomorrow I will probably have to write then everything, on my own computer.
If you agree thus I you with the next mail a photocopy of my ID-card haven will give, so that you can see that I am really honest and you would amount to not too try. It nevertheless concerns here a quite large quantity money.
I wish you still another marvelous day and remain your
Mr. Giesebrecht
P. Andrew antwortet am: 30.10.2008 01:32:59
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
I have attach my copy of international passport for you in this mail and i hope you can send me your copy of passport too so that we can see ourselves and know each other very well and after that we can talk of the lawyer that will do the agreement for us because i can't just send out information like that and i hope your lawyer can be nice and also i will like to know if he can come here because i have already spoken to a lawyer here and i promise to get back to him as soon as i finalise issues with you,
Mr Peter Andrew
Verkleinerte Ansicht, das Teil hat die Originalgröße von 1145 X 1617 pixels!
K.D. Giesebrecht antwortet am: 04.11.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
excuse me that I answer only now. my new computer did not want to function so correctly. thank you for the transmittal of their passport. enclosed is my identity card, since I do not possess a passport.
I look forward to its answer.
Best regards
Mr. Giesebrecht
P. Andrew antwortet am: 04.11.2008
Hello Mr. Giesebrecht,
Ok i will like us to get an agreement of working together so that a lawyer can get us a binding agreement so that both of us will agree that we will do this tranfer with an open trust and after that i can be able to give you the contact of the bank where the money is deposited so that you can make application about transfering the money to your bank account,
Already i have spoken to a lawyer here and his contact details are as follows
Office Barrsiter Douglas Chambers
Address No 71 Eastland Yopougon
City Abidjan
Country Cote d'ivoire
Phone 00225 6749 0807
Email address
His Name is Barrister Sylvester Mowete.
So you have to contact this lawyer and tell him about yourself and also i have explain this matter to him and you just have to contact him so that he can give us guidelines about what we will have to do to get the agreement paper and after that i will give you the contact of the bank so that you can make contact for the transfer of the money to your bank account in your country.
Thanks and i think we have to open our arms to one another so that we can do this transaction at the earliest time.
Mr Peter Andrew.
Keine Beschwerde, daß der Ausweis so gut wie unleserlich ist?
K.D. Giesebrecht antwortet am: 05.11.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew
I am pleased much about good co-operation with you. I will thus contact Mr. Mowete. Now I ask myself, what I am to tell him. You wrote I are to it on me to report; what shall Mr. Mowete of me tell? I do not believe that my life story interests him.
Mr. Andrew, as you wrote in your first mail, you would indicate me as the sole heir of a deceased customer of your bank. How is the customer's name? I cannot write down simply the lawyer and maintain I am international relatives of a customer of the Eco bank PLC in Abidjan, without being able to say to him the name of the person, to which I should be related.
At all goes to me all somewhat too fast. I am me unknown a lawyer to write down, him something about me tell, about what I do not have any information WHICH exactly I your lawyer to say am. You did not told the name of the deceased to me, but you write that all loop holes over care are and all necessary information which concerns to the capital secured is.
Here nevertheless something are putrid! Mr. Andrew please you describe me the case more exactly; I otherwise to assume substantially more exactly there must, which concerns it a fraud here.
I need anyway some time, since I must travel on 11. November for one week to my sister after Siebenbürgen in the Allgäu. My sister had a car accident and lies in the hospital and have asked me to care for her business. I can care thus at the earliest starting from 20. November our partnership, since in the place in which my sister does not live an Internet connection is possible.
Best regards
Mr. Giesebrecht
P. Andrew antwortet am: 06.11.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
The name of the account owner is Mohamed Emara Gamal from egypt and i explain to the lawyer that i want to do the transaction with you so that he can guide us on how to get an agreement of working together which means i am sure that you will represent us well in the bank and he said that i should ask you to contact him so that he can do the agreement paper for us and i have given you hios contact in my last message to you and this is also the contact of the bank where the money is deposited so that you can know that i have told you everything as it happen,
Eco Bank International Plc,
Email address
Phone 00225 0553 5288
Director Mr Gideon
Thanks and you can write the lawyer and tell him that you are directed to contact him by Mr Peter Andrew concerning a deposit with Eco Bank PLc and he will know you much better because i have explain everything to him.
Best Regards
Mr Andrew.
K.D. Giesebrecht antwortet am: 06.11.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
thank you for your fast answer. I had not proper understood that you had already informed the lawyer and already all details to him communicated.
Did you register in my mail to you that I will be starting from 11 November for one week with my sister and no internet access will have there?
We will not be able to thus communicate one week long with one another! I hope that this is not disturbing too much for our relationship.
Would it be perhaps better, if I send Mr. Mowete only then one mail if I am again back?
You sent also the address of the Eco bank to me internationally PLC; am I to send also a mail to the bank? If so, I would have to know also here which I to write am.
I would not like to make any errors and ruin thus our business. Please consider that my English knowledge are rather poor and I must translate everything with Babel Fisch.
Best regards
Mr. Giesebrecht
P. Andrew antwortet am: 07.11.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
Please you don't have to write the bank untill we get the agreement from the lawyer and the reason why i give you the contact of the bank is for you to know that i have accepted you as a partner because your age is speaking well of you and i hope you can write the lawyer immedaitely because i speak to him about the transaction and i ask him for advise because i told him that i met my partner online and he said that he will do a paper of agreement which will be sign by the court so that we will be very sure that no one will cheat the other and you have to contact him and tell him that you are directed by Mr Peter Andrew and he will respond to you because i send him mail yesterday evening that i will get back to him as soon as i finalise issues with you.
You can also travel as you said because you said that your sister got an accident and i am extending my warm greetings to her,
Mr Peter
K.D. Giesebrecht antwortet am: 07.11.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
if I understood you correctly, I do not need to write now yet the bank , but I can contact already Mr. Mowete.
Well, I will send still today a mail to him. The paper of agreement is like a contract. Is it sufficient, if it is signed by the court?
Here, in Germany by law a contract or agreement must be signed by the two contracting parties and by the court is only then authenticated. In case we must sign this paper, you can send it as attachment; I can print it out here, sign it and send it back to you.
Thank you very much for your sympathy and your greetings for my sister; I led your greetings to her already by telephone and she was very happy about; she sends also her greetings to you.
I attach a little photo from my sister and me. It is an old one, from the times as we run her business together.
Mr. Andrew, my sister is a little curiously and she would like to know, how your live at the Cote D'Ivoire is, if you have children, what you do in your daily live. can you perhaps write a little about your live there? I want to then forwarding it gladly to my sister. Certainly all with your agreement only.
Best regards
Mr. Giesebrecht
Mit einem solchen Bild wird er ja hoffentlich keine RV´s (Real Victim) überzeugen können
K.D. Giesebrecht schreibt dem Anwalt am: 07.11.2008
Dear Mr. Mowete,
Mr Peter Andrew contacted me concerning the bank account of my deceased relatives Mohamed Emara Gamal from Egypt.
The sum present at it is to be transferred on my bank account.
Mr. Andrew wrote me that he already informed you from this proposal.
Please send me the necessary documents.
Sincerely yours
Mr. K. D. Giesebrecht
P. Andrew antwortet am: 07.11.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
I think it will be very nice to come over to germany and meet your sister so that all of us can become one big family and possibly have things in common because i am looking forward to meet her and also i will like you to know that i am married with two daugthers and i am a staff of Eco Bank Plc here in abidjan and that is how i saw the transaction i am proposing to you and you have to follow up very well because you are our hope now as our foreign representative.
You will have to contact the lawyer as you said because we believe that everything will certainly work out as plan,
Try to write me anytime you write to the lawyer so that i will know what is going on,
God bless you so much,
Mr peter Andrew.
K.D. Giesebrecht antwortet am: 10.11.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
it would make me happy much to become acquainted you personally; the same applies naturally also for my dear sister.
Is the journey to Germany not too expensive for you? I can imagine that a plane ticket from Abidjan to Germany costs very much money.
Unfortunately there are here in Germany also a great many Hooligan, which want to kill each colored humans. These young men are armed and really dangerous gangsters. Are thus calm on such people you, if you visit me.
I let build a large wall with a broad water ditch around my mansion, because these bad humans already attacked me and have almost killed me. Also I have armed guards, who watch out always patrolling around my estate with submachine guns. If someone wants to thus break in, he is shot immediately.
I sent already yesterday email to Mr. Mowete and wait now for his answer. Will it be convenient if I send you my emails with him as CC?
Mr. Andrew, would you be so kind and send some photos from you and your family? My sister asked me for it; she would love to see how you, your dear wife and your daughters look like and it also would make her days in the hospital a little better for her. Please apologize my sisters’ curiosity but I love her with all my heart and her curiosity is her only glitch.
Now I have to end, my friend, because I have to prepare for my long journey to my beloved sister. I wish you a prosperous day and remain
Mr. Giesebrecht
P. Andrew antwortet am: 10.11.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
Good morning and hope you are doing well this day and i want to tell you that it is expensive to come to germany but i will definitely come to germany as soon as the money is transfered into your bank account so that i can come and take my share with my colleagues and by then i think i will come with my wife and my two daughters so that we all can stay in germany and my children will start education in germany while i will invest the money in any good business which we will see together in germany and also i want to know if their is english schools in germany because my two children don't know how to speak germany as they are already speaking only english and french.
please i want you to send me the CC of the message you sent to the lawyer so that i can follow up too and again i want to know the particular day you will be travelling to meet your sister and how many years old is your sister so that i can know her better.
Thank you much and i hope everything will be alright very soon so that we can come over to germany and feel ourselves together because i am looking forward to meet you and your sister.
Mr peter Andrew.
K.D. Giesebrecht antwortet am: 10.11.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
yes, am I very well today; a straight large glass Grog let bring me with much rum, from my servant Strunz. It makes me happy that you as much enthusiasm throws in ours deal and wants despite the high costs to me, to Germany to come.
I am surprised over your sentence "... and take my share with my colleagues" colleagues? In your email it was located however that you only co-operate with your boss. you wrote: " … I am still working with the bank and it's only me and my colleague (boss) who have information of this development". Are now still further persons in our business involved? That seems to me however very strangely. Want you perhaps nevertheless make fun of me old man, or do I must assume fraud???
I asked you, in my last email kindly, whether you some photos of your family would send and thought, you the photos your email would have already attached. Unfortunately I was pleased in vain and cannot not show now my sister the photos; she will be very disappointed. I have sent you photo of my sister and me; why send you not also photo of your family? That all is very irritating for me.
You also still ask me for the exact date of my departure. I wrote you the date already two times; do you don't read my emails fully? Please, you check in my email from 05. and 06.11.2008, there is written when I travel to my sister and when I am back again.
Finally I like you to give more attention to your writing style; your last email was very hard for me to understand.
I look forward to meet you soon in Germany and remain
Mr. Giesebrecht
P. Andrew antwortet am: 10.11.2008
i understand that you will be travelling by 11 november and it is fine, ok
P. Andrew antwortet am: 10.11.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
I think that you didn't understand my mail very well too because i said that i am the only one involve in this transaction with my boss and we are colleagues seeing that it is a simple english and it is also very strange for me to tell my wife that i will be sending her photos to you because she has nothing to do in this trnsaction with my daughters and i am really suprise that you want their photos because i want to deal with you alone in this transaction and not with my family and it is going to be fine when the transaction is concluded so that i will come to germany and if your immigration is kind then my wife and my daughters will join us in germany,
I am also interested to see the CC of the mail which you sent to lawyer because we have to be very serious with this transaction,
Hope to hear from you later.
Mr Peter Andrew
Der Barrister schreibt am: 11.11.2008
Attn Mr. K. D. Giesebrecht,
I am still waiting for you to give me these requested informations and i am Barrister Sylvester Mowete of Douglas Chambers office here in Abidjan and Mr Peter was here early this week telling me about you and a transaction with Eco bank international here in Abidjan and he wanted me to get an agreement of law which will bind two of you together prior to the business because he told me that he want two of you to work together and i need this confirmation from you aswell so that i can be straight to the judge and i have been working on the document since yesterday and i was in the law court today prior to the agreement and i have been able to reach an agreement with the presiding judge and i will need the following information's from you to be able to get the document set,
(1) your full name
(2) your home address in your country
(3) your telephone numbers with mobile numbers
(4) your age and your marital status
We will be looking forward to get all these information's from you so that the agreement paper will be ready and both of you will sign and send a copy to me and afterwards you can proceed with Mr Peter about the transfer.
Your's Sincerely
Barrister Sylvester Mowete
Was??? das soll die antwort auf meine mail vom 7.11. sein?
K.D. Giesebrecht schreibt am: 20.11.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
how do you do? I am back now from the Allgeu and we can go on with our deal.
You wrote you think I did not understand your mail; I did understand it quite well, but as you wrote colleagues instead of colleague that is why I have to understand that there are more people involved than only your boss. Anyway I do not get that your boss is also your colleague, normally a boss is not a colleague of his employees.
You wrote also " is also very strange for me to tell my wife that i will be sending her photos to you because she has nothing to do in this transaction with my daughters ..." How am I to understand that? Doesn't your wife have to do anything with your daughters, is she the stepmother of your daughters?
I have asked just for some photos of you and your family, in order to show it to my sister, since you wrote that you with your family wants to come to Deuchland and my sister is simply interested for you and your family, because you have greeted her so nicely as you heard she lies in the hospital. I do not understand, what is to be "strange" on that. It has to do nothing with our deal, absolutely right, but my sister is interested out of purely human curiosity in you as she was told from me, that you want to visit us. How we can meet you at our airport, if we do not know how you are looking like? I assumed that you show the photo of me and my sister to your whife and daughters and I did not feel strange about this? why you are so paranoid?
However, I already sent my personal data’s to Mr. Mowete and have the CC forwarded to you.Mr. Mowete called you, Mr. Peter, not Mr. Andrew as I do; may I ask if you are friends? I ask only out of curiosity, since also I am friendly with my lawyer. A lawyer as a friend is always good, since he can advise one better in legal questions, as a strange lawyer.
Have a nice day.
Mr. Giesebrecht
P. Andrew antwortet am: 20.11.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
Greetings and wellcome back from visiting your sister and i am really very happy to receive your message because i am thinking about you early this week and i am very happy to read your message and also i will try and go home now so that i can get the photos of my wife and my first daughter and send to you and i will not send you the photo of my last daughter because she is only seven months and she don't have photo unless it is kept by my wife and i will try and send you these photos by evening time and also i want to tell you that i am not discussing this transaction with my wife because she is a primary school teacher and i don't talk the deal with her because it is between me and you and the bank manager only.
So how is your sister and i hope she is fine and also i am happy that you have send message to the lawyer so that he can get us the paper and we will be together in your country so that we can take our share of the money,
i will write you another message as soon as i get the photos from my house,
Mr peter Andrew
K.D. Giesebrecht antwortet dem Barrister am: 20.11.2008
Dear Mr. Mowete,
Please excuse my late answer, but I was since the 11,10. with my sister in the Allgäu.
Here now the requested personal data:
(1) Klaus Dieter Giesebrecht
(2) Kackegasse 3, Forzheim a.d. Knatter, 17518 Deuchland
(3) 0049 322 214 300 99 ( Telefon und FAX )
(4) 66 Jahre alt, Witwer
Mr. Mowete, I does not know English and must everything which I writes in the Internet translate to let; therefore I ask over your understanding, if there are discrepancies in the text written by me.
With best regards
Mr. Giesebrecht
P. Andrew antwortet am: 21.11.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
I search my wife album and i took one of her photos and one of my daughters photo and attach to you and the name of my wife is Mrs Ehivet and the name of my first daughter is Simone and the name of my last daughter is Larissa and she is only seven months as i told you and my first daughter is in primary school in the same school where my wife is teaching,
So take care of yourself and i will come to germany only me as soon as the money is transfered into your bank account and if i have the opportunity to live in germany with my family then i will bring them along and i have not discusse this matter with my wife because i want to finish the transaction before i can tell her,
Mr Peter Andrew
Da freut sich doch der Giesebrecht ... naja ... ´n bissel lütt sind die Bildchen ja, aber er schreibt dem Herrn Andrew am: 21.11.2008
Ich tue aber so, als hätte ich die Fotos nicht bekommen.
Dear Mr. Andrew,
ultimately you have understand me and I am very happy about. Sure I know and understand you do not want your wife involved in your affairs of duty and also I never had this intension.
As you wrote, your youngest daughter is just 7 months old, that is a very cute age and she must be very cute as well. Please take good care for the little one! Never mind if you do not have a photo of her I really understand, that in your country it must be very hard to exist and not everyone have a photo camera.
As to my sister, she has recovered a little but she will have to go back to the hospital for later surgeries, in a few time. She is sitting in a wheelchair by now, or walks on crutches, because she suffered severe injuries to her spinal cord. The Doctors say that they can not promise if she ever will be able to walk normal again.
I suggested her to go on with the care for her business, but the old girl deny strenuously. She is not dead by now, she said, and she will do her business herself and independently. But I see her doing not very well and I must help her as good as I am able to. I think it's my duty as her brother to stay at her side; don't you think so as well Mr. Andrew? All that makes me very sad. I must now travel up and down between my and her place, which is really exhausting for me as I am not the youngest anymore.
Concerning the photos, please take care that your scanner works them in original format (size), because as I experienced recently, my scanner is working out photos in mini format, or it contorts everything I put in it. Very strange. Strunz my servant suggested, that my scanner is maybe broken and he will bring it to a work shop to check if there is something wrong with that damn thing.
Is Mr. Movete working at our proposal? I did not get any response from him, since I wrote the last email to him (you got the CC) with my personal data’s. I think it takes him a little while to work out the necessary papers?
However, I await your bright photos and patiently the response of Mr. Mowete.
Mr. Giesebrecht
P.S.: I use a new program for the translations of my German into English now. In Strunz' opinion it is a better English now, what comes out. So I do not need to use this stressy online translator anymore.
Mir wurde es einfach zu stressing, meine Texte in erst Deutsch zu schreiben und sie dann von diesem Kackübersetzungssystem komplett verkorksen zu lassen.
P. Andrew antwortet am: 21.11.2008
Hello Mr. Giesebrecht,
Good morning and the lawyer contacted me this morning that i should come and sign my part in the agreement paper and i think the lawyer is fast and i am happy and i will be going right away,
Greetings my friend and have a ncie day.
Mr Peter
Der Barrister schreibt am: 21.11.2008
Attn Mr. Klaus Dieter Giesebrecht,
I have return back from the court this afternoon and i have attached the agreement paper for you in this email so that you can sign and send back to me because the court is also waiting for a sign copy from you for approval and afterwards you can proceed with Mr Peter inrespect of the transfer with the Eco Bank International because the agreement paper will become effective as soon as we get a sign copy from you for proper documatation.
Ahja … man beachte allgemein das Englisch dieses Anwalts!
Again i will like to remind you that my total charge for all the work is ¤450 because the court charge is ¤300 and ¤150 is for my consultation fees. Was ist denn ¤ für eine Währung?
Good luck and hope to get a good response from you.
Please send me the payment to the name of my secretay (Frank Ifekandu Agbai) so that he can pick it up at the western union bank here,
We are always At Your Service
Barrister Sylvester Mowete
Principal Attorneys for Douglas Chambers Office Abidjan
Als Anlage, das Dokument.
Mit Photoshop kann er schonmal ansatzweise umgehen … man beachte jedoch oben rechts ist die Phantasie-Registriernummer in den Kopf des Wisches verrutscht und was sollen die drei Linien am Ende sein? scheinbar Versuche Linien zu basteln, die den Kopf des Lappens vom Text trennen, aber dann leider vergessen, sie zu löschen.
Onkel Giesebrecht wundert sich noch schnell über einige Ungereimtheiten des „Dokuments“ und schreibt dem Barrister am: 21.11.2008
Dear Mr. Mowete,
thank you for your prompt and fast service. I have got the agreement document but I am wondering about some things: the first is the signature Ms. Zaineb Ramzi - who is this person? Here should be your signature Mr. Sylvester Mowete as our barrister who draw up this document!
The other thing which is peculiar at this document is the sentence: "the amount of the deposited here in Ecobank International Plc" that's all? For my opinion must be written here the real amount of Money as well as the Name of the deceased account holder who deposited the founds. I shall be presented as the next of kin to the deceased by which the funds will be transferred. Your bit of paper says nothing at all in my opinion; this agreement document have probably no validity by law.
A very good friend of me is a lawyer and specialized in international law. I ask for your forbearance but will ask him for advice if this document is useful for Mr. Andrew and me. Please understand that I must be very clear and honest with my partner Mr. Peter Andrew, because both our destiny is rising or dropping with this contract.
I apologize for the inconvenience caused
Mr. Giesebrecht
Am 22.11.2008 antwortet der Barrister:
Attn Mr. Klaus Dieter Giesebrecht,
Mrs Zainab Ramzi is the representative lawyer at the high court and she is the one that approve the document for law purpose and witness thereof and i sign my part as your representative here while Mr Peter sign as the consultant and you have to sign as a next of kin so that the document can effective because all work has been done in the paper as you can see because it is a finish work and i made Mrs Zainab Ramzi to trust because she suppose to get the court charges before.
Er hat aber noch was vergessen und schickt noch eine mail hinterher, am selben Tag.
Attn Mr. Klaus Dieter Giesebrecht,
Mrs Zainab Ramzi is the representative lawyer at the high court here and she is the one that approve the document for law purpose and witness thereof and i sign my part as your representative here while Mr Peter sign as the consultant and you have to sign as a next of kin so that the document can be effective because all work has been done in the paper as you can see because it is a finish work and i made Mrs Zainab Ramzi to trust us because she suppose to get the court charges before bis hier der gleiche text, wie vorher she sign but i told her that you are an oversea client and i assure her that i will bring the money with the copy of the document which you have sign for law reference because Mr Peter told us that he want to transfer money to your account and he want us to prepare a document of law so that he can claim his right when necessary.
I will be waiting for your corresponce and you have to tell the bank about you and the money that will be transfered because Mr Peter only tell me about you and him and the work is approve already by government here.
We are always at your service and don't forget that you will address the payment to the name of my secretary (Frank Ifekandu Agbai) because he has been assign to do all your related activities and if you have any question then kindly send us mail for clarification,
Barrister Sylvester Mowete.
Ein echter Profi, der Herr Barrister Mowete! Vor allem scheint er den Wink mit meinem Anwaltsfreund, geistig, nicht verarbeiten zu können.
K.D. Giesebrecht unterrichtet den Barrister noch schnell darüber, daß seine Rechtsschutzversicherung die Rechnung sicher gerne übernehmen wird.
Dear Mr. Mowete,
I have a Legal expenses insurance which will overtake the costs of your services
(Fees). Please fill the attached form and send it back to me; I then submit the
application to my insurance, which will pay you immediately.
The agreement document I have sign and also attached to this email.
Thank you for your service.
yours faithfully
Mr. Giesebrecht
Onkel Giesebrecht, nicht gerade versiert im Umgang mit seinem neuen Scanner, schickt das schicke „Agreement Document“ unterschrieben, und einen Kostenübernahmebogen der EAV, im PDF Format, zurück an Herrn Mowete
Schade, leider schlecht zu lesen, was die Herren S. Mowete und P. Andrew aber offensichtlich nicht stört, jedenfalls kommt keine Beschwerde.
Das Kostenübernahmeblatt hat Textfelder, ist also am Bildschirm auszufüllen.
P. Andrew schreibt noch schnell am: 24.11.2008
Hello Mr. Giesebrecht,
Good morning and i am just in the office now when i saw this message and i am responding to you so that you will know that i receive the CC copy which you sent to me and i am happy that we are moving forward in this transaction, happy Mugu!
God bless you and greet your sister for me because i am thinking of her and i hope we all can make one family when i will get to your country.
Mr Peter Andrew
Der Barrister Mowete raffts nicht, daß er das Formular am Bildschirm ausfüllen kann, druckt es aus, füllt es mit seiner Sauklaue aus und scannt dann das Ganze wieder ein, um es als JPG-Bildchen wieder zurück zu schicken.
Ech klasse, der Mann!
Er schreibt am: 24.11.2008
Attn Mr. Giesebrecht,
Please find attach the fill document as you requested and don't forget that payment should be done through western union money transfer to be able to expediate the transaction because payment through bank takes one full week to arrive here and you must remember that my secretary (Frank Ifekandu Agbai) is waiting to pick up the money immediately you send me the receiving details,
Thank you for your time and i will be waiting for your correspondence.
Barrister Sylvester Mowete.
In der Anlage der KÜ-Bogen
Herr Giesebrecht bestätigt den Empfang am:25.11.2008
Dear Mr. Mowete,
thank you for the over sending of the consignment form which I will forward to my insurance office right now. The insurance company will take care to transfer your fees.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully
Mr. Giesebrecht
Nun meldet sich erstmals auch der Herr Mielke von der EAV, der nur Deutsch kann, beim Barrister Mowete
Abteilung Kostenstelle
Herr Mielke -FI/Z
Poppenheim den 25.11.2008
Sehr geehrter Herr Rechtsanwalt,
unser Klient Herr Giesebrecht hat uns ein Kostenübernahmeformular eingereicht, welches von Ihnen leider nicht korrekt ausgefüllt wurde. Uns ist es, aus Kostengründen, nicht möglich handschriftlich ausgefüllte Formulare zu bearbeiten.
Unsere Formulare sind so gestaltet, daß Sie es direkt am Bildschirm ausfüllen können. Sie müssen in ein jeweiliges Textfeld mit der linken Maustaste klicken um dann bequem, per Tastatur jedes Textfeld auszufüllen.
Ich bitte daher um Neuausfüllung des Kostenübernahmebogens und nochmalige Zusendung auf oben genannte E-Mailadresse.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Mielke
Ja so ein Ärger aber auch; nun muß Mowete also nochmal ran und den Wisch diesmal richtig ausfüllen.
Da meldet sich das Peterle am: 25.11.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
I receive a copy of the message which you sent to the lawyer and i am happy about it and i think the insurance company will be fast so that the lawyer can receive his payment and give us approval of working together so that you can contact the bank immediately because i am already thinking of finalizing this transaction before the month end, Du wirst dich wundern
Best Regards
Mr Peter Andrew
Und der Barrister schickt sein neuestes Werk – seine Bankdaten am: 25.11.2008
Barrister Sylvester Mowete <- so wordkarg heute? Nanü, nanü!
Prima! Offensichtlich reale Bankdaten!
Herr Giesebrecht fragt mal wieder beim Peterle nach am: 26.11.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
how are you today? Can you tell me about the further procedure of the transfer of the founds and what comes next? If I be represented as the next kin to Mr. Mohamed Emara Gamal from Egypt, do I have to proof this in any way? You must know that i am a little nervous and quite shaking when thinking about that lot of money.
Can you also tell me if the Money is paid out in US$ or in European EURO? That would be extremely precious to know. Please send me more of your information.
However, my dear sister has asked me repeatedly for some photos of you and your family, but I had to deny again; why you are ignoring my request for some photos of you and your family? It seems for me, that you maybe do not send the photos, because you do not have a family over there in Abidjan.
What is the problem to grant her a few photos she wants to see. It also will be good for knowing how you look like, when we come to pick you up, here at the airport.
Mr. Giesebrecht
Herr Mielke von der EAV bestätigt Herrn Mowete den Empfang des nun richtig ausgefüllten Kostenübernahmeantrags am: 27.11.2008
Herr Mielke -FI/Z
Poppenheim den 27.11.2008
Sehr geehrter Herr Rechtsanwalt,
wir bestätigen hiermit den Empfang Ihres Kostenübernahmeantrags.
Nach Bearbeitung werden wir ihnen Ihr Geld per Standartbanküberweisung auf Ihr Konoto Nr.: 228 34345 288 bei der BIAO ABIDJAN - COTE D´IVOIRE überweisen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Mielke
Mowete ist ein dummer Sack und fragt Herrn Giesebrecht am: 29.11.2008 um Übersetzung:
Dear Sir,
Please find below the message which your insurance company send to me and i will like you to explain to me so that i will know if they have send the money so that i can confirm from my bank here and Mr Peter send me message yesterday and ask me about this payment and i said to him that i am still waiting to confirm from the insurance company.
Please help me on this matter so that i can be able to receive the payment and pay the court charges and also to give you go ahead with Mr Peter so that you can proceed with the bank transfer.
We will be waiting to hear from you.
Barrister Sylvester Mowete
Und gleich noch eine an die EAV am: 27.11.2008
Dear Mr E. Mielke.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Post und versuchen Sie auch, mir die Kopie der Übertragung zu schicken, damit ich sie zu unserem banbk für Bestätigung nachschicken kann.
Wir werden vorwärts schauen, um den Eingang der Übertragung heute zu empfangen, damit ich mit unserer Bank hier im cote d'ivoire entsprechen kann,
Gott segnen Sie für Ihre Bemühung. Ja ja... schon gut, oller Schleimer. Ach... und er kann auf einmal Deutsch!
Barrister Mowete.
[b]Das Peterle meldet sich am: 27.11.2008 auch nochmal beim Herrn Giesebrecht und macht den Fehler, Klaus Dieters Schwester anzugreifen
Dear Mr Giesebrecht,
I am here to direct you because everything is process by process and right now we have to wait so that your insurance company will pay the lawyer his charges and after that you will contact the bank because i trusted you and i have given you all the necessary contacts and you just have to make sure that your insurance company pay the lawyer very fast so that the lawyer can give us an approval to proceed with the bank and again the money is in dollars it is 8.4 million dollars and my colleague found everything and introduce me to it so that i can look for a foreign partner and that is why i contacted you and you do not have to worry about anything because i will provide you with a paper that will cover you as the next of kin to Mr. Mohamed Emara Gamal from Egypt,
Please tell your sister to stay cool because she is not part of this business and i am worried the way you are mentioning her name all day as if you want her to take share in the transaction and my colleague said that your sister should stay out of this transaction for now until we get to germany because we are not telling our wife what we are doing with you and even you don't talk about your wife and your children and you keep talking about your sister and we don't want her to disturb us please.
Mr Peter Andrew
Nun wird Herr G. aber echt Zickig und antwortet erzürnt am: 27.11.2008
Mr. Andrew,
what the hell are you talking about? You obviously do not read my emails properly! My sister have nothing to do with our deal, which I told you already, she is just curious and wants to see you and your family; why don't you get it?
What shall I tell her now? She must stay cool because you are obviously totally paranoid and think she want a share of the damn money? Listen old chap; my sister is married to a lord here in Germany, she is a multi millionaire and not at all interested at your bloody money. She is a very sensitive and caring person and like to help everyone who needs help. That’s why she is just a little curious to see you.
As to my family, I can tell you that my beloved wife and my only son are victims of an attack of gangsters who invaded my home and had killed my family. maybe you remember my mail from 08.11.2008? In that mail I told you about a wall I let erect around my mansion? That is the reason why I let do it, because at this day I was very near to death; my wife and my 10 year old son didn't survived the attack.
If you guys tell your wives about our deal or not, I don't care but if you are that rude, I am really pissed right now and have to think twice if I will go on with you, or not.
Concerning the payment of the barristers fees through my insurance, I can only tell you that it will take its way of proceeding I have no influence on that. Because, as you said yourself, everything is process by process. As much as I know, Mr. Mielke from the EAV already confirmed the receipt of the consignment document and will proceed it to the payment department. How and when the insurance will transfer his fees, I don't know.
Mr. Giesebrecht
Dann nochmal Geheule, diesmal wieder mit unserem Freund Babelfich in Deuch übersetzt, von Mowete am: 28.11.2008
Bitte mag ich ein gegenwärtiges Update über die Zahlung erhalten, weil ich die Kopie der Übertragung per Post empfangen mag, damit ich sie meiner Bank für Bestätigung nachschicken kann und auch nicht vergesse, mir Ihre Telefonnummern in Ihrer Rückholpost zu geben, damit ich Sie auf dringenden Angelegenheiten anrufen kann.
Guter Tag und Gott segnen Sie, ... Jaja, what ever ...
Rechtsanwalt Sylvester Mowete.
Und Herr Andrew schreibt am: 28.11.2008 an Herrn G.
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
I write the lawyer yesterday and he reply me this morning saying that he is still waiting to correspond with the insurance company and I think you have to contact your representative there so that he can explain the way forward to you and you have to know that we will like to finish this work in less than two weeks now,
Mr Peter Andrew.
[b]Am 01.12.2008 bittet der Herr Mielke um restliche Angaben zum Bankkonto:
Herr Mielke -FI/Z
Poppenheim den 01.12.2008
Sehr geehrter Herr Rechtsanwalt,
Leider fehlt uns noch Ihre genaue Bankanschrift, wir benötigen noch den Straßennamen der Bank, sowie die Adresse des Begünstigten. Bitte reichen Sie uns diese fehlenden Daten nach.
Ihr Antrag wird z.Zt. von unserer Rechnungsstelle auf Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit überprüft und wird voraussichtlich noch in dieser Woche zur Auszahlung kommen.
Da Deutschland sehr strenge Regelungen bezgl. Geldauszahlungen in nicht EU Länder hat ( § 28 Anti-Terrorgesetz vom 01.06.2007 ), um kriminellen Machenschaften vorzubeugen und zur Terroristenbekämpfung, ist es notwendig das anhängende Formular des Bundesamtes für Merkbefreiung von Ihnen ausfüllen zu lassen.
Eine Auszahlung ins Ausland bedarf leider dieser Prozedur. Nach Eingang des von Ihnen unterschriebenen Formulares, sowie Bankadresse und Anschrift des Begünstigten, wird unsere Rechnungsstelle Ihnen Ihre Kosten überweisen. Eine Kopie des Überweisungsauftrages wird Ihnen mit gesonderter email zugesandt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Mielke
Angehängt das BfM PDF-Formular
Mowete schickt brav die ausgefüllten Formblätter zurück am: 01.12.2008
Sehr geehrter Herr E. Mielke,
Finden Sie bitte unterhalb der Adresse von meiner Bank, wie Sie verlangten
8-10 Avenue Joseph Anoma
01 BP1274 Abidjan 01
Cote D'ivoire.
Finden Sie bitte unterhalb meiner Büroadresse, wie Sie auch verlangten
Number 71 Eastland Avenue Yopougon
Abidjan Cote d'ivoire.
00225 6749 0807
Ich habe auch Fülle und füge Ihr Dokument zurück zu Ihnen bei, damit Sie in der Lage sein können, die Zahlung für einfachere Korrespondenz immedaitely zu verarbeiten.
Wir werden warten, um eine gute Antwort von Ihnen zu erhalten.
Herr Giesebrecht hat aber wenig Zeit und antwortet dem Barrister Mowete sehr kurz, am: 01.12.2008
Dear Mr. Mowete,
I am very short in time at the moment and I will suggest trying this please:
Am: 02.12.2008 fragt Herr Giesebrecht nach, obs Peterle irre geworden ist, weil er nach Daten fragt, die er längst hat.
Mr. Andrew,
are you nuts? Read my email from 27.11.2008!
... und bekommt auch gleich Post vom Peterle am: 02.12.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
Greetings and it seems that you are angry with me but i have seen your message and i understand everything very well but sometimes you can get more information for me because the lawyer ask me question and that is why i contacted you to see if i can get more response from you.
Anyway it is fine and i do not want you to be angry with me because i your friend.
Mr Peter Andrew.
Am: 03.12.2008 wird Herr Giesebrecht mal wieder vom Barrister mit nutzlosen emails belästigt
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for the website which you sent to me and i have been able to understand the mail better.
Dear Sir,
Please find below the message which your insurance company send to me and i will like you to explain to me so that i will know if they have send the money so that i can confirm from my bank here and Mr Peter send me message yesterday and ask me about this payment and i said to him that i am still waiting to confirm from the insurance company.
Please help me on this matter so that i can be able to receive the payment and pay the court charges and also to give you go ahead with Mr Peter so that you can proceed with the bank transfer.
We will be waiting to hear from you.
Barrister Sylvester Mowete
Herr Mielke -FI/Z
Poppenheim den 27.11.2008
Sehr geehrter Herr Rechtsanwalt,
wir bestätigen hiermit den Empfang Ihres Kostenübernahmeantrags.
Nach Bearbeitung werden wir ihnen Ihr Geld per Standartbanküberweisung auf Ihr Konoto Nr.: 228 34345 288 bei der BIAO ABIDJAN - COTE D´IVOIRE überweisen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Mielke
Am: 06.12.2008 dann die Erlösende Post von der EAV
Bait save
Herrmann the German
Beiträge: | 970 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2008 |
Am: 06.12.2008 dann die Erlösende Post von der EAV
Herr Mielke -FI/Z
Poppenheim den 05.12.2008
Sehr geehrter Herr Rechtsanwalt,
unsere Rechnungsstelle hat Ihren Kostenübernahmeantrag bearbeitet und zur Überweisung freigegeben. Anbei erhalten Sie eine Fotokopie des Überweisungsformulars.
Die Zahlung sollte in etwa 4 Tagen Ihr Bankkonto erreicht haben.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Mielke
EAV Sachbearbeiter
Angehängt die Kopie des Überweisungsträders
Am: 10.12.2008 Herr Giesebrecht fragt mal ´s Peterle
Dear Mr. Andrew,
as Mr. Mielke from EAV informed me yesterday, the payment to the lawyer is processed now and the money should arrive soon at the bank of him.
What are the next steps now?
You wrote that you think I am angry with you; don't worry, I was a little annoyed about your temper against my sister, who is my only family member, since my wife and son are wiped out by criminals, as I explained to you. You must understand that I am quite sensitive, if someone speak in a bad manner about my sister.
Mr. Giesebrecht
Und ´s Peterle schickt noch gleich am selben Tag einige Zeilen an Herrn Giesebrecht
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
I am happy that the payment is being process and i have call the lawyer now and he said that he will send me a message as soon as he confirm the money in his account.
We will have to wait so that the lawyer can confirm to us and after that you will send message to the bank and make application about the transfer and the money will be transfered.
Mr Peter Andrew.
Und da meldet sich wieder ungemach beim Barrister Mowete an
Herr Mielke -FI/Z
Poppenheim den 10.12.2008
Sehr geehrter Herr Rechtsanwalt,
unsere Rechnungsstelle hat mich darüber informiert, daß die Zahlung nicht an Sie überwiesen werden konnte, da das von Ihnen angegebene Bankkonto von WABIZ beanstandet wurde.
Laut WABIZ wird Ihre Kontoverbindung für Betrugszwecke benutzt und daher die Überweisung storniert. Ich habe eine Fotokopie des WABIZ Formulars an diese Email angefügt.
Ich bitte um sofortige, vollständige Aufklärung Ihrereseits in dieser Sache, da sonst keine Auszahlung erfolgen kann.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Mielke
Onkel Giesebrecht wendet sich gleich mal an den Herrn Andrew am: 12.12.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
what shall we do now? Mr. Mowete seems to cheat us and I am not convinced by him. Is it really so necessary to do this deal via a lawyer? In my humbled opinion we could go on like this, I contact Mr. Gideon at the Eco Bank International Plc as we planned and apply for the sum at the abandoned account and you simply transfer the money to my bank here in Germany. After this you come over and collect your money and everything is done.
Mr. Andrew I still believe in you and we should do this transaction in trust to each other. Look, I bought a computer and learned hardly about using a computer extra to be in a good contact to you and I invested a lot of my precious time for this transaction; I do not want to lose this deal, just because a corrupt lawyer try to screw us up.
I looked so happily forwards to our meeting here in Germany and was pleased to show you my home and my country. Already I appointed us at my most favourised restaurants and spas I had expected that we will have a lot of joy together.
Shall all that be scattered now by a bad man who tries to betray us and get the money in his own pockets?
I look forward to your positive answer.
Mr. Giesebrecht
Och ... nu´ isser aber pöhse der Herr Anwalt und ´s Peterle muß doch glatt den ganzen Tag freimachen, um vor Mowete zu Kreuze kriechen zu können, was er auch gleich mal dem Onkel G. erzählen will, am: 12.12.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
I have been talking with the lawyer since yesterday and he said that your insurance company has lied against him and he is not happy about that ofwhich he needed an apology which i have been doing since yesterday and i will like us to continue but we must respect the bill of the lawyer by paying him his ¤450 and it has to be transfered via western union and not through your insurance company because they are not telling you the truth and if you do not send the money to the lawyer then you will have to come here so that we can go to the office of the lwyer together because your insurance company is not trustworthy.
Thank you and i need your sincerelity because if you disappoint me then i will look for another person,
Mr Peter Andrew.
: hier sollte ein P.S.: hin, hm? Oder warem am Ende der Tastatur noch Zeichen übrig? Man beachte, daß weder der Lad noch sein Anwalt imstande sind, ein vernünftiges Währungszeichen zu machen. Immer ist nur ein ¤ vor der Zahl.
[balu]Herrn Giesebrechts Anwort kommt prompt am: 14.12.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
I do not understand what you are talking about. Mr. Mielke from the EAV is lying? I can´t believe it. As much as I know the insurance had send the money to Mr. Mowete and the money returned because there was no bank account to send it to. The account of Mr. Movete is used for fraud purposes and it is been closed, or not existent, proven by WABITS.
Mr. Mielke forwarded me this email for Mr. Mowete:
Bait save
Herrmann the German
Beiträge: | 970 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2008 |
Sehr geehrter Herr Rechtsanwalt,
unsere Rechnungsstelle hat mich darüber informiert, daß die Zahlung nicht an Sie überwiesen werden konnte, da das von Ihnen angegebene Bankkonto von WABIZ beanstandet wurde.
Laut WABIZ wird Ihre Kontoverbindung für Betrugszwecke benutzt und daher die Überweisung storniert. Ich habe eine Fotokopie des WABIZ Formulars an diese Email angefügt.
Ich bitte um sofortige, vollständige Aufklärung Ihrereseits in dieser Sache, da sonst keine Auszahlung erfolgen kann.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Mielke
I cannot see that the EAV had lied against Mr. Mowete by informing him, that the money cannot be send to a closed account but WABITS send also a proofing form, as you can see. And there stays clearly, that the bank account is closed because the account is known to be used for fraud purposes.
The EAV and WABITS are serious legal institutions and I cannot believe that both are lying.
If your barrister is right, why he does not send an email to Mr. Mielke and regulate the matter with him? It should be no problem for him to prove, that the bank account is clean and working and that he is a real lawyer.
I really be confused now and don't know what to say. My lawyer, who is also my old friend, is on the way to check the registration number of Mr. Mowete and still I have not heard from him by now.
I believe he will inform me very soon about what he could find out and if your lawyer is proven a real one, I will have a serious word with Mr. Mielke.
I wonder if maybe you could pay the barrister and deduct the sum of the money at the abandoned account? As you said yourself, we must respect the bill of the lawyer by paying him his ¤450; I think as you were working in the bank, it should be no big problem for you, right?
Also I need your sincerity in this deal and also I do not want to be disappointed by you. Please have in mind that you need my bank account to get the money out of your country and you need my help as you said. So please stay calm and understanding.
May be I should come over to you, Mr. Andrew and we can regulate these problems in Person. Right away I will send my servant Strunz to get me a passport and then I will see, what we can do.
Sincerely yours
Mr. Giesebrecht
Mr. Andrew antwortet am: 15.12.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
First the message was written in dutch and i do not understand it very well and i am also taking advise from the lawyer because i know him here and people speak well of him and i have also accepted to pay him but it will have to be on a collecting effort because i will give him €250 and you will send him €200 and i am sending him from my money and not from the abandon account because i cannot be able to use it so that the bank will not suspect me and the lawyer said he is willing to receive everybody in his office so if you like then you can come here so that you can see everybody and if possible let us continue because we have to get agreement from you before we can instruct the money to be transfered into your bank account because my colleague is very suprise that this thing is happening like this.
Mr Peter Andrew.
Am 16.12.2008 Bekommt der Barrister Post von der EAV
Herr Mielke -FI/Z
Poppenheim den 16.12.2008
Sehr geehrter Herr Rechtsanwalt,
seit dem 13.10.2008 warten wir auf eine erklärende Antwort. Sollten Sie uns bis zum 23.12.2008 nicht antworten, sind wir nach §24 VUVG, vom 04.40.1979, gezwungen die Überweisung an Sie zu stornieren.
Es sollte in Ihrem eigenen Interesse liegen, uns eine plausible Erklärung zu liefern, weshalb Ihr Bankkonto von WABITS beanstandet wurde, da Sie sonst Ihr Geld verlieren. Die EAV wäre dann außerstande, die Zahlung zu tätigen und es würde ein Verfahren gegen Sie durch WABITS eingeleitet werden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Mielke
Mowete antwortet frech, am: 16.12.2008
Aufmerksamkeit E. Mielke
Beachten Sie bitte, dass ich nicht an irgendeiner Angelegenheit mit Ihnen interessiert bin, weil Sie nicht die Wahrheit über mein Konto sagen, weil mein Konto gut ist und ich habe, Ihren Partner (Herrn Peter Andrew) zu bitten mir meine Zahlung zu schicken,
Mach's gut so und Sie müssen mit ihm sprechen, weil ich kein Problem mit Ihnen habe.
Aufmerksamkeit E. Mielke ist schonmal ne tolle Anrede und ob du nicht an irgendeiner Angelegenheit mit uns interessiert bist, ist uns völlig Banane. Man sieht aber gut, wie dir jetzt der Arsch geht.
Herr Mielke antwortet trocken, am: 17.12.2008
Herr Mielke -FI/Z
Poppenheim den 17.12.2008
Sehr geehrter Herr Mowete,
Wir haben Ihre Registrationsnummer DCC/PO/0124075 überprüft und erfahren, daß Sie unter dieser Nummer nicht registriert sind. Wir gehen nun davon aus, daß es sich hier um einen Betrugsversuch Ihrerseits handelt, was rechtliche Konsequenzen haben wird.
Da Sie offensichtlich zu keiner weiteren Anstrengung, den vorliegenden Fall mit uns zu klären, gewillt sind und behaupten, wir würden lügen, werden wir nach §24 VUVG, vom 04.40.1979, die Überweisung an Sie stornieren und ein Verfahren gegen Sie wegen Betrugs (§419 fee in advance fraud) bei Interpol durch WABITS eröffnen.
Desweiteren werden wir die EFCC von diesem Vorgang unterrichten und auch dort ein Verfahren gegen Sie anstrengen.
Herrn Peter Andrew kennen wir nicht und haben auch keine geschäftlichen Beziehungen mit ihm. Wir werden uns jedoch noch an Herrn Giesebrecht wenden, zur weiteren Beweisaufnahme.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Mielke
Zurück zu Herrn Giesebrecht und ´m Peterle
Herr Giesebrecht antwortet dem Peterle, am: 17.12.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
First the message was from Mr. Mielke, written in German not in Dutch; why he should write to you in Dutch language? I doubt he can even speak Dutch. However, the message said that the money cannot be send to a closed account and the insurance company need an explanation from Mr. Mowete to clear the payment.But Mr. Mowete did not answer. The form from WABITS is in English; I assume you could read that. Mr. Mowete uses the online translator from babelfish, why can't you? I also had used this babelfish to communicate with you, before I got the translator program for my PC. I had written that to you. Maybe you should read my emails a little more accurately? It is very annoying that there are always problems occurring at your side. The insurance company wants to transfer the money for Mr. Mowete but the bank account to which the money is supposed to be send is not working. What kind of lawyer is this Mr. Mowete? About the payment, it is very nice from you to overtake €250 and I will pay the rest of the sum. How I can send him the money? Please advise me. My old friend and lawyer was calling me yesterday and said he is on his flight back to Germany and have checked Mr. Mowete's registration number. He have a bad surprise for me he said but in this very moment the phone connection broke off and I could not reach him anymore.I assume he will contact me tomorrow after his arrival at the airport. Mr. Andrew, are there some good hotels in Abidjan? Because if I have to come over to the Ivory Coast I will need a decent suite for the time I will be in Abidjan.
Best regards Da brennen einem die Augen, was?
Mr. Giesebrecht
P.S.: I adopt your writing style as you can see. I'm sure, you will understand my mails better if they come in the writing style you are used to.
Herr Andrew antwortet noch am gleichen Tag: 17.12.2008
Dear Mr. Giesebrecht,
Greetings and thanks for your effort and i will get back to you by early next week because i have to meet with the lawyer and also talk with my colleague so that i can be able to tell you the next line of action,
Good day again from me.
Was?? Blau machen??
Herr Giesebrecht reagiert sofort, am:17.12.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
please, urgently read my last email from Wednesday, 12/17/08 very attentive in detail and answer my questions!
Mr Mowete is asking for his deserved money, so pay attention to this. I asked how I can pay my part.
You want to tell me, you will get back to me by early next week - you will be back latest on Friday then I await your concrete answer to my questions! If I do not hear from you till then, I'll drop the whole deal.
Do you really believe, I am that dumb to take this bullshit about you taking a week off just for a meeting with your shady lawyer and have a talk with your boss, whom you meet every day in the bank you are working for? WRONG! I am old but not retarded! Do not dare to disappoint me if you want to make business with me!
I want to know if you have really got the message from Mr. Mielke, which means did you have understood it? My insurance is very upset about the reaction of Mr. Mowete and will proceed reports to Interpol and EFCC in your country. I hope you can grasp what this means, as also you can get involved and be drawn into a court process for fraudulence because of that unseemly behavior of Mr. Mowete towards the EAV.
Already I have put a large quantity of money aside to solve the problems and my travel agent will get an air ticket to Abidjan for me, by next week. In Abidjan I will need a hotel suite in a decent hotel (not below five stars!) for the time I will stay there. As I have been informed there is the Sofitel in Abidjan, which I assume is the only proper five star hotel I can stay in, because of my high living standard and my businesses.
I need you to reserve a suite for me in that hotel and send me the reconfirmation sleeve incase I have to ask the management for certain things, regarding my stay in Abidjan. Please arrange this immediately.
Awaiting your answers until latest Friday
Auch Herr Mielke klopft nun mal wieder energisch beim Herrn Barrister Mowete an und es wird anstrengend, am: 18.12.2008
Herr Mielke -FI/Z
Poppenheim den 17.12.2008
Sehr geehrter Herr Mowete,
Wir haben Ihre Registrationsnummer DCC/PO/0124075 überprüft und erfahren, daß Sie unter dieser Nummer nicht registriert sind. Wir gehen nun davon aus, daß es sich hier um einen Betrugsversuch Ihrerseits handelt, was rechtliche Konsequenzen haben wird.
Da Sie offensichtlich zu keiner weiteren Anstrengung, den vorliegenden Fall mit uns zu klären, gewillt sind und behaupten, wir würden lügen, werden wir nach §24 VUVG, vom 04.40.1979, die Überweisung an Sie stornieren und ein Verfahren gegen Sie wegen Betrugs (§419 fee in advance fraud) bei Interpol durch WABITS eröffnen.
Desweiteren werden wir die EFCC von diesem Vorgang unterrichten und auch dort ein Verfahren gegen Sie anstrengen.
Herrn Peter Andrew kennen wir nicht und haben auch keine geschäftlichen Beziehungen mit ihm. Wir werden uns jedoch noch an Herrn Giesebrecht wenden, zur weiteren Beweisaufnahme.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
E. Mielke
Herr Giesebrecht hat auf die Schnelle seine Flugreise nach Abidjan buchen lassen und wird am 24 Dezember landen – es gibt doch noch Wunder.
Er schiebt noch ne mail ans Peterle nach, am: 18.12.2008
Dear Mr. Andrew,
Fortunately my travel agent could arrange my flight to Abidjan at short notice.
Please find attached my flight schedule and arrange my hotel suite ASAP for Wednesday 24th of December.
I am very busy now preparing my Journey to Africa. So, see you at Wednesday in Abidjan! I am looking forward
and I am waiting impatiently, to meet you in person.
Und im Anhang die Flugdaten
Leider wieder etwas unscharf. Herrn Giesebrechts Fähigkeiten, seinen Scanner richtig zu bedienen, lassen immer noch sehr zu wünschen übrig.
Das Peterle meldet sich flugs am: 19.12.2008
hello, Hello … Wat heißt denn hier hello? Biste jeck?
i am very happy that you are coming here and i have contacted the hotel management at sofitel hotel in abidjan and they ask me to bring a copy of your passport so that they can confirm your arrival and make sure that you sent me a page where ivory coast visa is issued because the hotel need those information for your perusal.
please send me the requested information today so that i can arrange the hotel room immedaitely. Da isset wieder, dat schwere Wort
Mr Peter
Hmmm.... keine Reaktion auf den verschwommenen Flugplan?
Herr Giesebrecht antwortet sofort:
Hello Peter,
I am holder of a Diplomat-Passport which will allow me to enter all countries worldwide. Visa is already done and stamped in my Passport, as you can see. I attach it to this mail.
Please send me ASAP the booking confirmation for my suite, with the full contact data of the Sofitel; I want to reconfirm with the hotel and in case I'll have some wishes for my stay in Abidjan. My arrival time in Abidjan you can gather from my flight schedule I already sent to you in the last mail.
I assume you will pick me up at the at the Port Buet Airport with a high class limousine, as it refers to my standard as a Diplomat. Also I carry a huge sum of money so that we can settle everything on the spot. Please take care for my security in Abidjan!
Die Anhänge
Herr Andrew kriegt es nicht so recht gebacken, mit der Reservierung der Suite ...
Er schreibt, am: 19.12.2008
i have meet the hotel management and i print out your passport and give to them but they rejected it because they said that you have to send where you photo is shown so that they can confirm your face when you will be coming to stay in the hotel because they do not want another person to stay in your reservation,
please send me their request immediately so that i can tell you the total cost and also tell me how many night you want to stay in the hotel.
mr peter andrew
Ach, da hat Opa Giesebrecht die erste Seite seines Passports vergessen mit zuschicken. Am: 20.12.2008
God morning Mr. Andrew,
Actually I forgot to send you the scan with the first page, the photo page of my passport; sorry for that, I will attach it to this email.
I have send you my German ID in the beginning of our conversation; you could print this out and show to the hotel manager. On this ID are the same data’s as on my Diplomat Passport so the manager can see my photo.
You can also send me the contact data’s of the hotel and the phone number. My clerk will regulate this without any problems, don't worry.
Please have in mind that I will arrive with a lot of money (around 20.000.-Euros) in my briefcase and may be, need a kind of a security in Abidjan. Please kindly arrange this.
Im Anhang die erste Seite des Diplomatenpasses
Und ‘s Peterle antwortet brav am selben Tag, der ein Sonnabend war, am: 20.12.2008 um 20:11:13 In Abidjan gibts wohl inzwischen Cybercafes, die am Samstag geöffnet sind?
Dear Giesebrecht, Hey, wo ist das Mr. Geblieben, du Rüpel!
I have receive all your information's and i will get back to you later.
Am 22.12.2008 schickt Onkel Giesebrecht noch eine mail ans Peterle
Dear Mr. Andrew,
Please send me ASAP the booking receipt of the hotel, so that I can check some issues concerning my privacy, with the Sofitel.
Have in mind that I have to leave my mansion, very early on Tuesday with my private helicopter, to reach the Airport in adequate time and to catch my flight to Abidjan. I need to call the hotel today.
Send me the booking receipt today please.
Mr. Giesebrecht
Herr Andrew hat natürlich nicht die angeforderte Buchungsquittung geschickt. Herr Giesebrecht ist am Dienstag früh zum Flughafen geflogen worden (privater Helikopter) und wird am Mittwoch in Abidjan landen.
Er wird aber nicht von einen Mann, sondern von einer sehr hübschen Frau am Flughafen abgeholt, die sich als Mr. Andrews Privatsekretärin Ina vorstellt. Herr Giesebrecht wird, in Inas Begleitung, einige Tage viel Spaß haben, Herrn Mowete trifft er auch, mithilfe der Lieben Miss Ina und übergibt ihm zwanzigtausend Euronen, zur Deckung der noch anfallenden Kosten für den Transfer des Geldes nach Deutschland.
Mal sehen, was er sagt wenn ich erst in einer Woche antworte und mal sehen, wasser sacht, wenn ich ihm erzähle, ich sei von Fräulein Ina abgeholt und bereits rundum versorgt worden.
Eine Woche später
(Verwunderlicherweise kam nicht eine mail in der Zwischenzeit, da mein Lad nicht weiß, wann Giesebrecht wieder abreist.)
Herr Giesebrecht ist wieder daheim und schreibt dem Peterle gleich mal eine Email, am: 31.12.2008
Hallo Mr. Andrew,
now I am back again in my domicile in Forzheim and will await the further Steps now for the transfer of the US$ 8.4 Million.
I was a little perplex in the first, as I arrived at the Airport, that there was a young lady instead of you, to meet me. But the sign with my name on it convinced me immediately.
She said you had to leave to Walhalla in Lummerland, on short notice and she is entrusted to fully regulate everything with me in your name. Your secretary Ms. Ina is a very beautiful woman and she took care of me in indescribably way, the whole week long.
She showed me around, we visited some beaches and clubs and had a very nice time together. I am sure you be informed already, that Ms. Ina also had arranged a meeting with Mr. Mowete and that I gave him the 20.000,00 Euro in trust to compensate all futurely upcoming costs, concerning our deal. I also was amazed by the two body guards who accompanied us all the time. Both where very handsome and highly attentive that no one could disturb our business.
Shall I contact the bank now and make the application about transferring the money to my bank account, or will you do it? How long you think it will take until the 8.4 Million arrive at my bank account?
Best regards
K.D. Giesebrecht
Huch! … isser wech?
Bait save
Herrmann the German
Beiträge: | 970 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2008 |
Herrmann....dar Aussie würde sagen: "you´re a bloody bastard"
Das hast du sauber hingelegt
Eigendlich schade, ich hatte schon soooo schöne Fotos von Opa Giesebrecht und Fräulein Ina in Abidjan gemacht.
Es scheint also GAME OVER zu sein.
Bait save
Herrmann the German
Beiträge: | 970 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2008 |
hallo Coroner,
danke und ein frohes neues Jahr!
Bait save
Herrmann the German
Beiträge: | 970 |
Registriert am: | 28.02.2008 |
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