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Mugu Mail mit 10 Dokumenten Anhägen...

#1 von Scambaiter , 09.09.2008 00:01

Solche Flut von Dokumenten findet man selten, in Verbindung mit einer einer Initialmail.

In Antwort auf:
Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:12 AM
From: "melvin clark"
To: undisclosed-recipients

Message contains attachments
Clark1.JPG (328KB), Clark2.JPG (360KB), Clark3.JPG (464KB), Clark4.JPG (363KB), Clark5.JPG (99KB), Clark6.JPG (372KB), Clark7.JPG (391KB), Clark8.JPG (122KB), Clark9.JPG (95KB), Death Certificate.jpg (226KB)
Greetings ,

I am sending you this email with the spirit of happiness and with great amount of trust.

My name is Melvin Clark, from Liberia . I am the eldest son of the late Captain Gordon Clark, the former Director of Ministry of Mining and Solid Mineral, Liberia .

I am now in Ghana as a refugee in the Ghana refugee camp. Please, I want to confide on you to help me solve this problem, which I have. My late father deposited a consignment with a security & finance company before the war in my country, and when the fight was ablaze, my parent was shot dead by the rebels and I escaped to exile by the assistant of The United Nations peace keeping soldiers who brought me to Ghana to seek asylum under Ghana Government.

One of my late father's friends, Mr. Yang Lee is suppose to receive the consignment for him in Asia, all effort to contact Mr. Yang Lee has proved abortive but I still remain the next of kin to empower a new foreign partner to assist and work on behalf of me, it is on this note that I am contacting you to please assist me to make claims of the consignments from the security company and help us invest the funds for the benefit of my future.

I have personally contacted the security Company and they have assured me that the consignment is intact and his ready to deliver the consignment to any of my late father partner or anybody I empower to received the consignment in any part of Asia, America or Europe as it was instructed by my late father before he die, now what I intend to do now is to empower you for the claim of this consignment on behalf of me in your country.

Please, this is confidential, and I have not told anybody before about this, the consignment contains 50 Carats of purple rough-cut diamond gemstones of Diamond Creek, Lofa County Origin and $30 Million U.S Dollars which according to what I see from my late fathers will, the money is two silver boxes.
I count on you and i trust you because am sure and i have the believed that you can do it and be honest with me.

At the moment i did not have any financial power to handle this transaction alone and that is why am getting you involve to help me with one mind and solve this problem for me.

I am sending this email on public cafe, I cannot say everything here for confidential reason, but please you can give me your telephone number and i will call you immediately.

Attachment are all the documents i saw on my father briefcase, I want you to check it up and let me know how you can iron this issue out for me as soon as possible.

Thank you, with hope of your help.
Yours truly,
Mr. Melvin Clark.

Mailto: "melvin clark"

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

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Clark1.JPG   Clark2.JPG   Clark3.JPG   Clark4.JPG   Clark5.JPG   Clark6.JPG   Clark7.JPG   Clark8.JPG   Clark9.JPG   Death Certificate.jpg  

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Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.09.2008 | Top

RE: Mugu Mail mit 10 Dokumenten Anhägen...

#2 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 09.09.2008 06:22

die Dokumente sind alle echt, das sieht man sofort


RE: Mugu Mail mit 10 Dokumenten Anhägen...

#3 von Tumbleweed , 09.09.2008 14:02

ja, genau so echt wie die Gucci-Handtasche, die meine Kollegin für 4 Teuro in der Türkei gekauft hat

Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen ( Loriot )

Die letzte Stimme, die man hört, bevor die Welt untergeht, wird die eines Experten sein, der versichert, das sei technisch unmöglich. (Sir Peter Ustinov)

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