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slambjss(amao salomon) 28 y.o., Male Cotonou, Benin

#1 von Scambaiter , 02.06.2008 20:53

Damit die Mädels nicht zu kurz kommen:

Zitat von Message from slambjss
sent at 9:19pm CEST on June 1, 2008

Dear friend

I am glad to have come accross of your profil which really instrust me to ask you be my
penpal .My name is Salomon Oyewole AMAO,i am christian black man from Benin Republic,
a country located in West africa. I am 28 years old and i like travel, football,
movies, music. I can speak french and english
Good luck and God bless you.

Yours faithfully.
my mobil contact: 002299727404­­6

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: slambjss(amao salomon) 28 y.o., Male Cotonou, Benin

#2 von Scambaiter , 15.06.2008 02:23

Und wieder mal eine russische Freundin...

Message from nadezhda0275

In Antwort auf:
sent at 12:41am CEST on June 15, 2008

Hello! I would like to get acquainted with you. My name Nadezhda. I the sociable person. I like to communicate.​ To me to like to learn new people. All is interesting to me new. I with big pleasure would receive from you the answer.
I liked your profile. And I would like that we communicated​. I think, that with you it will be interesting.​ I hope that I will like you. I will necessarily answer you if you to me write. If you answer me I will write to you more about yourself and I will send you my photo. I will not occupy from you a lot of time. Write to me if you want.

If I have interested you, you can write me on mine E-mail the address:​insessa@gmai​

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006


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