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RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#21 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 18.02.2007 17:10

Aber Jack pokert weiter und erhöht den Einsatz....

In Antwort auf:
From: "jack-winchester" <>
To: <>
Subject: AW: Fund Convertion/Update
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 16:56:04 +0000
Hello Mrs Hopkins,

you want pay me 312,457.51 USD??? This is much, wow!!!
And this comes from sachsische lottorie?

If you give me some proof about this money, about you,
your company and about the payment of 312.457,51 USD to me,
I will pay asap.

thx, Jack

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.02.2007 17:43 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#22 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 18.02.2007 17:13

Hispeed kommt ins Schwitzen und blufft...

In Antwort auf:
From: <>
To: "jack-winchester" <>
Subject: Ou Response/Update.
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 13:27:59 -0500
Hi-Speed Services Ltd
Courier House
GU12 6PD
United Kingdom.


Mr. Jack Winchester

In response of your last email, we would like you to note the following:

1. Mrs. Hopkins is not the person who is contacting you concerning your
consignment delivery, she is only the chief accounting office in company.

2. All email that is been transmitted through this companys private email
address is been answered and replied by different customer service

In regards to your consignment, this company is in possession of the said
consignment and our job is to delivery it safely to you.
The said consignment was forwarded to us by Sächsische Lotto-GmbH for
onward delivery to your said address.

This company is one of the largest courier companies in United Kingdom,
and was established in 1986 and we deliver consignments to any part of the
country however remote and worldwide.

Below are list of our company code of practice and customer charter commitments,
We will deliver to any part of the country however remote and worldwide.
We will monitor our service from collection to delivery.

We will take good care of your delivery and ensure it is delivered quickly and safely.
If we are unable to make a delivery, we will call you.
We will wear name badges whenever we deal directly with customers and
give our names if you write or telephone us

This company offers the following services:

European Services
Worldwide Service
On board courier service
Airport to Airport
Door to Door.

Here is this company registration number:

And our offices are located at:

1. Southern office

Hi-Speed Services Ltd
Courier House
Aldershot Road, Ash
Aldershot, Hampshire
GU12 6PD
TEL: +44-703-187-0842

2. Midland office

Hi-Speed Services Ltd
38a Somers Road
Somers Industrial Estate
Rugby, Warwickshire
CV22 7DH


I believe that this company has forwarded to you a copy of our guarantee
letter, which is going to make sure that nothing happens to your
consignment before delivery. If there is any loose or damage this company
is going to make refunds of any funds involve.

Note: Our job is to make delivery of your said consignment, and your job is
to pay for the shipment of this consignment so that it can be delivered to
you soonest.

Kindly inform this company if you are going to make the said payment or
not, so we should know what to do with your consignment.

If you think you want to speak to any of our customer care representative
kindly call us now at: +44-703-187-0842 I believe we are here to answer
your questions.
Your response is highly welcome.

We are glad to be at your service.

Customer Services
Hi-speed Services

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.02.2007 17:42 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#23 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 18.02.2007 17:19

Jack wird langsam sauer, aber er bleibt cool
und schreibt mal 'ne richtig lange mail...

In Antwort auf:
From: "jack-winchester" <>
To: <>
Subject: AW: Ou Response/Update.
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:13:09 +0000
Hi Speed People,

I hope you dont hold back my money from Sachsische Lotto!
Until now I only know one name, Mrs. Hopkins, but you write she is not
responsible. Who is responsible?

You send me one paper, where you guarantee something. What?
No word in this document about my money or the Sachsische Lotto.

And when I want to check the tracking number youve sent me,
it did not work. And from you I have the information:
Sorry tracking system out of order. What's that proof?

Send me something real, real documents from the Sachsische or
something else real, for the real 2.829,11 US Dollar I have here.

If you try to keep my money from Sachsische back, I will give you the

Thx, Jack Winchester

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.02.2007 17:43 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#24 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 18.02.2007 17:22

Hispeed wird nervös und zieht noch 2 Asse aus dem Ärmel

In Antwort auf:
From: <>
To: "jack-winchester" <>
Subject: Details/Update.
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 1:44:30 -0500
Hi-Speed Services Ltd
Courier House
GU12 6PD
United Kingdom.

Mr. Jack Winchester

Good day to you, we want to let you know that we are not trying to keep
the money you won from Sächsische Lotto-GmbH; we are only trying to make
delivery of your winning.

Regarding the person that is responsible for the delivery of your said
fund, Mr. Stevens Herbert he is the Manager of the delivery department he
alone has the authority to approve your said consignment for delivery.
After payment have been that makes him responsible for the onward delivery
of your said funds.

Kindly Note that what is enclosed in your consignment from Sächsische
Lotto-GmbH Company is none of our business, but delivering the said
consignment safely and healthy to you, that is our everyday business, Put
your trust in us that we can make this happen.

Be inform you that the tracking system from our website is now in a
good working condition; the reason why we had the last problem is simply
because our tracking system was under maintenance.

You can find attached your shipment tracking details, as shown on the
tracking details your said funds was authorize from the said people as
listed below, one from Mr. Heinz Frazier of Sächsische Lotto-GmbH company
and passed it to Mr. Stevens Herbert of Hi-Speed service for onward
delivery to you.

You can also find attached a written consignment delivery letter from
Sächsische Lotto-GmbH Company Information and Payment Bureau Department to
Hi-Speed Service Ltd. We are only disclosing this information to you
because we want you to have trust in this company that we can deliver your
said winning of 1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO).

We are one of the best in this delivery business, and be informed that
we have delivered several similar consignment from Sächsische Lotto-GmbH
company to different other winners worldwide. We have experience in such
consignment delivery field and we want you to put your trust in us that we
can deliver your consignment without any interruption or problem.

Kindly go ahead and pay up the said shipping charges, as we have stated
before, we are not holding back your funds (consignment) from been
Dispatched, rather you are holding back your funds (consignment from been

I believe this reputable company has given you enough proof for you to
know that we have what it takes to put your consignment on the way to your
door step in less than 24hrs.

Kindly respond to this email by forwarding to us your shipment payment
information, as a scanned copy, and also in writing as stated in the
western union payment slip and email it to us.
We are glad to be at your service.

Customer Services
Hi-speed Services

Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.02.2007 17:44 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#25 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 18.02.2007 18:06


Das Tracking System auf der Pseudo Hispeed Website funktioniert
jetzt wirklich, wenn man die o.g. Nummern eingibt, erfährt man,
daß dort 1,5 kg Irgendwas für Jack Winchester herumliegen...

Schlau gemacht und mit realistischer Optik, ein Idiot würde drauf reinfallen,
aber nicht Jack Winchester from Kentucky....

Unterbrechung stop.


RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#26 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 18.02.2007 18:09

Jack, Nerven wie Drahtseile, mit Erfahrung aus unzähligen
Pokernächten, kein Gegner hat bisher ein Duell mit ihm

In Antwort auf:
From: "jack-winchester" <>
To: <>
Subject: AW: Details/Update.
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 18:07:23 +0000
Hello Hi-Sepeed,

thx for your mail and for information about my money.
Next week I will go to Western Union and pay the shipping charges.

But this is much money, I would feel absolut sure,
if you send me a copy of the ID-Card or passport
from a responsible person at your company.
I dont want lose money, I think you understand this.

Thx, Jack Winchester
Und Jack weiß,wenn der Gegner zuckt und nervös wird...nachsetzen....
In Antwort auf:
From: "jack-winchester" <>
To: <>
Subject: AW: Details/Update.
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 11:36:37 +0000
Hello hi-speed,

I still wait for a proof about my Million.
What you have sent me until now, I can write
in 10 min. on my computer.
If you don't send me something real, I will pay nothing to you.
And if you hold back my money, I know what to do.
So please send me something serious.

thx, Jack Winchester

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.02.2007 18:31 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#27 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 18.02.2007 18:21

Hispeed ist weichgekocht und die Nerven liegen blank...

In Antwort auf:
From: <>
To: "jack-winchester" <>
Subject: Update/18-02-2007
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 8:52:01 -0500
Hi-Speed Services Ltd
Courier House
GU12 6PD
United Kingdom.


Mr. Jack Winchester

This is to acknowledge receipt of you e-mail and its content well noted.
About sending you a form of identification of any of our top staff or
representative, we have contacted the manager of the delivery department
Mr. Stevens Herbert about this matter, and he said that since you are
looking for an authentic proof he is going to forward to you a copy of any
of the staffs identification card.

Kindly be patient and wait for some few hours, so that we can get an
approval from the director, in other for us to forward the form of
identification to you.

We are glad to be at your service.

Customer Services
Hi-speed Services


zuletzt bearbeitet 18.02.2007 18:31 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#28 von Scambaiter , 18.02.2007 21:14

Hallo Cowboy Jack Winchester aus Kentucky, könnten wir in einen Erfahrungsaustauch treten?
Ich habe gerade auch gewonnen - bei Sachsen Lotto.
Das schöne daran ist, man muss gar nicht spielen, und gewinnt trotzdem.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 17:01:00 +0100
Von: "sachsische lotto" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: ***
Betreff: Congratulations ! ! ! You Have Won One Million Euro

Sächsische Lotto-GmbH
Central Office.
Management and Central Services:
Oststraße 105 D – 04317, Leipzig Germany.


We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws of Sächsische Lotto-GmbH Program.

Sächsische Lotto-GmbH draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 20,000,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an automated random computer ballot search from the internet as part of our international promotions program which we conduct every year. No tickets were sold.
After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address attached to serial number 06-3434 drew the lucky numbers 7-17-21-26-37-42, which consequently emerged as one of first fifty (50) lucky winners in this category.

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payoff of €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in cash credited to file SL/06-GmbH/4009. This is from total cash

prize of €50 Million Euro shared amongst the first fifty- (50) lucky winners in this category. Your funds are now deposited in an offshore bank with a hardcover insurance.
Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representative office in London.
In view of this, our affiliate bank in the Europe would release your €1,000,000.00 (One Million Euro) to you.
To begin your claim, you are to choose from the options below:

1.Telegraphic /swift bank transfer.
2. Diplomatic Courier Service.

For option one (1),you are to send your name and address in full, phone number, bank name, bank address, next of kin, account number, Swift/Routing/Sort Code, so as to facilitate the release of your funds to your stated local bank account.
For option two (2),you are to send your name, phone number, information of next of kin, mailing address(home or office address), so as to facilitate the release of your Funds to your desired address.

You are required to send the necessary information as regards your chosen option to our help line below:

Sächsische Lotto-GmbH
Information and Payment Bureau:
London Representative Office
Help Service Contact
Tel: +44-702-403-7669

You will be assisted in the processing and remittance of your prize funds into your designation.

Note that all prize funds must be claimed not later than two weeks. After this date all funds will be returned to the LOTTERY TREASURY as unclaimed. please endeavor to quote your Reference Number:SL/06-GmbH/4009 and Batch numbers:SL/06-GmbH/3434 in every correspondence with your agent.

Congratulations once again from all members of our staff and thanks for being part of our promotions program.

Mrs.Haley Abban
Promotions Manager.
Sächsische Lotto-GmbH

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.540
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.02.2007 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#29 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 18.02.2007 21:24

....aber why the Heck sprechen die Sachsen auf einmal alle english?????


RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#30 von Scambaiter , 18.02.2007 21:27


MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.540
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#31 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 18.02.2007 21:30

Hey Mr. Scambaiter, this is Jack Winchester from Kentucky....
I don't know who you are, and what's that: "Erfarungaustausch"?
But if you wanna steal my million bucks, then...
Halt, keine Bange Scambaiter, ich tausch gern.

Ich geb Dir meine Erfahrung, und Du mir Deine Million....

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.02.2007 21:31 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#32 von Scambaiter , 19.02.2007 00:00

...nee. nee mach mal weiter.
Du warst zuerst drann...

Ich gewinne auch wieder mal. Unsere Freunde--> lassen uns nicht im Stich.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.540
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#33 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 19.02.2007 00:16

Ja, aber ist schon witzig, die Außenstelle der Sächsischen England.

Und die Jungs sind zwar so schlau eine falsche Website einzurichten,
aber daß ihnen ein Cowboy aus Kentucky schreibt, mit 'ner Mailadresse:, das fällt ihnen nicht auf.

Wahrscheinlich versaufen sie grad meine Million...
Ich glaub ich besuch die mal mit meinem Pacemaker....


RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#34 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 19.02.2007 19:43

News von Hi Speed, sie beschweren sich, daß Jack so mißtrauisch ist
und hoffen, daß er ab sofort ihre Arbeit leichter macht.
Aber sie senden einen Ausweis. Na also, geht doch.....

In Antwort auf:
From: <>

To: "jack-winchester" <>

Subject: Passport/Update.

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 2:22:49 -0500

Hi-Speed Services Ltd
Courier House
GU12 6PD
United Kingdom.

Mr. Jack Winchester

Find attached to this email, an international passport of Mr. Stevens G.
Herbert, the Manager of dispatch department of this organization.
He is the person in charge of your consignment delivery.

In regards to feeding you with proofs of authentication of your
consignment, I believe we have given you enough proof. We are not in the
position to provide you any more proof; all such issues should be cleared
with the lottery board, we will appreciate if you make our job easier.
We are glad to be at your service.

Customer Services
Hi-speed Services

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.02.2007 19:46 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#35 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 19.02.2007 20:05


Die Jungs von Hi Speed sind recht zickig, ich glaube mehr kann ich da nicht rausholen.
Den Ausweis habe ich durch den Paßvalidator geschickt, mit dem Ergebnis:

Zweimal sind im Verlauf meines Mailwechsels andere Namen aufgetaucht:
Einmal haben sie mich falsch angeschrieben und ein anderer Name kam auf der angeblichen
Hi Speed Tracking Website. Ich denke das sind Namen von anderen, realen Opfern.
Deshalb habe ich heute Scotland Yard eine Mail geschickt und ein paar Daten, die Bilder und den
Ausweis hingeschickt. S.Y hat prompt geantwortet, sie haben sich bedankt und verfolgen
den Fall weiter. Wenn sich was tut werde ich es hier posten...

Thx. Jack....

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.02.2007 20:06 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#36 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 19.02.2007 20:32

In Antwort auf:

From Jack Winchester


Betreff: AW Passport/Update

Hello Hi-Speed Service,

thx for good help and information. Now I know you are serious.
Tomorrow I'll go to Western Union and pay.
Please inform me when I will receive my money.

Best regards

Jack Winchester

Hi Speed setzt nach...
In Antwort auf:

From: <>

To: "jack-winchester" <>

Subject: Response/Update.

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 13:26:07 -0500

Hi-Speed Services Ltd
Courier House
GU12 6PD
United Kingdom.


Mr. Jack Winchester

As soon as your payment is recieved in this office, your winning
consignment will disptach immediately and get to you not later than 24hrs
after approval.

We are glad to be at your service.

Customer Services
Hi-speed Services

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.02.2007 20:37 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#37 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 25.02.2007 01:36

Ja und die gleiche Mail kam noch 2-3 mal. Interessant ist, daß alle
Mails die gleiche IP haben. Sie kommen von Interland, das ist,
ein Internet Provider. Ich nehme an, dort liegt auch die getürkte Hi-speed Website.

Dann kam eine andere Mail, mal mit kpl. Header.

In Antwort auf:
Return-Path: <>Received: from
( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 110AD74320
for <>; Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:43:01 +0000 (GMT)

Received: from
( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 59B73EFC97
for <>; Wed, 21 Feb 2007 11:42:56 +0100 (CET)

Received: from
( [])
by (
with SMTP id l1LAgTmd010630
for <>; Wed, 21 Feb 2007 05:42:29 -0500
Message-Id: <>
X-Mailer: Openwave WebEngine, version 2.8.11 (webedge20-101-194-20030622)

From: <>
To: <>
Subject: Your Update is needed.
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 5:42:29 -0500
Hi-Speed Services Ltd
Courier House
Aldershot Road, Ash
Aldershot, Hampshire
GU12 6PD


Good day to you, Please kindly update us on your shipping charges payment.

Kindly write us and tell us when this payment is to be recieved, so that
we we would know what to do with your consignment.

We are glad to be at your service.

Customer Services
Hi-speed Services

"Hi-speed" is a registered and copyright trade marks of :- hi-speed
International Ltd.

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.02.2007 02:22 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#38 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 25.02.2007 01:50

Die letzte Mail war ja noch freundlich, mit Anrede usw.
In dieser Mail ändert sich das kpl....

In Antwort auf:
Return-Path: <>

Received: from
( [])
by (Postfix)
with ESMTP id 152BF65C1C7
for <>; Thu, 22 Feb 2007 18:12:01 +0000 (GMT)

Received: from
( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id BCB4034C1B
for <>; Thu, 22 Feb 2007 17:57:07 +0000 (GMT)

Received: from
( [])
( with ESMTP id l1MHsRTh023977
for <>; Thu, 22 Feb 2007 12:54:27 -0500

Received: from
( [])
( with SMTP id l1MHqsIq006493
for <>; Thu, 22 Feb 2007 12:52:55 -0500

Message-Id: <>
X-Mailer: Openwave WebEngine, version 2.8.11 (webedge20-101-194-20030622)
From: <>
To: "jack-winchester" <>
Subject: Update
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 12:52:54 -0500

This company is requesting payment update from you waitin 24hrs,
if we have no response from you, then we would take all necessary steps
to trace you home.


Wenn ich nicht zahle,"to trace you home",
das soll wohl sowas wie eine Drohung sein.
Keine normale Company schreibt sowas.

Ja und jetzt bin ich mir nicht schlüssig
wie ich auf diese Mail reagieren soll?!?!

Und was macht Jack Winchester?

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.02.2007 02:23 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#39 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 25.02.2007 02:23

[img]Jack ist cool und setzt nach...

In Antwort auf:

Hello Hispeed people,

You want visit me? Great idea!!
You have my adress and you're welcome!!!
When you come better you have them bucks with you.

I have written some mails to you, but something's wrong.
There are more than one hispeed mail adress.
And in google I find a website: What's that?

When I try to check my tracking number on your website
then I get no information.

What's that all proof? Not enough to pay you a dime.
And you try to steal my money from the sachsische lotto!!

Nobody steals something from Jack Winchester.
So you better come over with the money.

Jack Winchester

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.02.2007 02:27 | Top

RE: Jack Winchester - Cowboy aus Kentucky

#40 von fridolin , 25.02.2007 09:40

Aren´t you protected by Smith & Wesson and the good old pumpgun?


Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.02.2007 | Top


Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Be
Daewoo Founder 39.000.000 $

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