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Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#41 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 31.12.2008 23:35

Ich glaube, es wird Zeit zu anworten, Mugulein war auch mit Onkel

My dearest sugarbabe,

when i woke up an hour ago, i saw a laptop standing beside my bed an a letter.
My uncle came over here to bring the laptop, so that we can talk together.
He knows, how much i miss you. He wants that i can talk to you and hopes
that i get well again as soon as possible. He had to leave, so he wrote
that in his letter. He had to wait for hours for my awakening, but he had
to leave. I am feeling a little bit sorry, that he is not here anymore.
But the more i feel unhappy, that i miss you so much. Hope you are well, my seety!!!!!!

I have to stay here some more days the docotors told me. I am infected by a virus...
i only could infect me during my last trip to one of my clients. John, what are you
doing, how are you? I am in love with you and i wish i could lay beside you know
to get well again. I don´t know by now, if i am allowed to chat with you this evening,
cause of my condition, but if i am allowed, tell me when can i meet you?

I really hope, i will be allowed, otherwise we will write letters until than.

Sweety, pleas take good care of you.

In love



Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#42 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 31.12.2008 23:37

Good to hear from you
Von: John Williams <>
Datum: 31.12.08 19:25:29 Uhr

Oh my love,you don't know how painful it is and how miserable life is without you ,
how i wish you know how excited and overjoyed i feel to read from you this evening...
my love please take very good care of yourself for me ,i have been praying with Paula
that you should have quick recovery.
i will be here at 10: 00 pm or earlier,i have missed you so much and know that
i love you with all sincerity and i don't plan to break your heart.


Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#43 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 01.01.2009 01:10

Nachdem ich um zehn Uhr nicht online kommen konnte, mußte ich meinem Schatz doch
wenigstens eine Nachricht hinterlassen

Hello my sweety,

i cannot sleep because i miss you so much. I hoped i could come earlier to the
computer but the doctor told his nurses they should pay attention that i sleep.
Because of the medicine i am so tired, but you are in my mind. In some minutes
the new year begins, so the nurses are sitting in their room and looking to the
fireworks outside. And they think, i am sleeping. So i am here now. I started
the messanger, but i was too late. You are not there. I hope so much to talk to you.

In deep love with you and a lots of kisses.



Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#44 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 01.01.2009 01:21

Und dann haben wir uns doch noch im chat getroffen

sparkelsonja: hope you have a good start into 2009. Are you celebrating? Miss you so much
sparkelsonja: buzz me, if you come here, maybe i felt asleep

sincerity4love001: i am here now my love
sparkelsonja: hi
sparkelsonja: so glad to see you here
sparkelsonja: how was your start in 2009

sincerity4love001: Good rushed here to talk to you and to wish you a happy new year
sparkelsonja: kisses
sincerity4love001: baby i am missing you so badly
sparkelsonja: me too
Bla,bla,bla...eigentlich müßte er besorgt sein und fragen wie es mir geht
und was die Ärzte sagen...achja geht ja nicht...Speicher denkt ans Geld

sincerity4love001: lots of love
sparkelsonja: its bad to stay in hospital
sincerity4love001: i understand how sad that feels
sparkelsonja: i wish you could stay by my side
sincerity4love001: oh how i wish i could stay by your side too
sincerity4love001: you have the key to my heart
sparkelsonja: are you celebrating tonight?
sincerity4love001: no
sincerity4love001: i just got back from church
sparkelsonja: oh really
sparkelsonja: how was it

sincerity4love001: Good,i prayed for us
sparkelsonja: that very good
sincerity4love001: and i know our prayers will be answered
sparkelsonja: yes, its now time for the things getting well
sincerity4love001: i am glad i found you my love
sparkelsonja: me too
sincerity4love001: yes things will get better soon and we would be able to spend quality times together
sparkelsonja: i hope this time will come soon and stay forever
sincerity4love001: AMEN
sincerity4love001: my love...your uncle and I exchanged emaiils today
sparkelsonja: oh really
sincerity4love001: yes my love
sincerity4love001: he was so particular about money
sparkelsonja: so particular about money?
sincerity4love001: i dont now why he is so particular about money money money
sincerity4love001: he said he want me to go somewhere here that he will tell someone to give me money at the sea port
sparkelsonja: i think he wanted that you will get the money as soon as possible
sincerity4love001: if he wants me to get the money as soon as possible
sincerity4love001: let him send it through western union
sparkelsonja: he told me, he wanted to send by Moneygram
sincerity4love001: and why did he not send it then?
sparkelsonja: i don´t know, i did not talk to him, he brought the laptop and i got his short letter
sparkelsonja: maybe you should ask him once more
sparkelsonja: sweety, i don´t know what you both talked about
sparkelsonja: the only thing he told me is, that he thinks you don´t need the money urgently
sparkelsonja: maybe you did not understand correct or may be he did not
sparkelsonja: still there?

Jetzt fängt das schon wieder an, daß er nicht anwortet
ok, aber ruhig und brav bleiben
sincerity4love001: yes i am here my love
sincerity4love001: if he really want to help me
sincerity4love001: he should be able to locate a western union outlet or money gram out let to send the money from
sincerity4love001: instead of asking me to travel miles to go and see somebody i have not met or knew before to get money
sparkelsonja: really?
sincerity4love001: yes that was what he told me
sparkelsonja: i think there must be some misunderstandings
sparkelsonja: i know he is a sincere man, and always correct
sparkelsonja: i cannot imagine that he told this to you
sparkelsonja: but pleas ask him once more, caus i know he wanted to send with money gram

sincerity4love001: that was what he told me
sparkelsonja: hm
sparkelsonja: next time he comes over here, i will ask him

sincerity4love001: why not talk to him yourself my love
sincerity4love001: he is your uncle and you should be able to talk to him
sparkelsonja: i will do
sincerity4love001: i emailed him the details he would use in sending it through western union and money gram
sparkelsonja: sweety i will ask him if there were some misunderstandings
sparkelsonja: i cannot explain

sincerity4love001: try and talk to him
sincerity4love001: to send it through western union
sincerity4love001: my love Paula and I have not had dinner yet
sparkelsonja: i think it doesn´t matter anything if he sends by western union or money gram
sparkelsonja: ?

sincerity4love001: it doesn't matter
sparkelsonja: ok
sincerity4love001: it is faster,safer and reliable
sparkelsonja: you did not have anything to eat today?
sparkelsonja: thats really bad
sparkelsonja: can you aks the pastors wife until money will be there

sincerity4love001: let me try and look around if we would get something to eat,i want to go and talk to the hotel manager
sparkelsonja: ok sweety do it
sincerity4love001: they are not rich
sparkelsonja: i don´t want to be in sorrow
sincerity4love001: i am even owing her now
sincerity4love001: just talk to your uncle for me
sparkelsonja: i will do, i promise
sincerity4love001: and let him send it through western union or money gram
sparkelsonja: ups, wait - need to puke
sparkelsonja: back

Mugulein wird ungehalten, (er ist einfach mal wieder verschwunden)
ich langsam auch, da muß mir wohl was einfallen;
seine Tochter wird diesmal wohl verhungern; an schlechtem Essen sterben geht
nicht, sie isst ja nichts


Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#45 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 01.01.2009 14:57

Mugulein muß sich doch mal melden, er könnte ja um sein Geld kommen
aber er hält sich sehr kurz, aber immerhin, war er doch eingeschnappt

Happy new year to you my love
Von: John Williams <>
Datum: 01.01.09 07:52:52 Uhr

Happy New year to you my love,i pray this new year is filled with lots of joy and
happiness that our heart desires to be together as husband and wife .........and all
our heart desire comes to reality.........
Get well soon my love i love you how i wish we could celebrate this New Year together


Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#46 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 01.01.2009 15:01

Na gut, er bekommt ja auch eine Antwort, aber bestimmt wollte er
das alles nicht hören...

Hello my Darling,

thank you for your letter this morning. I was so dissappointed when you left yahoo
last night. It ist not gentleman-like to leave his wife, when she is in hospital and
is really feeling miserabel. Do you think, I wished to get infected by this awful virus?
And the doctors are teasing me too. They don´t allow me to stay longer than 15 minutes
at the computer. Well, they told me yesterday i failed five, i don´t know,
i have to believe. But sometimes i am a bit pigheaded. And thats why i had a discussion
with one of the doctors. Unfortunatelly he is much more pigheaded. So i am only allowed
to write this letter to you. And when i finished, the take the computer away. But this
evening i will be allowed to write to you once more.

I am praying so much, that i can come out of here soon. In my dreams i could see our
wedding day. It was so great, you cannot imagine. And Paula looked so pretty an happy.
I could see her with a smile in her eyes, that says, everything is the best what happened
to all of us since the beginning of our birth.

Sweety, i miss you, i miss to talk to you and to feal your love. Hope you are well and
that you enjoy this first day in the New Year. Oh, you know what? Next year we celebrate
christmas togehter and walk hand in hand togehter into the New Year.

So, my sugarbabe, i have to finish. The doctor wants me to stop now and in all
honesty i have to say, i am so tired again and feeling week. I never wanted to
admit, but it is fact.

In deep love with you. Thousands of kisses. Sonja


Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#47 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 01.01.2009 21:30

Natürlich habe ich, wie beauftragt, meinem Onkel berichtet . Und mein
treusorgender und besorgter und allerliebster Onkel hat sich gleich
mal gekümmert:

Von: yyy
Gesendet: 01.01.09 18:14:05
An: "John Williams" <>
Betreff: Re: SONJA ?

Lieber John,

obwohl Du mich mit Deiner letzten Mail tief enttäuscht hast, ich aber um das
Wohlbefinden meiner Nichte besorgt bin, möchte ich Dir noch einmal schreiben.
Sonja hat mir mitgeteilt, dass Du sie gebeten hast mit mir zu reden, aber über
was sollte sie mit mir reden?
Da ich meiner Nichte in absehbarer Zeit ein en beträchtlichen Anteil des Firmenvermögens
überschreiben werde, wirst Du auch verstehen, dass ich ihr zukünftiger Bräutigam gerne
eimal persönlich kennenlernen will.
Es trifft sich gut, da unsere Modelagentur in Benin einen neuen Event plant, könnte ich
auf der Durchreise bei Dir vorbeikommen und wir das geschäftliche regeln.
Bitte siehe mal auf der Homepage nach, da wir dringend noch Agents suchen, die bei
sehr guter Bezahlung bei uns arbeiten wollen. Auch suchen wir noch mehre Models die
für uns tätig werden könnten. Kannst Du da vielleicht ein paar Mädchen empfehlen?
Nach einem kurzrn Telefonat mit Sonja, habe ich mich entschlossen sie auf die
Geschäftsreise mitzunehmen, damit auch sie Dich einmal kennenlernen kann.
Teile mir bitte genaue mit, damit wir uns nicht verfehlen. Ich hoffe diesmal auf
Deine Ernsthaftigkeit.

Liebe Grüße


RE: Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#48 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 01.01.2009 21:54

Obwohl ich schwer krank bin, habe ich mit meinem Onkel gesprochen,
Liebe kann eben Berge versetzen

Hello my sweety,

i am sad that there is no email from you. Hoped so much to read from you, my love
and my life. I am missing my sunshine.

As i promissed i talked to my uncle. He assured to find a solution. He told me that
he will visit you soon during his business trip over there. First of all he will ask
about your well-beeing and he wants to bring some presents for you and Paula, he already bought.

I am still in a bad condition and my stomach hurts so much, that i was not able
to talk to him more. But I think that these are really good news.

In love


zuletzt bearbeitet 01.01.2009 21:55 | Top

Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#49 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 02.01.2009 21:08

Ja der herzallerliebste John scheint gerade auf bockig zu machen, aber das habe
ich erwartet...

Gesendet: 02.01.09 19:58:21
An: "John Williams" <>
Betreff: Re: WHERE IS SONJA ?
Priorität: Hoch

Lieber John,

ich habe Dich versucht zu behandeln wie meinen eigenen Sohn, aber Du hast
mich tief enttäuscht.
Als Clanchef und Patrone möchte ich Dir mitteilen, dass ein solcher Außenseiter
in unserer ehrenwerten Familie nicht erwünscht ist.
Als Patrone werde ich meiner Nichte Sonja jeden weiteren Verkehr mit Dir untersagen.
Deine Spielchen werden von uns nicht geduldet. Du hast unsere Familie verschlappert
und das schreit nach Rache. Du kannst alles noch zum Guten wenden, wenn Du Dich in
den nächsten Stunden bei uns meldest und uns Deine Meinung unterbreitest. Ansonsten
würde ich mich auf der Straße öfter umsehen und etwas schneller gehen. Unser Arm ist
lang und die Ohrfeige hast Du Dir redlich verdient. Wir unterbreiten Dir die besten
Angebote mit hervorragenden Verdienstmöglichkeiten, aber Du hast keine Lust.
Achte auf Usman Bello, er wird Dich in den nächsten Tagen besuchen.

Also mein lieber Freund, melde Dich bald und teile uns Deine Antwort mit.

Liebe Grüße


Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#50 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 02.01.2009 21:13

Das ist das einzigste, was er hat von sich hören lassen. Ich glaube,
er investiert momentan lieber in andere Opfer, denn ich bin ja gerade
nicht erreichbar...und wenn ich im Krankenhaus bin, kann ich auch
nicht zur Bank gehen, also lohnt es sich wohl nicht - das bestätigt aber
den Eindruck, daß er das schnelle Geld will

How are you feeling now my love,i miss you so much
Love you always John

und das ist meine Antwort

Hi sweety,

i wonder about your question. I am still at hospital. It seems, that you are
not interested in me anymore, or what shall I think about such a stupid question.
By the way, my uncle ist angry, cause you don´t answer his emails. I don´t understand
your behaviour. He wants to help you, and you never mailed back. Why that?

Do you really love me, as i love you? I don´t understand what is going on by the time.
I would be really pleased about, to get letters, especially love letters from you.
But you only ask, where i am. I am crying, because i cannot explain to myself.

I love you


zuletzt bearbeitet 02.01.2009 21:29 | Top

Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#51 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 02.01.2009 22:39

Wow - eine Reaktion von Mugulein, und noch so auführlich



Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#52 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 02.01.2009 22:45

Gesendet: 02.01.09 21:17:18
An: "John Williams" <>
Betreff: Re: WHERE IS SONJA ?

Mein lieber Freund John,

was ist das für eine Frage auf meine Mail. Usman Bello ist der neue Verlobte
von Sonja, den die Familie ausgesucht hat, da mit Dir Weichei keine Geschäfte
zu machen sind. Er würde zu gerne sein neues Stiletto ausprobieren.

So mein lieber Freund ich verabschiede mich als mal von Dir und immer schön
vorsichtig sein.

Adieu mon ami

zuletzt bearbeitet 02.01.2009 22:47 | Top

Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#53 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 03.01.2009 00:03

Hm...ich höre nichts von surgarbabe...sehe ihn auch nicht in yahoo.
Vielleicht hilft ja dieser Brief, aber ich bin mir da nicht so ganz
sicher...sollte ich ihn in yahoo nochmal treffen, dann wird er
sicherlich ganz viel Druck machen

An - am 02.01.09, 23.55

My sugarbabe,

i waited so long in yahoo...but i did not meet you. I am feeling very sad about.
I miss you more and more and it hurts to feel so much love inside and not knowing
how you are, what are you doing and no possibility to talk to you.

Unfortunately i have bad news. My Uncle is very angry, that you don´t answer his
emails. He is a man of honour and the boss of our clan. Hope you understand.
Therefor it is him who decides what to do - and we, especially me, we have
to do as he tells us. So he decided that Usman Bello and me we are engaged.
I have to do what he wants me to do, otherwise i will not inherit anything,
not a cent at all. And this means, i won´t have any protection and many other
things by now at all.

Sugarbabe, why don´t you answer his letters. Everything could be in order and
i would be happy and overjoyed. Can you imagine how it feels that i love you
and have to marry Usman? Can you imagine, how it feels that i am not able to
understand, not in any case, that you will pay this price for loosing me? Can you
imagine, how it feels, to cry every night cause my heart is at your side
forever? And everyday i have to worry about you and paula cause Usman Bello
is a little bit dangerous. Sweety, please explain to me, why does this shit
happen to us? Does this God (especially your God) wants all this? I am sure,
you will find a solution. I am begging on my knees with tears in my eyes,
please answer my uncle and everything will be okay very soon.

In Love yours forever


zuletzt bearbeitet 03.01.2009 00:05 | Top

Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#54 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 04.01.2009 12:42

So, so, wir haben zu diskutieren...ja worüber wohl???

Re: what´s going on there?
Von: John Williams <>
Datum: 03.01.09 08:03:44 Uhr

My love when will you be online...? we have a lot to discuss


Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#55 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 04.01.2009 12:45

Gut, dachte ich mir, dann schauen wir mal, ob er in Yahoo zu finden ist.
Ich habe ihm die offline-message hinterlassen, daß ich aus dem Krankenhaus
entlassen wurde und wieder im Hotel bin. Allerdings nur mit Arzt an meiner
Seite. Natürlich vermisse ich ihn bis zum umfallen, aber keine Reaktion.


RE: Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#56 von Dana , 04.01.2009 12:48

Da gibt es nichts zu diskutieren. John sollte sich mal ein bisschen anstrengen und sich in Bewegung setzen, um seine Liebe zu retten.

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.01.2009 | Top

Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#57 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 04.01.2009 22:24

Ja, da gibt es nichts zu diskutieren...da er aber das schnelle Geld will,
ist er auch ganz schnell zur Sache gekommen...ich halte ihn aber noch ein
bischen hin


sincerity4love001: My love i am pleased to hear from you and to know that
you are out of the hopsital
sincerity4love001: i am online now and i a missing you so bad
sincerity4love001: i am here now waiting for you my lovwe
sparkelsonja: hello sweety
sincerity4love001: welcome my love
sincerity4love001: how are you and i am glad to know that you have left
the hospital
(genau, dann kanns nämlich endlich ans "Geld verdienen" gehen)
sincerity4love001: how are you feeling now?
sincerity4love001: i hope you are feeling much more better now?
sparkelsonja: oh i am feeling better, but not much better, but i
wanted to leave hospital and i had to sign, if something should happen
to me, that it is my responsibility
sparkelsonja: how are you doing

sincerity4love001: why dont you stay and get discharged by the doctor?
(weil du dich ja rar machst...du willst ja bald Geld bekommen, oder???)
sparkelsonja: well sweety i missed you so much and i was worried
about your short emails - i wanted to talk to you

sincerity4love001: i missed you more too my love
sincerity4love001: i dont know why your brother is so particular about me
sparkelsonja: he is my uncle, not my brother - why particular?
sincerity4love001: he his so desperate to help me with money and it
is not all about money
sincerity4love001: it is about you the woman i want to spend the rest
of my life with
sparkelsonja: oh i see...i am the last one of our family and my
uncle cares for me...he wants me to be happy and he wants to know, that
my love is a sincere an trustworthy man
sparkelsonja: when he offers his help, he cannot understand that you
don´t want to take the way he suggested

sincerity4love001: i dont want help from anyone genau, Onkel
macht ihm Angst

sincerity4love001: if anyone is helping me in this situation that is
you and any other person should not be involved
sparkelsonja: i thought you needed money
sincerity4love001: where are you now? habe ich doch schon mal erklärt
sparkelsonja: i am at the hotel
sparkelsonja: i am not allowed by now to leave to Norway

sincerity4love001: Paula is not feeling too well my love
???????? Paula ist krank??? ich denke, er hat kein Geld um Essen zu kaufen,
da müßte Paula doch eher bald verhungern, aber nicht krank werden

sparkelsonja: what´s the matter with her
sincerity4love001: she has been stooling since last night
achso, genau...das hat sie beim letzten mal ja auch
(ich dachte Mugu ist ein wenig schlauer, aber er hat wohl nur diese Masche drauf)

sincerity4love001: she stools too much
sparkelsonja: have you been at a docotor
sincerity4love001: yes my love
sincerity4love001: i was at the hospital last night and they said
they wouldn't treat her unless they have some money to pay as deposit
ui, sie wollen sie nicht behandeln? naja, war mir ja klar
sincerity4love001: i have been so worried my love
sincerity4love001: her body temperature is hot
sincerity4love001: her eyes are pale
sparkelsonja: maybe you should wait, little girls are often well
again during the next days
sparkelsonja: oh thats bad
sparkelsonja: than she is really ill
na gut, ich sehe es ja ein
sincerity4love001: it is unlike her
sincerity4love001: she stools blood this evening
sincerity4love001: do you know what i mean by stool?
sparkelsonja: yes i know
sincerity4love001: my love can you please do me a favor and i want
the favor from you
ich weiß schon, ich soll Geld schicken
sincerity4love001: i dont want you to get anyone involved in this..
i am only asking you this favor
sparkelsonja: what favor
sincerity4love001: can you please loan me some money to deposit at the
hospital so that paula will be attended to?
sincerity4love001: i promise to pay you back my love
sparkelsonja: sweety, i have to talk to my uncle before i can do that
sincerity4love001: why would you talk to him my love
sincerity4love001: i dont want you to tell your uncle this,i want this
favor from you my love
sincerity4love001: just to deposit at the hospital to take care of paula
sparkelsonja: i need to, cause he controls the money i am spending
since you came into my life and did not respect is help
sparkelsonja: it is not my decision - told you, he is the boss of our clan

sincerity4love001: ok my lov
ok, er denkt wohl ich kapiere es nicht
sincerity4love001: the best way to get the money sent is through
western union or money gram and it is not much money
sincerity4love001: just to get her to the hospital to be treated
sparkelsonja: how much money do you need
sincerity4love001: 600 euro
sincerity4love001: would you talk to your uncle before you can help me my love?
sparkelsonja: yes i talk to him, i need to
sincerity4love001: baby ,please do what you have to do
sincerity4love001: when will you talk to your uncle and will he help ?
sincerity4love001: i dont want to get involved with him my love
sincerity4love001: i just want you to talk to him on my behalf
sparkelsonja: i try to call from the hotel this evening, so that
he will come over here tomorrow afternoon

sincerity4love001: will he help my love
sparkelsonja: oh darling, so much problems
sincerity4love001: when he agrees to can send the money through
western union money transfer
sincerity4love001: that is the safest and easiest way to send and
receive money in the world
sparkelsonja: i will send than with money gram, otherwise he will
never agree...but first i have to talk to him and i think he is
not pleased about

sincerity4love001: ok my love
sincerity4love001: do you know any money gram nearest to you where you are?
sparkelsonja: no, but it doesn´t matter, my uncle´s tax adviser
or his lawyer will help me if he agrees

sincerity4love001: i can help you find a nearest money gram agent
online so that you will know there office nearest to you
ach wie umsichtig , es könnte ja zu lange dauern,
bis ich darum kümmere, oder ich könnte es nicht finden, oder, oder...
wie schrecklich, dann kommt ja auch kein Geld

sincerity4love001: what is your address there so that i can find the
agent nesrest to you
sparkelsonja: sweety, maybe you can send him by email a copy
of your passport, that will convince him, i think

sincerity4love001: nearest
sincerity4love001: his he having doubts my love?
sparkelsonja: i can have a look in the internet for myself,
i am not 9 years old
sparkelsonja: sweety, you know that he is having doubts...he told me
about his mails and your answers

sincerity4love001: what doubt is he having my love
sincerity4love001: just let him know that i am for real
sparkelsonja: i don´t know
sincerity4love001: and i need the money to safe the life of my daughter
sparkelsonja: it is not as easy as you think
sparkelsonja: sweety, i promise, i call him later, so that i can meet
him tomorrow afternoon

sincerity4love001: why not earlier and meanwhile,my love
jetzt hofft er auf meine Ersparnisse
sincerity4love001: dont you safe some money yourself?
sincerity4love001: you can easily loan me some money from from own
savings and i will pay you back
sparkelsonja: i spent all, cause i had to pay for the
hospital too, and that was not planned
sparkelsonja: remember, i am not at home

sincerity4love001: i know my love
sincerity4love001: just try and do something about it
sincerity4love001: paula needs to be treated at the hospital
sparkelsonja: yes, i call him when we stop chatting
sincerity4love001: you know the name to send the money to through
money gram my love
die dümmste Frage überhaupt kommt jetzt, natürlich weiß ich
wie mein sweety heißt

sparkelsonja: what name, your name?
sincerity4love001: yes my love
sincerity4love001: John Williams
sincerity4love001: City : Abeokuta
sparkelsonja: do you think i am stupid or what ??????
sincerity4love001: State : Ogun
sincerity4love001: my love you are not stupid and you will never be stupid
sparkelsonja: did you forget that you told me already your adress
sincerity4love001: i know i told you my love
sparkelsonja: so why did you ask
sincerity4love001: it is OK my love
sincerity4love001: meanwhile my love
sincerity4love001: you sent the package through which courier service?
sincerity4love001: because it has not yet been delivered
sparkelsonja: sweety, do you have an account over there? the safest
is to pay to your account, this could convince my uncle maybe better
instead of begging for money to send with money gram
sparkelsonja: it has not arrived by now?
sparkelsonja: i sent it by fedex

sincerity4love001: it has not arrived my love
sparkelsonja: hm
sincerity4love001: i would have tracked it online to know its
destination by now
sincerity4love001: but you did not give me tracking number
sincerity4love001: i dont have an account here my love
sincerity4love001: i only came here to work
sincerity4love001: if he sends the money through money gram ,i will get it
sparkelsonja: i know you told me that you are for work over there,
but everyone needs an account, whats with your account at home

sincerity4love001: AIB bank
sparkelsonja: sweety, you have to answer because my uncle wants
to know all this from me, he will ask me
sparkelsonja: AIB Bank - and than

sincerity4love001: AIB means Allied Irish Bank
sincerity4love001: and Ulster bank
sparkelsonja: and what´s about the number of your personal account,
and a swift-code

sincerity4love001: why would i give you that my love
sincerity4love001: it is of no importance
sincerity4love001: could you give me yours too?
sparkelsonja: yes i can
sincerity4love001: are you having doubt about me yourself?
sparkelsonja: but it is important, cause my uncle will ask all
these things, and he will ask me, if you have an account why the money
cannot be send over there and your bank will send to you
sparkelsonja: no darling not me, but my uncle, and if he asks me, i have
to tell him what he wants to know, otherwise he
sparkelsonja: never will say yes

sincerity4love001: my love it is send able and receivable through moneygram
sparkelsonja: i know this but you know i have to convince my uncle
sparkelsonja: when he left the hotel and i talked to him i will send
you an email

sincerity4love001: just try to convince him my love
sincerity4love001: i need hellp for my daughter now
sparkelsonja: sweety, i try it the best i can
sincerity4love001: she is my only daughter
sincerity4love001: ok please do and for the sake of the little girl
sparkelsonja: why didn´t you write to me an email and told me
what happened

sincerity4love001: about what happened to paula?
sparkelsonja: yes sure
sincerity4love001: i couldn't get on the computer because i was disturbed
and couldn't think straight
sincerity4love001: i have been worried because i begged them at the
hospital and they said there is nothing they can do
sparkelsonja: oh a man and a father should always think straight
sincerity4love001: i would have emailed you but i was having a bad day
sparkelsonja: hm
sincerity4love001: just try to understand my love
sparkelsonja: in one of my mails i asked you about your feelings
for me, you did not write any email since three or four days

da war bestimmt das Internet dran schuld...aber ich kann ja
mal fragen

sincerity4love001: baby,the internet was not working too good
sincerity4love001: the email is not loading page
sincerity4love001: i cant even sign in on yahoo instant messenger
sincerity4love001: i am talking to you from
sincerity4love001: try to understand my love
sparkelsonja: hm i see
sincerity4love001: you know for sure that it is unlike me
sparkelsonja: so explain to me, why you are always talking about
your daughter and not about our daughter...before i stayed at hospital
you said our daughter and now my daughter...can you imagine, that i am
having doubts
sparkelsonja: doubt about your love

sincerity4love001: i am so committed to this relationship because it
is real,pure genuine and unconditional
sincerity4love001: oh my Goodness
sincerity4love001: paula is our daughter
sincerity4love001: did you understand that i am having a dull moment
today to have seen our daughter go through all this
sparkelsonja: ok
sparkelsonja: i will believe

sincerity4love001: i treasure you so much
sincerity4love001: just that it has been so hard for me lately and i
can not check my email
sparkelsonja: so sweety, have to say good bye for today, cause
i need to call my uncle, so that he will come over here tomorrow

sincerity4love001: ok my love
sincerity4love001: please do and try to convince him to help me
sincerity4love001: i will never break your heart
sincerity4love001: and i will never bring you shame
sparkelsonja: but....i expect an email tomorrow morning about
paulas well beeing

sincerity4love001: ok my love
sincerity4love001: i will try if my email opens and if not,i will send
you an offline message
sparkelsonja: but i want to send an email to you when i talked
to my uncle, so try to get it with your internet

sincerity4love001: ok my love
sparkelsonja: kisses - sweety, i have to leave now
sincerity4love001: love you so much and i am counting on you and i
wont break your heart

jetzt will er schnell Geld haben und es wird nicht mehr lange
dauern, dann
bekomme ich vorgeworfen, ob ich will, daß Paula stirbt usw. - es könnte sich
aber auch noch ein wenig hinauszögern, denn wenn ich Geld in Aussicht stelle,
dann wartet er ja erst mal darauf - mal sehen was ich mache

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.01.2009 22:37 | Top

Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#58 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 05.01.2009 17:54

Woher wußte ich das nur...Paula ist jetzt sterbenskrank

Diese mail kam heute morgen, 05.01.09

Good morning My love i just got the chance to get on the computer....
we could not sleep all night because Paula's stomach hurts so bad more
and more,that she was stooling blood all night and coughing out blood..
she used the toilet 7 times before day break..i am worried because i
don't like seeing her like this....please help me out so that i cant
take her to the hospital the Doctor said without money they wont attend to us
Love you and please pray for us

zuletzt bearbeitet 05.01.2009 17:55 | Top

RE: Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#59 von Dana , 05.01.2009 18:19

Eine echt total fiese Masche ist das mit den kranken Kindern....

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

Die wundersame Wiederauferstehung von Paula

#60 von Sonne ( gelöscht ) , 06.01.2009 21:03

Ja, Dana, das ist ganz hinterhältig und wenn man das alles glaubt, dann geht
es auch an die Substanz...dann fühlt man sich schlecht weil man denkt,
daß man doch ein Kind nicht sterben lassen kann...

Gestern Abend bekam er dann diese email:

John, my dearest,

i am so tired now, but i promised to write an email when i talked to
my uncle. Here it was snowing so much and therefor my uncle came here
very late this evening. It was not easy to explain him but in the end
he told me, that he will send the money to you.
When you check your emails in the morning, please let me know how
Paula is doing and when we can meet at yahoo.

In deep, deep love

zuletzt bearbeitet 06.01.2009 21:12 | Top


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